Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shadow Empire: Mining Problems | EE Dominion of 244Core




244Core; an industrialized world with countless companies. The place is mainly famous for its mining and mining industry. Countless people are here or have had interests from different factions. Yet it was the Eternal Empire who had the opportunity to acquire the planet for itself this time.

There were innumerable industrial areas on the planet and its moons, company centres, mining centres. This was the richness of the planet. Last but not least, there were countless companies here that already have interests in the Eternal Empire or, conversely, those here. Although it's not that important maybe.

Rather, 244Core is located along an important commercial route and that is why it was important to acquire this location. And the leaders of the companies invited the Eternal Empire to discuss the possibilities of these, precisely because of the possible growth and imperial subsidies.

During this time, a major mine disaster occurred on the other side of the planet, on one of the huge platforms and near where thousands or tens of thousands of workers worked explosions occurred. Many are talking about terrorist acts, thousands of workers are stuck underground in tunnels, their situation is critical.



Objective 1: The Meeting
The Corporate Committee that governs the planet has invited representatives of the Eternal Empire, and the leaders of the companies involved there, to negotiate a possible accession and its benefits. The Corporate Committee, of course, strives to maintain the greatest possible independence and sovereignty. After all, they have been in control of the planet for centuries, they want to be able to have a say in the affairs going on here and not be completely ruled out.

Objective 2: The Disaster
There are a lot of dead, injured people at the site of the disaster; and according to the data, nearly four thousand miners were trapped underground. Their air is running out, there can only be enough oxygen in the tunnels for up to a day. Thus, the primary task is to deliver relief supplies to the affected area, take care for the wounded, and try to rescue those trapped underground.

Objective 3: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.
At a time when all attention is being paid to the summit and disaster, this could be the perfect opportunity for smugglers and pirates alike.


Links: 244Core | Shadow Empire

Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence - 244Core System
Equipment: Viper Mk. I SkinsuitPV-16 “Sunfury” Pulse Pistol
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran


Before Batuu, Ivixa had never heard of the secretive organization, having only known of the Eternal Empire, which were allies with the Agents of Chaos. Along the same vein, she had also known of the Empress, who was one of the most prolific assassins in the Unknown Regions, if not the entire galaxy. Her decision to join Blackwatch had in part been because of her legacy, in the hopes that one day, she could achieve the same level of fame via her skills as a sniper-assassin, which she had developed during her tenure with the Wild Hunt.

While the Eternal Empire was almost the complete ideological opposite of the Agents of Chaos, since the two organizations were allies, it had not been too difficult for Ivixa to terminate her contract with the Wild Hunt. Unfortunately, her new role would see the diminutive Asa’nyx working further from home, likely spending longer periods of time away from her family, potentially to the measure of months. Regardless, since killing Mifletzet, Ivixa had discovered her destiny and was determined to pursue it, much like her mother had done many years before as a soldier of the now-defunct Sri’la Empire.

Though she followed her mother’s footsteps, Ivixa would serve a different empire, one much larger and diverse.

Having arrived on the Eternal Silence only a few hours before, which was situated close to 244Core, Ivixa was nevertheless prompt in attending her first meeting, with the individual who would formally induct her into Blackwatch...
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Meeting place, 244Core
Objective I.: The Meeting
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Solitude ]

Core 244; another planet that would have been good to acquire, as it was miningly important and all that would have been good for the Eternal Empire. And of course to the HPI Consortium, because Drox wanted to set up a center here as well. Of course, the Empire was first, the company only second. But it was always gratifying when interests met. They made life easier.

Ingrid arrived separately from the delegation because she came to the planet with her own yacht. She landed at the designated location and was then greeted by a smaller committee. As always, she wore her usual uniform. She can finally wear her own, and not a bad one what she got from Alliance. But now she was home and could continue her work. Tubrok has more time to rest, the man, unlike the woman, loved to be lazy anyway.

But most importantly, she could continue the attempts to bring Adrian back. Her husband’s hallucinations were better handled the fact their son suddenly appeared in his young adulthood. This, of course, was just a reflection of what Ingrid thought her husband would react. No common child was planned while the Sith Lord was alive, so she couldn’t know that, and the necklace didn’t help either. But the hallucination reacted the way Ingrid thought the man would do this.

In the meantime, they entered the meeting room, where the woman was still alone; the locals will arrive soon. And it was a great question whether others will arrive from the Eternal Empire.



Objective: Delegate, delegate, delegate
Tags: Sterling Kinslayer Sterling Kinslayer
<"Alor, we're running out of beds.">

<"Then start laying down blankets for those with green or yellow tags, and keep beds reserved for those with reds and blacks. Especially the black tags, they need the comfort.">

<"Got it... And Taozi? Don't strain yourself.">

Taozi couldn't see Feng as she was stitching a woman's arm closed, but she felt her cousin's stare from behind Feng's buy'ce. Truthfully, Taozi knew she'd have to use the Force to heal the wounded at some point, but there was just so much more that had to be done. There were so many wounded. So many dead. Too many to count, and even more yet to be found.

