Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply See The Sea

Vayla visibly gasped as the sandwich popped out of her companion’s hand and plopped on the ground. Wow. Granted, she had her own breakfast burrito properly intact, coffee too, and at least he had his smoothie to boot. He didn’t complain. Already ate. This would be his second breakfast? Maybe he didn’t need another one considering they both needed energy but not too much for surfing lessons.

“I am so sorry,” she meant the apology genuinely and regrettably, all thoughts considered. Vay was no fan of watching food go to waste. If her own hands weren’t full then she might just have cast Force Sandwich Snatch before it was too late but, oh well, anyway…

Back to the question at hand…should they sit or stand? Only one of them was going to eat anyway. Honestly, Vayla had no preference. Options were options in the end and she could sit on the sand as much as stand on pavement.

“Let’s walk and talk.” She gestured ahead toward the shop where she could buy her outfit after her first breakfast. She thought about his questions, decided to not outright tell him that she was a Jedi Knight.

“Suffice to say I’m a public service representative.” She bit into her burrito, gestured toward another stand they would pass, just in case Makai changed his mind. She didn't mine paying this time, otherwise they moved along. “In my spare time, oh, I like to explore caves, climb mountains, hike in forests.” She winked, amused at her own words. “You might say I’m the outdoorsy type.”

Had she given him something to point toward the opposite? Maybe it was her jeans and jacket on the beach but she had already explained that. Vay may have even played a game of frisbee in her day. "You? What does a man like you do when he isn't catching the waves or watching his second breakfast fly away?"

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Makai waved away the offer of more food, content to enjoy his berry-kelp smoothie, which was more than ample considering he ate one breakfast already this morning. Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana was talking about what she did on a regular basis, apparently something in public service. For him, that meant anything from a lower level government official to a Senator and everything in between.

Idly, he wondered if she was part of some governmental group that was unpopular, which would make up the vague description of her work. Or perhaps it was so niche that it would take ages to explain. His credits were still on the first ; unpopular government. He sipped his smoothie as they walked, listening to the woman describe herself as the 'outdoorsy' type, which made him pause to laugh a little.

"Cave spelunking is an excellent hobby."

Naturally, when he was obsessed with ores and minerals and such.

"Working, then working some more. Which is why I'm on this planet to begin with....uh, mining and extraction."
Probably best to be equally vague. "Hobbies? Spelunking. Surfing. Fishing. Grav-golf. A few other things, but nothing out of the ordinary. Nothing exciting I'm afraid."
Vayla might be a Jedi but she had no desire to pry into this guy’s mind just to find out why he was likely being as vague as she was. Mining and extraction could mean anything from working as a laborer in mines to being the corporate bigwig they're run by. Whatever the case, perhaps both were playing this game, and she didn’t mean frisbee.

“Ahhh a fellow spelunker?” Vayla’s eyes grew positively wide with delight. It wasn’t every day that she met someone who enjoyed exploring caves. Then again, on a beach, you generally met people who like all kinds of outdoor activities. “I’d consider all those things to be exciting.” She smiled into his eyes. He seemed like a nice enough guy. Though she wasn’t in this city looking for guys. She had her secrets. So did he.

They continued their walk but she paused the talk to finish her burrito. “Croissant?” She offered hers to him. Sure, he wasn’t hungry, already mentioned his first breakfast, but it did suck losing his sandwich. If he didn’t want it, she was in no rush, would decide to save the pastry for later as she sipped her coffee.

“There we are,” she gestured ahead. “Coral Traders.” It wasn’t the same shop from earlier but, options, yet again, and this establishment was now closest to them. “Looks like they have everything from trunks to bikinis, sunglasses to surfboards.” They moved forth. “Changing room in the corner.”

It was also an outdoor vendor, no door, just a simple retailer for people like her who hadn’t come prepared to surf. Neither to meet strangers who buy me breakfast. “Pick out a board for me? I’ll find that bikini.”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Waving the croissant away, he continued speaking as they walked. He appreciated the gesture, but really, he wasn't going to take her food when he had already ate. Plus, berry-kelp smoothie was filling enough, the only downside was the berries masked the natural brininess of the kelp and being half-aquatic, that was part of the appeal.

"Yeah, something about being down in a cavern is just a great feeling. Its like going on an adventure. It definitely clears the mind. Probably the reason why I got into the work I do."

