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Approved Tech Serpent's Hide

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Manufacturer: Draelvasier | Rakvul
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Semi-Unique
Weight: Light
Size: N/A


  • Intent: To create a new leather material based on the death of the famous beast Hadad.
  • Image Source:
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A


  • The tanned hide of Hadad, the Great Serpent turned into a form of leather.
  • Highly durable. The hide is highly resistant to most forms of energy. It absorbs and repels energy.
  • Resistant to the plasma blades of Lightsabers and other weapons that utilize the same energy.

  • Extremely Durable
  • Absorbs & Repels Energy
  • Lightsaber Resistant

  • Limited Amount
  • Extremely Difficult & Time Consuming
  • Weak Acid Resistance


Far before the Bryn'adul Empire emerged on the galactic stage, it all began on the remote world known as Kardun. It was where the ancient Draelvasier Precursors went to die. A species overtaken by weakness, consumed by hubris they went to this world to disappear into catatonia. The world was little more than a ruined colony from ages past. This was where Tathra Khaeus, the Last Precursor went to achieve the impossible: Revive his people. After extensive study, preparation, and despite impossible odds he was able to create what most would know as the modern Draelvasier. This world became the very first colony established by the reborn species.
It was from Kardun that everything started, and to all Draelvasier it held a special place in their hearts. It remained firmly under their control through the rise of the Bryn'adul Empire and even surviving the fall itself. This was where the story of this great world ended however. Kardun became the central battleground for the Draelvasier Civil War, between Warlord Galak and Chieftain Tathra Khaeus. It was on this site that the war was decided, and it was on this world that everything fell apart. Hadad the Great Serpent, considered by many to be the Father of all Servitors severed his bonds with the Titan and turned on the Draelvasier.
The resulting battle was apocalyptic as the massive beast's wrath was unleashed, consuming mountains and transforming the very landscape. Despite such incredible adversity the Chieftain managed to prevail over both Galak and Hadad albeit with great cost. Kardun was destroyed and forever lost to the Draelvasier, shattered into pieces. For Rakvul the Darkener, a First Generation Draelvasier born on Kardun, the news of the world's destruction hit him hard when it came from the Chieftain himself. Rakvul traveled to the ruins of the planet where he was born to see the destruction for himself. It was here that he found remains of Hadad drifting on one of the sundered pieces of Kardun.
These pieces were quickly collected by Draelvasier under orders from the Darkener where he stored much of it, utilizing the very hide of the great beast. After extensively working on the hide he was able to tan it and create a new form of leather that proved incredibly resilient. The new material retained the legendary durability of the beast it was harvested from. There was only a limited amount of the material, and due to its hardiness in base form it was incredibly difficult and time consuming to work with. In addition, the leather retained the inherent weakness to acid that the beast once had. Rakvul was pleased with the final product and gave it the name of Serpent's Hide.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a new leather material based on the death of the famous beast Hadad.
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: N/A
Primary Source(s):


Technical Information

Affiliation: Bryn'adul-Xaelesh Protectorate
Model: Serpent's Hide
Modular: Yes
Material: Hadad
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