Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seoul Train (LotF Dominion of Seoul)

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Nothing said Wild Space like the members of the Fringe. What was even scarier was that Kitt Solo found herself in the middle of leading some of the best and finest the Fringers had to offer.

Something about High Council member duty.

Whelp, if she had read that in the fine print...

"Alrighty, for once this doesn't have to do with Shorn's bounty so don't ask. These people reached out to us. The man in power is supposedly some sorcerer. The mook's got a lot of troops, traps, and chemical weapons. We need two teams to go into the city to take this HooHaw down. I'll lead a team to the West Sector. I need volunteers for the East."

The transport rocked as it met enemy fire, and her hand increased its grip on the holder-bar.
@[member="Kitt Solo"]

Hannibal feigned wiping a prideful tear from his eye as Kitt mentioned a "mook." Oh, how they grew up so fast. This whole "your apprentice is now technically your boss" thing was kind of weird. Really weird. Excessively weird, come to think of it, but that was fine. Hannibal had danced the dance of death far too many times to be bothered by something like that. Well, it did bother him, but not too much. He still had an obligation... Somewhere. The transport rocked violently under heavy fire, Hannibal shuddering along with the rest of the ship. He was heading West. The other schmucks in this sardine can of a dropship could run around someplace else.

Hannibal didn't have much to say at this juncture. He simply kept his peace and waited to land. There'd be plenty more opportunities for snappy dialogue.

The Eternal One

The Eternal One had finally reawoken from his oblivion. He was finally back up and ready for some slaughter. He wasn't as good as he once was, but he was starting to get back into the whole killing routine.

''What's a Shorn? And where is this Sorcerer person? I wanna eat him.'' He said while the transport started being rocked by the anti-air fire. He wasn't concerned about getting hit. If the transport were to go down The Eternal One could just jump out and crash somewhere into some building where he could just slaughter some people. He was already growing impatient. He hadn't killed a thing in the last couple days and this was finally going to change.

As the transport descended towards the planet the Eternal One checked his weapon once again. It hadn't seen blood in a while. It looked so ... clean. This had to change.

@[member="Kitt Solo"] @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]
Another day, another dominion... and that was never an issue. For his part, the predator was headed to the west, with Solo and the woo... ah, @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]. He ignored the constant bounty that the councillor had on Mikhail Shorn. It was of no consequence to him... but the matter of the disposable lives between him, his compatriots, and the sorcerer were of much interest.

"Are there any other objectives, Councillor Solo?" he queried, using title, regardless of whether she appreciated the use or not, and boring into her with steady, blue eyes. "Or are we merely removing the cancer?"

@[member="Kitt Solo"], he acknowledged, had been at Javin, but they had never, truly had the opportunity to meet. The ball with the subjects of the former Galactic Empire had seen them both in the same room, but libations and strange faces and the nature of the occasion left no means by which to truly know her - by his own perceptions, that meant in work, battle, and the throes of war. It was, after all, when most beings showed their true colours.

He had it coming, Balaya moved as she checked the seals of her armor. The world was poisoned and not worth much tactically but that didn't mean it wasn't something they could take and secure for hiding out. They could even make a prison out of it, even if you escaped you were in a dead and poisoned wastelands. Looking at Kitt nd the others though she still stood there with her armored crystasteel and turadium bikini. The transparent platemail making a nice illusion until you realized it was alchemically enhanced and her sword was humming throwing the soldiers she had with her around. Since the collapse of the empire she had been lost and that was when Ashin had offered a home of sorts. "Alright lets go or you'll get what is coming to you."


Well-Known Member
Varanin stood silently as awaited the arrival of his Master, Spencer, if she decided to show. Looking through Battle Sight - the name dubbed to his incomplete Force Shadow - Varanin moved along the Confederacies landing zone. None really could see his essence as he moved, and that was good for him. Slowly returning to his body, Varanin spun slowly to see if maybe she was within regular oculatory range.

Usually he wasn't so anxious to see her, but this was a potentially great step for Varanin. He would love to take the planet next to his mentor.

