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Approved NPC Seimar Falkrov

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Seimar Falkrov


  • Intent: ​To flesh out the order of the Promethean Guard with another addition.
  • ​Image Credit: ​Artstation - Chengyou Liu
  • Role: Promethean Guard, protector of TAE leadership.
  • Links: ​
The Matador
The Ancient Eye

  • Age: ​61
  • Force Sensitivity: High Knight
  • Species: Shasoti
  • Appearance: ​Seimar is the epitome of his peoples physical limitations pushed the edge, built like an Olympic athlete, Seimar is an incredibly athletic and flexible opponent with a high level of physical endurance balanced against his lacking physical strength, compensation with speed and hard earned condensed muscle mass. Seimar is a picturesque Shasoti, standing at 204cm with a thin frame that exudes efficiency.
  • Name: Seimiar, Promethean Guard, S
  • Loyalties: ​The Ancient Eye, The Matador
  • Wealth: Very little, however provided for by the Ancient Eye
  • Notable Possessions:
The Bisento is Seimar's personal blade, the length of a spear with two dual Bisento blades at each end. The Bisento blades are vibro-weapons, able to deflecting and resisting prolonged combat with a lightsaber user.

​Vibro-Hidden Blades:
​Dual hidden blades built into armourweave gauntlets padded with threaded miniature Plasteel plates in the gauntlets. The Hidden Blades extend to six inches in length each.

​Viridian Crystal:
​A viridian crystal built into the base of helmet, crafted under a chrome emblem imprinted on the forehead of the helm between the brows. The crystal belonged to his brother, a philosopher pacifist who was brutally murdered by a local gang.

​Mechanical Jaw:
​During training, the Matador shattered Seimar's jaw with the pommel of his weapon, Oribuir.
  • Skills:
​Seimar has the ability to effectively use acrobatics in combat with a lightsaber combatant, mirroring their most acrobatic focused form.

​Seimar is a double jointed gymnast, who practiced throughout the majority of his adolescent years. This gives him an edge in navigating hazardous areas.

​Force Speed:
Seimar is aware of his frailty, but also very much aware of his ability to fight ferociously with great speed.
  • Personality:
Seimar does not joke, smile or laugh. He is an entirely serious man, and rarely speaks. Every few words a month, and usually unrelated to whatever topic is at hand. Outside of the battlefield; Seimar seems like he lives in his own world, unaware of those around him. He lives to serve, and that is all he values.

  • Weapon of Choice: ​Vibro-Bisento
  • Combat Function: ​​
+Organ Donner:
To put it plainly, Seimar aimes for where it hurts the most. He keeps his distance with his weapon, being careful to stay in open areas where there is space for him to retreat.

-Stage Fright:
​Seimar is not built for prolonged battle, nor against a ranged opponent. He prefers to come upon his opponents when they least expect it to end a fight quickly and efficiently. When fighting with the other Promethean Guards, Seimar prefers to wait beyond the periphery of his enemy, allowing someone else to take the focus of a enemy and then strike for their throat.

​-Know what we Know:
​Seimar finds it incredibly difficult to adapt, he is in many ways what you'd describe as a one trick pony, he excels in regards to use of weaponry he is familiar with. However, against weaponry and technology foreign to the Shasoti mercenary; Seimar is left at a serious disadvantage as in many ways his skill set is entirely situational.

​+Bigger They Are, Harder They Fall:
​A large and slow opponent is usually what Seimar prefers to fight against, he has no qualms dodging and weaving between attacks.

-Armoured Assault:
Due to his choice of weaponry and fighting style, a highly armoured opponents tend to have a massive advantage against Seimar; putting him at risk of a singular fault leading to his death.


Seimar was a Shasoti mercenary who fought during the battle of Atrisia and was a assassin under the employment of the One Sith for months before escaping to Wild Space to hide from the Silver Jedi and Confederacy. For several years, Seimar became a nomad; moving from place to place and never staying too long for the fear of being caught by the Silver Jedi.

​Seimar had plenty of close calls, seeming to run into the Silver Jedi Order at every turn. Over the years, the mercenary learned how to set traps for the Jedi, fight them on his own terms and win. Over a series of months, Seimar set up his own operation as a Jedi-Hunter of sorts. Getting paid to take care of troublesome force users who wouldn't leave his employers alone. However, eventually Seimar sought more as his own power grew; travelling to the unknown regions to find purpose. The force called to him, leading him to wild space.

​Once the Ancient Eye took control of the Nibelungen, Seimar enlisted himself in the Arena's on Caradim, fighting and gaining prowess as an efficient warrior before being taken on by The Matador, for months the Shasoti warrior trained under The Matador becoming an elite fighter and joining his Promethean Guard. In the end, Seimar believed this was the purpose he sought after, and therefore became content in his servitude.


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Hello there, [member="The Matador"]! I shall be your friendly neighborhood Codex Judge, today. Please give me some time to read this over and gather my thoughts. If you have questions or concerns in the meantime, please do not hesitate to give me a ping! :)


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Two things first:

The image credit. Would you put that link in the text in the actual field? It makes my job just a little easier. As well, I need a link to the specific artist that created the image. In this case, I would accept an artist that worked on the game, if you cannot find the original.

And can you link the Shasoti species for me?

[member="The Matador"]


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
[member="The Matador"]
I don't need a link to where you found the image. I need a link to the artist that created it. A profile of some kind, deviantart, artstation, anywhere they've posted it.
Well, seeing as finding an online profile for an artist that worked on something in 2011 is likely going to more hassle than just finding a new image; I just switched it out with a new one.
With a link for the artist and where he's posted it on artstation.


Lean, Mean, Slicin' Machine
Can you please link the Viridian crystal where it appears, as it is a canon item with it's own wiki entry.

Also, I'd like to see more out of the history section. This is a fairly powerful NPC, I'm going to need a little more there.

[member="The Matador"]
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