Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seltos Trip (open)

"I guess shape shifting is the easiest way to show it off. You see?"

Obviously the creature didn't have a sense of subtlety, though it was strange that a creature of changing form would require a suit of armour. And depending on the specific biology of this creature and the structure of the armour shapeshifting wouldn't be useful if one could be identified by their armour. Azreal's final design would have the armour able to separate so as to be stored in the various cavities that he would open in his body to make an escape if need be.
"That's impressive. But how would you utilise your ability if you can be identified by your armaments in battle?"
Nerius shrugged, "That's the point isn't it? Gives and takes. I can be whoever the mission requires, but be able to be wounded, or I can be protected during certain situations, almost impervious if you will, while losing out on a great deal of my ability." He said then paused, "Honestly though my armor will likely only be used on occasion. I will enjoy having more time to be myself.

"What of you though? Why house so much armor if your going to be recognized by it?"

Feeling a tap on his shoulder, Nerius turned to look at the man whom was building his armor, "Yes?"

The man smiled then stepped out of the way, gesturing as he did so to the finished suit, "How's this sir?"

"Its perfect." Nerius said, handing over the chips needed to pay for his item. Stepping close Nerius put the armor on, surprised by the weight of it.

"Well, maybe I will be seeing you all around." Nerius called as he left.

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