Alastor Baxa

Quiet Night, Quiet Life
Silent Night, Silent Life
A start comes from somewhere, as does how life can simply end. The starship was docking soon, an ancient beast of over a hundred years of age. The transponder seems currently busted for anyone attempting to scan it, aside from the visual image of the name on the side: Overload. Whatever ship design this was, it was much older than most current militaries were fielding. The starships docking tube extended and finally made a large SNAPPING noise, connecting to the black market starship.
Moving through the tube, he gathered from inside his robe the various credit chits he had acquired throughout the vessel. Sliding them back and forth, he started to consolidate the amount of credits he had..."acquired" in this recent endeavor. It was totaling up rather nicely, given the size of the vessels crew he had to...convince to let go of their hard earned wares. Exiting out of the tube, he walked into a rather lavish looking interior, having barely known about the black market except in rumors for over a few weeks.
The Rattataki wanted to attend...the Rattataki, was not going to be denied. Hence why the starships invitation inviter met an unfortunate, untimely end. Taking the place was simple, taking the place was easy. The main issue was...taking the new role. The name was nice even, the last part was mysterious...though he arrived near the front and introduced himself, having the hood up as a smooth voice rolled through, pulling on the gloves that was on his hands.
"Alastor...Alastor Baxa if you please. I have run quite late and still wish to attend."
Being handed a tablet, he was instructed on how to use it as the Rattataki checked the credit stick and nodded, giving a small thumbs up that seemed out of character for a person like him. Breathing in a bit deeply, he took in the Force around him, feeling the objects that could only be described as intoxicating. This...this was the place to help recollect what he may not have no longer. Moving through the few rows of chairs, he kept his head down briefly before settling on a chair near the middle and observing the sword before them. Made for a Sith, Writings and...worthless, this was not something he currently needed.
The Rattataki would wait till the next time would come up, remaining rather silent but observant of current items coming up.