Sefain Gatholil
Knight of the Silver Jedi Order
Name: Sefain Gatholil
Faction: The Silver Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight/Consular
Species: Human
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Home/Birth Planet: Nar Shadaa
Skin: Light
Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Light Side
Starship: RZ-X A-Wing Interceptor
Assets and Flaws:
+ Very strong and naturally talented in the Force
+ High Intellect and Intelligence
+ Agile and physically fit, as most Jedi are
- Incredibly reliant on the Force
- Though normally calm and collected, she is very impatient and will lash out on occasion, which can get her into some serious trouble and interfere with her diplomacy.
- Self hating and very criticizing of self, causing self doubt and hesitation
Commonly Used Lightsaber Combat Form(s) ||||||||||||||| = Skill Level:
Most Used Force Abilities:
Tall, with long, dark brown hair, which is usually kept in a messy top knot. She wears comfortable light robes, and a;ways has her lightsaber (green crystal) at her side. Her skin is light, which makes her ocean blue eyes all the more noticeable. Overall, she is a very nice, compassionate person, but she does have a short temper and can be very impatient. She is intelligent, quick witted, and wise beyond her years; all traits that got her much praise in her Initiate years. Although far from being a Grey Jedi, she is anything but traditional. As she follows the path of the Consular, she dedicates much of her time to research, healing, and diplomacy, but unlike most Consulars she participates in as many fights as possible. She thoroughly believes that connections should not be banished, and for the most part ignores the whole, "there is no emotion, there is peace" section of the Jedi Code, though much of that has become null anyways due to modern views of Jedi. Also unlike most Jedi, she has no reservations about using the Force as a weapon, and will not hold back, only staying away from the trademark Sith abilities.
She and her twin sister Delilah were born to a Jedi mother, Pakna, and a Sith father, Visler, who had fallen in love despite ridiculous complications. Their childhood was not a pleasant one, as constant fights erupted between their parents. Their father, who had held a powerful position in the Sith Empire, was outraged to be trapped on the small moon of Nar Shadaa, whereas their mother insisted they stay, ashamed that she, a very traditional Jedi, had fallen in love. Due to this, Delilah and Sefain often spent their time on the streets, where they learned of their Force sensitivity. Because of their location, few Jedi recruiters were anywhere near them in their childhood, and Pakna was able hide their aptitude. Despite conflict, Pakna and Visler gave birth to a set of triplets; Caroline, Nora, and Jack. One day, after a particularly bad fight, Visler nabbed Delilah, stole a starship, and flew off to Dromund Kaas. Distraught at the disappearance of her sister, Sefain ran away from home and ended up in Nar Shadaa's busiest spaceport, where she was somehow found by a Jedi and his Padawan. They took her to the temple on Tython, where she was accepted as an Initiate. When the time came, she had no trouble finding a master to train her, and her Padawanhood came and went. She passed her trails, and was deemed a Jedi Knight by the council. She now bodes her time on missions, though generally sticking close to the Order's home world. She has little memory of her time on Nar Shadaa, and even less of her family.
Open -
We used to be proud of what we do (faction)
Private -
The Temple on Kashyyyk
A Lesson in the Force
As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal (First Order invasion of Galactic Alliance L-49)
"If I never fight, then all my years spent training was for nothing. I can be diplomatic and still be on the front lines." -Sefain Gatholil
(*I do not claim ownership to any of the images used!*)
Faction: The Silver Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight/Consular
Species: Human
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 120lbs
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Home/Birth Planet: Nar Shadaa
Skin: Light
Force Sensitive: Yes
Alignment: Light Side
Starship: RZ-X A-Wing Interceptor
Assets and Flaws:
+ Very strong and naturally talented in the Force
+ High Intellect and Intelligence
+ Agile and physically fit, as most Jedi are
- Incredibly reliant on the Force
- Though normally calm and collected, she is very impatient and will lash out on occasion, which can get her into some serious trouble and interfere with her diplomacy.
