Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Seoul Train (LotF Dominion of Seoul)

Objective: West

@[member="Kitt Solo"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Jak Sandrow"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]

Blinding light filled the air as the flash grenades detonated before their eyes as they passed through the streets. Thing was that flash grenades were not that effective against a droid. A temporary glare set in and Moira's eyes flashed as she sought to adjust to the flash, but she was not blinded and soon adjusted. Boltgun in hand she advanced, firing as the local defenders came charging them. A soldier advancing upon her was blasted as the explosive bolts hit home, another was grabbed and as his hand enclosed around a grenade, seeking to take them both with them, she simply pulled and ripped it off, throwing it along with the explosive into the fray before crushing his throat.

It was a target rich environment out there, where her superior speed did not suffice to evade enemy fire of blasters and slugs as she mowed down targets rounds peppered off her. While by no means indestructible - though she certainly seemed to act like she was! - even without the heavy armour she was wearing she was built to last, though dents were blown into her armour and some cracks appeared in her face. Liberation, conquest, semantics, the difference was academic to her as she spun to raise her guns and fired at a sniper hidden on a balcony behind them, blasting said balcony apart, then reloaded the boltgun. Cold eyes scanned the street, in search of further targets to wipe out, doubtless there were more, for the entire planet required subjugation.

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."

"Got it," he replied. "Nice and simple."

He saw the grenades roughly about the same time as she did. His reaction was different, though. He created a bubble around everyone - everyone who hadn't run off, at least - and that was a good idea. A few frag grenades filled the space the FB-grenades left behind, exploding harmlessly against the shield. The air was bright, but the roar was muffled - thankfully...

As the blond-haired woman, obviously an HRD of some sort, began to cut a large swath straight through the middle of the street, he watched, then figured out what he could do.

Using his unique abilities, he grew a few branches from the ground, and used them to get into the third floor of the long row of buildings on the left. Opting for the rush attack, time seemed to slow around him as he focused inward. Crashing through the wall, he saw that this room had been dealt with, so he took a run at the wall, shattering a Jak-sized hole in it as he continued to the next room. This one was occupied, and he let off several toxin thorns from his slashing wrists. He was through the next room before the men collapsed.

As he broke one building wall, he leapt out - into open air. The building that was supposed to be beneath him was instead demolished under him. In the split-second he had to react to it, he created little Force bubbles beneath his feet. As he traversed between the buildings, he turned his senses outwards. There was human life galore in the rooms beyond, and thanks to his noise, they were well prepared for anyone coming in the wall.

Grinning, always up for a challenge, he began to grow vines from the floors below. Forcing their roots to dive deep, he ground the foundations into dust, and the buildings began to collapse. Taking one final leap, he began to run along the vanes of the building, now a prime target for other enemy troops. He decided to fall back to the others. Igniting his sabers, he spun them behind him, and, taking a good long Force-assisted leap, he landed back at the bulk of his group.

"Not bad for a tree, eh?" he asked. Just then he noticed that he was covered in thin cuts and scrapes. Apparently he hadn't managed to get all the enemy fire away from him. Dangit. Now Imma have to take a few to heal myself again... For there was also one big wound in the back of his leg. A good bit of shrapnel had lodged itself well into his leg, and he tugged it out, his healing sap coating the wound and beginning to remedy the problem. However, there would be no running for a while yet....

[All done like this:]
Nodding to @[member="Morna Imura"], Na'Varro consented to his plan. The two Masters would make mincemeat out of the Sorceror, and as Alen watched Imura fight he realised that their abilities would compliment each other. He immersed himself in Imura's Meld, and as such his formidable Shield gained strength. Synching minds, Alen's Shield now covered an area within which the Eastbound party could take shelter when the fire got too hot. He had not even drawn his lightsabers yet, such was his focus. Before leaving, the bearded man lingered with @[member="Kitt Solo"] for another few seconds. Usually a dry quip would have come to mind, but today, all he did was place a hand softly on the small of her back.

"You too.." he said with a certain amount of care in his voice, smiled reassuringly, and then he was gone. Now was not the time for sentiments. They had work to do, the Fringe's work, and by the Force they would take this world without losing a man. Na'Varro would make doubly sure of that. He was not leading here, but he would fulfil an important role. His was to make sure that they all came back victorious, and alive. As Imura moved to attack the enemy troops, Alen let him go and moved eastward with the rest of them, still in supreme concentration and one with the Meld as his Shield provided them with cover. There was a bridge ahead with ample cover before it. Alen aimed to get them there unharmed before relinquishing the Shield. He was a Master now, but it would still be a challenge to maintain focus.

