Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply See The Sea


Forget the planet. Forget the system. Core Worlds. Outer Rim. Just take in the ocean. Waves. Endless. Crash and go. Crescendo. Breathless. That was the wind. Maybe it made no difference, not any of it, from her memories of that moment as a girl in her past, then to the present, as a woman. She found life with purpose. As a Jedi Knight. Now she sat in an outfit quite unlike a Jedi might. Not the one of old. Although, a shadow still had a soul.

Thoughts twisted. Mind mindless. Might be she could have been a Sith instead of a Jedi. Yet, that wasn’t what happened. No, the girl became a woman, the woman became a Jedi, the Jedi became a Knight. Though… The thought was prompted by the ocean as she listened and witnessed it within a vision like liquid inside her mind. I am also a Shadow…

She sighed into the wind, like the distant sunlight might take her in, carry her away with wings, like the pelican or the puffin, the auk or the cormorant, and why should such birds within this universe not exist to begin with? Not every creature needed to be exotic in description. There were already plenty of Humans, for one thing; way too many loth-cats instead of just cats. Yet, clearly, this Pantoran woman’s thoughts were just drifting as if trapped in the past or within the current.

“Call me Vayla,”
she whispered, letting not her mental Force but the gentle force of the morning breeze from the beach to the sea carry her words; like childhood to adulthood as driftwood. “Here I sit on this shore, as anyone before me, but who is able to cradle my memories but me in this never ending journey?”

Maybe her words were worthless, as meaningless as the wind, just passing through to be forgotten. As silken strands of blue pink married with the sunlit horizon, painting the image of an infinite rhythm, it was all Vayla Mirana could do to hug her knees and just listen, keeping quiet, listening not to the wind or to water but to the ocean. The expanse. And it stretched far beyond the horizon.


Always a quiet time on the beach. A few people walking, a few fishing. Otherwise it was quiet. Calm. Serene.

Yet here he was, breaking that quiet, calm, serene by surfing. Morning was an excellent time to do so as there wasn't too many people in the water to worry about crashing into. The only real concern was undersea predator activity this early in the morning but once he hit the waves that was quickly pushed out of his mind.

He paddled out, trying to catch the next wave, looking back behind him for just the right moment until he caught it, a wave building that looked as if it was going to be particularly large in comparison to the others. Quickly catching it, there was more paddling until he was standing, riding the wave in a thrilling rush.

Until he lost a little balance, over-corrected, and immediately crashed into the water, surfboard flying.

It didn't take long until he washed up near the shore, shaking his shaggy head as he looked for his surfboard. It was near a woman dressed very oddly for the beach, meditating or watching the waves or sleeping, who knew. Fighting his way out of the surf, he jogged along the shore to retrieve the board, hoping not to disturb the oddly dressed woman.

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana

Well, it was certainly one thing to sit in the middle of the beach whispering spiel, lost in thought, while the process wasn’t so much just nonsense. Sifting through memories like fingers through dirt, hands through sand, electric blue eyes all but sailing the currents, it was actually another figure who stole this woman's attention the next moment. A…surfer..?

It definitely wasn’t an unusual sight to see considering the sprawling city behind her. She did not need to turn to witness its skyline. Sunlight on one horizon, endless silhouettes of morning shadows at the ebb and flow; quite a contrast to the skyscrapers at her back. Perhaps, however, her outfit therefore made all the more sense, having come from that metallic environment to find solace with her gaze on the waves.

The beach was rather empty this morning, however, this planet pretty temperate, but as the day grew she knew that the sand and water would be filled with bustling sunbathers, swimmers and surfers quite like that figure coming toward her. Better yet, it was his surfboard first.

The object skirted across the sand, sliding to a stop before the Pantoran, who just blinked at it for a moment. Sure enough, its owner arrived moments later to see this woman sitting with her knees up and arms over her knees.

“Nice board,”
Vayla said simply. She sported a serene expression despite not smiling outright. “And a great day to ride the waves.”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Thanks.The board didn't hit you, did it?"

He had only emerged from the surf to see it near the the leather-jacket clad woman, not the entire wipeout. Often time these boards had a mind of their own and when waxed enough, could slide across the thin levels of water on the shoreline. Typically in the morning one didn't have to worry about such things, but here he was, face-to-face with someone spending their morning on the beach.

