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Second Fleet Prefactory


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
To organize and give some ideas of technology being developed for the Ghost Stealth Fleet of the Second. Feedback is welcome and if you want to ad a system go for it some fo the experimental and exotic tech gets to be featured here.

Second Fleet strengths:
Cloaking devices
hyperspace tracking
advanced ship based slave hacking
multi-vector wolf pack upgrade
built in interdiction engines
sleg upgrades and boosters for engines
self sustaining

Second Fleet Judge Antarian Ranger's Unit
Ultrasonic vibro flachette quarrals
Ultrasonic lash


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To create a tactical lash for use from the second fleet.
  • Image Source: From Bulletstorm
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Ultrasonic Generator

  • Classification: Whip
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Average
  • Ultrasonic Vibration Cutting Power: Enhanced cutting power against metals and organic flesh. Adjustable power setting can let the lash grab or slice through targets.
  • Enhanced Cutting Power: Using the ultrasonic generator to slice deeper into materials and flesh at the molecular level.
  • Range: WHile offering an impressive range and even tensile strength of the lash. It relies on being fast and beyond three meters it becomes more visible and able to be dodged with greater ease.
  • Power: Designed specifically to be for countering and getting an underhand on more melee related problems. Being able to close the distance or make some space by keeping them away. The vibratiopn cell to power the lashes requires a high level of power consumption and the cutting power can weaken the lash itself. Brief moments of it being used are recommended instead of treating it like a lightwhip and able to be on at all times.
Designed by Sasori for the Second fleet. A quick and dangerous wrist mounted lash that can be used in combat for stealth operations. The lash is mostly used by the second fleets operatives and isn't as wide spread. With a high degree of cutting power and range that can allow them to silently attack pulling others to them or keeping some at range if they are skilled enough. Sala'dine and the second fleet set it out to be a weapon her soldiers would want to use same as their rifles and armor.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet


  • Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
  • Affiliation: Faction Name(s) (Silver Jedi Order Second Fleet)
  • Model: Ultrasonic Flachette Rifle
  • Modularity: N/A

  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
  • Magnetic Components
  • Internal Components
  • Upper Rail
  • Lower Rail

  • Classification: Gauss Cannon
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Canisters of small quarrels with small ultrasonic generators and wrapping in plasma energy to explode on impact.
  • Ammunition Capacity: 6 canisters per drum clip (200 micro-quarrels per canister)

  • Reload Speed: Average
  • Effective Range: Personal
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Stopping Power: Extreme
  • Recoil: Very High
  • Uses Magnetically accelerated ultrasonic quarrels that are fired like a scatter shot with several of the small blades being small enough to cut at a molecular level against organic and inorganic materials.
  • Upper Rail: Designed with an upper rail attachment holding a compacted targeting assistance module for tracking targets in front of the gun. Making shots easier with some provided assistance.
  • Lower Rail: Portable SHield Generator: Designed for defensive purposes a mini deflector shield like build onto droideka's can be activated to give soldiers a shield bubble.
  • Tears apart organic and inorganic: Ultrasonic generators make the quarrels deadly cutting down at the molecular levels and being able to tear into flesh and metal but highly ineffective against shields.
  • High impact: Magnetically accelerated and explosive that can shred most things. The stopping power of the shots is immense.
  • Shields: While using a combination of energy and slug quarrels the shots released from the canisters can't generally penetrate shields as powerfully. Personal shield generators can lessen the effective power of the shots.
  • Shield Bubble: While protective the shield prevents shots from being fired out of the bubble.
Designed by Sala'dine and the second fleet. The weapon is a piece of intimidation and backed up for defensive purposes. With a built in shield generator it fires off small quarrel darts that use small power cells to vibrate with ultrasonic vibrations at the molecular level to shred metals and flesh. It is not a pretty sight and the comparisons to tactics by the partisans have been brought up however the weapons are harder to find and usually have trained individuals there equipped to use them. As a weapon for the second flet it is meant to invoke order, Sala'dine runs the fleet with percision compared to some others she had met and so her soldiers have a mixture of equipment. From the sustainable to the heavy and longer lasting.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
  • Intent: To create a defensive screen for larger ships
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: Drone Screen
  • Modularity: Variable for ship sizes

  • Production: Minor
  • Material:
  • Duraplast
  • Internal Components
  • External Components

  • Creates a defensive screen of mini-drones equipped with anti starfighter and anti missile laser cannons. Designed to swarm around in a cascading shell around a ship able to absorb like ablative armor turbolaser fire for a few moments and being able to attack fighters that get close to the ship.
  • Cheap On board factory: Designed to be rapidly produced with materials on the ship requiring a node that can work to assemble and process raw materials. This makes replacing the drones that are damaged from debris and scraps on the ship much easier but they are simple, small and isolate the ship from a fight.
  • Ion/EMP Hardened: Reinforced duraplast adds a strong resistance to Ion and EMP attacks allowing the drones to take for the ship and shields some ion cannon shots without completely disabling the drones.
  • Blinding: With the swarm it functions two ways, obscuring the ship from view of its enemies and also from being able to see said targets visually and on the scanners except where there are gaps.
  • Shielded: WIth the defensive screen in place fighters and weapons cannot be fired through the screen without damaging the defensive screen.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed as a defensive screen able to become offensive if enemy IFF tags come within range for strikes. This makes something unique for protecting the ship but it also can take the ship out of the fight.
Designed by the Second Fleet as a back up system, a secondary set of ablative armor in case of problems. The drone screen is for larger ships able to dedicate space to miniature factories to repair and rebuild after a conflict. Converting debris from fallen ships to re-purpose and patch itself. Automated collection in ship tractor beams to get debris from damaged drones to process and reassemble them in a section that is built into the ship. The screen is a last resort and designed to protect from missiles or fighters acting as a moving ablative armor. Allowing it to take hits in the same area as the drones will be shifting and able to have debris repaired, reprocessed and re assembled if it is capable. A drone foundry with enough raw materials can make new drones as needed quickly.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: Wolfpack Linked Firing System
  • Modularity: Variable for Ships

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
    Duraplast Casing
  • Internal Components