@[member="Triko"] @[member="The Eternal One"] @[member="Darth Praelior"]
As I sent the tornado to take out a mass number of troops, as well as act a cover for us, I could let go of the air around it. I had held it for a long enough time for the natural planet to use its own nearby storms or airflows to push the tornado to extreme levels of which that I would never try while providing strength to the shield as well. Running after the team of people, my hands were now a slight blue color. A few blaster shots came my way, and using absorb though the force, I allowed that energy to fuel what I had lost in making the tornado and providing strength for the shield. however, it was not that much.

Even as a master, it was taxing on my part. really the energy was spent to push myself forwards after @[member="Alen Na'Varro"], @[member="Triko"], @[member="The Eternal One"], and @[member="Darth Praelior"]. I sheathed my sword as I came upon them, using my absorbing abilities to "block" the blaster bolts, and giving myself enough time to get inside the force shield. Deciding to use long range weapons rather than powers, I pulled on my bow. Drawing it and a handfull of arrows. Each being knocked in turn, and fired.

The arrows may have been stupid to use against the higher tech armor, but it one was hit in the neck, or groin where it was most exposed, one could die. And as such, each shoot of my bow resulted in perfect aim after years and years of practice to hit the men in the neck or groin. Soon we would leave the range that my bow was effective. Deciding to use it now, I allowed my connection to fade, only slightly from the shield, conserving my energy for later use.
It had been some time since the Sith knight last used a lightsaber to fend off attacks such as the heavy rain of blaster fire that the westbound group was faced with, but... they all did what was needed to make it from the shuttle to cover, at which point the dark blade of his lightsaber was extinguished. It was not long after attaining this somewhat tenuous cover before the same simple precognition that had warned @[member="Kitt Solo"] pinged in the back of the mind of Lucianus, a shaving of a second prior to her reaction and callout for the incoming, to which he averted his eyes into the crook of his arm. It was business as usual the moment the flash dissipated, he looked out, and once again the HRD was at it.

Unlike at Javin and Trevura, this world relied heavily on manmade ordinance to thwart off the coming storm the moment their landing craft broke atmosphere and headed for land, and a large contingent of soldiers bent to the cause of the sorcerer were ready... or as it were, not so ready to come and greet them, judging from the way that @[member="Moira Skaldi"] barreled through their ranks, and to his surprise... the vinithi. @[member="Jak Sandrow"] had been, in his experience, always late to the party, and ill-purposed to their task. His proclivity for needless chatter at the most inopportune moments had made the predator mark the green-hued being as a liability and until now, the vinithi knight had given little proof to the contrary in his eyes.

It would seem that either the vinithi was attempting to make a better impression, or someone, something had lit a fire under what passed for his rear end. Either way, when Jak returned to the group after an overt display of his capabilities, the predator gave him little more than a curt nod. A minor acknowledgement, but for Adair, that was saying a lot. Skaldi was still out there, he could hear the distinct sound of the boltgun to confirm it... but the commotion of the immediate locality had lessened. Enough that it would be appropriate to gain further ground.

"If we go now, we will gain as much ground as we can before another wave of enemy personnel hits." He said, his voice raised just enough to be heard over the clamour. His eyes travelled to Jak again, wondering if the sentient plant would be copasetic to the idea of moving on while he clearly had healing to do. He did not, however, voice this concern, his eyes snapping over to Solo. "It would be inefficient and possibly unwise to waste further time at this position. I can provide some shield cover, if it is required."

That would need further work, to bring it up to par with his other skills. Only then did he consider that, perhaps once this dominion was done with, he could see about sorting out the matter of energy absorption... that is, tutaminis, as well. It was highly likely that he had the ability as given as a natural side-effect of his skill in the manipulation of energy, but it had not seen much use due to virtually no time taken to test it - which made how the ability fared with him if the likelihood was fact an unknown variable that would be unwise to find out in the midst of battle unless absolutely necessary. This was something that needed to be rectified.

Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Objective: West

@[member="Moira Skaldi"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Jak Sandrow"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"]

She gave a curt nod to Lucianus. Man, that sith. "Shield, good idea. Cover our sixes but don't stare at 'em." Giving him a wink she looked to the green-skinned man. "Nice job, Sandrow. Let's push ahead. And try not to get shot-up this time." Pushing off her toes she dipped into the fray next to the terminator, using the force as an invisible, rolling wave to push through the enemies as they rushed at their group.