Not the only reason, but Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana didn't need to know all those. He lingered on the edges of the shop, not needing to go in, most of the boards were on the outside, he just needed one for more of a beginner. Easy enough to do, especially in a tourist heavy area. Iced topaz gaze had already spotted a few grouped together that would work, especially a baby blue one.

"Might want to grab a rash guard too. You're going to be eating a lot of waves at first."

Sometimes Makai wore one, sometimes not. Today was the exception, the water was warm enough and he didn't crash as often as he had before. Now if it was cold? Or more of a rocky shore? That would have been critical.

Sipping on his berry-kelp smoothie, he let Vayla wander, focused on finding the right style of board for her.
Coffee halfway depleted, Vayla decided it was a perfect time to eat her croissant that her surf partner did not want as she browsed around the shop. There were plenty of options, plenty of bikinis and, while she was no expert on the surf, she was pleased to see that Makai was actually not the kind of guy who just wanted to see a pretty lady in a bikini. He was someone who apparently cared about the Pantoran’s skin in more ways than one.

“Rash guard?” She had no idea what that was until he gestured toward the garments. “Ah. Perfect.” She rifled between this and that. “Though you don’t know who you’re training, buddy. I eat waves for breakfast.” She blinked at how silly that sounded which just made her chuckle out loud. “Got it. Now for the final piece.” She looked between this bikini and that one. Finally, she seized her selection and, changing room free, entered it. “No peeking.”

Vayla emerged in her surfer’s outfit as best as she could select. “What do you think? Does it do the trick?” The question was genuine. It wasn’t to tease. “Is that my board?” She blinked at it. “A bit flowery, isn’t it?” Then again, it matched her outfit. “Salt Gypsy.” She tilted her head as if studying a work of art. “I think I just found my surfer’s moniker.”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Makai had been busy drinking his berry-kelp shake, lost in his own little world, staring at the various surf boards set up in the shop when Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana returned, now clad in beach attire. He barely looked up from reading the description tags on two different surfboards. It had been a long, long time since he had to pick out a beginners board.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, you look fine. Like a real professional now."

As for the board, he gestured to another, one covered in fruits wearing sunglasses. It was between this, or the one with flowers. They seemed fairly similar, it was just the 'feel' at this point.

"Whats wrong with flowers?" Makai looked at her crazy before continuing. "So its either Salt Gypsy or Wave Bandit. Both are similar in price, its not wise to spend a thousand plus credits on a board yet, especially considering you don't even know if you'll keep it up. With these at least you will be able to recoup most of your credits if by the middle of the afternoon you call it quits and sell it to some tourist. Should be fairly easy."
Vayla shrugged at the question, certainly more amused than offended at the boards on offer. “Oh, I love flowers! But, as a first-time surfer, I guess I was just searching for something with more oomph.” And what was more oomph? She was clueless over the matter. However, ultimately, this was just her character. Even a Jedi Knight liked to play. “Like a black anchor?” She gestured with her fist for effect, only that wasn’t on offer.

However, she had already decided on the first board. Flowery, but she wasn’t picky, not really. “Salt Gypsy, like I said. That’s my new moniker.” She winked. “For as long as we surf but I sure hope it won’t be too easy.” The adventurer within her loved a good challenge. She didn’t go spelunking for nothing.

Paying for the boards and other stuff, covered by the credits of yours truly, Vayla and Makai made their way back toward the beach. On the way there was a hotdog stand which the woman made sure to point at toward the man just in case he wanted a taste of that second breakfast but anyway.

By the waves, Vayla began stretching, figuring it was appropriate for the occasion. "Okay." By this time there were a number of other beach-goers but she didn't mind. "Teach me, sensei."

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Empty shake cup was tossed into a trash can as they passed, waving off the hot dog stand. Just because he could eat again didn't mean he necessarily had to. He had barely set his board on the sand when Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana was already stretching as if she was gearing up for a marathon. Not exactly wrong, but it was still an amusing sight to see.

"Easy Salt Gypsy. You're not getting anywhere near the water yet. Some basics on standing first."

Moving to his own board in the sand, he laid flat on it, pretending to paddle like an idiot as if he was in the water. It was how his mother taught him to surf, it was how he taught his fiancee how to surf, so why mess with a proven and time honored tradition of sand surfing at this point? If it worked, it worked.