  • Linked Firing: Designed to coordinate through droid brains the systems for movement and firing.
  • Coordinating droid brains for attacking from several angles with faster ships or several slaved ships.
  • Communications Jamming: The coordination between the droid brains requires a connection and military grade jammers for cutting off all communications can sever the connection between the droid brains and mess with their coordination for attacks.
Designed by Saotome for and with the Second fleets new upgrades and improvements. An advanced form of the slave circuit for creating a linked firing system that takes the guns to a new level. Linking a handful of ships to let them attack like a pack against target ships. With the upgrade to ships droid brains can run, monitor and operate the systems. Slimming down the required crew of several ships, moving them around space and coordinating the weapons fired to attack from several directions to divide and confuse sensors but also chip away or tear down targets. Sala'dine's emphasis on making sure the Second fleet and others who wished to get it had an improved design and option for their ships only went so far and this along with several other upgrades to ship systems were worked on to make ships vastly different and in some cases superior.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet




[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Squadron Count: Low: 8
[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • High (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • High (normal)
  • Extreme (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Very Fast: 1


  • Advanced Stealth Transport/Gunship: Designed with stealth systems to transport soldiers and general equipment.
  • Heavily Armed: Taking a page from the original LAATs design, the gunship is heavily armed and made to be mobile with a slightly larger frame to include more systems and the ability to seal itself for use in space.
  • Independent: Capable of hyperspace travel and operating on its own if need be.
  • Overly Engineered: A beast of a transport and gunship able to handle most situations and jump to hyperspace itself. While other ships might need to get out fo the hanger the gunship can begin its attack runs and boarding actions faster.
  • Whammy Drive: INterdiction pulse that builds up from the engines. More focused on one shot timing to reset and confuse a navigational computer that can stop a ship from jumping to hyperspace.
  • Stealthy in SPACE: Nightshadow and stealth systems can be amazing, the black plating of the ship, the tibannaX invisible emissions but... when on a planet in the light of day or flying overhead it stands out a lot more. The stealth systems are nearly useless when it is flying around in the light of day on a planet.
  • Overly Engineered: Like the ancient model the Saotome LAAT is overly engineered and a beast with high performance, a very nimble design and weapons. To beef it up while serving as a primary escort and transportation. This makes the cost of manufacturing it high and maintaining it a very important aspect. The gunship is rarely seen outside of the second fleet for engagements.
  • Lower Transportation Compliment: To give it better engineering and work on replacing some of the drawbacks the amount of soldiers/personnel that can be transported has been cut in half.
Description: Designed based off of the ancient LAAT/S, a stealth variant of the versatile Grand Army gunships that were strong for troop transports. THe gunship aspects of it has advanced armaments added to the ship to increase its capabilities in a fight. Built in hyperdrive for travel away from staging ships and varied weapons. Removing the composite beams that could overheat in favor of variable laser/ion weapons. Great for fighters and vehicles. A bomblet generator instead of heavier missiles and boosted shields. The over engineered design is also a little bulkier compared to its predecessor and has less transportation space for passengers but it can make up for it. Being more stealthy in space and able to operate for periods of time on its own as a forward recon ship.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
  • Intent: To create a mobile Station and Academy for the Second Fleet
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or 0 results Searched over 35.1 billion images for: Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Mobile space stations




[*]Fighter Hangar:
  • 5000 Meters: Extreme: 42

[*]Support Craft Hangar:
  • 5000 Meters: 6 Squadrons

[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • - Very Low (Base)
    - Very Low (Boosted)
    - None (Downgrade)

[*]Speed Rating: (Saotome Whammy Drive)
  • - Very Low (Base)
    - Low (Boosted)
    - Very Low (Downgrade)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: (Saotome Hyperdrive) + (HIMS)
  • Very Fast: 1

Crucible Systems:

  • Overly Designed: Fundamentally designed with redundant systems, economy of use and made for minimal crew to oversee and handle operations of the station. The back up systems, shielding and weapons to protect the students and create a star fortress should be need arise the fleet requires protection.
  • Self Sustaining: Designed with manufacturing equipment, food and livestock modules, water and air recycling and training. THe station can last by itself in the galaxy without restock for decades on its own and handle repairs.
  • Mobile Station/Academy: Equipped with a powerful engine and drives, the station won't outrun destroyers but it can lumber and move around to protect itself or jump to hyperspace to jump around systems.
  • Stealth Systems: Designed with stealth and anti stealth features like the rest of the second fleet. The hull coating and stealth field work best when shields are not activated.
  • Shield Generator: Designed to produce with its power draw a shield that is usually reserved for planets. Worldarmor is strong for protection of the station at the cost of weapon systems bieng unable to get through and effectively enclosing all ships within to a single location being unable to pass through.
  • Cloaked Weapons: Null burst projectors are one of the few weapons able to be used while cloaked.
  • WorldArmor: The main addition to the ship to turn it into a mobile sanctuary. A powerful and smaller produced world armor that protects the ship but doesn't allow ships or fire to go through from either side.
  • Cannot fire while cloaked: To keep from giving away the position the cloaking makes most of the ships weapons unable to be fired.
  • No large scale defensive shields when cloaked: The worldarmor cannot be activated when the ship it cloaked.
  • Stealth Mode: Designed to be a powerful stealth ship but this has a double edge. Using the stealth systems means that most of its advanced systems to not give away its position.
  • Size and Speed: The windsor is massive and slow being a mobile station. It is generally kept back from engagements as it houses families of the second fleet, cadets and students.
  • Overly Designed: Designed to be a beast of burden training and reinforcing the fleet. The ship is sustainable with mining centers for processing asteroids, foundaries for building and food production. It has sleg to increase its power capabilities at a dangerous cost as the sleg needs to be cooled to prevent catastrophic explosion.
Description: Designed by Sala'dine to serve several functions. A mobile station and docking area for the Second FLeet that can allow autonomy compared to others, a recruitment and preparatory school for training pilots and infantry within the second fleet. While the Second Fleet is within the Silver Jedi Navy they are different with former IMperial academy instructors, soldiers and pilots. THis has changed the mentality of the Ghost Fleet in that they don't accept everyone and they take much of the training methods of the old empire. From education of their pilots and officers, to flight training, combat simulations and live fire exercises to efficiency and decorum.

