It was best more than few days or just shy of some weeks ago and yet the for him it felt as if it might as well been recent. As the call came in wherein the day started seem just like any other day. Find himself down in the hangar bay wherein the shuttle crew down one pilot had a call in a favor. With the bulk of the pool diverted to one other mission, he'd been asked to fill in. What at best he was told to be nothing more than a milk run. Where in he was to drop supplies and pick up some paperwork from one the Master station far off in the field with his family. But before long no sooner had he arrive that things took a turn for the worse. When the village they were in was attacked, ravage and all but laid waste by some unknown assailant at first. Causing such chaos that it overran the small band that station to stand guard over the village at first. That it was later said only by sheer determination and leadership of Jedi Master Taylo-Dyas and his wife that they were able to turn the tide. Save as many they could but seems at a heavy price where in the midst of the battle both Jedi Master Taylo-Dyas and his wife were slain. And despite his best effort their daughter had but been caught in the crossfire. Wherein what happened next was all but a blur to him still but as far they could piece together for now. Was that she was gravely injured by one the escaping dark sider who perhaps in his attempt to slow him down. While he turns to pursue had somehow taken hold the Jedi Master saber and had attacked his daughter.
That in fear for her life hear the Master dying words ringing in his ears he'd drop the pursuit and rush to her aid seem just in time. And with great care using both what training and knowledge of the Jedi healing arts that could. Coupled with some his recent skill gain secretly of the guardians he was able to keep her stable enough till reinforcement came. That from then on with very little sleep he'd kept vigil over her and got the chance know her name which seems only added to the burden of guilt weigh heavily within him. He stayed, barely leaving her side just outside the room where she was kept inside one the bacta tank till eventually one the healer had to convince him. Take the moment to take a break and have something to eat.... maybe change out of his soiled, worn tunic which he'd all but worn since that day.That he had done all that he could do and that she would need time heal in the tank for a while before they could move her to one the private quarters in the med ward.
Which he did despite some hesitation and only when he has gotten their word to call him as soon she awoke or moved to the med ward. That he left to take a break, change into some clean clothes, then grab a bite to eat after which take a brief walk to clear his mind. Before eventually rushing back just in time as his com rang to catch the
Medical Droid just he reach the hall of the med ward. It then turns face him and speak seem having anticipated his words before he could verbalize it.
[We have done what we could.]
It said before continue on to add.
[She is awake now if you wish to see her.]
And then after short seem longer pause with tone come across with a hint or mix of disappointment as well hesitation it ends to say.
[Although...she will not be able to see you. Or anything for that matter...]
After which it then standing aside it then raised one of its robotic hand point him to the direction of her room which was a few doors down the hall they were in. And he soon was off heading straight towards her room he then suddenly pauses just outside her door where with a heavy heart he reaches out tentatively give a knock then open the door. Take a step inside Ronin then call out her name before approaching her as he sees Xama seated by the window. Her face where eyes would be was hidden and covered, which wrapped tight under medical bands as she faced out the windows direction. Silent and barely moving now wearing one the hospital gown rather than her civilian farm cloth that she came in.
"Xama.... Xama-Dyas.....I've come and here for you like I promise."
With that said with few tentative step as he came closer to her was when even without words. He knew and could tell.....from the way she looks and senses it from her which was to him all too familiar. Broken, hurting and lost with a faint underlying hint of anger barely breaking to register on the surface. Something he himself knew once before despite the different circumstances and situation there was no denying it. To which end coming close and place a hand over her shoulder in hope to comfort as well maybe reassure her that she was safe. He stood there by her side as he patiently waited to see her reaction or reply next.