"Okay, I'm going to raise up on my arms like a yoga pose." Makai did so, pausing. "Then, one knee underneath me. Important part, keep your head up, no one cares what your knee is doing. Now bring your other leg up...arms and elbows out. You're staying low and balanced. A balanced, flat board is faster and more stable."

Makai pulled up into the position he was speaking of.

"Eighty percent of your weight, front foot...this is speed. Push your weight towards the back to slow down. This is where core muscles come into play, balancing and staying low and alert. I mean...if I could do this at six and then taught another six year old...I guarantee you can do this. Its just going to be a lot of falling until you understand balance versus the wave."
Salt Gypsy. She did like the sound of that. Especially when she heard someone else say it, like a professional surfer or whatever. Stretching away under the sun, ready to hit the waves, Vayla just stood there blinking at her teacher as he lay on his board on the sand instead of standing on it in the water. This guy was quite positively paddling like an idiot. What is this? Charades or shenanigans?

“Like a yoga pose?” Vayla spoke without much of an interruption in the lesson. “I just did that.” Where was Makai yesterday? Maybe he really did need that second breakfast she consistently kept offering him, conscious of it, but that was the fun of it. Was this his way of getting her back like a slap in the sandwich?

Oh. So it was a demonstration. In retrospect that did make sense. Sometimes Vayla’s excitement could get the better of her. She had fallen more than once while spelunking in caves, never mind surfing the waves.

“Is that it?” She stood with her hands on her hips. “I dig it. Piece of cake.” At that, Vayla got on her board planted in the sand just like his and mimicked him. “Like this?” She laid flat on it, skipped the gesture of paddling like an idiot through invisible water, then rose into a yoga pose. “Am I getting the hang of it?”

Low and balanced. Arms and elbows out. Balanced is faster, stabler. This was actually reminiscent of training with her saber. “Balance versus the wave, hey!” She smiled. She looked like an idiot given the person in front of her, in her vision by coincidence, blinked back at her.

“Why do we fall? It’s a question someone once asked me in another lesson.” Wherever you are, Master. “So we can learn to pick ourselves back up again.”


This one Vayla didn’t see.


It hit her right in the face, almost knocked out a tooth, as she collapsed Makai’s way.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Makai stood, hands on his hips, watching. Of course she skipped the sand swimming part, which was a little disappointing ; it was critical to the process! However, much of the other bits of her form were just fine, seemed seeing once gave her enough idea of staying low and balanced, not moving about on the board. Granted, it was much different in the water, but still.

'Balance versus the wave' gave her some type of inspiration, and now he felt like one of those stoner surfers who gave some wisdom that was mythical and cryptic, but somehow worked.

"Sometimes you need to..." Makai was going to make a counterpoint until....


That smacked Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana square in the face. He made a bit of a grimace at the sound of impact. Catching the woman off guard, she was now collapsing quickly. Anyone would crumple to a ground after an impact like that, and it seemed her head had a bad luck, especially considering the frisbee almost smacked her on the head too. The universe must have a target on her.

Hands came off his hips and he quickly moved to help her, firm hand gripping her upper arm to start breaking her fall and slow it down. She was going to fall to the sand either way, he was just trying to reduce the impact to her. Slowing her down, Makai slowly eased her into the sand, angling Vayla so she would be on her back.

"You alright? You took a hit....haven't seen something like that since my fraternity days. Dodge ball night."
It wasn’t as if Vayla hadn’t taken a blow to the face before. Whether sparring in a training chamber with her lightsaber or taking on critters and other creatures in caverns. Only, in this environment, the last thing she expected was a volleyball to the face, so her senses were not alert. Rather, she was so focused on learning how to surf. Then again, perhaps she should have learned her lesson on flying things ever since that blasted frisbee. Too late anyway.

The woman felt the man grab her arm, breaking her fall and slowing her down after the impact with the round object that fortunately hadn’t struck her nose. If it had then it would be bleeding if not broken the next moment. Instead, she had a sore cheek, but that was nothing in comparison to an arrow in the knee.

“Did I..?” Vayla asked vaguely after being told she took a hit, eyes to the sky, blinking at the clouds. Circles so round. That one looked like a frisbee. This one looked like a volleyball. Typical. “Took a hit, I did?” She blinked up at Makai, her back on the sand, never mind paddling on a surfboard like an idiot.