Bodies pushed through the air and landed in not-so-comfortable positions as they gained further ground West. She risked a glance at her mentor, @[member="Hannibal Oryen"], noting how unusually quiet he was being. No crassitude.


Within the blink of an eye, the entire Fringe Western group would find the area around them replaced from a battle-zone to a maze of mirrors. Part illusion, party real-life trap, the rogue knight didn't yet know.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"] | @[member="Lucianus Adair"] | @[member="Jak Sandrow"] | @[member="Kitt Solo"]

Even if Hannibal hadn't been wearing his trusty visor, which immediately adjusted to the harsh light of the flash bang, his Hi-sense eyes would have done so anyway. Hannibal leveled his weapon at the oncoming attackers, squeezing off a few shots from his rifle before becoming distracted. He was suddenly outpaced by another woman who he had previously only identified as a woman in the group who wasn't Kitt. He watched dumbfounded as the woman advanced boltgun first, a curious tune filling his ears as events played out in slow motion to the Fondorian.

Without so much as a blink, an oncoming soldier was blown to especially tiny bits. No sooner did she literally disarm some suicidal schmuck by ripping his hand off and crushing his windpipe; the explosive he'd been clutching being lobbed callously into enemy ranks. It wasn't until the end of the carnage, ending with a cacophonous explosion of a sniper-occupied balcony that Hannibal realized he'd been ogling a HRD. If he had bothered to eyeball her earlier, he might have deduced that before this. The cracks in her face were a telltale sign, but ripping appendages off another human being with her bare hands was probably a bigger giveaway than Hannibal lent credit to.

Then there was that green guy who was using plants or something. Hannibal didn't care for nature, but the employment of all these magical powers was starting to grate. Whatever he did was probably impressive and beyond Hannibal's mere mortal grasp, but buildings started to fall over. Hannibal could appreciate a good broken building. Except where magic was involved. Then the green dude landed and said something about being a tree. Hannibal couldn't hear him over the sound of his own rifle firing crimson blaster bolts into hapless mooks on the wrong side of the Fringe.

Eventually Hannibal got back into his good senses and started to advance after Kitt and the robot-woman. Kitt glanced back at him, looking concerned. Why was she concerned? Hannibal was the experienced guy here! It wasn't like he had spent several valuable battlefield minutes fawning over a killing machine.

"The hell are ya lookin' at me f-"

There was a flash, followed up by a boom, and Hannibal found himself in a very different location. A mirror maze. Space magic? Definitely. A contributing factor in Hannibal's rising blood pressure? Also definitely. Goddamn wizards.
@[member="Triko"] @[member="The Eternal One"] @[member="Darth Praelior"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

The goal was that bridge -- to get there before Na'varro's Force shield weakened. Rave clomped along beside them, bounding with the strength of powered armor. Subach/Iron Crown Mark IF Power Armor, to be precise. Ray shielded, armorweave-lined, pumped full of kolcta. She carried a Viscera scattergun loaded with hyperboric frag rounds, corkscrew vibrobayonet twirling happily.

Sniper fire crashed into her shield as she drew up alongside Na'varro's Force shield. Boots digging into the earth, she ran on, raising the scattergun. Transparisteel flechettes and hyperboric acid slammed into the sniper's head. The head ceased to exist. She ran on beside the crew, giving them cover with her shield alongside Na'varro's, making for the bridge and cover.

The Eternal One


The Eternal One kept killing those foolish enough to stand against him. One by one their lives were taken and their souls devoured. And with each life taken the Eternal One grew stronger and stronger, not noticeably stronger, but a tiny little bit. He needed more souls, he needed to become stronger, and he would, eventually. But for now it was kill people, devour their souls, kill people, devour their souls over and over again. Though the magician's soul would certainly help him a lot, since he was more powerful in the Force. It didn't matter who would kill the magician, as long as The Eternal One was close by when he died. He would still get the soul's energy if he wasn't the one killing the magician. But oh well, for now it was killing the remaining troopers and following the rest of his team.

Explosions surrounded Triko with an unearthly red glow as he ran; pulsing streaks of every colour filled the air above him and fell out before him, a pathway through the chaos. The jawa did not refuse the opportunity. He fired shots in all directions as he ran for the bridge, each one aimed for no particular target, but nonetheless a threat.