Picking up the board, Makai maintained a small distance between them. In an hour or so this place would be swarming with those from the city along the beach. He hadn't seen much of a tourist presence here, but just because a city doesn't hail themselves as a tourist hotspot didn't mean people stayed away. Wasn't as if he was a local boy, it was all a guess on his end.

" aren't going to off yourself or anything are you? I really don't want to play water rescue this early in the morning."

An odd question for an odd woman. Leather jacket, denim? Most out this early were in swimwear or athletic gear. This woman easily looked as if she could have just gotten up, dressed, and ready for her job in the city. As if this was some type of impromptu visit, coupled with the serene look of peace, as if coming to terms....perhaps he was reaching but it never hurt to ask.

"Just asking because one does not see many people in leather jackets beachside."

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana
"Thanks.The board didn't hit you, did it?"

Vayla smiled at the question. “Nope.” She nodded toward the board that had stopped only a few feet away from her feet. “But it almost did.” Her smile didn’t fade away given the next thing this man said. Off myself? It was never a question that had entered her head. Not today. Not yesterday. Or…had it yet..?

Whatever the case, she cocked a brow anyway, as curious as perplexed. It was a question that had caught her off guard, granted. Then again, this woman did have a way with letting her thoughts get the better of her; being carried off like a surfboard sliding along the dirt across from her person purchased in the sand with that city at her back; denizens coming to her position any hour or minute at that.

"Just asking because one does not see many people in leather jackets beachside."

“I suppose not,” she shrugged. “Then again, while I definitely had the option of getting changed, this was a bit of an impromptu visit as it is.” She stared off into the distance. The horizon caught her gaze. She would not look away. “I was in the city, saw the beach, figured I’d go for a stroll and sit without shifting into a bikini I didn't have on me anyway.”

She grinned up at him. “But, trust me, if I wanted to commit suicide I would be in those waves and would have let the water take me.” Ever curious, the conversation as dark as lighthearted, she prompted him. “Is that what you’re doing, surfing all by yourself? Or did you come to this ocean for some self-discovery?”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
“I was in the city, saw the beach, figured I’d go for a stroll and sit without shifting into a bikini I didn't have on me anyway.”

She grinned up at him. “But, trust me, if I wanted to commit suicide I would be in those waves and would have let the water take me.”

The visiting the city-thing then stopping by the beach made some sense. He had forgotten the area boasted a larger starport, of course spacers and the like would be out here stretching their legs and enjoying things planet side before getting back to the spacelanes. Much like he was, getting a little surfing in before he was scheduled to depart.

"Let the water take you? Then I would have to save you and it just seems like a lot of work for this early in the morning, good thing you're choosing to stay beachside."

A little humor in an otherwise dark topic. He was thankful she didn't offended, the 'verse was a harsh place, wasn't out of the realm of possibility considering. Surfboard was upright now and he stuck one end into the sand, leaning against it a little bit as they spoke.

"Me? Oh yes, I'm out here doing some surfing before I leave, haven't hit the waves in a long time, which would explain the wipeouts. As for self-discovery, no, that's why I had my name sewn into all my clothes, so I don't forget too easily."

He flashed a boyish grin at his own humor, clearly finding himself amusing.

"What about you? Finding yourself? Contemplating the universe? Escaping the hustle and bustle of a city? All of the above?"

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana
She might have chuckled, her lips split, but didn’t. Had to hold back a laugh almost given in the absurdity of everything. There she was on this beach, taking in the horizon only moments ago, given to meditation as well, like self-medication. Suddenly this man was offering to be her savior if self-annihilation were actually her endeavor. Not so dark, no. Just awkward humor.

Then again, given his evident skills at surfing from what she had glimpsed, it probably would not take him long to save anyone from drowning in those waters, accident or not. His performance had not been for her, of course, but with no one else in her presence Vayla was suddenly curious about him.

Her eyes shifted from his face to his board, now standing in the sand, not to demonstrate it like some exhibit but simply as a surfer did. A resting position, like a blade. Vayla knew much of blades. The sword of the Jedi, no pun intended, and the art of the blade. She trained every day, never treated it as a game, as much as this man probably saw surfing as far more than a hobby. If something of an escape within this wartorn galaxy.

