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Private Seeking Knowledge [Complete]

Location: Taris Orbit​
As Darth Reign guided the ship from atmosphere, he felt the ship shudder slightly. “Need to get this knifing thing fixed” he said to his copilot. Reign watched as the sky turned to stars.

His companion, the man who had been his companion all his life, his brother and fellow Dark Lord, Darth Rellik, sat in the copilots seat. Leaving Taris had always made Reign uneasy, their father instilling living in secrecy until the galaxy was ripe for them to strike.

That time had come. But, the moves were not to be made yet, they needed to amass more power, more of a following. With the Dominion still under construction, they did not have the strength to press on yet. Which brought them to their current mission. News of ancient Sith artifacts on the moon of Dxun had reached them through their spy network.

Reign put the coordinates into the nav then punched the shuttle into hyperspace. It would be a few hours until they exited back into real space. A good time to talk.
“What do you think we will find there? I thought Dxun and its secrets were plundered centuries ago, but, apparently not”

CRS Dachuppity CRS Dachuppity Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Meditating for a while before going into space Rellik pondered everything his father and the holocrons had taught him of Dxun. A wild planet full of dark side energy and a history longer than most would care to look into. The thrill of seeing some of the beasts and temples filled Rellik with to much excitement.

Knowing it was time for departure he rose and boarded the ship. Lost in his thoughts he had not spoken to anyone, instead he merely sat down in the co-pilot chair adjacent to his brother Reign.

His brother spoke something about the ship needing a fixing that rattled him from his trance. Looking over he came back to the reality of the situation instead of the fantasy he had been in. Were his brother and him mighty enough to survive a planet that had taken a Mandalore, seen many wars and Sith lords upon its surface. He decided to leave the thought be for a moment and focus in on the task at hand.

At that same moment his brother reminded him of his own thoughts before they could be released. Responding to the question at hand Rellik reminded Reign of the dangers of Dxun. "Remember brother, the jungle swallows history and man alike. I figure a man of your talents would be interested in finding a savage beast for us to test our strength against. Personally I hope to find ancient Mandalorian gear or teachings of the Great lord - Darth Bane."
Reign couldn’t help but smile at his brother’s comments. “Lost in the history of the moon Brother? I am grateful to have you on this voyage with me, you’ll be apt to know more about what it is we find”

Reflecting inward, Reign thought about Rellik’s comments. Dxun would not be an easy trip, every square in of the Onderonian moon would be a danger to their lives. Flexing his own historical knowledge Reign commented “I believe we will be setting down near the tomb of the great Freedon Nadd, an ancient Sith of great power. It is not the beasts outside the tomb I wish to test myself against, but the power inside.”

For many long years the brothers had trained together, now as their time came to take that step onto the galactic stage, Reign couldn’t help but feel there could be no challenge to his power now, not with his brother beside him and the dark side flowing through him. “Whatever there is on this moon, we shall either claim it, break it to our will, or barring that, destroy it. Nothing can stand before us now.”

CRS Dachuppity CRS Dachuppity Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
He spoke to his brother in return. "True trials of the Sith come from their mastery of such moments. I revel in what might be revealed just through meditation brother." . Seeing his brother yearn for the allure of the dark side had Rellik filled with his usual excitement. Something he struggled to hide in the moment. Knowing he was showing weakness he stepped away from the consoles of the ship. "Pardon me. I must check on my droid. Whoever was in charge of the maintenance of this ship might have done some damage to him as well."

As he went into the back Rellik thought about how he had a fondness for his brother. One that went against the Sith code. Sometimes he felt it might be a weakness that could be exploited but one he was unwilling to do anything about beyond ponder. His brothers excitement for the dark side excited him as well. Holocron teachings from other great lords spoke specifically of cutting off or even personally killing such ties. Father on the other hand spoke of how our bond would make us stronger than any Sith before us. "Only time will tell" He spoke aloud.

Arriving in the cargo hold he laid eyes upon what Rellik might consider his only other trusted friend. A N-series Assistant and Litigation Droid, humbly named by his Father as Onyx after its black exterior and given as a gift from the man as well.
"Let us look over you"
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As his brother left to work on the droid, Reign lost himself in meditation. He knew he should temper his excitement, but to be on the cusp of such power. Finally being able to step out of the shadows to bring order to the galaxy. It was the dream their father had given to him as a final gift, and Reign would see it through.

A beeping from the Nav alerted Reign that they were finally coming out of hyperspace. He had been deep in meditation for the last few hours. Calling out to Rellik his said
“We are exiting hyperspace. Strap in”

As real space returned, Reign observed the moon ahead of them. Lush and vibrant even from this distance, its beauty belied its dangerous nature. Willing the force to guide him to his destination, he set the shuttle down in a clearing outside the dense jungle.