A soldier at least twice the size of him lunged out from the side, thrusting the butt of his blaster at Triko like a battering ram. The angular block of durasteel crashed straight into his forehead, and in a flash the world itself vanished, the soldier, the battle and the explosions all invisible to him. It was all he could to remain on his feet, staggering about as he fired shots. He heard screaming; all around him there were crashes and clanks and thunks as men fell and died. Ideally he wasn't going to join them.

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @The Eternal One @Darth Praelior @Alen Na'Varro
Running slowly behind the men, I saw that a little guy in a brown hood was hit down hard. before the man that attacked him go further than just a butt of the pistol to the face, I slammed my fist into the ground, and suddenly he shot to the sky by a pillar of earth that came from underneath him. I then began to run again picking up @[member="Triko"]. Scooping him up with one hand and then cradling him like a mother would to a baby. I formed a force barrier on my back as I ran, feeling the heat of blaster fire on my back as I covered him with my own body.

"Hang on buddy, almost there." for his size he was quite heavy and I slowed down in my running but soon I was catching up to the rest of the group. "HEY! Give me some cover fire!" Damn these troops did not want to die or give up.

@[member="The Eternal One"], @[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Alen Na'Varro"], @[member="Darth Praelior"]
@[member="Triko"] @[member="The Eternal One"] @[member="Darth Praelior"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @[member="Morna Imura"]

The Jawa went down hard. The pyro kept screaming for cover fire. Rave obliged: The Viscera scattergun barked, bam-bam, bam, and xenoboric acid slammed into things she just didn't have time to see. She was firing blind, just instinct. A scream and a whine of transparisteel flechettes told her she'd gotten close to something on the flanking buildings' rooftops. Incoming fire slackened, or focused on her ray-shelded form. A slugthrower round ricocheted off the armor.

"Move, Imura!"

The blinding white started to fade. When he saw where he was, he wished it hadn't. From all sides, shots were flying towards him- soldiers running about, shouting and screaming before falling over as if they were running on ice. As feeling returned to his body, it also occurred to him that he was moving, but quite slowly. More to the point, there was a very ugly human holding him.
"Go see plastic surgeon!" Triko tapped 'Imura' on the shoulder. "He fix you up!" That was a scary old face, no doubt about it. Still, the human was trying to keep him from being obliterated, so he decided to refrain from further conversation and drew his blaster to fire back more shots, if only for appearances.

He could do without being cracked in the face again.

@[member="Rave Merrill"] @The Eternal One @Darth Praelior @Alen Na'Varro

@[member="Rave Merrill"]'s assistance was helpful. Alen shot her a look of appreciation and lessened the extent of his Force Shield to incorporate her armoured figure into the bubble, making her person part of the shield itself. With that his power use dipped to a more sustainable level, and they continued on. The crew moved like a juggernaut, forward and impetuous, running over whatever resistance came their way. With less focus on the shield, Na'Varro ignited one crimson lightsaber and moved forward imperiously, relentlessly. At the center of the shield, he was the fulcrum of the group. Where he moved, the others had to follow. That was the unfortunate nature of their makeshift tactic.

And then it gave. Unable to take the relentless pounding of blaster and heavy arms fire, Alen's impressive Shield flickered and died under the weight of the attack. Growling, the Dark Master pressed ahead and charged, looking to punch through the mess of enemies himself and make a breach through which they could pour through. The bridge was near. The Dark Side fueling his strides, the bearded man was mobile and furious, on his enemies quickly and swiftly. The first man he came to lunged clumsily with the butt of his blaster rifle. Alen swept under and took off his leg at the knee, rebounded a blaster bolt from his second enemy into his third, and then impaled a fourth through the chest, before stepping back and cutting the second in half. A fifth was dispatched with footwork, Alen stepped inside and took the centre line, splitting the man's balance and slashing at his chest, killing him instantly. He ducked under and tripped a sixth for the others to kill before stabbing a fleeing seventh through the back, then barely brought his blade around to protect himself from a flurry of repeater fire, before reaching out with the Force and simply wrenching the repeater away from his enemy. A Force Leap brought him to the man and Na'Varro killed him quickly.

"TO THE BRIDGE!" Alen thundered, turning to see where @[member="Triko"], @[member="Morna Imura"] and @[member="The Eternal One"] were positioned. As he turned back, however-

A bounty hunter clad head to toe in beskar walked toward him with dual repeating slugthrowers raised ... Na'Varro turned as he fired. One slug ripped into his shoulder before he could react.