That is reflected in the mobile academy and military installation. Being smaller but bolstered with weapons to protect it and its students. While the second fleet does not preach imperial doctrine they have taken the methods of it, the training. INcluding the ability to have a heavy armament in dealing with potential danger. While initially students and children are sent to the academy to learn discipline within the Silver Jedi. In truth these ones generally wash out or are sent to other fleets and the Silver Spacey. The admiral didn't prefer losing potential recruits but consolidation of the training that went into their officers and pilots was something preferred.

Massive sections of the station are dedicated to training and schooling, from battle tactics, simulators for flights and combat. Social scenarios, engineering, medicine, mathematics, agricultural, political debate, military history, galactic history. Preparatory schooling for galactic universities, accredited degrees and a general sense of comradery that is built into its cadets from the youngest age with three stages, junior levels where cadets are trained and prepared in standard, mid level training where they choose and are selected into their different designations and finally the specialized sectors. For different positions being trained within the station.

Cadets who fail to find a path are given an option to become support staff. Following different doctrine and idea from older Imperials selective breeding and families are given to go for soldiers and pilots who can be trained within the school. Considered extreme in many ways but it is not common, more an option as records from Arkanis provided some doctrine for making and training soldiers from birth that would have their family be their brothers and sisters. Inspired somewhat from reports of clone troopers who were loyal to each other. Once the training of students is done the academy itself is used to train its pilots and soldiers.

Wargames simulations, live fire exercises and a spirit of friendly competition. While it is good to want to be the best, doing so at the expense of your squad, by making the others fail. It is not encouraged to sabotage each other, it is about a sense of unity within the fleet that can protect each other and even communicate and function without giving anything away to others. The training regiment to improve the minds as well as the skills with what they have been doing. Sala'dine wanted to make sure her soldiers and pilots were not bloodthirsty but they were effective compared to some others. So giving them full access and advanced equipment within the Ghost Fleet.

Schooling in current affairs, classes in how to become galactic citizens albeit with skills that many might not be able explain. Training for able bodied administrators and bureaucrats, alternate paths then simply combat positions. Core worlds classical culture,sSecurity protocols and Interrogation techniques, vessel design, and physical education to maintain them all at peak condition. Flight simulators and flight time is given to make pilots that are able to handle some of the scenarios long before they see a real fight and they are skilled within the fleet ships never getting attached to an individual ship unless they worked to earn their own custom designed variant.

The second and most important part of the station is that it is a military station, designed to be improved and something few others can match in terms of defensive weapons and offensive power. With autocannons for smashing through tough shields. Anti starfighter and capital ship weapons and a whammy drive to the ship that spools up an interdiction field to prevent ships being able to slash and hit them then jump out before automated defenses would get onto them. The secondary feature is something big, A planetary grade shielding unit that can be activated as a last resort. World armor is strong and easy to set up with a small crew for protecting a planet itself...

For protecting a smaller area it is even better and less of a power drain. THe downsides of using it is the shield goes both ways, without making slots for firing or passage nothing can get through it either way effectively locking it down and isolating whoever is within. Communications become harder to send out of the station when the shield is activated to protect from hacking and slicing attempts. A method to help with problems such as an attack with the inability to call in reinforcements in a more timely manner. THankfuly the production capabilities allow the station to hold out for years if needed from a siege behind their shielding.

Additional classes are made for students and for soldiers who want to learn. Something that benefits and goes into the mandate of many things they had been doing. Over Engineering and thinking of scenarios that could face a unit, a vehcile, the jedi or a starship/fighter. THey think of the scenarios that are off the wall and how the situation could be handled with the resources that they have. Experimenting with equipment to see how it can be used or stripped down in case of damage or crashing landing. Reverse engineering in the field to learn about and alter technology from other companies or governments.

Overall the Windsor is designed to be a beast of a station, able to move around, use heavy shielding to protect its fleet and train the next generations of officers within the silver jedi navy. More so it marks an improvement within the second fleet to add more structure to what is being done on top of the R&D for new and improved ships or engineering projects. The chance for it to serve as a shield station able to protect the fleet if it comes under attack by something that could be overwhelming or to serve as a place for those who wish to in Silver Jedi space apply and try to get a better future for themselves and their family.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To create a ship upgrade for Sasori/Saotome vessels and those who wish to pay for them.
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: Microjump
  • Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: Microjump Upgrade
  • Modularity: Scalable for Ship sizes

  • Production: Mass-Produced
  • Material:
  • Droid Brain

  • Uses a dedicated droid brain to calculate tactical microjumps in system.
  • Microjumps: Designed to use a droid brain for calculations and plotting. The ship upgrade can be used with sensors to make small jumped into hyperspace to outrun pursuit or jump in on someone.
  • Reset: Using the microjump engine upgrade is useful within system but it disables the normal hyperdrive preventing leaving the system. For several minutes after use the hyperdrive needs to reboot and recalculate.
  • Droid Logic: WHile the droid brain is more advanced and able to plot a course it still avoids debris and hazards. The droid brain will not willingly send a ship into a microjump that would result in destruction. IE it cannot be used to hyperspace ram on the fly the traditional safeties will kick in preventing the hyperdrive from activating.
Designed to be a ship upgrade for Sasori ships. The microjump upgrade for fighters and starships that have the tactical means to use it. THe upgrade itself uses shipboard sensors to view for obstructions in the past of the ship and then calculates quickly a small jump. It has some drawbacks, the droid brain prioritizes the pilot and if the sensors read debris or anything that could make a jump unsafe then it will engage its safeties, it also disables the hyperdrive itself requiring a reboot so one can't microjump to make some distance and then automatically jump to hyperspace. The benefits of microjumps means slash and run attacks can be carried out with snub fighters against some of the larger ships with them being able to get away quickly.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet




[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Cap Drains
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding

[*]Passenger Capacity: 20
[*]Cargo Capacity: Large
  • Pressurized Hull with oxygen recycling: Designed for use on toxic worlds, within vacuum, harsh conditions or for long periods of time by itself.
  • Six legs for better balance: Six stubby legs compared to some walkers with thick reinforced joints, a flexible mid section for moving to vertical surfaces and maintaining balance should a leg be taken out.
  • Magnetic foots/Locks for vertical scaling: Locks to brace it in place or allow better terrain management in mountains or ice.
  • All Terrain Capabilities: Built to move over the environment with stubby legs for locomotion but compared to older models it is heavier and slower reaching a top speed of 30km per hour around half what was able to be reached before.
  • Over Engineered Design (see strengths): Designed as a beast of engineering with more thrown into it as a theoretical chance of what if it was needed for this as opposed to having a handful of instances where it might be useful.
  • Ion/EMP protection: Hardened NnTh metal hull for protection from IOn and EMP weapons
  • Forward Infantry Versatility: ABle to operate as a forward command post, coordinating infantry and its infantry unit deployed to protect vulnerable sections.
  • Theater Dome: A combination theater SHield covering an area around the walker or when switched a cloaking device able to conceal using hibridium crystals.
  • Breaching Hatch: A floor mounted secured tube that can be fixed to airlocks (in case of vacuum use) and breaching tools

  • Overly Engineered: Designed and engineered heavily to be a mobile forward base. WIth resource recycling, oxygen recycling, water production with moisture technology. SMaller living bunks for the crew within. This is effectively made to be used on its own for a time with its small squad.
  • Theater Cloak/Shield: Designed with a projector to create a double blind cloak making them more difficult to detect. The downside is it is double blind so sensors on the walker does not work either. The shield itself is a smaller one and precents shots from being fired out but can protect from bombardment.
  • Overly Engineered: THicker, heavier, more robust in terms of size with very specific materials and parts put within to create a beast of a main walker for the Second fleet. When everything is maintained and in working order the walker can be a beast but when parts fail it can be catastrophic and not just difficult to repair in the field but nearly impossible.
  • Hibridium Cloak: A cheaper to get cloak then stygium but easier, the vulnerability to hyperspace causing detonation is there if the cloak is activated but the walker is unable to jump to hyperspace. If it is activated on a ship that it is on the exterior the walker could explode. The cloak when being used it also double blind making sensors penetrating the cloak hard for both sides. Essentially they can't be seen but can't see when the cloak is activated.
  • Theater SHield: A strong area shield that is scaled down to cover an area about a quarter kilometer around the walker. Once activated the shield it unable to let weapons pass through and requiring the walker to become stationary.
  • Exposed Operator Position: The main cannon is exposed with a spotter position for allowing superior visual confirmation and aiming. However this left two crew members exposed in situations making the main gun used vulnerable.
  • Blindspots: While aided with infantry usually to protect it technically sections of the walker are vulnerable and have blindspots. THe interchangable cannons are front and rear mounted and able to move within small spheres but they leave the middle section exposed to approach.
Designed based off of the original All Terrain Tactical Enforcer, the Second Fleet Stealth variant is fitting with the idea of overly engineered for its purposes. With more bulk making it slower but protective plating and less crew and passenger space but also improved weapons. Able to switch from laser to ion as needed, having an augmented view around the walker, bomblet generator that uses the reactor within to cut out resupply for explosives and a projector for the walker. Able to make a stealth field around it and conceal a squad moving or encampment... or if needed in combat create a shield to reduce attacks against the squad and make enemy forces get within range of the walkers cannons. The walker is like a mobile barracks for a squad providing cargo capacity as well as living module and medical modules for growing small amounts of food and synthetic bacta in case of problems.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To create a turbolaser battery for heavier ships to compliment the cannon version for lighter ships and fighters
  • Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source:
    DBY-827 Heavy Turbolaser
  • Song of War
  • Finalizer
    Kyber Crystal

[*]Sleg Ultacapacitors

  • Manufacturer: Damorian Manufacturing
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Model: Heavy Party Pack
  • Modularity: Designed to be placed on different smaller production scale ships

  • Production: Limited
  • Material: Sasori Nnth
  • Classification: Blaster
  • Size: Very Large
  • Weight: Extreme
  • Ammunition Type: Power Reactor
  • Ammunition Capacity: Virtually Unlimited with a ship

  • Reload Speed: Extreme
  • Effective Range: Battlefield
  • Rate of Fire: Very High
  • Stopping Power: High
  • Recoil: Average
  • Rapid Fire Rotation: Designed using a Hapan standard. Each turbolaser is actually three turbolasers that rotate and enable the shots to come in a rapid succession giving the apearance of rapid fire from a single system if you do not know what is being done. As the first one is cooling down and recharging the second and then third is either firing or ready to be used. This makes maintenance a high demand on the ship to ensure weapons and while cutting down on the number of batteries gives an advantage.
  • Kyber Enhancement: Using methods of the first orders finalizer kyber crystals to enhance the energy output of the ships cannons to increase the damage and attack strength being delivered.
  • Sleg:A wonderful energy capacitor, sleg exponentially increases the energy output making ships power going to the weapons more sustainable and allowing for full power without sacrificing vital ship systems like speed or shielding to to the punch. It has heavy drawbacks being a volatile substance even when refined that can explode if it is cracked turning each turret into a potential high explosive mine on the ship.
  • Party Poppers: Designed as a one two punch the cannons is actually three weapons in one. Each made to rotate and deliver a series of punches to ensure effective damage. First set is a heavy ion volley to decimate shields and punch a hole for the second heavy turbolaser volley that slices through armor followed by a high energy slug packed with baradium and wrapped in plasma energy.
  • One two three punch: Designed as a massive blow attack wise. With a combination design utalizing different aspects of strong navies. The heavy cannons rotate quickly making for sustained fire, they use different attacks to target shields, armor and weakening both.
  • Heavy modifications: With sleg and kyber crystals the turbolasers are meant to be beefy in terms of power while using the excessive power and energy output to not drain an entire ship for a few shots. It exists in a balanced state to shred but also be used in more practical situations.
  • Gun Count: Designed with a hapan system for rotating cannons, the single battery is actually three batteries that rotate allowing rapid fire capabilities but only being able to fire 1/3 of the overall ships guns at a time.
  • Sleg: A powerful heatsink, the sleg absorbs and channels the excessive heat generated by the weapons to cool and power the shots. Making them maintain a stronger level of power but also increases the chances that they could explode exponentially turning each gun into a heavy warhead that could tear apart the ship.
  • Kyber crystals: Using the design of the finalizer and enhancing the power fo the weapons with crystals gives the ship itself a signature in the force itself. Along the hull it can be sensed and a secondary effect is larger crystals used for weapons like the cannons can be explosive if cracked.
Designed by Saotome and Damorian to compliment the second fleets ship wide upgrades. The party pack battery is an overly engineered beast of a ship based weapon. Designed using hapan rotating cannons to cool and rapid fire. The style of the DBY with a stuttered fire to deliver a one two punch that will work quickly to drop shields and try to damage hull armor. THen finally using design aspects of the finalizer to enhance the guns power output with kyber crystals. The second major design aspect was to vary it, turning the battery into a triple threat that would smash again and keep delivering different shots from heavy turbolaser to ion for shields and finally energy wrapped mass drivers to impact and smash into hulls.