Preparing himself, he grabbed his lightsaber and Comlink, his black robes swirling around him as he moved. As he lowered the exit ramp he called out to his brother “Are you ready brother? Let us see what Dxun holds” and he stepped out into the heat of day.

CRS Dachuppity CRS Dachuppity Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Noticing nothing inherently wrong with his droid Rellik decided to turn him on. A low hum and glow in Onyx's eyes was a comforting noise and as soon as the droid was fully powered he spoke. "Hello Master, what business do you wish of me today". With a quick laugh and smile at his typical greeting Rellik replied. "Hello Onyx, we are landing on the moon of Dxun. I wish for you to watch the ship for me and alert me of any intrusions. We should not be having any visitors while we are here." "Of course Master, I will reach out immediately if any guests seek to come aboard. Anything else?". "That will be all Onyx, stay in low power".

Feeling the ship come out of hyperspace Rellik knew the landing would come soon. Taking one last moment to think of his life before this trial. He searched his feelings. In his moment of meditation he remembered duels him and his brother would have in their courtyard. Using training blades to the point of exhaustion, eventually leading to duels where him and his brother almost killed each other. Feeling the strength, anger, resentment and in the end bond of his family as if his father was still watching from the balcony above, he felt a surge of confidence. In the gusto of the moment he gathered his gear and moved to the exit of the ship.

As he approached he heard Reign ask if he was ready. Looking into the sky he saw three temples with one clearly larger than the others. He walked behind his brother and said,
"I will follow your lead through the jungle. When we reach the entrance let me check the markings, lets begin."
The heat and humidity was the first thing that assailed Reign’s senses. Followed by the strong thrum of the Dark Side, they would find what they were looking for, the Dark Lord had no doubt.

Spying three temples in the distance, he knew them to be their destination, wagering on the largest of the three holding their prize. Turning the Rellik he said
“Heard brother, I trust your knowledge in this matter. I shall lead the way. Be ready” with that, he set off through the trees.

They had made it some distance when Reign senses began to alert him to danger. Coming to full stop, a pack of Gharzr burst through the undergrowth.
“Prepare yourself!” he shouted as he drew his crimson blade.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Drawing his blade as well Rellik took a defensive stance of his Form lll Soresu, doing his best to keep the poisonous tails of the Gharzr away while letting his brother be the hammer to his shield.

Seeing a killing blow upon one of the beasts Rellik took his opportunity slicing one in half. He quickly realized another was leaping at his back and as he turned around he saw Reign swiftly force push the beast away.

"Another day, another great example of our power best suited together. Thank you."

Even in just these simple beasts you can feel the immense pull of the dark side on this moon. With the laugh of a large man seeing his fully roasted meal and with the hunger of it as well Rellik exclaimed. "Let us finish this fight, I yearn to feast on the knowledge here!"

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign nodded at his brother. "Always" he said smiling.

Against the power of two Sith Lords these Gharzr stood no chance. Swinging his lightsaber in a behind the back flourish, he decapitated the remaining creature. Feeling it's life ebb away in the force.

Turning to his brother as the beast cooled, Reign said
"The temple is not much farther, let's move!"

As they crashed through the forest, the force augmenting their speed, they suddenly came upon a vast clearing, Three temples dominating the view. Motioning towards the middle and largest structure "After you brother, this is where you come in."

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Knowing the history of Dxun the brothers approached the largest temple with care to not set off any old Mandalorian traps and walked up its large ramp entrance, the two smaller temples belonging to former rulers King Ommin and Queen Amanoa were of little value to them.

Rellik halted and read the original Sith language written on the outside.
"From what I can tell Reign there is no direct trap here. No warning, just glorification to the Sith and Nadd himself. Give me a moment to meditate and see if I can sense any beasts on the interior. After that I say we enter."

Kneeling down to go into a trance of battle meditation Rellik searched the temple for life to seize control over. Searching through winding tunnels and than into dark caverns he sensed beasts. Reaching into their minds was not a simple task even for such lesser lifeforms as they are shrouded in immense dark powers. Feeling battles of the past he gathered information on the beasts.

"Be on your guard as we enter. There are large lizard like creatures known as Boma within the tunnels and beyond."

As he ripped into the mind of the beast and looked through its eyes he could see mines littering the temple as well.

"There might not be a trap innately placed on the door but either through looters, Sith, or Mandalorian's there are mines lining this temple.

As Rellik came out of his battle meditation he felt something holding him there, feeding on his connection to the force. It screamed to him, yearning of power, hunger, hatred. Flashes of the Sith who had come to the temple before, emptiness. Taken aback as he dragged himself out of the meditation he was feeling drained. Sith Lords of old still do haunt and empower this place. Rellik translated the Sith speech to open the door and than knelt back down.