Kitt Solo

Alen Na'Varro's Ex
Objective: West - hollar

@[member="Moira Skaldi"], @[member="Lucianus Adair"], @[member="Jak Sandrow"], @[member="Hannibal Oryen"], @[member="Alen Na'Varro"]

She couldn't see the rest of her team. A million mirrors with her own face stared back at her. The sounds of battle were replaced with a deafening silence with a hint of high-pitched ringing.

"Kark this," she muttered and took a step forward, forehead slamming into one of the mirrors.


Hands rose and she proceeded with more caution. "Hannibal, Lucianus, Moira...Ja-," voice stopped as her voice echoed into nothingness. Wincing, she hunched over as a sharp pain ripped through her shoulder. Looking down, she saw no blood. Even with the mounting fear and confusion of her situation, she knew what the pain meant.


She had a bond with him, ever since he healed her from the sith poison.

Reaching out through the invisible channel of the force, she extended her skills as an empath, trying to send waves of strength and valor to Na'Varro. Her mind brushed against his like the rustling of fall leaves. 'Alen, I just felt that. What's your sitrep?' Concern tinged her disembodied voice.
Objective East.

Oh the little guy thought he was funny for saying that I was ugly. I shook my head as I continued to run, I was catching up fast now. Using the force, I let myself dash over to the bubble as it started to dissipate. I set the little guy down and turned around at just the right moment to bring my hand up and absorb the energy with my hand. "Goddamn they don't give up!"

I turned around once more and saw that @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] had gotten shot with a slugthrower. Easily told by the blood that flew into the air. My hand lashed out sending a fireball at the man who shot him, and rushing to him, I moved in front of the troops that were firing at us, A wall of blue energy formed in front of me absorbing the blasts. I was not at talented in creating a full shield for others, but I could do that.

"Alen Get up! We need to get everyone to the Bridge!" Holding the force shield with one hand my left hand, I used my right to throw fire. deciding that this was going to only get worse.

@[member="Triko"], @[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="The Eternal One"]
Elegant and depraved.
Helios blinked, and for a very slight moment the thought of terror entered his mind. Confusion combined with the uncomfortable edginess of his shot nerves conspired an acute urgency to regurgitate, but he swallowed it as he observed the situation before realizing what exactly was going on. Helios had no idea where he was nor how he got here. Enemy lasers whipped past his Animus-class Assault Courier as he took evasive action wondering how he hadn't been shot out of the sky already. He extended his right hand to press a button on his holopad to replay the last message, an instinct. The details were sent by Rave Merill, instructing Helios to participate in the East objective. His recollection of these things were vague, and he couldn't clearly remember anything at all for that matter for the last two months.

He wanted to blame his symptoms on the stress of the situation but he knew this was more complex of a case. Helios was now in the more extreme stages of his plaguing memory loss. What had he been doing for the last few months? Helios spun his agile craft far enough away from the midst of the exchanging fire power that he could collect his thoughts and assess the situation. Helios' pale eyelids sat half open as his golden orbs stared blankly out of the viewport of the Courier. A gentle expansion of Helios' cognizance developed in that moment as he spoke aloud; "I'm losing my mind."

More realizations came soon after. He didn't remember joining the Fringe, he didn't quite know anyone in the faction, and didn't know why he was fighting for them. Yet, he didn't have the notion to withdraw from this battle. A tinge of displeasure followed the thought, as flashback reminders of Helios' own betrayals threatened to obscure his vision. Dead Jedi and Sith alike still haunted Helios to this day, their souls still to be heard in empty hallways. Replies for his mental statements and questions ceased to exist, and in his current state he was only trying to find a way to exist in a universe where his mind was formidably attempting to do the opposite. Pale fingers pressed various buttons in the cockpit of his courier as he turned his fighter around to go to his comrades. This was a personal issue, something that must be set aside for the moment.

He would have to seek the answers to his plague when the wars came to a halt, which could very well be never. Regardless of not having the slightest idea of what he's actually been doing the last few months, he deemed that it must not have been anything out of order if he was still physically healthy and not expelled from the faction. In turn, he decided that he would fight for the Fringe until he died, or until his brain atrophied, but Helios estimated that he could prevent that from happening for a time with aid of the Force. He held on to that thought with fragile hope, doubting he'd have the mental strength by then to duel insanity years down the line from now. The years that he did have left however he would apply his efforts in unselfish contribution, a contrast to his isolated past life.

