Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seoul Train Dominion (for those not in chat)

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Yus. WE GET THE CRAZY JAWA! I think I got the teams right below, if not, just give me a hollar.

East - stop the Sorcerer (TIO, Morna, Alen, Bay, Darth Proeliator, Triko)

West - shut down the power and find a hidden cache of weapons (Kitt, Hannibal, Lucianus, Jak, Moira)

All - traps along the way

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
I think a few people have dropped out. I think Alen said he was taking a break and I know Lucianus is having muse pains. Maybe the two groups who are left with folks active could meet up and finish this off?

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