"Reign take the honor and go forward. I must take a moment and dominate the force back to my control. The power of this place is immense. It would do me good not to try and control anything else here."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
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Reign watched as his brother meditated. This was his strength. While Reign may be their "muscle" Rellik's talents were much more subtle. Being able to read the ancient language of the Sith was a dying art. "Impressive as always brother" Reign praised. He was quite fond of his brother.
Reign pondered the history of Freedon Nadd while Rellik was still in his trance.

Nadd was a great Sith Lord and the trajectory he had placed the planet Onderon on was nothing shy of a feat of unbelievable power. With his brother's warning about the beasts, Reign looked down at the other man and said
"Heard brother, we will have to be alert. For these mines as well."

Reign could feel his brother's danger in the force, looking down with concern as his brother exited his trance. "careful brother, it wouldn't do for you to join the entombed here. I will take us forward."

With that, Reign crossed the threshold, igniting his crimson blade to light the way. Looking down a long ramp he lead the way, determined not only to crack whatever secrets this place still held but to keep his brother safe while he recovered.

As they reached the bottom of the ramp, Reign whispered in something close to reverence
"The dark side is still so strong here.. even after all these years. We must unlock the secrets of this place" As Reign reached the landing and looked about the chamber, he paused to take in the power.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
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As they strode down the ramp even though Rellik felt that his strength was coming back to him, the dizziness and pit in his stomach persisted throughout their descent to his annoyance. It angered the Lord to feel like he might be controlled instead of being the controller. Rellik, Lord of the Sith, the manipulator, will not be stretched from his palace of his own mind. Closing his eyes he followed his brother, blind, angry, to stubborn to even look at the majesty of the inner temple before him.

Reaching the landing one step behind his brother, he finally looked out. A wide circular room with obelisks and statues lining the walls. A large control console in the center with adjacent doorways leading in three separate directions. The floor itself looming with a fog that felt like anger rippling through the air and hugged Rellik's belly tighter.

"I knew I should have brought the droid" Rellik said with a sigh. He approached the terminal and it turned out it did not need any repairs. Someone had already come through and fixed the machine. "Finally, an easy part"

As he turned to inform Reign of their easy success he saw three of the large Boma beasts moving straight towards them from one of the adjacent doorways. Immediately Rellik tried to manipulate one to sleep but upon doing so the dark side energy lingering in the room blasted through him sending him into a rage. He leaped at the beasts recklessly, not common of his nature and surely to his own peril.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Reign felt the shift in his brother before he saw it. A mask of rage on his face. Turning in the direction Rellik was looking, Reign saw them. Three large lizard like beast, Rellik had called them Boma beasts.

As his brother leapt at the beasts, Reign stuck his gloved hand out, grasping his brother in the force. Throwing him back gently, Reign then charged the beasts. Hoping to lure their aggression towards himself.

He had not been prepared to fight all three of them alone however, and the Dark Lord was on the back foot. Jumping and dodging around violent strikes, his saber appearing to have minimal effect against the tough hides.

As Reign was on the back foot, he looked to his brother, attempting to snap him out of the fog he was in.
“Brother! I could use a hand here!” he yelled, as he finally scored a killing blow one of the beast’s soft undersides.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Voices, Energy, Swirls of power from which Rellik has never felt. Feeling himself lost but hearing Darth Reign Darth Reign call to him he did his best to conjure illusions to confuse the beasts.

In the swell of the force Rellik was able to create 2 illusions of specters he had seen in his battle meditation. Mandalorian soldiers who would charge at the Boma. Hopefully this is enough of a threat.

As two of the Boma moved to attack these new assailants Rellik threw his saber at the beast attacking his brother, striking it in the leg and hindering its ability to defend itself.

Rellik started to pull himself up while keeping his illusions alive. This power within him was amazing. A technique he must learn to harness himself without this boon.

Shouting at Darth Reign Darth Reign
"FINISH HIM, I am back to being myself. Let us end this quickly"

Rellik needed to find the source of this power. Nothing would stop him now no matter the spells inflicting him. It will be his no matter the cost.
Seeing the leg go out from under the Boma, Reign seized his chance. Bringing his crimson blade up under the neck of the beast and decapitating it.
Turning his sites on the final creature Reign dug deep inside himself. Grasping the struggling beast with the force.

As the beast struggled, Reign began to crush it. Not stopping until there was a distinct crack, and the foul creature lay motionless. Dusting off his robes, the Dark Lord turned to his brother.
"Timely as always Brother. Let us press forward"

Reign approached the terminal, unsure of what exactly he needed to do here, while confident in his ability to navigate technology, the ancient workings of this temple seemed something lost to time. Looking at Rellik, Darth Reign tilted his head towards the console and with a small grin teased his brother "Are you going to come help me figure this out? Or do you need another moment?" the thrill of battle had put Reign in a jovial mood, and he hoped his brother would catch the playful tone of his voice.