I shall utilize it while I still have it. Helios whipped his ship around, pulling the trigger on enemy cannons and infantry below as he made his way to the east-side. His craft rounded the eastern Fringe team as the Dark Master looked ahead at the enemies pinning them down at the opposite end of the bridge. Helios pulled his craft up to the bridge and fired laser cannons at the enemy infantry, the rounds doing little more than leaving indentions and craters in the bridge but those atop were blown apart by the concentrated fire. With the bridge clear, and the enemy infantry both too afraid and slow to refill the gaps the Eastern team could take this time to advance. Before Helios could take the time to land his craft though, the angered guns of their enemies concentrated on his ship. Before the heavier rounds could be loaded to fully destroy the courier, Helios set the auto pilot to complete a course destined to collide with a building adjacent to the bridge, one that had a lot of enemies in it. The lid of the small ship cracked and flew off of the ship as Helios unstrapped himself, lifted himself on top of the pilot seat and utilized Force Leap to evacuate the Courier. Missiles and other miscellaneous fire completely missed the ship as it rocked straight ahead and slammed into the building. Explosions ensued throughout the building until the Laws of Gravity saw fit that it was time for it to meet the ground. Helios' landing wasn't too far behind the group as he rolled safely onto the ground, but the fire concentrated on his position prevented him from getting to them. Agitated, a hilt went from his belt to his hand. He seemed to have more attention focused on him moreso than the East group now that the bridge was unoccupied. He'd rather they advance, than help him. The dual blades of his saber-staff whirled and screeched like a glowing red buzzsaw as he attempted to wait for a break in fire before dashing for cover.
@[member="Triko"] @[member="The Eternal One"] @[member="Darth Praelior"] @[member="Alen Na'Varro"] @[member="Morna Imura"] @[member="Helios Kingpriest"]

Morna's flame shield could absorb the energy of those blaster shots, but slugthrower rounds spanged off nearby permacrete and metalwork. With Na'varro's Force shield down, Rave and her armor were no longer incorporated, but the Mark IF's thick armor gave some protection against the slugs. She got up there with Imura, tanked a slug or two while spraying transparisteel flechettes and xenoboric acid over the mess -- didn't do much against buddy in beskar, but them's the shakes. He got close, too close, and her spiral vibrobayonet skittered off his armor. She drew back and punched the tip into his armpit, or tried to; he dropped his arm, and his beskar-clad tricep warded the bayonet away. Pistol rounds punched into her energy shield rather than the weak points of her suit, or she'd have been in trouble.

"Little help over here!"

Triko was happy to help, and he was the littlest help available, at least in the literal sense.
The beskar-clad man hadn't prioritized him as a target- this was his first mistake.

His second mistake was being unable to deflect missiles.

Heaving the rocket launcher, off his back and onto his shoulder, he aimed for the man, and remembered to issue a brief warning first, for the sake of his comrades.

"Get back human, or you explode!"

He gave her half a second to react before sending a blazing ball of explosive flame in her general direction.

@Rave Merrill @The Eternal One @Darth Praelior @Alen Na'Varro
As my shield was up protecting most of the rounds to come at me, I heard a few still wizz by me. Lifting my left arm like a shield was there by itself. I heard a crack sound of a slugthrower hitting the brace on me left arm. But I was not harmed, well except for a bruise that will be there later. I took the wall of flame and threw it forwards at the closer troops. it took out two men, and burned a few more to stop them. I could feel to my side of Rave attacking others. As then Triko then said to get back. he pulled the trigger and the blast was coming fast.

I grabbed a hold of Rave's suit and slung her from my right to my left and widened myself in front of her as the blast exploded. My body took most of the heat energy that had come, and it felt rather good to have that heat back. I then pointed to Alen, "You know something about healing?" Just then a Ship blasted into a building on the other side of the bridge. I was done with this crap. I yanked on my belt and the chain came off. I drew my sword with my right, and both of the weapons became on fire.

Lashing out with the chain, I grabbed a man at the ankle. He screamed on the top of his lungs from the burning, and it ended when I yanked up then back down, for him to slam hard on the ground, quickly spinning my blade in a circle next to my body to increase the momentum before it embedded itself into the body of a man who was only wearing armorweave. it may stop blaster throwers, but it could not stop a pointed edge.

@[member="Triko"], @[member="Rave Merrill"], @[member="Helios Kingpriest"], @[member="Alen Na'Varro"], @[member="The Eternal One"]

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