Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Set-Up Discussion


Well-Known Member
[member="Janus"], I contacted [member="Werah Unon"] when I heard you were rebooting the faction. And apparently it is semi archived.
The faction is archived-ish. Due to technical limitations, the faction cannot be brought back. It can be used as a reference, as all posts are preserved, but I've had to make a new faction.

It is possible to transfer old threads over, but I feel that it is better to just start from scratch again. [member="Titan Kryze"] [member="Janus"]
[member="Werah Unon"]

Lirra is in Hutt space, also close to two other major factions that could dominion at any time. Plus, it's far away from any trade routes.

How about Geonosis? Far as you can get from any faction clouds, and it's at the intersection of two trade routes. Plus, as the former capital of the Trade Federation, it cas resources and factories there we can exploit.
Ok, I guess Geonosis makes more sense. Lirra does have a special advantage, though: bogs. Also, marshes. And deformed mutants. And mud. A lot of mud. These kind of resources are invaluable to any growing empire.

1: Geonosis

Any other ideas?
A Techno Empire wouldn't be one without a wide range of technology corporations! But how many planets is a starting major faction entitled to, 3? Let's say Geonosis is the capital... Ryloth, Christophsis (or Tatooine) would be my picks.

That's assuming we can't capitalize on the recall of some faction, in which case one hex is ours. As it stands, the Galactic Republic, the One Sith and the Sith Triumvirate, as well as the Zenithian Imperium, are all at risk of recall.


Well-Known Member
If the sith fall we could try Commenor, multiple trade routes and what not. Plus semi friendly relationships as I'm currently VP. (A yay for polatics, for once.) And from what I've seen the One Sith will fall.

[member="Janus"] [member="Werah Unon"] [member="Charzon Loulan"]
[member="Titan Kryze"]

I agree, the OS will fall. However, that puts us in the middle of three faction clouds. Not to mention we are on the border of the GR, and Lady Kay is the president there. That will mean the GR will likely jump on the opportunity to dominion it as soon as the OS goes minor.


Well-Known Member
@Janus @Charzon Loulan [member="Werah Unon"];

I think we should wait till the next map update happens before we decide where we want to set up.
[member="Charzon Loulan"]

Yeah, by no means would we be starting off major. We're just looking for a base planet to set up shop at for the time being.

[member="Werah Unon"]

Will we be having the same council-type government as the TU? If so I could start a government thread stating the council positions and such.
I have friends in high places, I'm sure an arrangement can be made :)

Besides, I can aid with certain materials, currently I reside over the Anoat Sector in my position within the First Order. I have resources. :)


Well-Known Member
[member="Ileris Sonn"], aren't you the guy who out bid me for Chailindria Datatech earlier this month? If so then, well bid.

Also [member="Jessica Med-Beq"], I think the result should be on the map next month.

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