@[member="Spencer Jacobs"]

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
@[member="Darth Praelior"] @[member="Lucianus Adair"] @[member="The Eternal One"] @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]

A steady gaze turned to the creepy mother fracker – probably the Eternal One from reading up on the troop files. If there was one thing Kitt did well, it was her gorram research on the men, women, and things she would be serving with. “Sketchy reports say the Sorcerer is probably in the Eastern command center. But all his auxiliary power is in the West. I know, go figure, right? Take a team and head east to shut that mental frakker down. And take Balaya with you.”

Her stomach plummeted as the ship did the last few feet before coming to a jolting stop on the ground. Good thing she didn’t eat that nerf burger before this. Looking to Hannibal, she felt a renewed sense of comfort. Unholstering her blaster, she just hoped what she did next didn’t scare him too much. She knew what his thoughts were on the mystic force stuff.

Myrtle-ellipses honed in on the blue-eyed one. A sith. One Mister Lucianus Adair - how would she ever forget those icy eyes, hauntingly similar to Shorn's. "Stay alive and don't get shot, sugar. The Sorcerer supposedly has a cache of weapons too, so if we find those, bonus for us."

Swinging toward the open door, she lifted her hands, palms pressing flat against the air. A shimmering force shield expanded to cover the teams as they departed from the open shuttles to find cover and head off into their designated directions. She quickly followed her team, straining to keep the flickering energy of the shield active as more enemy fire pelted into it.

Balaya listened and the words of sorcerer and weapons did bring some interest while she breathed in letting the force bulk her muscles and she hummed a few notes briefly while laughing to herself. Enjoying the idea of going after someone she could out magic or try to and tear apart with her blades while the dark'chyld sang activating with a snap-hiss and color shifting blade. "Then we should move and take him out as quickly as we can."

The Eternal One

The Eternal One listened to the female's response. She answered one question, but not the other. At least she answered the important question, where the Sorcerer was. The Dropship was close to the surface now and The Eternal One's thirst for souls was starting to grow more and more, but soon it would stop. Soon he would get to feast on as many souls as he wanted to and the best part was he would get to eat the soul of a very powerful Force User, which should help him in regaining his abilities.

When the Dropship landed he was one of the first to dash out into the battle. All the blasterfire was dangerous, but not too dangerous. He didn't have to fear being hit by a blaster bolt and dying. It would take a lot more to destroy The Eternal One. He moved off in his designated direction and got ready to kill some people with souls.
"Sorry I'm late." Na'Varro fell into step next to his old partner in crime @[member="Kitt Solo"], who seemed to be taking on a higher level of responsibility than normal. Alen liked that, and felt that she'd excel in a leadership position. The others obviously thought that too, otherwise she wouldn't be a Councillor on the first place. "The supermarket was out of cheese dip so I had to get hommus."

The Dark Jedi Master seized control of the Force now, holding its raging torrent within his firm grip and channeling it only to areas where it was needed. He would not let the darkness consume him like it had consumed so many others. He would control it, use its power for good, and eschew the selfish values of the Sith. Speaking of Sith ... Alen nodded at @[member="Lucianus Adair"] as he simultaneously buffered Solo's shield with his own. Shield was a particularly favoured power of his, though he rarely used it defensively. However, he felt that Solo might appreciate the help, considering she had so many other things to think about. Like tactics ... ugh, they were all well and good, but the bearded Dark Jedi felt more at home smashing things.

"I call dibs on the Sorceror." Alen looked around to see if there was any argument there.
Triko was rather surprised he was in this city, fighting for this military. He was quite confused too, seeing as he had no recollection of joining whichever organization he had joined. Nonetheless, he supposed it was something to do.

It took the jawa a few seconds to notice he was being shot at- he was quite short, and the soldiers were quite tall. Still, he supposed that it would've been unfortunate if he were to be killed; Triko did not want to die here, of all places.
"Where Triko go!?" He called, raising his voice over the commotion of the blaster fire and hopping to the right as a fiery beam of blood red obliterated the ground to his right. "Where Triko go!?" With that he drew his blaster and fired back once or twice, just to show he was doing something.

