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Faction Seek Our Way [Chiss Revivalists]



Rakom smiled, nodding as he envisioned the society they described. "Thank you both for sharing that."

There were pictures and encyclopedia entries, of course, and the relayed experiences of droids. But there was some additional dimension conveyed when a person who'd been there told you of their experiences.

"With a tradition of carving life out of such a cold world, we shall find a way to restore the greatness of our people, even if we have to carve a new home from cold, airless space."

He looked around, "So... how shall we do it? Let us discuss the first steps.

Is it this place where we shall rebuild? An old Sky Walker training ground? This lonely planetoid suspended between distant stars?

Or is this merely a stepping stone to somewhere greater?

How shall we reclaim our lost legacy?"

Tiecia Tiecia | Teorme Teorme | Rakom | Karisa Karisa | Aaaine Aaaine | Sila Sila Matma Bernu Matma Bernu

Sila looked to Rakom and walked towards the center of the room where there was a clearing between the tables where the rest sat. She placed a silver disc on the ground and pressed a few buttons in a sequence upon the face of the disc. The face opened up, revealing a holoprojector that turned on, forming a holographic map of what was known as Chiss Space, a section of the Unknown Regions where the Chiss Ascendancy reigned supreme.

"This is Chiss Space. Or so it was. Now it's just another sector of space where whatever species of cutthroat, vagabond, or otherwise call home. Even the Galactic Alliance has laid claim to some of it, taking what worlds they could 'save'. We're going to take it back. All of it. We must rebuild the Chiss Ascendancy. It will take time. A tremendous amount. If we don't, within a few generations, it will be forgotten. A distant memory to us and forgotten footnote for the rest of the galaxy. I called you all to Thearterra because it is the only place that could be considered safe enough for us to gather in number. From here, we will gather our strength and rebuild. We will go into more detail once we get into contact with more of our people. For now, you all will return to your normal lives, as you wish. Continue living as you were as to not arise suspicion. I will call you when you are needed. Or, if you wish to stay, help me rebuild here, then I will not refuse the assistance. The decision is yours. Either way, you will become an integral part to what we are doing. Not just for us in this room, but all of our people."

Sila walked back to the holoprojector and deactivated before returning the disc to her pocket. "Are there any questions?"

Khalani bit into his meal (crab sprinkled with... some sort of seasoning) and chewed thoughtfully, the rich taste of it barely registering in the former captain's mind. The dream was coming true. The Chiss Ascendancy would rise again, and Khalani would be a part of it. His mind wandered off, thinking about the Plikh family. There had to be other survivors, right? He couldn't be the last survivor.

A clap on the back sent him sprawling back to the present. His head swiveled around to find a familiar face, sitting down next to him.
"I see they just let anyone in here"
For the first time in a while, Khalani smiled. "Matma, it's good to see you well," he greeted, holding out a hand to shake. Memories of the last time the two had met came flooding back. The slavers, the Hellions, and that one Mandalorian that had been detained. And of course, his command aboard his cruiser the Peacemaker.

Another Chiss headed over, a female probably in the middle ages.
"Salutations. I am Brask'ari'sabosen, House Speaker for my family,"
Khalani inclined his head respectfully and replied, "It is nice to meet you, Brask'ari'sabosen. I am Plikh'ala'niu, former captain in the Galactic Alliance Navy."

He then turned to face Sila Sila , who was projecting a map from the center of the room. She then began her speech.

When it was over, Khalani realized he'd been holding his breath the entire time, as well as gripping the table tightly. Inhaling deeply, he released his grip and thought about what this might mean. The GA had expanded their domain to encompass several Chiss worlds such as Celwis and Copero. And those worlds were important if the Ascendancy was to rise again. Meaning that they needed to be taken back. And that Khalani, if given a command role, would be on the frontlines of battle with his previous faction.

