Soliath Devin Talith
Family Man
Moridin sat upon the throne, he looked straight ahead as Disciple and Kaine left him. He seemed to entirely ignore both of them as they went. He just sat within his throne, staring straight ahead. He heard the announcement that Kaine made, and the mans words made him smirk. Kaine would make a fine Vizier, a man at his back that would serve without question...for now. Eventually he would try to take his place, they all would. It was the way of the Sith Unfortunately, murdering ones betters in order to take their place.
The Emperor knew that this was the way of the Sith, to kill ones superiors to rise. Unfortunately however Moridin also knew this detracted from the Sith. The best and brightest sometimes fell to the weak who used subterfuge, poison and anything else they could do to kill their betters. It was unfortunate really, that so many died in this process. The Dreadlord closed his eyes for a few seconds, he would have to do something about this.
Before that however, before anything else could be done Moridin had something else to do. He slowly opened his eyes, a smirk crossing his face. One filled with glee, and absolute senile joy. The Emperor began to laugh.
The Emperor knew that this was the way of the Sith, to kill ones superiors to rise. Unfortunately however Moridin also knew this detracted from the Sith. The best and brightest sometimes fell to the weak who used subterfuge, poison and anything else they could do to kill their betters. It was unfortunate really, that so many died in this process. The Dreadlord closed his eyes for a few seconds, he would have to do something about this.
Before that however, before anything else could be done Moridin had something else to do. He slowly opened his eyes, a smirk crossing his face. One filled with glee, and absolute senile joy. The Emperor began to laugh.