This was like to be interesting.

"I'll take you and we can both head east." I spoke to the man known as @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] Though I have not met him before, which from what I could tell he was a rather powerful person. I had to come a liking of him already. Saying that he wanted the Sorcerer to himself was selfish, I was considered one as well with my power over the elements. I walked out and with the help of the shield, my hands ignited into flame.

My flames became so hot even I could feel them through my armor. My fire was then launched at the men shooting at us. As much as their gear may have been blaster or lightsaber resistant, It was not fire resistant. THey ignited into flame as a single tongue of fire touched them. I was providing cover fire for those creating the shields. As I was one to help out. I pushed my mind with the power of force Meld to allow the use of my own powers to increase the strength of their shields. letting nothing break through them.

@[member="Triko"], @[member="The Eternal One"], @[member="Darth Praelior"], @[member="Kitt Solo"], @[member="Varanin Zero Four"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]
@[member="Kitt Solo"]
@[member="Alen Na'Varro"]
@[member="Lucianus Adair"]

Darth Proeliator looked around, seeing many familiar faces, and others not so familiar. Alen Na'Varro, newly minted Master and his ally. Lucianus Adair, another of those he could call an ally among the Fringe. And Kitt Solo who led the mission, and he had seen before at Javin. He would be glad to fight with them again, they were all highly skilled warriors. He would go with Lucianus on this mission, as they were both Sith and had fought well together on O'reen.

His lightsaber was in hand, burning dark as midnight from it's Blackwing crystal. He dove behind cover ahead of the group, using his lightsaber to knock blaster bolts back at their sources, though he had to duck behind his cover again to avoid the torrent of bolts that came in response.
@[member="Darth Praelior"] | @[member="Lucianus Adair"] | @[member="The Eternal One"] | @[member="Kitt Solo"]

Hannibal was silently relieved that the weird pink chick in the "armored" loincloth was being sent in the opposite direction. He did not need that kind of distraction when he was working. The ship jolted to a halt, doors sliding open. Kitt provided cover by way of space magic, which made Hannibal fidget. He wouldn't voice disproval. Solo was a big girl now, she could make her decision to dabble in space magic. Not drugs, though. That was lethal and something he'd make a case against. Or maybe not. Arguing with space wizards was risky business.

He followed after the scary ghost thing, which honestly seemed like something that would terrify him under normal circumstances. Hopefully they were going to the same place.

The Eternal One

Blaster bolts were flying every where. The Eternal One could have been hit any second, but somehow he was lucky and didn't get hit by anything, except for two blaster bolts which ripped through a bit of his clothing. He didn't care though. He no longer had any flesh, blood or bones that could get injured, he didn't feel anything, so a couple blaster bolts didn't hurt. When he came in range he started swinging his weapon around and building up momentum so he could murder some troopers. He let go of it with his right hand and held the end of the chain in the other hand, so as to not let it fly off and leave him weapon-less. The blade of the weapon hit a soldier right in the throat, granting him a slow, painful and bloody death. He pulled the blade back and used its momentum to ram it into another trooper's leg. Pulling the blade back caused the man's leg to be ripped off, leaving him screaming in pain. The Eternal One just left him there, letting him bleed out and just kept walking towards the other soldiers, killing them one by one.

@Whoever's going east to kill Le Wizard
Objective: West

@[member="Triko"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Kitt Solo"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]

Another world, another conquest. What else was new? New employer giving her a contract - who somehow had wound up being more 'democratic' and 'all-inclusive' than the last three ones despite being founded by the former Sith Empress - dragons and teenage bounty-hunters could not complain about lack of representation! A most interesting phenomenon for any student of political theory, not that Moira cared.

Coincidentally Seoul was right 'next door' to Gehenna, homeworld of the Bando Gora cult, where the Omegans under Exarch Kerrigan had fought a great battle, wiping out the Reavers. Naturally a ceiling had been torn down. It was the world where Moira had been awakened to her true nature and liberated of her delusions of humanity. Fitting that this awakening transpired on an inhospitable hell world of burnt-out wasteland, fire and brimstone, perhaps. Speaking of Bando Gora, there were a few things she had to check up on...