His eyes narrowed, thinking: What if he encountered the Peacemaker and, likely, his former first officer. Or if he ran across some of his (admittedly few) friends from his time in the Alliance? He would have to destroy them. But if that was what the Ascendancy required, then it would be done. If that was what he needed to do to redeem himself to his family and friends that had perished on Csilla, he would not hold back.

Matma Bernu Matma Bernu Karisa Karisa Teorme Teorme Rakom Tiecia Tiecia Aaaine Aaaine



Mevia Vizsla.
Death's Hand.
Melee WeaponsDavaab'beskad, personal Chiss "Execution" beskad.
PistolsHG-88 'Big Iron' Hand Cannon.



"If you betray me, then I will hunt you down and make you regret it..."

Mevia Vizsla was risking a lot, coming here.

The planet's desolate surface rolled with barren winds. As she approached the space station ahead, the Chiss sighed. Her black mane of hair danced in the wind as her black trenchcoat flapped at her ankles. If the Death's Hand, if the Dark Empire, realized that Mevia was seeking the revitalization of her Chiss brethren. Mevia had every reason to be here. Every reason to crave and desire the dignity, might, and glory of her people. She had not expected it to come, however, during the phase of Death's Hand plan where they still were working with the abominable, vile remnants of Mawites and Imperials. Mevia had every reason to hate the Dark Empire as well... but for the sake of her Mandalorian kin, she temporarily served them.

Yet here she was, perhaps betraying them a bit too early.

But Mevia's passion burned within her. Her rage. The Chiss Revivalist Movement was here, and there was no way she was going to ignore the plight of her people. The ex-Mawite slave entered the building, and entered into uncharted waters once more.

Inside, she was shocked. There were so many Chiss here, and it made her tear up. She had never seen so many of her free people in one place. She had been born long after Csilla was destroyed, never seeing the glory of the Chiss Ascendency. Her fellow slaves had given her her Chiss name when she was young, and when he had saved her, her half-Chiss father taught her all he could on Chiss society. Mevia clenched her fist, walking in with smoldering passion and determination in her eyes. A single tear dropped from her eye.

Silent, she leaned against a wall and began to observe the happenings in this room, the plan of the revolutionists. Her pistol was on her hip, but she held a wrapped, long object in her hands. It was a Mandalorian piece, forged by her mother, that paid heavy omage to her Chiss heritage. Perhaps, it was worth bringing as a testament. But the only visible sign of her Mandalorian roots today was to be seen on the Iron Heart pendant on her neck. Her attempts to get here without being caught made her late, and she knew she likely only had a limited amount of time until she was missed.

Kemme'viawa'nuvci, however, was determined to see her people rise again. It was about karking time.

Sila Sila Matma Bernu Matma Bernu Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Karisa Karisa Teorme Teorme Rakom Tiecia Tiecia Aaaine Aaaine





Rakom's eyes shone with zeal as he observed the holo-projection of the galaxy, and heard the words of Sila.

Only after Sila was done speaking did he notice the stunningly beautiful MG-851216 MG-851216 leaning against the wall on the far end of the room. At any other time, in any other setting, he'd have approached her to strike up a conversation. She was the most alluring woman he'd ever laid eyes upon.

But right here, right now, he had other concerns.

"Alis'ila'miurani," he said, "I have a trading ship. I would like to continue trading, diverting profits and any useful equipment I come across to your efforts here. I can also seek out any equipment you need, acquiring it from any world where it might be found.

But before I do, there is a cargo I should unload.

My father was a mid-level military functionary on our homeworld, tasked with evacuating precious resources from the planet.

He remained behind to fight, as did my mother. They entrusted this resource to me, then only a newborn child. They left me with droids and holotapes to explain my heritage and purpose.

I carry it, still.

There has never been anywhere I might take it. No one to whom I could give it. It has been a cargo in my ship for decades. I sometimes despaired I would ever find the right destination for it.

But now there is you.

