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Approved Lore Secret Humint and Deterrence Espionage Service (SHADES) | Dark Empire

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  • Intent: To create a unique organisation within OIT/ISB, for later narratives and for my own character.
  • Image Credit: Symbol, picture border, headers, divider, picture manipulation by me
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A

  • Organisation Name: Secret Humint and Deterrence Espionage Service (SHADES)
  • Classification: Intelligence Organisation
  • Affiliation:
  • Organization Symbol: Symbol | Imperial Dark Empire symbol with an information network pattern with an eye in the centre of the symbol.
  • Description: SHADES is a very specific division within the OIT/ISB. Only those agents who have innate - natural - telepathy/empathy, or who have it thanks to the Force, serve here. The agents of the organisation use these abilities for interrogation and torture, and try to tell if someone is lying or not. This is why the number of special agents working here is quite low. They work mainly for the OIT/ISB, but other agencies, bureaus or officers may also use their services. Their main tasks include obtaining information, interrogating enemies, criminals, locals or officers to facilitate the expansion of the OIT/ISB and the Dark Empire, and its internal and external defence.

  • Headquarters: Carlac and Empress Teta
  • Domain: Basically, they operate in the territory of the Dark Empire, where interrogations and torture are carried out; and, as necessary, internal audits of Imperial officers and persons are also carried out. However, if necessary, they also go to work outside the territory of the Empire.
  • Notable Assets: Mainly they have offices on different planets and access to OIT/ISB and Imperial prisons. In addition, there are safe houses and various small and large civilian or military ships that can be used to travel within or outside the borders of the Empire.

  • Hierarchy: The SHADES is headed by a Director, who is appointed by the OIT/ISB Director to head this department. Since there are probably only a few dozen telepathic agents in the entire SHADES, the ranking is not too complicated either, which by the way is roughly the same as the ones used in the ISB, only a simplified version.
    • High Command
      • Director | They manage the division, undertake the cases and reports to the OIT / ISB Director.
    • Command
      • Deputy Director | The deputy of the director, typically appointed by the director to act in their absence if necessary.
      • Sector Officer | Agents who lead individual sectors. A sector typically consists of 4-5 hexes, each supervised by a Special Agent who oversees the other agents working there. They usually report to the Watcher or directly to the Director.
      • Watcher | There is only one Watcher, serving as a liaison between departments. The logistics department reports to them, and they relay information to the High Command and agents. The Watcher may be NFU or a non-telepathic individual.
    • Officers
      • Special Agent | They can lead a unit.
      • Senior Agent | They can work alone.
      • Junior Agent | Under training, they can't work alone.
    • Logistics | They are simply agents or workers without the Force or telepathic powers.
      • Data Analysts | Logistics analysts who restore, process, and analyse the data collected by agents and informers, aiming to calculate the movements of targets. Their task is to assist and support agents.
      • Technical Analysts | Hackers and analysts who either hack technological devices or interpret biological data collected by agents or informers.
      • Informers | The lowest rank, responsible for gathering information for agents when needed.
  • Membership: This is a very narrow layer, as those who are sufficiently strong Force Users are likely to become Sith or Dark Side Elites, while those who do not possess adequate power will not be able to learn anything. Thus, Force Sensitive individuals must fall between these two layers. Those with telepathic abilities have an easier time. In almost all cases, agents come here through recommendation or transfer and then must pass tests to determine whether they qualify for this division or not. But of course, it is also possible for someone to volunteer. Agents who come here do not learn lightsaber combat or general Force training; they only receive training to use their mental strength to extract information from others and to torture others with this power.
  • Climate: It can't really be called a friendly atmosphere. Not only because constant rigorous training, exercises, and further training await those who work here. Like agents in general, they are also trained to withstand intense pain and torture and to protect their own minds. Agents are often overworked and have to work beyond their capabilities, simply due to their low numbers. Paranoia quickly develops in most agents, and they constantly compete with each other to become better, stronger, and perhaps more influential.
  • Reputation: Their reputation is quite mixed. On the one hand, many probably consider them useful tools when it comes to gathering information, interrogation, or torture. On the other hand, there is fear surrounding them because what if the agents come for them for investigation because someone reported them. In addition, some of the agents, officers, and soldiers may be uncomfortable working with Force Users and telepaths. Thus, it can be said that they both respect and fear this division simultaneously.
  • Curios: They don't really have distinctive insignia. Perhaps the symbol on their uniform; their uniform can be white, black, red, or black-red. Although they often don't even wear their division's symbol, but only the OIT/ISB symbol to blend in more easily with others.
  • Rules: The laws and regulations of the Dark Empire apply to the SHADES, just like the rules of the OIT/ISB. In addition, they have the rule and law that they cannot use their abilities on their fellow agents and citizens of the Dark Empire without permission and orders, whether they are soldiers or civilians.
  • Goals: The organisation's main goal is to assist and support the Dark Empire's aspirations through the OIT/ISB. Therefore, among their goals are gathering information, interrogation, torture; and if necessary, internal monitoring or investigation of the Empire's citizens, soldiers, or officers. With the information they acquire and process and their missions, they assist the Empire in external expansion and maintaining internal stability.


As the Dark Empire was established and organisations were created within it, so SHADES was created. Its creation was actually requested or suggested by Ellayina L'lerim, who also had similar powers and was an agent of the ISB. The young woman submitted a long, elaborate plan of how a division would be of great use in the Dark Empire. If only because most of the enemies they would be fighting in the future would probably be Sith or Jedi. To break them the Empire needs special resources. The young woman had been practising these tactics and used her powers for years at this point, even before the Dark Empire. She also fell into the category of not being a good Force User, but she was perfect for the job.

Finally, after reviewing and considering the information submitted, she was given permission to create this division. This was after the occupation of the Empress Teta and Tython. And events accelerated; she was appointed director of the division, as she was the one who had thought up the idea of setting it up. Agents, soldiers and people who could be trained as agents were transferred here from all over the OIT/ISB and other military and paramilitary organisations of the Empire. Unfortunately, their numbers are not very large, as few fall into that category, which is why the people working here are almost constantly on the job and almost always overworked.

They are not only used by the OIT/ISB, but because of their specialised tasks, high-ranking officers, influential businessmen, ministers or members of the Tribunal may also turn to SHADES when they are asked to do something important. Its hierarchy is partly a simplified version of the ISB, although it differs from it. And because of their small number, they can so far typically only play a mainly support role, working with other departments, ministries and military groups. But it is hoped that as the Dark Empire expands, the division will be able to increase the number of agents it has to become more effective.

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