- Self hating and very criticizing of self, causing self doubt and hesitation
Commonly Used Lightsaber Combat Form(s) ||||||||||||||| = Skill Level:
- Form 6, Niman - A combat style that integrates force techniques into lightsaber combat, and is a nice balance between all forms. Proficiency: |||||||||||||||
- Form 2, Makashi - An elegant form of lightsaber combat focusing on precision and balance, and the preferred method of lightsaber combat against a blade wielding opponent. Proficiency: |||||||||||||||
Most Used Force Abilities:
- Sense magnification - The ability to enhance one's senses (strength, perception, agility, etc.) through means of the Force: |||||||||||||||
- Telekinesis - The ability to move objects through the force: |||||||||||||||
- Raw Force Power - The ability to create and shoot powerful blasts of raw Force energy: |||||||||||||||
- Force Leap - The ability to perform a Force-powered super jump: |||||||||||||||
- Force Pull/Push - The ability to push/pull a being towards you/away from you: |||||||||||||||
- Force Heal - The ability to heal flesh wounds with the force: |||||||||||||||
- Mind Trick - The ability to influence the decisions and thinking of another being through the force: |||||||||||||||
- Life Detection - The ability to detect nearby life forms: |||||||||||||||
- Projective Telepathy - The ability to project the voice of the user into the mind of another: |||||||||||||||
- Psychometry - The ability to detect the beings that last touched an object: |||||||||||||||
Tall, with long, dark brown hair, which is usually kept in a messy top knot. She wears comfortable light robes, and a;ways has her lightsaber (green crystal) at her side. Her skin is light, which makes her ocean blue eyes all the more noticeable. Overall, she is a very nice, compassionate person, but she does have a short temper and can be very impatient. She is intelligent, quick witted, and wise beyond her years; all traits that got her much praise in her Initiate years. Although far from being a Grey Jedi, she is anything but traditional. As she follows the path of the Consular, she dedicates much of her time to research, healing, and diplomacy, but unlike most Consulars she participates in as many fights as possible. She thoroughly believes that connections should not be banished, and for the most part ignores the whole, "there is no emotion, there is peace" section of the Jedi Code, though much of that has become null anyways due to modern views of Jedi. Also unlike most Jedi, she has no reservations about using the Force as a weapon, and will not hold back, only staying away from the trademark Sith abilities.
She and her twin sister Delilah were born to a Jedi mother, Pakna, and a Sith father, Visler, who had fallen in love despite ridiculous complications. Their childhood was not a pleasant one, as constant fights erupted between their parents. Their father, who had held a powerful position in the Sith Empire, was outraged to be trapped on the small moon of Nar Shadaa, whereas their mother insisted they stay, ashamed that she, a very traditional Jedi, had fallen in love. Due to this, Delilah and Sefain often spent their time on the streets, where they learned of their Force sensitivity. Because of their location, few Jedi recruiters were anywhere near them in their childhood, and Pakna was able hide their aptitude. Despite conflict, Pakna and Visler gave birth to a set of triplets; Caroline, Nora, and Jack. One day, after a particularly bad fight, Visler nabbed Delilah, stole a starship, and flew off to Dromund Kaas. Distraught at the disappearance of her sister, Sefain ran away from home and ended up in Nar Shadaa's busiest spaceport, where she was somehow found by a Jedi and his Padawan. They took her to the temple on Tython, where she was accepted as an Initiate. When the time came, she had no trouble finding a master to train her, and her Padawanhood came and went. She passed her trails, and was deemed a Jedi Knight by the council. She now bodes her time on missions, though generally sticking close to the Order's home world. She has little memory of her time on Nar Shadaa, and even less of her family.
Open -
We used to be proud of what we do (faction)
Private -
The Temple on Kashyyyk
A Lesson in the Force
As You Know, Our Blockade is Perfectly Legal (First Order invasion of Galactic Alliance L-49)

"If I never fight, then all my years spent training was for nothing. I can be diplomatic and still be on the front lines." -Sefain Gatholil

(*I do not claim ownership to any of the images used!*)