Will you accept this treasure, and safeguard it for our people?"

Tiecia Tiecia | Teorme Teorme | Rakom | Karisa Karisa | Aaaine Aaaine | Sila Sila Matma Bernu Matma Bernu MG-851216 MG-851216


Everything, anything, for science.
Location: Theartarra; Seeker Facility
Time: 1718 Hours
Tags: | Sila Sila | Teorme Teorme | Rakom | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Karisa Karisa | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | Tiecia Tiecia | MG-851216 MG-851216 |

The revelry, full of her people enjoying the time they had together, brought warm feeling deep within Aaaine’s chest. It had been so long, ages, since she had seen anything like this. Usually it was nothing more than a few other chiss, stepping aside to a dimly lit room at the side of a convention to discuss ideas that would otherwise be considered unsavory to the other attendees. Never had she been in a social environment like this one. She could…get used to something like this. To be among her people, breathing in the same air as them…maybe a project like this could work. If everyone bought in, of course.

That was the predominant topic of the next few conversations that she listened in on. Preliminary conversations on what a rebuilding would look like, as well as plenty of introductions. It struck her as interesting just how varied the backgrounds were in this tiny group. Chiss from every corner, social class, and field in one small room. The beginning of something, perhaps. Many voices from all levels was something to be considered when creating a movement such as this one, but that also required one strong, consistent voice to be heard above all to keep the peace. Sila Sila seemed to be that, at least from the extremely small amount of interaction they had had together.

By the time her speech had ended, more questions had crept to the front of the scientist’s mind. This seemed neither the time nor place, however, to dive into the details of what this “reclaiming” would look like. She would have to grab the leader at a different time. Maybe then the finer details could be laid out.

Placing her half eaten food to the side, she turned to half face the younger chiss ( Tiecia Tiecia )whom had taken up the space by her side. “I’m going to go and attempt to get the medical center on this station in some working order, by the assumption that it already isn’t, once we seem to be adjourning.. Please, feel free to join me, or take your leave and make some connections here. There’s no doubt in my mind you and I will run into each other again.”

Her attention turned back to the center of the room once again, awaiting to see if there were any other questions posed by the group before she took her leave.
Matma settled in, catching up with old acquaintences.

"Bernu'mat'manadu... It is good to see you well," Ari greeted in their native language of Cheunh with a respectful cant of her dark head towards the Imperial Knight,

"Well met, Brask'ari'sabosen. It warms my heart to see House Sabosen represented among us- and you representing them", Matma replied in accented Cheunh, dipping his head in response.

For the first time in a while, Khalani smiled. "Matma, it's good to see you well," he greeted, holding out a hand to shake. Memories of the last time the two had met came flooding back. The slavers, the Hellions, and that one Mandalorian that had been detained. And of course, his command aboard his cruiser the Peacemaker.

"And you, Khalani. For an undertaking such as this, I am heartened to have a warrior like you among us", Matma replied, grasping his hand. "We did good work once, fighting for our people. I sense we will be needed for me of that good work."

Soon thereafter, the Chiss old enough to remember Csilla regaled the younger ones of the beauty of the homeworld. The glory of the Ascendancy. Matma sat silently, unable to speak as he realized that younger Chiss- the ones of the diaspora, the ones raised after the Cataclysm- seemed to outnumber the older ones.

Then, Dr. Sila spoke:

"This is Chiss Space. Or so it was. Now it's just another sector of space where whatever species of cutthroat, vagabond, or otherwise call home. Even the Galactic Alliance has laid claim to some of it, taking what worlds they could 'save'. We're going to take it back. All of it. We must rebuild the Chiss Ascendancy. It will take time. A tremendous amount. If we don't, within a few generations, it will be forgotten. A distant memory to us and forgotten footnote for the rest of the galaxy. I called you all to Thearterra because it is the only place that could be considered safe enough for us to gather in number. From here, we will gather our strength and rebuild. We will go into more detail once we get into contact with more of our people. For now, you all will return to your normal lives, as you wish. Continue living as you were as to not arise suspicion. I will call you when you are needed. Or, if you wish to stay, help me rebuild here, then I will not refuse the assistance. The decision is yours. Either way, you will become an integral part to what we are doing. Not just for us in this room, but all of our people."