“Wipeouts?” She cocked a brow but didn’t interrupt him as she listened. Then she narrowed her gaze, despite stifling another chuckle. This was a confident person, though if his outfit didn’t actually have his name sewn into the fabric then she expected he had a whole closet with lettered outfits appropriately arranged.

Vayla looked away, sighed out a cloud of melancholic reflection. “Escape. Contemplation.” She bit her lip in hesitation. “And to observe surfers so that I can best them.” She grinned up at him. Though it was unfortunate that she had no board. Or bikini, for that matter.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
He listened carefully to her reasons for being out on the beach dressed quite oddly for a beach. All seemed to check out, even the observing surfers one, although such a thing was a joke. Dense as he was, he did get the impression that he was intruding on time probably meant for herself, much like his own morning routine. It was a time for him to regroup and face the day.

"...and here I am, interrupting your contemplation. Escape too, and to be frank, also interrupting your observation of the local surf scene, although I had more of a feeling you were watching the old fishermen out here. Got to keep an eye on those old guys, it takes skill to have four poles going at once, a lot of plotting. Who knows what else they are planning out here."

He paused, stopping to look up and down the shoreline.

"Still quiet out. I will stop my interruption of your contemplation before this place is overrun with beach goers."

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana
Now she did chuckle. Just a small laugh brought on by this man’s comment on the old fishermen. That was the beauty of the beach and the sea, wasn’t it? So much variety. Plenty of ways to spend one’s time, whether fishing, surfing or just watching the waves.

Here she was, a Pantoran woman in city-going clothes, having no intention of changing simply to sit for a few minutes. There he was, what looked like a Human man, doing the exact opposite. Wearing an entirely different outfit than her at that, his being beach-going clothes, and never mind letters.

“Maybe those fishermen are planning on baiting a ravenous rancor shark to harass the surfers disturbing their fish,” she jested, lips spread in his general direction. Then again, who knows, maybe such creatures really did lurk beneath these waters. Maybe there was only one way to find out anyhow.

“You didn’t interrupt me,” she corrected. “Your board did.” Maybe he might not know if she was joking or being serious with that grin of hers until the next moment. “Tell you what, you can make up for your board’s rude intrusion by teaching me how to surf.” Maybe he needed another moment but she didn’t give him much of one.

“Though, I’ll need the appropriate attire for it and I’ll need a board. Plenty of shops nearby with boards for rent and selling bikinis, but I’m also hungry so how about I buy us breakfast first?” Maybe he thought this was a date but it wasn’t.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"It is morning, the time when numerous sea predators do a great deal of their hunting. Who knows what could happen out there, very well could get one on a line."

Eyebrow perked at the suggestion of teaching her how to surf. It wasn't really someone one could learn in a day. There were some basics to get done, maybe try to stand up. Just depended on the person, their comfort level in the water, and athleticism. Not saying the leather jacket woman couldn't do it, but it wasn't always the fun adventure folks thought it was going to be.

"Ummm....for one thing, you don't even know my name, nor do I know yours. Two, how do you know I'm not a serial killer, going planet to planet, preying on beach goers? The Surfboard Slasher or something."

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana
And there it was, the awkward reality of bumping into someone on the beach or in any environment, really. Fortunately, he wasn’t an idiot and neither was she. Only he didn’t realize he was talking to a Jedi Knight and, while surfing lessons might only amount to keeping upright, she had a feeling it would be a pretty good role to play and a pretty good time. Under the assumption that the proposition wasn’t limited to her imagination, that is.

“Surfboard Slasher?” She tilted her head. “Sounds familiar. Didn’t I see that name in the news just yesterday?” She narrowed her gaze. “No matter. If you are a serial killer then I can think of no better death for you than drowning in the water if you try anything funny with me.”

Whatever, she got up, dusted the sand off her jacket and butt, and stood facing him with her hands on her hips. Her expression was ever collected, her manner of speech as sarcastic as serious, whatever that may mean.