“Is that what you call it? Getting smacked in the face by a volleyball and forget the dodgeball?” She grinned the next instant. She wasn’t as irritated as she might playfully express to being. Just jesting. “You’ll have to tell me that story of your fraternity days when we’re on the waves.” Vay lifted her hand. If he was a gentleman he would know what to do with it.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Not many stories. Just a bunch of overgrown boys living together."

Of course he had stories. Maybe not appropriate for hitting the waves, how does one tell about the time the authorities shut down a party in the span of thirty-seconds to a minute while waiting on the next wave? It was probably one of those things people said, but didn't want to hear. He was well versed in that aspect of business.

Peering down at the hand, he raised an eyebrow as she expected help up.

"Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up again. Get to picking."

Boyish grin at his words, her own used against her. Either way, he took her hand, offering a tug to get her back on her feet. The volleyball was being retrieved with a loud 'sorry' from a kid. Makai had a feeling this wouldn't be the first time it would fly at unsuspecting beach goers.

"Ready to hit the water? No volleyballs, just apex predators."
The woman might have tutted just then. It was an expected reaction. So much for a gentleman. However, she wouldn’t even give him the benefit of a raised eyebrow at his ungentlemanly mannerisms. However, Vay did doubt he would be able to help her up when she was sure to fall in to the waves. Nice. If unkind.

“You stole the words right out of my mind.” She began to get up on her feet without Makai’s assistance. “Literally.” Boyish grin met with girlish grin, which sounded appropriately cheesy, because that was the practice on this beach and for this occasion.

Amusement was the name of the game at hand amid a man and a woman who had only just met and, if there was any flirtatious sentiment under the woman’s surface, it wasn’t inherently romantic. She had not come to see the sea and sit on her knees to chase men. Vay just liked to jest, liked to play.

He helped her up anyway. Great. He understood the difference between the beach and the ocean; lessons for a fresh Pantoran surfer and being a gentleman for her. Hand grasped, she thanked him in silence, and once again got into a stance on the sand.

“No problemo,” Vayla winked at the boy who had apologized. He smiled back. All was fine. “Hit the water?” She sighed into the wind, gaze on the ocean, seeing the sea all over again. “Literally or figuratively?”

Vay grinned at Makai, ready to splash into the waves either way. “I may fall but I will get up on my board and stand tall, as long as you teach me correctly, master.” Master. That triggered a memory. “As far as predators go, well…”

Delaying, Vayla suddenly slapped Makai on the back as hard as a woman can, never mind a Jedi for the moment, and ran for the ocean with board in hand. “I AM THE PREDATOR!” Waves curved toward her, beckoning her forth, and his return.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Makai was left wondering how he got stuck with the crazy ones. He must have a beacon above his head only they could see ; like how some beings could see on a different ultraviolet spectrum. Had to be it, there was no other logical explanation for it.

Watching her go with the board, he just realized he forgot to ask if she was a strong swimmer. A small grimace across his features, praying there weren't riptides in the area. Shaggy head craned around, looking for double yellow flags up and down the beach. He didn't see any, and the surf and breeze didn't seem particularly rough ; here was to nothing.

Not like he couldn't swim well and drag her back to shore.

Grabbing his own board, he made a much more measured walk to the shoreline, greeting the surf and as he ambled onto his board. He was careful to navigate between the waves, using his energy to paddle judiciously. It wasn't wise to fight against some of the waves, moving out between the lulls and breaks.

He also may have forgotten to tell Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana not to paddle out too far her first few times out. Whoops. No one had said he was a perfect teacher ; and since she was the 'outdoorsy' type, he figured she should be fine. Mostly. Hopefully.

Paddling out, he moved his board closer to the blue-skinned woman, deciding to yell out.

"Maybe not too far the first time?"
Was it madness? Perhaps. Might be she was just excited. Her enthusiasm could be as spontaneous as a tsunami over an ocean once so calm only a moment ago. Honestly, she was just happy to have a tutor to show her how to surf. Right about now, this experience and its merriment was all that mattered to her.

Fortunately her partner and teacher was able to keep up with her. Vayla had no intention of taking her board out into the middle of nowhere but felt like it wasn’t much of a challenge to play at the shallow end. Plus, perhaps the next instrument to slap her in the face would be a football after the volleyball. She didn’t want to risk it.

“As you say, sensei!” She obliged his instruction to not paddle too far out the first time. Paddling is what she did, however, just as he showed her. Lying on her board with her front, the Salt Gypsy felt like things were going smoothly at first. “I”m doing great, hey!?”

