“I didn’t know… Mama was from Panatha, she wasn’t a Mandalorian. So the Manda everyone talks about is the Force, and life creates it, in this cyclical… thing and it guides you… ‘cause it’s like, life and death ends up in it, and… Is it… ” Yasha grunted and shut her eyes, rubbing a bloodstained back of her hand against the side of her face.
“No getting frustrated, Yash, stop and think, just like Baiko taught you…” Yasha heaved a sigh, breathing in and out in a technique taught, of all things, amongst the Fallanassi. Smashing her lips together, the girl looked back at the Witch Elder to try again.
“We die, we go ‘Hold the Line’, which from what I can gather is coming…. literal here, um, and eventually we fade, because nothing ever escapes death forever, which is really energy being redesigned to more life, and the only thing that is forever is the Force, which is the Manda, and now Ra, who was probably brought back to life by Transfer Essence and a wicked bunch of Zambrano voodoo wants to cure the Force from Mandalorians because people with the Force kept blowing us up… you know if I hadn’t lived most of that, I’d have a way harder time believing it.”
[member="Ember Rekali"] was a powerhouse of rectification. Standing helpless in the presence of true power reminded her of her father taking her to Dromund Kaas. [member="Preliat Mantis"] meant to teach his daughter about the fleeting nature of corporeal power, in his own way affirming what Rekali said about balance in all things.
How could such different men have the same conclusions? How could one come to such similar points, when their inner lives were so intensely divided? Was truth indomitable, like Beskar? Amber eyes watched Ember sit in his chair and rub his knees. Did aches and pains transcend corporeality?
“Ra… wasn’t enteched… he bled… was kind of the cause of him getting run through at one point… a Sith threw a building on me and… nevermind.” Yasha spent a great deal of time with the book, searching everything for one last thread, which would relieve her of the one fact she knew in the marrow of her bones.
The Sith Lord brought her beloved Guardian Ra Vizsla back to life.
“… Ba’buir Jasper is here?” Yasha whispered, with a gasp. Her father’s guilt flashed across her face, a horrified will that Cold Iron City turned out different. That Daddy didn’t kill the man who could have been his adopted Buir.
“I.. I won’t… I promise. Thank you, Alor Rekali, for reading the book and gosh, it’s going to feel like paradise to take a real shower, sleep in a place where I’m not going to get ganked in a Coruscanti minute.” The more she stared at the book, the more Yasha felt a settling in what remained of her fissured spirit.
'What could one girl do about it’? In the guest room, Yasha stripped beskar’gam off her body, modified as she grew by her mother’s hand. It lost much of its’ golden shine in the intervening years, dulled by the gore of the Netherworld. She pushed past injuries in various stages of healing, washed crusted crimson out of her hair. Dressing in a pair of pyjamas which appeared on the bed, Yasha sat in the arm chair, and began to clean her armour.
Daddy taught her, Ra taught her. It was her way of processing, correlating what Ember was teaching with what she knew, and thought she knew, of the world beyond.
How could she shift the patterns she was beginning to see so Ember Rekali or another force of nature didn’t have to ‘rebalance’ Mandalore? Was the elimination of the Force Mandalore’s rebalancing, after swinging too far the other way? Would Jasper Ordo sleep better tonight?
Could one girl stem the tide, and put Mandalore on the right path? What was that path? The third time Yasha dropped the brush, she stared at numb fingers and fell into bed. Warm, comforting covers barely registered in her luxuriating mind as sleep overwhelmed her.
A child, grown through her quest in the Netherworld, dreamed of Ithorians and Nannies of a White Current. She dreamed of Ra sitting, bandages wrapped around his barrel chest, by the fire at the Civil War’s conclusion, praying to the Manda for clarity. For why he was Undying. Did he know he prayed to the Force? Did he know his life was threaded on a string to what was likely a clone body, by a man, who on all accounts, was the embodiment of corporeal evil?
Did Force Dead girls dream at all?
The night and morning, as it were, passed without a rise from the Wolf’s daughter. Yasha slept for over twenty standard hours. So thorough was her sleep, that when she awoke, a peacefulness broke upon her stretching body. For a moment, she was back home beside the Sundari Palace. Yet, the diffused desert sun did not enter the room of stone. Her Daddy wasn't tapping on the door to tell her breakfast was ready.
Yasha blinked awake and sat up, rubbing her eyes and untangling her hair with her fingers. "Okay, Yash. Step one, get dressed. Step two, don't wake Jasper. Step three, figure out what to do with an intergalactic balance between the Manda, Force-Curing rabid Mandalorians and a Dathomiri Witch Elder, who just proved my childhood hero was a puppet of the Sith... no biggie?"
She fell backward onto the pillow and threw her arm over her eyes with a groan. "No biggie."