
Name: Senari Gravis
Faction: The Jedi Order
Rank: Jedi Knight
Role: Sentinel
Homeworld: Taris
Species: Human
Gender: Male
Age: 29
Height: 5'11"
Weight: 163 lbs
Force-sensitive: Yes
Personality-wise, Senari seems to be a bit of a walking contradiction - he often complains of feeling restless while presenting the appearance of calmness and exceeding patience, as though willing to wait for any excitement to find him. He can seem cold and uncaring, the stereotypical overly-prideful Jedi, until he's seen giving more credits than he can really spare to a beggar, or going out of his way to complete some sort of task to the benefit of anybody beside himself; his general verbal interactions are based around biting sarcasm, though he almost always tries to ensure that people walk away from him happy, not offended; he is bitter and angry against the Sith and most other villains of the galaxy, yet refuses to kill them if he can avoid it. He throws himself into battle with all the fury of a raging wampa, yet never fully gives into it, and almost always tries to find a non-violent solution to any altercation he sees himself possibly being involved in.
Senari himself has little explanation for the contradictory behaviours - he often chalks it up to something about "Jedi values" and "the Will of the Force," but in actuality, he just knows himself about as little as anybody else does. He just acts however he feels in the moment, hoping that his flying-by-the-seat-of-his-pants approach to life won't cause his or anybody else's to end prematurely, though he does expend some effort towards preventing his frustration with the state of the galaxy from ruling his reactions to events - or as he says, "Y'know, show Jedi values, be a good Jedi, that sort of thing. It's all we really have, right?"
Senari is a rather unassuming man in appearance. He is of average height, average weight, nearly average everything. He isn't the sort of man to stand out in a crowd, especially when he's going about dressed in normal clothing, rather than the Jedi robes which are so recognizable the galaxy over. Indeed, the only things about him that prove particularly striking or noticeable are his dark green eyes, which - when he manages to actually focus on something - seem quite perceptive, though also possessed of levels of both bitterness and experience that seem like they should belong to somebody much older; the other is his carefully-kept beard, which has proven the envy of many people the Galaxy over, or so Senari claims.
Despite his average-looking appearance, in many respects - both due to rigorous training and the aid of the Force - he is above average. He is both somewhat stronger and more dexterous than he might appear at first glance, with a hearty constitution - both in terms of stamina and pain tolerance - to go along with; this is mainly due to his training as a Jedi Guardian, focused on the more physical aspects of Jedi life, rather than the mystical. However, like any Jedi, he is also highly educated and intelligent, with his own particular life experiences making him wise beyond his years...though his lack of practicing that wisdom he has accrued might present a different view.
Highly introverted, Senari is normally more of a listener than a speaker, especially when interacting with groups of people rather than engaging in a one-on-one discourse. Owing to this, he knows and interacts with rather few people on a daily basis, spending his days generally either training or in "private meditation," which any other Jedi who does know him would instead name "alcohol tolerance training." Senari generally does not appreciate working with those Jedi.
While his training up till Knighthood was focused on the use of the lightsaber, he has since put in quite a bit of practice with the Force, in order to make up for his previous shortcomings in that area. In telekinesis and physical augmentation with the Force he excels, able to increase his speed, strength, and endurance quite a bit in order to survive in battle, and able to keep his enemies at a comfortable distance via pushing or pulling them around the arena. In more esoteric areas, such as Tutaminis or mental manipulation, he isn't nearly as skilled; one exception to this is in healing, which he feels is quite important for him to practice and gain skill in.
Senari's abilities with the lightsaber fall under the umbrellas of two of the seven forms. The first is Soresu - taught the form by his own Jedi Master, Senari has had many years to practice and refine the form since he was first taken as a Padawan at age nine. While he couldn't yet be considered a master, his bladework is more than proficient to hold his own against any but the most skilled enemies he may face. The other is Shii-cho; first taught this form as a young learner in the temple, he continued his practice of it while also learning Soresu, using Shii-cho to shore up where Soresu was lacking in the offensive department; he is smooth in his use of the form, though not quite as proficient in it as he is in Soresu, generally relying more on a relentless, inexorable offensive advance than on any fancy skill to succeed when he takes the attack.