“Vayla Mirana.”
No need to give her last name however. Stranger things occurred in this universe like randomly asking another one of its curious characters to breakfast and surfing lessons after only having just met but whoever gave their surname? It depended on the culture, she’d guess, and this Pantoran woman was one to generally address with both names.

“Chalk it up to me being bored and, maybe we’ll go our separate ways now or later but, in the end, I’m getting those surfing lessons from someone and I'm getting them today.” She shrugged. “But breakfast first. So which is it?” He had the right to decide as much as end this conversation outright. She wouldn’t lose sleep. And she wouldn’t lose the sea…

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
His features quirked in the mention of drowning in the ocean. Being part-aquatic, he had scales (perhaps she thought that patch on his chest was a tattoo or cybernetic?) and well hidden behind his ears, gills. Drowning would only occur if someone held him down in the ocean and somehow also blocked said gills, although not impossible, certainly difficult.

Hand outstretched in greeting, a habit.

"Makai Dashiell, a pleasure."

The thought of breakfast and then the demand of lessons was amusing. He didn't have anything to do until leaving in the afternoon, work had been completed, hence why he had decided to hit the beach for a little bit of practicing on his board. Couldn't be wiping out in just a few short weeks. Showing someone could just mean more practice.

"Yeah, I could eat." Nevermind he already ate breakfast. He could always stuff more food down. "Don't think anything beyond a beachside stand will let me in like this though. I'm staying right on the beach."

Hand waved over towards one of the hotel towers with beach access. It was how he got his board after all, they had rentals for the day. Not something one expected but a great touch, it probably set the establishment apart from others.

"Just got to give me like....fifteen minutes. Bit of a trek back."

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana
So, he could eat, and he was Makai Dashiell. That’s first name and surname, no mistake. Didn’t have the outfit for a certain kind of establishment? Oh well. Breakfast to Vayla Mirana also meant a hotdog stand as much as sausage and eggs in a restaurant so, in the end, whatever worked for her teacher worked for her.

Makai gestured toward hotel towers. They edged the beach as the waves did in their ebb and flow, though they didn’t appear to be too expensive at least when it came to a simple breakfast that would keep both surfers on the beach. Granted, one was a surfer, the other was a surfer-to-be, but whatever.

“Fifteen minutes?”
Vayla cocked a brow, a bit perplexed at the statement. Did he intend to change his outfit? No need for that at a breakfast stand. Or fifteen minutes as in that was how long it would take them to eat breakfast and get back to the sand? That made sense.

“Time isn’t of the essence, friend,”
she beckoned. “Only lessons.” At that, she decided not to waste anymore time and began to walk in the direction of breakfast. Hopefully her ‘friend’ could keep up. She would pay for their meal but only if he was there in her presence to ingest it.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Wait...was this not a change into dry and non-sandy clothes type of situation? Gaze looked down at his colorful swim trunks, wondering what restaurant would allow him shirtless and in such garish shorts?

To be fair, he typically only was on beaches that were totally private and barely inhabited to nearly uninhabited, or at expansive and expensive resorts that would have a server just bring you something to your designated beachside chair. He was highly uneducated in the world of beachside stands where one could go up in any state and grab a meal.

Not wanting to lose the deposit on the board if he lost it, he tucked it under his arm and followed after her, brow furrowing. How did Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana even know where such things were? It brought a good question to his mind as he took long strides to catch back up to her side.

"You're a local? Or come here a lot? You seem to know where you're going."
Vayla politely shook her head at the questions as the pair walked ahead. “Neither.” She gestured toward the city’s skyline against the beachside. “I simply spy with my little eye.” She offered him a smile. It was easy to recognize their environment by taking it in. She didn’t know where she was going specifically except toward the strip in the distance filled with a variety of indoor stores, with plenty of vendors and other amenities being outdoors.

Granted, further forward and beyond the edges were the deeper elements of the city where swimming trunks and bikinis were generally not appropriate. Out here, however? There were options, and that was the purpose of their circumstances and conversation. Boardwalk flanked beach and palm trees, dotted with souvenir shops, bars, restaurants, clothing vendors, tattoo parlors, skate and surf stores, hotels as well—the works. There were sport courts and an outdoor gym with a Herglic in it that caught Vayla’s attention, mildly curious.

