Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Separation of the Mind {Circe}

For a moment she simply stood, biting her lower lip gently as she thought. While both Caged and the true Ven (who was still stuck in the back of her mind) knew exactly why she was here, Rage seemed to not have a clue. Or was to cocky to admit it willingly. Eventually she sighed, and forced herself to speak. "KILL YOU? NO. NOT NOW. THAT IS NOT WHY I HAVE COME, SAVAN." It would be awhile before the merc returned to calling her ex-lover by the woman's first name. Why? Only Rage knows. "I HAVE RETURNED BECAUSE I FEEL... GUILTY. FOR LEAVING YOU WHILE YOU WERE ILL. I HAVE COME TO APOLOGIZE, AND RID MY CHEST OF THIS HORRID FEELING. THAT IS ALL." Ven finished. Really? No 'I missed you', no 'take me back', just that? C'mon, at least hug her! Caged thought, attempting to cause a personality shift. As she did so the merc tensed, freezing up for a few seconds. Then her eyes closed, and she took a deep breath.

When her eyelids fluttered back up, things appeared different. Her eyes seemed softer, and her stance was more relaxed. You ever gonna let me talk? Or is it just going to be the two of you for the rest of my existence? True Ven interjected, mentally scowling at her fellow personalities. Neither responded. "I'm not crazy. Not really... Just, er, how to put it?... I'M FINE. TOTALLY FINE, SANE, AND RATIONAL." Circe would likely notice the changing of tones, with the merc being calm and quiet one second, loud and monotone the next. Rage did not enjoy losing control. "Oi... My apologies Savan. I'm just... not myself, ya know?... You've already noticed that, haven't you?... Guess I snapped. Went of the deep end. Now I'm myself, but I'm also myself, and myself. Though the last myself doesn't really show up that-... YUP. TOTALLY FINE. SUCH FINE, MUCH OKAY." Now the mad merc seemed very pissed, though not at Circe. Sighing out of annoyance she came forward, Caged barely able to maintain control.

Smiling softly she stood in front of her former employer, and opened her arms wide, non-verbally asking for a hug. Mentally Rage mumbled, finally deciding to let the other personality have a few minutes. Without waiting for the Vinithi to move she took another step, quietly hugging the woman she may or may not love. I missed you.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"You're fragmenting... I can tell. Like Dog and God, your mind's starting to splinter." She tapped on the armrests of her chair. "I can feel the conflict within you, and it's very, very displeasing to me." She sighed. But when the woman came and moved to give her a hug, she smiled. "Welcome back, whichever 'myself' of Ven you represent that loves me... What's going on here?"

She was right on the money with the issue regarding Ven's mental health, but wanted to get some answers from this locked-up personality.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Starting to splinter? On the contrary. Ven's mind was already shattered, and the broken pieces refused to work together. Nor do I love you. Rage grumbled, sinking back into the recesses of the merc's mind. Ignoring the other personality, Caged pulled away from the hug and sat down, sitting in front of the throne.Her legs were crossed beneath her, and her hands sat interlocked in her lap. As Rage 'fell asleep' Caged started to think, finally having free reign over Ven. While she wasn't entirely sure what was going on, she wanted to do her best to explain things to Savan. After a moment she looked back up, and spoke. "I don't know. At least not exactly. Oh, and this is the second 'myself'. Rage/Ven'Rain refers to me as Caged or simply Ven. Er, I guess that sounds odd. I'm still Ven, but so is she. We're both Ven... I'm Ven? But, uh, Rage doesn't really like you very much right now. I kept trying to tell her to relax and just talk to you, but she wouldn't listen. queen rarely lets me do anything. She's... napping right now. Up here," the mad merc said, pointing at her head for a moment.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"So let me try to understand... You're "Caged" Ven, locked away almost all the time, and she's Rage Ven, or Ven'Rain? But she mentioned a third 'myself,' and I'm curious as to who that was." The whole multiple personality thing was starting to confuse her, and if Rage returned, she might be unable to finish her conversation...