Anyway, Moira was here with the Fringe team, remaining calm and still throughout the flight as the ship rocked slightly under enemy flak fire, then jolted to a halt, doors sliding open. Space magic blossomed into a barrier against enemy fire, and she gripped her MK1 boltgun - courtesy of several years of Protectorate service and long preparation in case that service might end - and quickly followed the team that seemed designated to shut down power and seize a weapons cache. Enhanced targeting and eyesight picked up on enemy soldiers in the distance, in cover, as she took point. A grenade quickly tossed, travelling with blast and heat, led to a satisfying explosion and cry of pain from entrenched enemies as their cover was blown away, then the boltgun barked as explosive rounds thunked out. Visual confirmed a few organics dead, no doubt there were more to terminate, for they had a habit of shooting out of the ground like mushrooms.
Apparently we had a Phantom like thing on our team that was heading towards the east to take on the Sorcerer. I watched with some amazement as the man, or whatever he was, cut through people and become shot with two blaster bolts without breaking a sweat. As my own weapons were at my disposal, I decided to only draw my sword. With the Black blade coming as a swinging arc, I blocked and reflected a few blaster bolts back to their origin. "How about you guys, start heading east while I cover you?" I yelled out in general to all of the few people who were with me.

My flames ended, and by gripping my fists together I sent a blast of wind that only began with me at the troops. Powerful enough to knock everyone of them down. ANd in quick motion, My hands spun and then threw what was a simple swirl of air. Slowly as it came towards the troops it grew into a funnel cloud, collecting everything that was in its path, it touched down into a complete tornado about the width of 10 men. Taking on the troops by myself would not be so hard afterall.

@[member="The Eternal One"], @[member="Alen Na'Varro"], @[member="Darth Praelior"], @anyone I missed?

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."

Jak hopped down a bit behind the others.

Based on what he had seen in recent events, the band in front of him had formed a fairly close bond with each other. While he didn't want to intrude on the bond, he knew it would be necessary to at least talk with the people, figure out a plan, then he could let them snark at each other at their leisure.

"Hey, uh, not to intrude on the good feelings and all," he said, coming up to meet them, sabers held loosely in his hands, "but what is the plan - at all?"

@[member="Hannibal Oryen"] @[member="Darth Proeliator"] @[member="Kitt Solo"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"]
Someone mentioned heading east; maybe it was the terrifying demon made of glowing lighty-thingies, or someone else. Triko wasn't sure, given that his mind was generally focused on dodging the incoming blaster shots that threatened to obliterate him.

"East?" Triko glanced about. "Triko go east!" A shot flashed past, searing his poncho with a soft hiss. Triko responded in kind, firing back a wild barrage of blood red hellfire. Now he just needed to head east.

He didn't really know where east was. Hopefully it was the direction in which he was heading, otherwise he was buggered.


Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Objective: West

@[member="Moira Skaldi"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Jak Sandrow"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

If she wasn't disturbed by Moira's fighting prowess, she would be lying. She was just a helluva grateful she was on the blond woman's side - this time. Hands lowered as the group moved to cover with the terminator's excellent cover-fire and the shield dropped. She lingered next to Alen before parting ways with her team. "The sorcerer is to the East. Good luck Na'Varro. And...", arm reached out and squeezed his forearm, " careful." Before she could get distracted further, she pushed out, blaster raised as she disappeared into the maze of streets close to Hannibal.

She turned to Jack, recognizing his skin from the files. "We're liberating this planet Sandrow. The plan is to take down the enemy and not get shot." A tingling in the force made her head snap forwards.

"INCOMING!" A volley of flash-bang grenades headed their way. Pushing her hand forward, she used the mystical-magical thing known as the force to redirect their path. But it wasn't enough. The air filled with blinding light and BOOMED with a deafening roar.

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