Moira Skaldi
Paperclip Maximiser
Objective: West
@[member="Kitt Solo"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Jak Sandrow"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]
Blinding light filled the air as the flash grenades detonated before their eyes as they passed through the streets. Thing was that flash grenades were not that effective against a droid. A temporary glare set in and Moira's eyes flashed as she sought to adjust to the flash, but she was not blinded and soon adjusted. Boltgun in hand she advanced, firing as the local defenders came charging them. A soldier advancing upon her was blasted as the explosive bolts hit home, another was grabbed and as his hand enclosed around a grenade, seeking to take them both with them, she simply pulled and ripped it off, throwing it along with the explosive into the fray before crushing his throat.
It was a target rich environment out there, where her superior speed did not suffice to evade enemy fire of blasters and slugs as she mowed down targets rounds peppered off her. While by no means indestructible - though she certainly seemed to act like she was! - even without the heavy armour she was wearing she was built to last, though dents were blown into her armour and some cracks appeared in her face. Liberation, conquest, semantics, the difference was academic to her as she spun to raise her guns and fired at a sniper hidden on a balcony behind them, blasting said balcony apart, then reloaded the boltgun. Cold eyes scanned the street, in search of further targets to wipe out, doubtless there were more, for the entire planet required subjugation.
@[member="Kitt Solo"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Jak Sandrow"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]
Blinding light filled the air as the flash grenades detonated before their eyes as they passed through the streets. Thing was that flash grenades were not that effective against a droid. A temporary glare set in and Moira's eyes flashed as she sought to adjust to the flash, but she was not blinded and soon adjusted. Boltgun in hand she advanced, firing as the local defenders came charging them. A soldier advancing upon her was blasted as the explosive bolts hit home, another was grabbed and as his hand enclosed around a grenade, seeking to take them both with them, she simply pulled and ripped it off, throwing it along with the explosive into the fray before crushing his throat.
It was a target rich environment out there, where her superior speed did not suffice to evade enemy fire of blasters and slugs as she mowed down targets rounds peppered off her. While by no means indestructible - though she certainly seemed to act like she was! - even without the heavy armour she was wearing she was built to last, though dents were blown into her armour and some cracks appeared in her face. Liberation, conquest, semantics, the difference was academic to her as she spun to raise her guns and fired at a sniper hidden on a balcony behind them, blasting said balcony apart, then reloaded the boltgun. Cold eyes scanned the street, in search of further targets to wipe out, doubtless there were more, for the entire planet required subjugation.