@[member="Rianna Organa"]
Ordo moved her to sit on the bench and he stood to get some glasses. He found what he wanted quickly ans set the glasses down in front of her. Then he went to the galley and pushed aside a small panel. He pulled out a bottle of red Corellian wine and wiped the dust off the thick glass. It was an old bottle he had saved for a special occasion and there could be nothing more special than this. He pulled the cork and let it air a little before he walked over and poured for them both.
"I was saving this." He said sitting down and putting a big arm around her shoulders. "Here's to us. K'oyacyi."
He lifted his glass. He had no idea what do do next but a night together and then preparing for Alderaan and then Manda'yaim. As far as retiring. He felt more nervous about the idea than he did when he first faced a battle. He had not done that before.
'Just focus on her boy'o and enjoy her while you can." He told him self.
He sipped the wine and tried not to look nervous. He loved her and thats all that mattered.
Ordo moved her to sit on the bench and he stood to get some glasses. He found what he wanted quickly ans set the glasses down in front of her. Then he went to the galley and pushed aside a small panel. He pulled out a bottle of red Corellian wine and wiped the dust off the thick glass. It was an old bottle he had saved for a special occasion and there could be nothing more special than this. He pulled the cork and let it air a little before he walked over and poured for them both.
"I was saving this." He said sitting down and putting a big arm around her shoulders. "Here's to us. K'oyacyi."
He lifted his glass. He had no idea what do do next but a night together and then preparing for Alderaan and then Manda'yaim. As far as retiring. He felt more nervous about the idea than he did when he first faced a battle. He had not done that before.
'Just focus on her boy'o and enjoy her while you can." He told him self.
He sipped the wine and tried not to look nervous. He loved her and thats all that mattered.