Suddenly a wave came crashing into her out of nowhere. Vayla flipped over. Now her board was lying on top of her. Her head broke through the surface of the water the next moment. She was drenched. “Yep. Pretty sure I just swallowed saltwater.”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
Sitting up on his board, Makai was enjoying the gentle rolling waves and sun on his bare back as he watched his 'student' make her first attempt at trying to surf and get her body up on the board. Yet she hadn't been prepared to paddle out with a large wave, to ride the momentum until she got ready to stand up. Did he mention to paddle to a good point? Couldn't remember. Either way, hadn't Vayla Mirana Vayla Mirana been watching him?

Either way, surfing was a lot of trial and error.

"Saltwater is great. Nothing wrong with're going to get thirsty quick but thats okay."

Makai motioned to her board, sitting relaxed on his as the waves bobbed him up and down. It was clear he was waiting for her to make a successful run before abandoning her to the mercy of the sea gods.

"Alright Salt Gypsy. Time to pick yourself up and try again."
In hindsight, this was quite the environment for a Jedi Knight. Those of her kind trained night and day to brave the waves, literal and figurative, oceans or lakes, as much as forests and mountains. Wherever the environment, whatever the condition, a Jedi had to be prepared for it. Granted, that often meant predicting the unpredictable, such as surfing so, in the end, it meant nothing under the circumstances and the surface of this water. Surfing wasn't really a course at the academy of Force.

“Thank you,” Vayla replied with as much nonchalance as she could muster, creating waves of her own as her garmented arms kept her afloat and her bare legs did the rest. “I know what saltwater does to the body, sir.” She licked her lips. Salty. “Now I know what it tastes like from the perspective of a surfer-at-failure.”

Despite her tone, she spoke with sustained humor. Ever one to obey the instructions of her tutor, the student did as commanded. “Right.” It was time to brave the waves yet again. “This time, no mistake.” She offered him a grin and a wink, determined to make sure her confidence superseded her nonchalance and her efforts paid off.

“Don’t get too comfy,” she advised as she began to climb. “Sitting there as calm as the sea. Well, maybe not this sea, mind.” It wasn’t terribly violent but a bit wavy. “This ocean’s got nothin’ on this Salt Gypsy!” She climbed, parked her behind atop the board, decided against drawing on the Force, and almost capsized.

“WHAT IN SEVEN BLAZES!?” Was there something swimming beneath her feet!? She was just joking about the sea monsters! “Is this a fish or a mutated donkey!?”

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
"Just...just get on the board."

Makai rolled his eyes at 'Salt Gypsy' and her antics. He didn't remember Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell being this way when he taught her, then again, at that point she was mute and couldn't talk back and boss him around. Boy did that change quickly.

His iced topaz eyes were scanning the ocean, scanning the horizon so he wasn't paying attention to what was lurking below. He was already well acquainted with the fact there were sea creatures, often large ones, in the ocean. There were also things such as kelp and reefs and algae blooms that could make dark shadows under the water and play tricks on the mind and eyes.

"I'm sure its just kelp."

Not familiar with the planet, Makai would just do his best to guess and ease her fears of large predators. That was, until said large creature grabbed his leg and pulled him straight under the waves. His only saving grace? At least he could breathe underwater. The one time he was thankful for his Galan heritage.

Well maybe it really was just kelp. It probably wasn’t a mutated donkey. Then again it could be nothing in the end. Vayla was having as much fun learning how to surf as making learning how to surf problematic for her tutor. Perhaps her intention was to play the inexperienced novice then suddenly show him up as she beat the sea the next instant. Perhaps it didn’t matter given what just then happened.

Makai was there one moment and gone the next. He didn’t slip from his board. He was dragged right under the surface by something that certainly wasn’t kelp. It did help explain the turbulent waves that made it a challenge for Vay just to balance on the board. It wasn’t simply the ocean doing its thing. It was the creature swirling beneath the surface and under the surfers.

“Makai!?” As soon as she exclaimed his name Vayla realized her mistake: he couldn’t answer her underneath the waves. Without wasting another moment, Vayla dove in after him. She couldn’t breathe underwater and hadn’t packed a rebreather. She could hold her breath for some time with her power, however.

There he is! She couldn’t see the beast but she could see Makai’s feet. A tentacle from some kind of octopus or squid, maybe, was dragging him into the deep. She soared toward him. She hadn’t packed her lightsaber either.

Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

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