Well, unless she made up a trigger that would change personalities, that is.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Third myself? Now that Caged thought about it, she had no idea who the third one was. Little did she know, the third was the only true personality, the actual Ven'Rain. The one who loved Circe, but still held feelings for Ventasia. A woman who would fight until she dropped dead just to save the life of one loved one. Someone who had lost everything, and had been just starting to build it back up. Now she was slowly fading, being overwhelmed by the two largest parts of her personality. Each growing and forming to polar opposite personas. As sad as it was, there was almost nothing anyone could do.

Scowling out of frustration Ven did her best to remember, wanting to be able to properly describe the last 'myself'. Eventually she sighed and gave up, only able to give a partial answer. "Yeah. I go by Ven, she prefers Ven'Rain. But, er, we're both Ven. I'm Ven. She's me, I'm her. We just... aren't the same, I guess. Trust me, it confuses me more then it does you. And third me? Er, she's... She's Ven as well. But she's really quiet, and we've been seeing less and less of her. Rage really doesn't like her, and is trying to push her out of our head." With a little shrug Caged finished talking, and looked around the room.

Once more things started to shift, as Rage 'woke up'. For a moment she took over, sighing and looking back at her former lover. "EH, THIRD VEN IS... OKAY. BUT SHE'S ALWAYS SO CARING, AND SHE'S JUST GOING TO GET US HURT. AND SHE'S PROBABLY THE ONE ONE OF US THREE WHO STILL CLAIMS TO LOVE YOU SAVAN. WHETHER OR NOT SHE ACTUALLY DOES... EH, WHO KNOWS." Kark you guys. I'm still here! IF YOU'D JUST LET ME TALK, I COULD EXPLAIN THINGS! No response.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Can you not give the third Ven an opportunity to speak? Even for a little bit? I appreciate the caring attitude of Ven, Van'Rain, but I seem to have only heard two sides of the picture. Something's missing here... And it really disappoints me. Can you let her talk? Have the decency to do that once?" She sighed. While there were Sith techniques to summon certain aspects of a splintered mind's personalities, there was also the chance of causing serious damage. Damage that would be practically irreparable, even if Circe chose to turn psychic and enter into Ven's mind.

If only there was a way to separate the three...

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
The mercenary frowned, stopping to think once more. "SHE MIGHT NOT BE STRONG ENOUGH. SHE HAS BEEN GROWING WEAK EVER SINCE WE FORMED." Rage explained, biting her lower lip gently. At least let me try! It took a moment, but with the other two's assistance (though neither wanted to help) True Ven was able to show up, though she felt weak, each word coming out tired and pained. "God, I missed you Circe. We don't have much time... I can't hold myself... here for long..." She gulped and tried to force air into her lungs. Tears threatened to leave her eyes and she stood up, moving to hold her friend and bury her face into the other woman's neck. "Forgive me... forgive me for what I do when I can't... when I can't remember you... When I can't reach you..." The words came out as a murmur, barely able to rise above the silence.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"It's okay, Ven... I'll free you one day, make you whole again." A soft smile grew on Circe's face as she embraced the woman, feeling her tender lips against the flesh of the Vinithi's neck. "I love you so much..." A hand ran through the woman's hair, slowly but surely bringing Ven's face to Circe's as the plant-woman once again shared a kiss with the lovely near-human she had grown to love, desire, and protect. Ven was one of the three closest persons to her in the entire galaxy, and if there was one person she didn't want to see continue into madness, it was her.

"I actually do have some options to repair you three."