The morning was growing which meant the street was getting busier, soon to be bustling with activity. “Options,” Vayla nodded for her companion’s benefit. Only two types of establishments were her focus as she pointed toward what was nearest. “Herglic’s Outfitters.” She glanced back at the gym. Probably a coincidence. “Can go there first, change outfits, go for a fine dining breakfast; plate of steak and eggs and crumb cake with coffee in a mug for this woman.”

She nodded in another direction. “Though there’s a row of food stands over there. Breakfast burrito and coffee in a cup to go?” She shrugged. “You pick. I’ve no preference.” Vayla liked options. She didn't mind deciding but sometimes preferred to let another decide. Either way, she was buying—breakfast and outfits if he forgot his backpack with a change of clothes in it. She’d consider it payment for his lessons.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"I'll make it easier for you, all my clothes are fifteen minutes away in the hotel I pointed out. Looks like a beach side stand is in order."

He didn't bother to bring such things as clothes or really anything beyond his board, especially when he stayed so close to the water during his time here. How did he end up surfing fifteen minutes away from his hotel? Easy : he had found entobia fossils washed up on the shoreline and things just went from there. Really not an unusual occurrence for himself.

Their direction turned towards the beach food stall area, continuing to speak. Awkward silence probably wasn't beneficial.

"If you're looking for fine dining while you're here though I suggest going to this place called Feverfew downtown. Went there last night, couldn't recommend it more. Ate way too much and stayed there for far too long,but it was well worth it. Not sure how long you're in town for but something to note if you come here often."

Makai wouldn't be returning often ; he got the mining rights needed, wined and dined the business partners last night, he shouldn't have to return for an easy five to six months.

Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana
Options. Conflict. He did mention he could eat, never mind his hidden thoughts on having already eaten breakfast. He mentioned staying right on the beach but, as shown to him, he didn’t need to change outfits for a beachside stand, what with men in trunks and women in bikinis already walking along the strip.

He had gestured toward the hotel towers, but mentioned nothing of his residence, and all Vayla had witnessed in the distance was his indication of the boardwalk. Hotels were generally best kept beside the more popular elements in their midst.

What did all this nonsense even mean? Absolutely nothing, really. Just that this man and this woman were already in conflict the moment they met. There she was, on the beach in pants and a jacket. There he was, in the ocean with clothing fit for surfing. His board had all but bumped into her. Yet, as they walked and talked, Vayla Mirana sensed some kind of underlying agreement between them.

Maybe it was just her imagination. Maybe it was the galaxy having set up their meeting, like destiny. It remained to be seen.

They had finally decided on a dining establishment. Makai picked the food vendors. Vayla had no complaints with this. Unlike her companion, she didn’t have a hotel to change outfits in. Besides, she still needed to purchase her beach attire. Breakfast first, however.

“Feverfew? Downtown?” She repeated with enthusiasm. “I like the sound of that.” How long am I in town? She thought without a pause, using the less than awkward silence to ponder. What had brought her to this city? This planet? “Noted. Thank you for the suggestion.” No sarcasm. She could be playful but also serious.

What were even the names of this city and this planet to begin with?

Dum Sim was the name of one food vendor. This takeout stand served noodles of all kinds; ramen and the like. Kamali’s was a van that served kamalis; a dough wrapped with meats, beans and cheese. There was Dunk In Donuts, a kiosk that boasted coffee as much as doughnuts.

Instead of asking and waiting again, Vayla decided she’d make a decision for both of them, clicking her fingers with that same elegant enthusiasm. Then again, it was probably just her hunger kicking in.

“uPop,” she nodded at a breakfast cart. “Sound good? Good.” She all but hopped across the sidewalk on the boardwalk and placed her order. “Breakfast burrito. Sausage and egg.”

“All the way?” The Zabrak man with a friendly face asked.

“You bet!” That meant egg, sausage, avocado, potato, tomato, onion, garlic, pepper, all kinds of spice and seasoning wrapped up in a pretty beefy tortilla. “Along with an applesauce croissant and hot coffee. One sugar. One cream. Please.” Nothing too heavy for her. She had to consider that energy would be burned during her surfing lessons but that further meant no busy breakfast. “And whatever he is having.” She would pay for it with her own credits.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Amusement colored his features at some of the names of the various food carts. He could always appreciate a colorful or playful name for things, and he would often do the same, such as naming a recent mining droid 'crabby' for its crab-like inspiration. It was nice to see the others do the same, and that he wasn't the only fool in the galaxy.