Reign stepped aside to allow Rellik time to work at what he needed to do. Ready to assist whatever need should arise.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Fully aware and feeling this strange surge of power leaving him, Rellik felt a slight annoyance at the fact such stronger beings than him existed and were using him as a plaything. His brother reminding him to press forward so they came back to the center of the room where the Terminal lay. Rellik taking a moment to try and decipher the Sith language lining the walls.

Darth Reign Darth Reign teasing Rellik a little bit brought him back fully to being himself. Mischievous brotherly love filled him.
"I apologize, this temple truly is remarkable in many ways. Let me take a look." Overlooking the terminal for a few moments he found what he needed, the opening to the tomb of Freedon Nadd. Pressing the button a doorway directly behind the terminal opened and with it came a chill in the air, the electricity from before had stopped.

Aware of what could happen to him Rellik looked through the doorway to a long ramp down to the tomb. Knowing he would need to not lose himself again he took a deep breath.
"No more games from dead Lords. Let us conquer this together." Rellik said with calm confidence as the two descended into the tomb.

Darth Reign Darth Reign
As the door to the inner tomb slid open, Reign suppressed a shudder. There was still such power here. He would need to be careful not to lose himself in it. Taking the first steps forward, Reign thought he could hear whispers, within his head, singing sweet songs of power, the likes of which he'd never knows. All he needed to do was submit.

Gritting his teeth, Reign pressed onward. Their father had warned them of the spirits of the dead sith lords, and their empty promises.
Looking to his brother, he said
"What do you see brother? Any glints of knowledge from even the walls here?"

There was something calling to the Sith Lords, some power hidden within the tomb. They would find it.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
"There is a ritual written upon the walls. It involves the machinery above the upcoming pool. A corrupted and disgusting thing that would attempt to revive their King through body transference. It would be wise for us to avoid the pool or interacting with the machinery itself. Beyond that there is a greater danger. It states the Orbalisk's live. Willing to attack anyone who tries to retrieve the holocron we are here for."

The two had finally reached Freedon Nadds tomb chamber. A wide open area in the shape of a box. A pool spanning majority of it sitting within the center with the pre-described machinery above. Both brothers can see the open casket of the lord on the other end, ravaged, and looted.

After looking around for a while they had found the room where the holocron was stored. Small parasite's swarmed it like locusts. The reality of how quickly this could turn bad dawned upon both of the brothers.

"We must come up with a plan. Do you think you could use the force and push these beasts away long enough for me to peer into the holocron. Or I could try to calm the beasts with my meditation and you could try to see into the insights of the great lord. Both carry great risk. I believe we would have a better chance of you keeping them at bay than I since they are beings that feed upon the force. According to my studies these beasts can handle several lightsabers attacking them at once."

Darth Reign Darth Reign
Staring at the small skittering creatures, Reign couldn’t help but feel disgust. From his studies he was aware of the Orbalisks, at least in regards to Darth Bane. But seeing them in the flesh was another thing altogether.

“I will do my best brother, but try to be quick, there are a lot of them. Reign said as he took a step forward. He called upon every ounce of the power he had within himself, stretched both of his arms out, and in a sweeping motion, cleared a walkway for his brother to reach the holocron.

“Go now Brother” he said through gritted teeth. While small, the sheer number of the beasts, and the fact that it felt like they were feeding off him, gave Reign cause for concern.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Using the force to swiftly move to the holocron, Rellik tapped in and started to open it and see the vast knowledge of Freedon Nadd before him.

He did not have time to sit and listen to all of it independently, he must quickly sift through the information from the hologram. Boundless information flooded before him from the great lord himself as he started to speak. Sith Magics of the like he did not know were possible.. Feeling the urge of his brother holding the Orbalisks at bay he knew he must hurry.

Slowing down for one of the first teachings, he began to learn from the Lord Sith about illusory magics. This fascinated Rellik to the point he decided this was one lesson he should stop speeding through and learn fully. The lord spoke of how to make objects appear and disappear without anyone knowing, even electronics could be fooled by such apparitions. Finally in the lesson Rellik learned how to create entire beings through the force that although could not be damaging themselves could be within the world. These lessons would take someone very adept in the force to be able to decipher and see as false.

He could hear his brother straining behind him and knew his time was short. Instead of trying to learn something else he hunkered down and did his upmost to retain every bit of information on this lesson. It will be his new tool.

Darth Reign Darth Reign

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