Matma stood up.

"Me and my Hellions will stay to guard this facility- many of us fought the Maw, with the Empire- until the Empire betrayed us. Now, we fight for our people. Additionally, my contribution will be this."

Plunging his hand into his cloak, Matma withdrew a Holocron.

"It seemed almost a lifetime ago...I was trained by the Imperial Knights, to defend the First Order. I became Ser Matma Bernu, head of the Knights. I taught many. And learned much. I preserved all of the teachings of the First Order, all what I have learned in my this holocron.

"We thought the monsters that sundered Csilla were vanquished at Exegol. We were wrong. I sense...a great coming darkness. I have heard rumors- rumors of those monsters pillaging Onderon, allied with the Empire. We must rebuild...but we must be prepared to defend our people from those who would seek to lay us low once more.

"What I ask is this: for the ones with the Sight, send them to this facility. If they cannot travel, I will come get them. But bring the ozyly-esehembo here, and I shall train them in the ways of the Force."

Tiecia Tiecia | Aaaine Aaaine | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Rakom| Stybla'rei'naodo| Teorme Teorme | Karisa Karisa | MG-851216 MG-851216
Tiecia Tiecia | Aaaine Aaaine | Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) | Matma Bernu Matma Bernu | Rakom | Stybla'rei'naodo | MG-851216 MG-851216

"Are there any questions?"

The leader of this new troupe had a lot to say, although Teorme kept quite for the most part. After his personal moment of silence, he had sat back down to list to everything. Teorme had paid close attention to Chiss space, the happenings surrounding it while the Chiss laid dormant. He was a curious sort, although he wasn't as invested as the others were. He had left the life behind, it didn't seem to beckon him as it did his father. He made a new life, a new foundation carved out for those who wished to join him. It seemed he wasn't the only one to seek refuge in the Mandalorian ways as a new arrival who felt familiar arrived, clad in Mandalorian weaponry. If it wasn't for the familiarity, he would think the items were stolen. But either way, it was his father who raised him for this future opportunity, not himself. He was to wait and see what fruit blossomed.

"...until the Empire betrayed us."

Bernu'mat'manadu's words forced a raised eyebrow from Teorme. Finally, someone else with some understanding. Teorme had researched the history and downfall of the Chiss, and something that always barked back at his was akin to subjugation to another party. Of course the Chiss Ascendancy was never to the level of the Sith Empire, or Galactic Empire, when they arose, but their agreements to say kneeling forced a weakness that allowed such betrayals and... the demise of the Chiss people. This is not what Teorme wanted to see again. When many had spoken, Teorme rose to address Sila directly.

“Alis'ila'miurani, Ch'ah g'esbun ch'a Buhn bah Swerr vea viz bsarah can to cseah bah to Ch'in'bitusein. Ch'ah cart csarcican't ch'at bicit tar veo k'tin'v, veah ch'a hisin'ceim, ch'auh veah veo bavrcso ch'in. Rab rcisah rob csei s;”, he took a breath as he prepared himself, “h'eo ticsi taz ch'ah can to cseah bah to Swerr; neo votcosi, neo vercusah, neo cssah carcim. Ch'ah csarcican't ravzah eo hzebin'cir nah baseb ch'at viz csahot, vzin'vihn Ch'ah csarcican't tsakasah nah tan ch'at csazezehn to Csahot Buhn. Veo Ch'ah tuzir nah ravzah cart eo tta ronmohibi. Morco veah Bernu'mat'manadu viz vus, to taskebah bah to Ect'asei, hsr'ah nah baseb ch'at han'oktavr ch'at ch'an'ucw g'eshin'ep hsin'b g'et nen, csei cart veah ch'eo roncan'ah k'en, ran ch'itnun'ah csascen'i. Ch'ah ch'epasahn ch'at veb nen ch'atcim csaah, tar neo tsut'r vsosi. Ch'ah ch'epasahn ch'at veb nen bicit csaah, tar neo tsut'r bsivi. Csei s cart sea Ch'ah tat.”