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
True Ven smiled as she kissed back lightly, glad to be able to hold her lover again. Alas, it did not last long, and the real personality started losing her hold on reality. By the time Circe pulled away to speak it was no longer Kairo (True Ven) she was holding. Caged had returned, and she let a soft sigh express her sadness. She shipped her other personality with the Vinithi, even if it was a little... weird. Leaning forward again she rested her head back in the crook of Savan's neck, thinking of how to respond. "She didn't get to tell you, but she loves you. A lot. Sometimes she just doesn't like the fact that you kiss other people. It makes her... a bit sad, and perhaps a tad jealous. But it's okay. Just let her know you love her too. Oh, and you might want to try to get on Rage's good side. An example of how strong you are could work, or if you offered her power. Plus, she really, really likes cookies. Though she won't admit it," Caged explained with a smile. Then she gave Circe a short peck on the lips, pulling back to say one last thing. "You're chill in my book."
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"I suppose I understand..." Circe sighed, cuddling up with Caged Ven. "Well... Go ahead and let Rage come back. I guess I have work to do with you. Well, her..." Sighing, she released Ven, and when Rage came back to the forefront, she smiled. "So... I hear you desire power. Well, what would you do if I told you that you could be made Force-Sensitive? With the right rituals and materials, I could imbue you with the power of the Force, the ability to manipulate it, to a degree."

All people had a connection with the Force. Ven just needed, for better lack of term, steroids to compete with the rest.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Caged frowned, not wanting to give up control. "K, but be careful hun. I won't be able to bail you out if Rage gets pissed," she said with a little sigh, closing her eyes. Switching personalities wasn't exactly easy, or something Ven could just do when she wanted to. All Caged could do was relax, and stop trying to hold the other personality down. Several minutes passed, with the mad merc not moving besides for her breathing. Eventually her eyes opened, and they appeared foggy once more. "POWER? YES. THE MORE POWER, THE MORE DESTRUCTION AND HAVOC CAN BE CAUSED... AND... THE FORCE, YOU SAY? OH YES, THAT SOUNDS DELIGHTFUL. BUT I MUST ASK SAVAN, WHAT DO THESE RITUALS ENTAIL? AND HOW LIKELY TO SUCCEED ARE THEY? I'D RATHER NOT RISK MYSELF FOR A POTENTIAL RESULT." Ven said, raising one eyebrow. The light hit her right eye, illuminating the foggy surface. This made the merc scowl, remembering the blow that caused the damage. It'll be going blind soon... Great.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... You'd need to come with me to Artus Prime. Once we get some Artusian crystal, I can take you to the Trayus Core, a Dark Side Nexus where the crystals will be used to infuse into you the power of the Force. Of course you'll never be as powerful as one naturally Force-Sensitive... but you'll still have a decent command of the Force, enough to be more powerful... Which is all I ever desired of this aspect of your personality."

So true... Rage Ven didn't appeal to Circe as much as her more caring counterparts. When they were merged... life would be so much better.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
It was clear that Circe did not like Rage as much as she did Caged. Which was fine with the maddest of the mad merc's personas. Rage did not like Circe as much as the others did. Though she did respect the power she knew Savan held. "SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN. THOUGH I'M GUESSING YOU WON'T DO IT WITHOUT EXPECTING SOMETHING IN RETURN? IT'S OBVIOUS YOU DON'T LIKE THIS SIDE OF ME. BUT YOU KNOW I AM STRONG, TOUGHER THAN THE OTHERS. IF I DID NOT EXIST, THEY WOULD BE DEAD RIGHT NOW. SO MAKE ME STRONG. FOR THE STRONGER I AM, THE SAFER THEY WILL BE." Ven explained with a little nod. What had been said was true. If the violent personality had faded, Caged would be to much of a pacifist to protect herself, nor have the courage to stand up for herself. Even though Rage was sometimes to loud and aggressive, she kept Ven alive.
@[member="Circe Savan"]​
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Well... I desire you to be my chief enforcer. Consider it a combination between "bodyguard" and "emmisary." Basically, you'll be given orders, directly from me, and I'll be sending you to tell others what I want them to do. As well, you'll be keeping me protected from any potential threats. In return, not only will you be trained to use the Force by me, but you'll also be given a place of residence, food, supplies... basically everything I was giving you before you up and out left me. Seem fair enough?"