Proficient Lightsaber duelist
Physically fit
Rather unpersonable
Alcohol dependent
Senari's inventory is rather standard for a Jedi. He has a lightsaber, green-bladed with a simple curved-hilt design—constructed and used originally be his master, who was a Makashi practicioner. His own lightsaber (left) is of a style much more befitting his use of Soresu and Shii-Cho, having been inspired by lightsabers that masters of the forms used in years past. He also has the normal Jedi clothing, more normal galactic citizen clothing, his datapad, and things such as that. He does have some credits saved away, as well, though normally he relies on the "Will of the Force" to provide for him in the monetary department - by which he means, the Jedi Council or any affiliated groups, or possibly just his peers.
He also has a Sigma-5 Interceptor that he uses to travel,
Born to a pair of middle-class parents on Taris, Senari managed to be found by the Jedi Order around when he was first learning to talk, when his stronger-than-average Force presence was sensed by a nearby Jedi. He was trained at the Temple on Yutan (long before the Jedi had to move from that temple), where he wasn't considered to be a star student; in general, he appeared to be lagging behind his fellow Padawans. Luckily for him, one of the masters of the Order (one who Senari claims comes from a long line of masters reaching all the way back to Obi-Wan, Qui-Gon, and Dooku themselves; given the lack of records from the Four Hundred Year Darkness, this cannot be verified, and many other Jedi believe that Senari is either just joking around or is trying to be an egotistical fool) saw some sort of potential for greatness within him, and so this Jedi master - already known for his ability to whip students into shape and make them into fine Jedi - chose Senari as his Padawan, shortly after Senari's ninth birthday. Following that choice came a decade-long period of intense training for Senari, where nearly every waking moment was spent practicing with a lightsaber, the Force, or just increasing his own natural abilities through hard exercise.
During this time he also went on numerous missions with his master, taking them to locations the galaxy over; many of these missions proved martial in nature, as protection missions and the like. Some of them, however, did fall under the purview of diplomacy, something Senari's master was quite proficient at, though Senari would never develop the same skill. Alongside the direct training with his lightsaber, then, Senari's master managed to also teach him quite a bit about various cultures in the galaxy, the differences in how many different species would interact with others, and numerous other important tidbits that couldn't be gained from a life sheltered in a Jedi temple.
At the age of twenty, Senari passed though his Jedi trials, any worries from when he was a youngling that he might never become a Jedi Knight effectively disproven through his performance. Soon after he started going on his own missions, still based primarily around protection/bodyguard detail, owing to what Senari himself felt he was good at - though he was sent along on a few diplomatic missions, which he did manage to succeed at - via his personal method, which he describes as: "Acting like my Master would!"
After a year and a half of this, at twenty-two years old, he took on a Padawan, a thirteen year old Bith named Rigfin Scumis. The pair carried out numerous missions together, forging a strong bond between themselves; despite the constant presence of danger in the Galaxy, due to the presence of the Sith, Dark Jedi, mercenaries, bounty hunters, and other such unsavoury groups, the pair managed to keep relatively safe, managing to avoid the worst that the Galaxy had to offer. As the years passed, it looked more and more likely that Rigfin would himself become a powerful Jedi Knight, with Senari having proven a worthy successor to his own master.
All this rapidly changed when they were sent to Eadu, in order to resolve a dispute between the planet's rural population and a manufacturing corporation that was both trying to gain a foothold on Eadu to form a new factory complex, as well as ripping off the locals on any equipment they bought. What Senari and Rigfin didn't know was that this corporation didn't plan on resolving the dispute peacefully, and had contracted a mercenary force to ensure that negotiations went exactly how they wished. Rather quickly, everything fell to violence, with the nerf herders involved simply having to retreat and hope they could petition for aid later. Senari and Rigfin tagged along behind, covering their retreat from the area; unfortunately, the blaster fire proved to be too dense for the then-seventeen year old Rigfin to deflect, and the Bith Padawan was cut down.
On feeling his Force Bond with his Padawan quickly severed, Senari momentarily lost control of himself; he lashed out at the closest of the mercenaries in a rage, severing the fighter's body at the waist and blasting the halves back at the others with the Force. Stunned at his own display, he recovered more quickly than the mercenaries did, retrieving Rigfin's body and retreating back to the ship they used to come to the planet. Soon after returning to the Deneba Enclave he was able to give a proper funeral to his Padawan, before the Council - after giving him time to mourn - started to send him on missions again. During this time - driven by his pain from the death of his Padawan, a growing sense of ineffectualness on the abilities of the fractured Jedi Order to function, and general disillusionment with the galaxy overall, he secretly turned to drinking as a way to escape from those thoughts when he didn't have a mission to keep himself focused on. Over the last year this problem has steadily been getting worse, and more noticeable to other Jedi.
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