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Searching For One Lost Child [Coruscant - Investigation - Open]


Captain Neema Farron
Neema nodded to the Bith bartender as he slid over her Tatooine Sunrise. She sighed as she took a sip from the cheap, but effective beverage. Her curiosity was left unsatisfied as it appeared that the inquisitive man did not seem to get anywhere with his investigation. She drummed her fingers along to surface of the bar, a slight pout staining her features. She really had to find another job, she had actually considered vigilante recue of a kidnapped girl to be a worthy distraction, but things did not seem to be panning out. At least she could get buzzed for very few credits here.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

"No problem, and I've been a detective and was a cop for over two decades. Not like I don't have my own now. I only started on the case yesterday though, heh. Still, all the help I can get is gravy. So if you want to help me more; I won't turn you down". My drink arrived. Still it wasn't ready for immediate consumption. Not unless you like a tight drink. The way I like it though you need to let the ice melt a bit to water the whiskey, while still getting the drink cold. Best results I believe; but each to their own. In the interlude of the wait we were attacked. I guess something had to take up the time while I waited. A very large Besalisk grabbed me from behind, by the coat actually. And with a single arm he lifted me up and tossed me down the bar and darn near half way across the Cantina. A lot of peoples drinks and such were rather spilt. I crashed down and had a lovely physical conversation with my body and the floor.

[member="Listeri Dalane"] wasn't safe from this big guys wrath either, as a backhand was launched towards his face. "You should stay out of business that doesn't concern you".

I pulled myself up on all fours and took a look back at where I used to be. There was a Besalisk and a mix of other species with him. About a half dozen in total. All packing blasters in hand. I was in trouble for sure, the Cantina was in a panic as patrons ran towards the exits.. Lunging for the cover of the bar from any fire I drew my own blaster and called back on him "It is my business bub". At least I had contact with the enemies.
Ash Spiegel said:
[member="Listeri Dalane"] [member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"]

"No problem, and I've been a detective and was a cop for over two decades. Not like I don't have my own now. I only started on the case yesterday though, heh. Still, all the help I can get is gravy. So if you want to help me more; I won't turn you down". My drink arrived. Still it wasn't ready for immediate consumption. Not unless you like a tight drink. The way I like it though you need to let the ice melt a bit to water the whiskey, while still getting the drink cold. Best results I believe; but each to their own. In the interlude of the wait we were attacked. I guess something had to take up the time while I waited. A very large Besalisk grabbed me from behind, by the coat actually. And with a single arm he lifted me up and tossed me down the bar and darn near half way across the Cantina. A lot of peoples drinks and such were rather spilt. I crashed down and had a lovely physical conversation with my body and the floor.
Listeri Dalane wasn't safe from this big guys wrath either, as a backhand was launched towards his face. "You should stay out of business that doesn't concern you".

I pulled myself up on all fours and took a look back at where I used to be. There was a Besalisk and a mix of other species with him. About a half dozen in total. All packing blasters in hand. I was in trouble for sure, the Cantina was in a panic as patrons ran towards the exits.. Lunging for the cover of the bar from any fire I drew my own blaster and called back on him "It is my business bub". At least I had contact with the enemies.
The man's meaty backhand sent Listeri spiraling onto the floor, knocking his martini over onto one of the goon's shoes. His expression became a contorted mess of absolute fury, as he gripped Listeri by the jacket and yanked him up. " That's MY shoes, you fething scum! " He shouted at him. Jorghi slowly reached under the table, and slowly pulled out a blaster pistol. " OI! He might be scum, bu' I ain' gonna low' no t'ug to kill mah' business! " Jorghi bellowed. The gang turned to him, blaster guns aimed at him, but Listeri used this distraction, and pulled out his gun, slightly cocked at the man who yelled about his shoes.

