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*looks innocent* I don't know what you're talking about. This character clearly isn't poison ivy..... *looks at Avatar* okay so she is new 52's Poison Ivy.... still *shifty eyes* But new 52 doesn't count.
Yeah its funny because the character wasn't like this originally. She kind of evolved into it and I just rolled with it. Also yeah, *cracks knuckles* time to think about my little fiefdom. Also sometimes I doubt Ashin's comitment to Sparkle Motion.
Do not think me for a fool, Tirdarius. For generations my family has ruled the Polith System with an iron fist, and it is in my blood to rule over the weak. Dromund Kaas is in capable hands.
Unless of course someone especially needy... volunteers
Whoops, I meant district 3, my bad
My motive being turning Lorrd into my personal capitol and repository of Knowledge to the benifit of my dear Kaine, who was at one point in time directly below me within the food chain of the "old Empire", within our particular branch of government.