Approaching the cart, his order was much, much different. Despite it being his second breakfast, he wasn't going light.

"I'll have the signature breakfast sandwich and the berry-kelp smoothie."
Being partially aquatic, he was pleasantly surprised to see kelp on the small cart's menu. No doubt it was something to lure in curious tourists more than the locals, but he was excited either way. Kelp wasn't something one saw every day, although in some health circles it was growing popular.

"Anything else?"

"Yes, I'll be paying for the order."
Smart chronometer was pressed to the terminal, a small beep confirming that the payment had gone through. It was a nice gesture for Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana to want to pay, but he would feel odd if a woman other than his fiancee paid for his meal. Even then, he made sure his fiancee didn't pick up the bill.

Maybe a little old fashioned, but he didn't care.

"Save your credits for more lessons after your initial free trial Vayla."
No coffee for her companion. Rather, he ordered a berry-kelp smoothie. That did make Vay cock a brow but not in judgment. It was an interesting choice if just as much perfect given the heat in their environment and never mind the beach for the moment.

What did surprise her was what Makai said next. She opened her lips in protest at this man’s demand to pay for the order instead of her. Wait. What’s this? This wasn’t the agreement. How could she pay for surf lessons if he paid for her food? It made no sense despite him being quite a handsome guy to boot.

Too late. Vay can’t complain. Maybe it was the moment, the environment, the escape, that made her keep quiet and take in his eyes that moment, blue as the ocean. See the sea. Leave reality. Let memories be buried. Like a sand castle turned into ruins on account of being stamped and smashed.

Mindless. Nonsense. Speechless, Vayla Mirana is, after the chronometer was pressed and she turned to her companion, cup to lips, taking a sip of her coffee, licking her lips.

Then again, truth be told, she was not here searching for significant other souls, never was. That was not the Jedi within this Pantoran woman. He was bold, and that was enough. Neither was immortal. Either was cordial.

“Free trial, is it?” Vay gave a hair flip. “If you’re buying, I’m not complaining. I’ll take it.” She lifted her cup against his cup in agreement. “Let’s eat and drink.” Gestured into the distance. “Where do you think? Back on the beach? Sit in the gym? Impressive Herglic. Then again, there’s a public terrace over there. Or we can walk and talk as we eat and drink—”

“FRISBEE!” Shouted somebody.

If Vayla Mirana wasn’t a Jedi Knight then she might just have been hit in the face but wasn’t. One hand holding coffee, the other holding burrito, she banked on the momentum of the frisbee and her inertia as she jerked her head backward which meant the object went toward Makai’s head instead.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Brow furrowed, wondering how much time Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana had actually spent on the beach. He was comfortable to just plop down in the sand and eat his food, as he had done countless of times before. A seasoned veteran at this point, he even had the ability not to get sand in his food without a towel or blanket down. Now, the woman may not be as versed, and he suspected that was the case when she mentioned finding somewhere to sit and eat.

Before he could reply, there was a shout of FRISBEE! and a dodge from Vayla. He had just barely managed to avoid the frisbee, reflexes kicking in from his days salvaging with his father. Now, while his head was saved from getting dinged, the breakfast sandwich was immediately lost in the sand. Before he could figure out if any portion of it was still edible in the half-wrapped foil, yet fate had other plans, with seagulls coming to swoop in quickly.

"Well....the universe decided I don't need a second breakfast. Still got the berry-kelp smoothie so, there's a small win."

A small shrug and he took a long drag from the straw poked in his to-go smoothie cup, heading back to their topic at hand.

"Where ever you want to sit. Doesn't matter, I'm comfortable with whatever you decide. I'm not a particularly picky person and its not like I'm going to be eating a sandwich anymore, so feel free to chose what suits you. Especially since you don't seem like the outdoorsy type at all."

Makai chuckled at his own words, following along to where she wanted to go.

"What do you do for work? Or what do most of your days consist of?"

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