THe party pack is designed with other aspects a strong heatsink like sleg to absorb a lot of the energy and increase the output of the shots. Effectively reducing the amount drawn from the reactors and cooling the dangerous material so it doesn't explode. The overly engineered design though does make some big concessions. The gun count on most of the ships using it is typically reduced. One Third of the total guns from the batteries is used at a time. Sala'dines work with some of the Second Fleets weapons and systems to build newer models and variable weapons. The batteries size is also a factor as it can't be modified for smaller scale ships. THe lowest it is able to be set on being a five hundred meter ship at the cost of taking most of their space and power.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
  • Intent: To sub the Second Fleets civilian facility
  • Image Source: Eye of Palpatine
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: Eye of Palpatine


  • Dock Docks
  • Personal Hangers (single ship)
  • Communal Hangers (racks and slips)

[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • - None (Base)
    - None (Boosted)
    - None (Downgrade)

[*]Speed Rating: (Saotome Whammy Drive)
  • - None (Base)
    - Very Low (Boosted)
    - None (Downgrade)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: N/A

Crucible Systems:

  • Overly Engineered: Designed as a home away from home for civilians largely and their techs or engineers. THe massive asteroid is disguised as a hive for Colossus Wasps and is largely self sustaining being able to grow its own food, produce water and manage to house families. The manufacturing and training facilities within does improve them and ready them for the more public Windsor station/academy.
  • Passive Sensors: Pockets across the surface of the asteroid, sensors scan large distances across the system and the hyperspace routes coming into the system. With minor engine rotation the sensors can remain hidden and the asteroid rotates them around to scan instead of being visible along the surface of the base.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed by the second fleet as a home and main base. Its secretive location and status means that it doesn't have regular checks with other Silver jedi bases, communications is generally limited to an emergency communications line to report when and if it is attack. So highly isolated, the design of it disguises it and doesn't allow for rapid response of fighters making them not be stored in the station. It doesn't have built on weapons to prevent itself from being given away.
  • Movement: Designed as opposed to most of the mobile stations used by the second fleet as a stationary piece in the far flung system. Its engines are essentially powered down with the barest engine power to keep a slow rotation to allow passive sensors to scan without visible systems on the surface of the asteroid.
Description: Designed for the Second Fleet as a hub station and dry dock. TO keep their stealth ships out of the public eye and increase their capability to operate for years upon years without having to visit Silver Jedi space for resupply. The Crustai style base is asteroids, pieced together with a military base set within it. Massive in scale and left floating in a rotating asteroid field away from most people. Records exist showing parts moved around but the secretive nature of the facility that houses families of the second fleet, their research labs and production facilities to produce their ships in relative ease.

The concealment of the base was further enhanced, with a series of war games in the Stenness Asteroid field to get a few of the colossus wasps. Massive space faring creatures that can have their shells used as star ships after preserving them. THe wasps are used to deter lookers in the system as they patrol around the base that looks more like one of their hives and sensor readings are made to indicate such. THe asteroid itself is also on a rotating, allowing passive long range sensors to scan without having to move around themselves and become detected.

The facilities within itself though serves housing, manufacturing, resupplying as the people are taken in and employed to work on the station. Sala'dine wanted people with skills in more then just piloting and fighting.. she wanted civilians who could cook and turn out their simple food stores into great meals, she wanted medical staff who could reinforce and teach the medical corps who would be stationed on the second flets ships. Families that could be sent to help improve colonies. The self sustaining equipment to mine the asteroid and nearby system of Seymarti.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To create a component of the Guiding Light specifically its starship engines
  • Image Source: Dreadnaught Class Heavy Cruiser
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A




[*]Saotome Solar Shielding
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding
[*]Saotome Defensive Lattice
[*]Cap Drains
[*]Warhead Countermeasures
[*]Damage Reduction Armour

[*]Fighter Hangar:
  • 5000 Meters: Moderate: 20

[*]Support Craft Hangar:
  • 5000 Meters: 6 Squadrons

[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • - Very Low (Base)
    - Very Low (Boosted)
    - None (Downgrade)

[*]Speed Rating: (Saotome Whammy Drive)
  • - Very Low (Base)
    - Low (Boosted)
    - Very Low (Downgrade)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: (Saotome Hyperdrive) + (HIMS)
  • Very Fast: 1

Crucible Systems:

  • Overly Engineered: Designed for a specific purpose not as a fully updated and rebuild heavy cruiser. The C'baoth Class cruiser is made to improve upon instead outbound flights design. Larger, more armed and able to aid colonization efforts while being linked to the central core of the ship. It has its main protection and weapons built along the upper sections instead of spaced evenly around the ship itself. THis provides better concentration of fire and coverage as well as allowing hanger space for fighters to be around the entire core.
  • Overly Designed: Built using the basis from the original heavy cruiser. The modularity and adaptability is there but it is also built to function as a series of engines around the core. The ships are linked and slaved to the core connected by the superstructure and structs. Making the ship unable to disconnect without serious damage to the core or other ships. The underside of the ship and parts of the sides are devoid of weapons or shields making them heavily vulnerable and while the ship does have some speed it is functioning to carry several other ships and the massive core itself through space. MOving around and turning is not as easily done.
  • Superstructure: THe large superstructure of the ships is interconnected with turbolifts and vents for droids to move around it. Trying to disconnect it can compromise the ship heavily.
  • Weapon stations: A common thing when encountering the dreadnought was the weapon control rooms, they were set to be manned by the crew and as small and compact. Detonations of the consoles from overloads often being able to kill or disable several.
  • Guns: The party pack is experimental and designed for ships to test it. The increased power of the weapons is offset but the design meaning while it has one hundred batteries across the hull it can't use more then one third of its guns within the battery at a time.
Description: Designed by Saotome based on the ancient dreadnought class heavy cruiser a reliable design that was used for centuries with some updates. Instead of being six hundred meters it is a five kilometer ship with heavy weapons and systems. Six were made for a new outbound flight using the information recovered on what befell that original project. For one the supply core has been revamped and systems brought in to better protect the ship. Concentrating on making them for this project instead of just something used.

The new dreadnoughts have their bulk of weapons along the length of their exteriors. Angled so the upper levels of the sides and top hull is covered with all of the weapons. A spinal acceleration cannon is used to give the ships a strong offensive weapon that is forward mounted in they are confronted with a fleet looking to sabotage them. The ships size allow it to be used for more suites and systems. To turn a colonization vessel into a self sustaining piece. Handling the crew and equipment, giving them food and everything facility wise that would serve them.

The tech division along with the medical corps were the next parts of it. To make sure each dreadnought itself would be able to work along witht he education corp and starfighter corp. Utilizing E'ron class exploration vessels designed and sturdy for scouting new worlds in uncharted places. The Second fleet worked hard to try and get the service corp everything that they needed for this mission and Junko's work to try and preserve the past of the Silver Jedi that was inch by inch being torn away would and could at least be preserved there in the ship.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet



[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Squadron Count: Low: 8
[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Moderate (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • High (normal)
  • Extreme (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Very Fast: 1


  • Anti-Capital Ship Fighter: Designed slash and run fighter able to microjump into the middle of a fleet and before shields can activate and weapon or fighters set. Fire off anti capital ship warheads to rip larger ships apart then get out of there.
  • Overly engineered: Designed by Saotome and the second fleet to be a dedicated slash and run ship, with an onboard microjump dedicated droid brain for plotting courses within a system. Two heavy warhead tubes for delivering shots that can punch ships well above its weight class and then be gone just as quickly.
  • Overly engineered: Designed by the second fleet as slash and run ship. It is equipped with forward mounted weapons as the design choice is to be too fast for interceptors or pursuit craft.
  • Stealthy in Space: While able to work in atmosphere the nightshadow hull and sensor blocks only work when it can't be seen against a bright backdrop.
  • Limited Warheads: Designed with two heavy warheads one in a tube per wing the fighter only has two shots to try and damage the heavier ships and then it is mostly done.
Description: Designed by the second fleet as their dedicated stealth slash and run fighter. With two heavy warheads and a more minimalist approach to the weapons forgoing rotation or secondary pilots to get the most out of the advanced fighter. With its stealth systems it is great for long range and getting into an area where it can cause the most damage and then jumping away. THe second fleets shadow wing squadron utilizing a small amount of the ships when facing a larger force after they have tracked it back to its shipyards or major points of repair and refueling. As a stealth ship though it faces some of the weaknesses of its other models. Namely it is amazing in space but once on a planet unless it is dark the stealth effect of the hull becomes a detriment.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet



[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Squadron Count: None: 1
[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Low (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • Low (normal)
  • Moderate (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Very Fast: 1


  • Overly Engineered: Designed by the Second Fleet as a beast compared to some of their other fighters. The massive size is used to house weapons specificaly a lot of weapons and its own ability to use the stealth systems. The Inu is meant to be a guard dog type fighter, setting up in a specific area and using a chokepoint as opposed to dogfighting. Using connor nets in a pod section with two chiss shock nets the largest designed version of the nets. THe special k strut of the ship houses an advanced boron missile for going after fighter formations
  • Overly Engineered: Designed to be a beast of a ship that jumps into position and sets up with a clear view of ship hangers. To better handle and clear a path or set up at chokepoints in asteroid fields. THe heavy weapons and armor slow the ship down compared to the others but it is also one that gets escorts and has the defenses to protect itself in a slug fest with other ships.
  • Stealthy In space: THe nightshadow hull works great in space but hovering outside of a planetside base exposes the ship. It larger profile also makes it visible to many more visual sensors and its weapons are easier to track back to their source.
  • Manpower Intensive: COmpared to other ships, a full crew is needed to fully utalize the Inu class, from someone to operate the net lunchers to entrap fighters and larger ships with the shock nets. To a pilot to move them, a copilot and gunners to control the different weapons including one to aim and set the k struts boron missiles. Cost wise it takes more manpower to fly and when destroyed it is difficult to replace.
Description: Designed by Second Fleet as a massive and impressive dangerous fighter... freighter more like. It is big compared to the others, heavily armed and armored with shields and back ups... then given a stealth system to let it hide from most sensors as it sets up in positions of importance. The connor and shock net launchers make it slightly more versatile as the chiss style nets were large and meant to handle larger ships. Boron missiles and torpedo/missile launchers are set up for area of effect shots to take out multiple targets and cannons or bombs to handle single targets. The Inu is a guard dog of the fleet being able to lay in wait and have ships lured to it instead of going after them.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet



[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Fighter Hangar:
  • 5000 Meters: None: 0

