Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Seeking Knowledge [Complete]

The strain of holding the Orbalisks at bay was beginning to take a toll on Reign, sweat was beading and his breathing was ragged.

His brother needed to hurry. Reign’s strength was failing. Finally deeming it was time, the Dark Lord said
“I hope you got what you needed brother, I’m sorry to cut your lesson short” Reign pulled his brother with all of his remaining strength, pulling Rellik back just as the mass of parasites closed in.

Darth Rellik Darth Rellik
Almost as if feeling the weight of a world slip between his fingers Rellik felt himself being pulled away from the Holocron. His time with the artifact was over and he knew it.

Speaking to Lord Reign
"I learned of some Sith Magics that I do not believe many today know my brother. Insight on how to create illusions that could benefit the Diarchy in ways we will be discovering for years to come. Thank you for the service and the honor of being the one to peer into the holocron. Non of this would have been possible without your dedication to our power and strength in the force."

Standing tall besides his brother he looked towards the Orbalisks with disgust.
"I believe I have had my fill of the beasts on Dxun. Let us return to the ship. I have much to meditate on and we have other business to attend to shortly. This has been a great step for us. Remind me as we leave to cut off a tail of one of the hounds we fought earlier. I would like to gift it to your daughter."

With that the Dark Lords began their departure towards the shuttle.

Darth Reign Darth Reign

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