Hopefully, Rage would accept the offer, and the two women could be back together again.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Chief enforcer? Oi, that sounded good. After thinking for a moment Ven smiled, giving a slow nod. Though the mentioning of her departure made Caged flinch slightly. All three personalities regretted the decision, and wanted to make it up to Savan. Rage held the least guilt, to no one's surprise. "I WILL AGREE TO THOSE TERMS. AND... I APOLOGIZE ONCE MORE FOR LEAVING YOU. IT WAS CRUEL, EVEN FOR ONE SUCH AS MYSELF. PERHAPS ONE DAY YOU CAN FORGIVE ME." Ven said, turning her head to look away. Mentally Caged smiled, glad to see Rage doing something besides threatening and shooting people.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Don't you see though, Ven'Rain?" Circe smiled, addressing the aspect by her preferred name. "I already have forgiven you. That's the thing... I have no reason to hold what you did against you. I wouldn't have done so much for you unconditionally, given you so much of my love and more if you meant nothing to me. Maybe I'm just silly, or maybe my feelings for you in my heart really are that deep..."

Stepping forward, she moved to give the enormous woman before her a hug. "We have a lot to do to get you fixed up. New implants, more skin rejuvenation... And what happened to your eyes?"

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
A small smile crossed Ven'Rain's lips, and she willingly hugged the green one back. Briefly her eyes closed and she took a deep breath. Though she tensed for a moment at the mention of her eyes. Quietly she muttered a curse before pulling back. Sighing she started to explain, obviously at least a little embarassed. "NAR SHADDAA. BAR FIGHT. I HAD JUST REJECTED A MAN, SAYING I WAS TAKEN. HE DID NOT LIKE THAT, NOR DID HE BELIEVE ME. SO I PUNCHED HIM IN THE FACE, EASILY KNOCKING HIM OUT. AS I SAT DOWN TO FINISH DRINKING, HIS BUDDIES APPROACHED ME. A FIGHT BROKE OUT, AND SOMEONE MANAGED TO PUT A KNIFE IN MY FACE. IT SLASHED ACROSS MY RIGHT EYE, TEARING THE FLESH OPEN. AFTER I KILLED THEM THE OTHER PATRONS BECAME VERY, VERY UPSET. THERE WAS NO OTHER OPTION BUT TO KILL THEM ALL, EXCEPT FOR THOSE WHO FLED OR IGNORED ME. DURING THE FIGHT A BOUNTY HUNTER USED AN EXPLOSIVE THAT CAUGHT THE LEFT SIDE OF MY FACE. I ELIMINATED HIM AS WELL." Ven'Rain explained, now seeming proud of her achievement.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Impressive... I could grow to like you, Rage." A smile crossed her face as she grinned. "But for now, let's get you fixed up. Your eyes might require surgery to make sure you don't go blind... And I know your skin definitely needs rejuvenation. After all these procedures have been completed, we can go to Artus Prime and get the crystals required for the ritual. A hybrid of technology and the Dark Side..."

Ven'Rain was going to become Circe's latest experiment.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]
Savan's words made the merc grin, and for a moment she considered kissing the green woman. Unsuprisingly, Caged urged her on, and the real Ven offered to come out and do it herself. "MORE SKIN REJUVENATION? IF IT MUST BE SO. OF COURSE, I'M ASSUMING IT WILL HELP KEEP VEN AND MYSELF SAFE... AND I BELIEVE MY LEFT EYE IS FINE. IT'S JUST MY RIGHT THAT IS LOSING SIGHT. NOW, ONE LAST THING..." Ven'Rain started before leaning in, planting a quiet kiss on her companion's lips. "When do we leave?" Caged interjected, smiling as she kissed Circe again.
@[member="Circe Savan"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Your right eye will be..." Circe sighed, practically melting into Ven's kiss as the two women embraced once again. "Once you're repaired. Then, since you came back... How about I get a little three course meal and try you out in triplicate?" A soft chuckle came from her lips as Ven obviously knew what she meant. "I'm gonna have to get used to you shifting between personalities... Is there any way I can make the transition between personalities easier? A code word for each one? A physical action?"

She raised an eyebrow, wanting more transitional means available in case she needed a certain aspect's help.

@[member="Ven'Rain Sekairo"]

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