Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seoul Sisters (Yawei)

Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[member="Yawei Ike"]

Matsu looked at her while she was looking at her with a raised eyebrow. THe look on her face remaining blank while she was looking with the black eyes but she was letting herself relax. The suspicion from her sister seemed to be gone as Matsu sat down listening to her talk as Matsu thought about it. Would she arrest her sister? The thought didn't really cross hr mind as what would that do to their family? She was really conflicted about it and she didn't see a reason to. There were plenty who roamed around having killed people, she had killed while within the jedi and gave the barest and smallest shrug.

"And my sister." She said it with her eyes and face remaining blank while she looked upon Yawei offering her hand though on the table facing it upwards. "You are family, we can have a number of things and go towards goals but family." She said it while looking at her. "Family is important." She could go on but it started to get sappy as she didn't really want to worry about it but she was leaving the 'I could have been your enemy' to the side while she had a small grin getting a drink for herself just enjoying it. "I could keep going on but I get kind of sappy and there is an inspirational music number in there."

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