[member="Ash Spiegel"]
"The shab?" Adenn turned to see a large man flanked by multiple others. Why would they do this now? Especially with a Mandalorian in the room, unless they were really that dumb like most thugs were. He stood up after grabbing his helmet and putting it on then pulled out one of his Enforcer pistols, which would do him good now "A bunch of di'kut's." he said as he aimed at one of their heads, and while pulling out his other pistol he fired, making a rather large hole in the mans head, his body fell with a thud and in the moment it took a few of the remaining thugs to turn to him Adenn was already behind the counter, before some blaster bolts flew in his direction.

[member="Listeri Dalane"]
[member="Ash Spiegel"]
[member="Capt. Neema Farron"]


Captain Neema Farron
Before she knew what was happening, the cantina had devolved into a fool on firefight! Neema pelted her half empty beverage toward the face of the thug who backhanded that poor man a moment ago. Without waiting to see if it connected, she lunged over the bar, getting some cover from the blasting around her. Neema took a couple of calming breaths, before pulling out her DL-44 heavy blaster, gripping it tightly in both hands. She peaked over the bar, trying to pick a target.

Ash Spiegel

[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"] [member="Listeri Dalane"]

Blaster fire erupted through the greasy smoke of the cantina. I pushed myself upwards and leaned on the bar top, weapon aimed down to where the gunmen were. The big Besalisk was falling to the ground like a sack of Correlian potatoes. A grand portion of his head was missing. And with it my hopes that I'd be able to get out of here without killing anyone. All his friends ran for cover, instinctively I aimed down at one of them and depressed the trigger. A blue beam of particle death hit its mark, a hole in a Weequay's chest smoked and smouldered as he too made for the floor. That left another four still able to fight. Out of my peripheral that blonde was still here, weapon in hand. The big fellow I sat beside who was a Bounty Hunter I deduced from the obvious was also in the fight. My friend too I believe was around somewhere, just out of my sight. "Keep one of them alive enough to talk"! No sooner said a bolt nearly took off my head. I was lucky that at the last nanosecond I moved out of its way and back under cover. The cantina owner Jorghi wasn't. Taking a shot right through the forehead, killing him instantly. He could have hid, but chose to pull a gun and fight.
Ash Spiegel said:
[member="Adenn Gra'tua"] [member="Capt. Neema Farron"] [member="Listeri Dalane"]

Blaster fire erupted through the greasy smoke of the cantina. I pushed myself upwards and leaned on the bar top, weapon aimed down to where the gunmen were. The big Besalisk was falling to the ground like a sack of Correlian potatoes. A grand portion of his head was missing. And with it my hopes that I'd be able to get out of here without killing anyone. All his friends ran for cover, instinctively I aimed down at one of them and depressed the trigger. A blue beam of particle death hit its mark, a hole in a Weequay's chest smoked and smouldered as he too made for the floor. That left another four still able to fight. Out of my peripheral that blonde was still here, weapon in hand. The big fellow I sat beside who was a Bounty Hunter I deduced from the obvious was also in the fight. My friend too I believe was around somewhere, just out of my sight. "Keep one of them alive enough to talk"! No sooner said a bolt nearly took off my head. I was lucky that at the last nanosecond I moved out of its way and back under cover. The cantina owner Jorghi wasn't. Taking a shot right through the forehead, killing him instantly. He could have hid, but chose to pull a gun and fight.
Listeri was locked in hand-to-hand combat with a Zeltron, each one trying to get the upper hand over the other. An idea suddenly came to the smuggler's head, as he did a leg-sweep, knocking over the Zeltron. He harshly stomped on his face, his teeth flying everywhere, spraying blood all over the floor. He looked over the counter, expecting to see the man he knew for years, but instead saw his burn corpse on the floor. Furious, he turned to the Zeltron and quickly stomped on him again, now aiming his gun at his head. " TELL ME MOTHERFETHER WHY I SHOULDNT BLAST YOUR BRAINS OUT RIGHT NOW! " Listeri interrogated furiously.

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