Vanessa was right, she would have to give up eventually. But that was assuming she was going to lose; which she was not about to do mind you. Vanessa kept with the attack, and Kala was quick with the defense. Calling upon the blanket to protect herself, she focused with the force on the woman who was continuing to strike at her.
The blanket worked not only as a shield, but as a way to trick her foe; something Kalanda was about to demonstrate. As Vanessa cracked her whip once more, Kalanda reached out with the force and threw out a force blast towards the woman. Influencing the blanket, Kalanda intended for the blanket to wrap around her master, trapping the woman long enough for Kalanda to have her at her mercy; this was all assuming it happened in a perfect world of course, which of course, it was not. If it worked of course, Kalanda would be right on top of Vanessa, looking to best her in this match.
The blanket worked not only as a shield, but as a way to trick her foe; something Kalanda was about to demonstrate. As Vanessa cracked her whip once more, Kalanda reached out with the force and threw out a force blast towards the woman. Influencing the blanket, Kalanda intended for the blanket to wrap around her master, trapping the woman long enough for Kalanda to have her at her mercy; this was all assuming it happened in a perfect world of course, which of course, it was not. If it worked of course, Kalanda would be right on top of Vanessa, looking to best her in this match.