Brask'ari'sabosen (retired)


"Likewise," Brask'ari'sabosen gave both Matma Bernu Matma Bernu and Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) Plikh'ala'niu (Khalani) an acknowledging cant of her dark head as their greetings were completed, then she refocused her attention upon the speakers and the content of which they expressed while sipping the hot drink acquired.

The elder Chiss was not surprised at the younger generation's enthusiasm and push for starting a new Ascendancy. It so reminded Ari of her own generation back after the Civil War. Oh the nativity they had, though the Chiss of that time soon learned and succeeded... for a time until once again greedy Outsiders invaded, taking what they had built and destroying it.

It was a never-ending cycle for the blue-skinned near-humans of the Unknown Regions since the species had come out of their isolation and onto the galactic stage. Prior to the opening of Chiss space, their only native enemies had been the Ssi-ruuvi and Vagaari. Would this time be any different with all the warring galactic factions still hovering near or in Chiss space already occupying their beloved worlds? Time will only tell as it always has.

The Chiss doctor finished off the last of the dark liquid in her cup, then rose from the table at which she sat; her glowing red eyes glancing about the room at those attending - and quite a mix it was of ages and affiliations.

"I commend you all that have come and answered the call. It is quite an undertaking that is before you and a great responsibility to our People if you decide to proceed. I, Brask'ari'sabosen, Speaker for House Sabosen, will give mindful consideration to your proposal discussed here today and will take it back to the Sabosen family council for further debate. I bid you all a good day and clear skies," she addressed with poise and grace, then exited the facility going back to her ship.

Meanwhile on Sposia, a team of Sabosen scientists and engineers were reconning their homeworld to see if it was still viable and could be revitalized to bring House Sabosen members home from their temporary one on Crystal Nest in the Western Reaches. The report from her son and goddaughter who were leading this expedition would greatly determine what Ari's recommendation to the council would be.

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Sila felt a warmth growing inside herself she had not felt in a very long time as her people were stepping up in the name of the movement. In the name of their people.

"Of course, Rakom. I will guard this knowledge with my life." The knowledge held within the holocrons would prove invaluable to teaching the future. And it held the history of this chiss' family, something of immeasurable value.

"Your Hellions will be welcomed and appreciated, Ser Matma Bernu. As our enemies continue to live, so does the Chiss Ascendancy through each and everyone of us and our people out there. We have not lost just yet. And, the sky walkers are lucky to have you to teach them." Sila nodded and flashed a smile at Matma before turning to Teorme.

"Kiritt'eorm'exono, Ch'ah btirkahn ch'at vah ror ch'eo vun'ur veah ch'a Swerr, neo tut'ut csarcican't nah tikisvi ch'an'ciuh ea. Nah cart ch'a csahn'arcsi nisei. Veah nah seo cart vim nah hsr'ah pushah tsah hah csei hah bio'sehah ch'at cart. To k'uscasi veo buhn tsuzepah csarcican't cart ch'at ch'at hsin'b ipah cseah s." Sila walked up to Teorme and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a stoic look in an attempt to show him how serious her words were.

As Karisa said her peace and was making her leave, Sila gave her a nod as she bid the group farewell. "We will be here awaiting your return, Braski'ari'sabosen. Safe travels."

Sila returned her attention to the rest. "What say you, my friends? Will you stay here or will you return to the galaxy at large. Either way, we can find use for you." she said to the others who have yet to speak.


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