[*]Support Craft Hangar:
  • 5000 Meters: 6 Squadrons

[*]Maneuverability Rating: None
[*]Speed Rating: None
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Very Slow
Crucible Systems:
Recreated Temple Locations:
  • Overly Engineered: Built by the second fleet to be a recreation of outbound flight with vast improvements. Some of the information about the project and what it encountered being used to form a new model. Size, supplies, manufacturing has been designed to augment and build upon it. The dreadnoughts are designed and built into the super structure to function while the core itself is designed like a jedi temple with recreated sections to properly train instead of just a converted room. Linking and building the systems to link the six ships to th central command chamber also improves the connectivity issues of linking ships together... this also means since they are part of the superstructure of the entire ship they cannot be detached.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed like outbound flights main core ship, there are no engines to it specifically instead it has built into the massive superstructure six dreadnaughts that serve is its engines, hyperdrive and primary defensive/offensive means. This means that by itself the core ship is very vulnerable to attack.
  • Reliant: THe core of the project is built without essential systems, the lack of weapons, engines, a hyperdrive means it is entirely reliant on its dreadnought engines.
  • Superstructure: Built with the dreadnought attached to it, the ships compared to outbound flight are not able to detach for colonies. THis means the full baring of the weapons cannot be brought against an enemy ship. Only as much as it facing them.
Description: Designed for Project Rebound a preservation project. The Service corps with its starfighter, educational, agricultural, explorers, medical and tech division being sent to attempt the colonization efforts that were tried once before. Junko worked to give them a place as the assembly dismantled and replaced the groups. Giving the padawans who wished to serve the order but had failed a place in the crew unless they wanted to leave they set out to combine it with the paths the seeder and saratai ships. The years of building their exploration capabilities being used for the far flung companion galaxies.

Not to worry about it though it was easier to replace the service corp with new groups and say they were original. So Junko didn't really give the project fanfare, using the economic watch circle that was tasked with managing the orders finances and investments to get everything needed for the project. Creating a massive generation ship that can take jedi and some who would become their families to places far fiung and unknown. Communication between Junko and the project was also something so they could keep track of it. Instead of waiting for them to return and share everything. Beacons and relays for them to update the new silver sciences division.

The core of the ship though was designed as a jedi temple itself, to house the different meditation chambers, with there being a vault in case they discover artifacts and a small fleet of support craft that can move them around the large ship in lieu of turbolifts which are there and the empty space between the tubes was filled insteads so it would sit against the hulls of the dreadnought. To expand it out and make the massive core look more like a cylinder. The central command area is a chamber looking out from the center of the core. THe other big factor was staffing the ship, with jedi droids who can function while the crew sleeps periodically.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To make a stealthy version of th G-Type for the second fleet
  • Image Source: G-Type Shuttle
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: G-Type Shuttle


[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Fighter Hangar:
  • 100 Meters: Very High: 1

[*]Support Craft Hangar:
  • 100 Meters: None

[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Moderate (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • High (normal)
  • Extreme (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Very Fast: 1


  • Overly Engineered: Designed by the second fleet for remote and quick repairs. The small ships are set up to be deployed within a combat zone and rearm, refuel, repair fighters like a pit crew in a pod race to get them back into the fight quickly. With its cloaking device set up to protect it and minor weapons for defense the bulk of its systems and space is designed to take in a small handful of fighters at a time and work on them quickly.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed by the second fleet to repair fighters and restock ammo. The design of it and intentions means it is large and bulky, the excessive weapons and ammo within it being a liability and turning it into a bomb ready to go off at the slightest impact and damage. The cloak when activated means firing from cloaked positions is unable to be done and turning on the stealth cloak hampers the speed boosts for the engines.
  • Excessive Ordinance: Designed to be able to rearm missiles and torpedo's in a combat zone as opposed to requiring fighters to rush back to their ships and get out of the fight. The dedicated droids and crew are taught to work fast and get things restocked or repaired as quickly as they can. The excess weapons and ammo is a dangerous combination as it makes the ship able to be blown up with little damage. just the wrong hit to the hull.
Description: Designed by the Second fleet as a small scale mobile repair ship. It is one of the fleets handful of support craft designed to seed the battlefields and combat zones to work with the fleets doctrine about encounters. A repair and rearming ship for some of their fighters that can work in the field also needs to have some protection. A cloaking device to conceal it until it is needed and pit style droids and crew. Who can quickly scan and get the easy repairs for a fighter, restocking the weapons or changing them out if they get damaged quickly thanks to better more universal parts. The main problems with it is much like a supply convoy it can be an enticing target, it isn't meant to go into the combat situations where it could be damaged and destroyed quickly. Its cloaking device requires a deal of power, taking it from weapons and engines when engaged to prevent firing shots and attacking but it also means it can conceal and protect the ships it is repairing for a handful of time.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To create a specialized starship hunter interceptor
  • Image Source: V-Wing
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: Alph-3 V-Wing


[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Squadron Count: Moderate: 16
[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Moderate (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • Very High (normal)
  • Extreme (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Very Fast: 1

  • Overly Engineered: Largely designed for speed, low profile, faster speeds and larger heat sinks for their weapons to cool down faster and have a rapid fire capabilities. The breakneck speeds reaching levels much like the A-Wing fighter but its more producible in the ships and can be cannibalized easier.
  • Overly Engineered: Designed to be an ultrafast starship hunter, it lacks the punch for larger ships but it is made to chase down and go through enemy fighters. The larger wings function as heat sinks for the weapons to increase how fast they can be fired. WIth a restrictive field of view, forward facing weapons and a small margin for error the Kitsune fighter is more dangerous when something goes wrong since the pilot has little room in the ship to protect themselves.
Description: Designed by the second fleet as their hunter fighter... built small, compacted and fitted with ion and plasma railguns to take down other fighters faster. The Kitsune is a fast fighter compared to others and small giving it a very low profile. In contrast to some of the other ships it is one of the more numerous models that the second fleet produces to go after enemy starfighter screens using its stealth to sneak up on them and unleash as many shots as they can. The high margin for error going at those speeds are much like an A-wing or TIE interceptor giving the Kitsune pilots a reputation for being suicidal as they move between ships and debris quickly. The main problems with the ship is its wings with their heat sinks... larger and they obstruct the full view of the pilots field of vision making a need for an astromech droid be important.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet


[*]Canon Link: N/A
[*]Primary Source:



[*]Defenses: Moderate

[*]Saotome Solar Shielding:
[*]Saotome Hydro Shielding:

[*]Squadron Count: Very Low: 4
[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Moderate (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • High (normal)
  • Extreme (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Very Fast: 1


  • Overly Engineered: Designed to take some of the best qualities of the Y-wing from its hardiness to its varied weapons and enhance them. Replacing some of the bomb bays with a more standard bomblet generator and giving it improved defensive capabilities. Stealth systems and a slew of upgrades to the systems to make it able to to long range bombings and target recon.
  • Overly engineered: Tactically one of the more explosive fighters. Maintaining some of tits speed by only having the co-pilot with an encumbrance shot while the other weapons are forward facing. IN terms of the punch it can deliver all of tis weapons are forward facing and with limited room for error. THe six pack tube launchers can spam but it fires all six at once meaning overkill in most cases and when they miss you have expended a lot of your ordinance.
Description: Designed by Saotome and the Second fleet as a beast of missiles and the ability to act as a backbone within a squadron. The Y-wing was a staple of the Rebels and carried over, now it is set to be used for the Stealth fleet itself and support Veil and Shadow squads in their missions. With a copilot seat for gunner positions, six pack flextube launchers and the ability to lock on with them, the ships advanced stealth systems are meant to let it get within range to send as many shots towards the enemy and strafe them with missiles for maximum effectiveness of their shots.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet
  • Intent: To create a small series of repair droids able to swarm and be used on ships
  • Image Source: DrD's Farscape
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A
  • Manufacturer: Saotome Foundry
  • Model: Repair and Security Droids
  • Production: Mass-Produced. (Anyone.)
  • Affiliation: Closed-Market
  • Modularity: Colors
  • Material:
  • Sasori Nnth
  • Repair Equipment


[*]Misc. Equipment:

  • Repair and Defensive Droid
  • SMall with built in weapons: Designed to work on ships in large numbers, the repair droids are hooked itno the automated repair system and continue to repair the ship when there is smal bits of damage. They also double as defensive droids able to protect the ship with small weapons
  • Limited Range: Designed to be within the ship it is assigned to. THe droids are given a signal keyed to their specific ship itself. Outside of the range of their ship or facility the droids deactivate.
  • Single Modular Matrix: Designed to allow the droid to have different single skills at a time from repair to janitorial to security but the assignments can only be set to one at a time and requiring reprogramming.
Built by Saotome as a newer version of a MSE droid that functions to repair and defend a ship. The mini droids are less made to look like sickness carrying vermin and wasn't given a massive marketing push that threatens the company with bankruptcy. The droid itself has small manipulator arms, one strong and one fine small compartments that can be used to hold extra tools when it is assisting techs with repairs and its arm can be switched out for a blaster that is kept in the casing. Allowing it to be beneficial and used like a small swarm within a ship or guide for the larger vessels. THe simple means of the droid doesn't make it ideal for combat purposes in general but as a small defensive distraction to those trying to harm the ship it can try and buy time for real soldiers to get there.


Admiral of the Ghost Fleet

  • Intent: To have for the second fleet a sapper type support craft
  • Image Source: Tantive IV
  • Canon Link: (Please link the canon link if applicable canon item.)
  • Primary Source: Tantive IV


[*]Defenses: Low

[*]Fighter Hangar:
  • 100 Meters: None: 0

[*]Support Craft Hangar:
  • 100 Meters: None

[*]Maneuverability Rating:
  • Low (normal)
  • Very Low (with booster)

[*]Speed Rating: Saotome Whammy Drive
  • Low (normal)
  • Moderate (with booster)

[*]Hyperdrive Class: Saotome Hyperdrive
  • Average: 1


  • Overly Engineered: Designed by the second fleet for trap setting and mine laying. The ships main weapons are built along the top side of it for defense and sparse for its size. The real features that have been built int it are the mine systems. Being able to use fire cracker, sunseeker, seismic, pulsemass and gravity mines aside from the high explosive yields. The sapper support ships are meant and designed to saturate an area understealth.
  • Mines: Heavily designed with mine ejection and laying systems. The cargo and hanger space that has been converted is made for storing extra mines.
  • ON Board Systems: Designed with a handful of Sasori and Saotome systems to improve the performance of the ship and make it a more advanced fighter.
    "Screamer" Active Jammer: Designed to disguise the ship and disrupt homing actions taken against the fighter. Countered by military grade scanners and sensor packages.
  • Vanish 2 military sensor masking system: Cheaper then an actual cloaking device and best used to conceal and mask the ship from sensors.
  • Executive Suite: Providing small scale repair systems for the astromech to work with and a containment shield within the fighter in case of breaches.
  • Saotome Advanced Tracking System: An advanced droid brain developed for tracking targets along a vector and allowing the ship to shadow after them.
  • Saotome Ember Scanner and Slicer Unit: Designed to hack into a ships systems when in range. The slicer unit searches for slave circuits to lock onto and cause sabotage like instances before the fighter attacks.
  • Saotome Nutaki System: An advanced navigational computer for shortening travel time and increasing the speed by which the pilots can reach an area being able to work with the tracker droid brain.

  • Overly Engineered: Designed by the second fleet to be sent into an area and saturate it in prep for the fleet. THe ship is lightly armed and armored compared to others its size to make space for additional mines it can release.
  • Heavy Ordinance: The mines within the middle and lower sections of the ship make for an inviting target. Highly explosive or debilitating in most situations and the armor it thinner to make the loading systems for the mine ejectors and layers function.
  • Situational Weapons: While designed with a lot of weapons on the underside of the hull, the ship actually has very little in defensive means. Its mines are meant to be released and set up fields to choose and contorl the battlefield not partake.
Description: Designed by Saotome and the second fleet as an early strike and saturation support vessel. Its speed was hampered to keep the hull of explosive and dangerous mines from detonating or being damaged. Its stealth systems set up to let it slip into an area that it can then saturate and control. With explosive mines or pulsemass mines to keep ships in system and hamper hyperdrives. The other main features of the sapper is its reduced need for larger crews. Keeping it focused and able to operate as a support ship brought in by fleets or kept in the underside of the ships with an orissa lattice.

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