"Yer Mandos, yeah? I thought all y'all were trained for war. What's y'all's deal?"

"Someone had to clean up the messes my vode made. Heal the hurt they created. Treat the wounds caused by non-Mandalorians too. Bring Mercy to a galaxy that doesn't know what it is. Do the work no one else wants to."

Finishing up the stitching, Taozi leaned back in the stool, and met the other woman's eyes from behind her buy'ce. There was... An understanding on the miner's face, as she stood up, and pulled at the yellow tag on her non-wounded arm.

"... What can I do to help?"

"Bring me the next person with a yellow tag, and then go comfort anyone with a black tag that's still breathing."

With a somber nod of understanding, the miner walked off to find Taozi's next patient, leaving the doctor behind.

It was going to be a long, long day.
Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence, 244Core System
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol || Empyrean gland || Chosen Look: Link
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Kessia today was Zena Baize, Deputy Director of Blackwatch. Of course, Baize never existed, it always was Kessia, but that wasn’t important. The woman's true identity was secret and no one knew anything about her. That’s why she was great to play any role as a ghost. Of course, none of this was done of her own free will, but brainwashing and conditioning did not leave her any other option.

Zena was an older woman, gloomy and strict. It suited the mood of Kessia perfectly, who would have been more in the field or sitting in the Empress' chair. Unlike Ingrid, the bodyguard loved to appear as an empress. She was currently waiting aboard the Eternal Silence, in the office where the meeting had been consultation.

She was mostly in this position to keep an eye on Ben Craig Ben Craig , the director. Everyone was watching everyone, mainly because the Empress didn’t really give Blackwatch out of her hands. She needed someone in the top circles who knew about the Warden. It was now officially the woman because this didn't fit Ingrid's time anymore.

So she was currently sitting in the office when Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas arrived.

"Welcome, Miss Nera'kas, I'm Deputy Director Baize, take a seat! I read the files about your latest work, impressive! Would you tell me why you want to join Blackwatch?"



Near the South Equator
Primary Objective: Secure the ???
Secondary Objective: ???

Royal Squadron:
Chaos Medium Strike Walker
2x Vox Vong Light Skirmish Walker
2x Serpentine Medium Strike Walker

"This better be good...I paid a lot for this information."

The older style dropships hit into the atmosphere as they had a few trailing yet aging shuttlecraft. Each one held at least one armored walker, a squadron of five. Flying over a large desert like region, Callum Saville was looking at a nearby monitor as it was hooked up to the communications center in orbit.

"I assure you Prince our information is correct. There is a grounded frigate somewhere in this area, some locals have reported it after the recent sandstorm in the area. If this is true-"

"It be a great boon, yes I know of this. Our fleet could use something a bit smaller. Touching down shortly, Prince out."

The communications would end as the screen went dark, Callum Saville was given an update from the front. Two minutes before drop, enough time for what the Prince needed to do. Opening up the hatch below him, he would slowly start to descend the ladder as the air rushed by his body. Opening up the second hatch, he would drop down into the cockpit. Strapping himself in, he would start the sequence to turn on the armored walker.

Turning on the last set of knobs, the Chaos was ready for action as he could feel the dropship lowering as the viewscreen became online. Being dropped in the large desert like field, the straps would dethatch and the small transport ships would take off as the five walker group would form up and start to move forward. It was horrible to hear a disaster had taken apart of this planet...but it was not his concern though while it may be wise to take advantage of what is available.

Objective: Surgery
Tags: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan
Not everyone was rushing to tend to the yellow-tagged civilians. Some were working to provide whatever limited care they could to the red tags, hoping to give them more of a fighting chance. At Sterling's feet, for instance, was an ever expanding pile of the crimaon tags. Each and every one was being removed in favor of a yellow tag, as the surgeon worked in these unfavorable conditions like none of the others.

To be percise, this was the fourteenth tag he'd exchanged for a yellow, as he was able to fix problem after problem. Many of these would still be unable to walk, and realistically still needed medical aide later. The pieces of shrapnel from the accident were easy to remove and replace with proper dressings and bandages. A bit of bacta from the patches to help close, if nothing else, any major blood vessels, and they were no longer at any risk of death.

Not likely to be of much help with the others, though.

After a while, he noticed one of the black tagged civilians... quiet but still alive. It looked like there was work done on them, however... bits of rock and metal taken out the back of his head. Peach confirmed it for him: Something was in his head.. without a surgical center and all their equipment none of clan Tal could do anything to help.

A pity, she mused, since their preliminary scans indicated that alone would save his life.

Sterling of course did not have the same problems. "Taozi. Busy." He warned her over their coms before picking the man up and setting him carefully at a better position for the massive surgeon.

He retrieved a field surgery kit, and quickly began to work, setting up as isolated and sanitary conditions as he could, and prepping the man's head. He could do it, he knew that.

One of the other Tal medics rushed up to Taozi as he worked. <"Alor... Sterling is prepping surgery on one of the black tagged individuals, the one with a piece of shrapnel in his head. Should we try to stop him and get him back to the red tags he's been working on?">

Objective: Don't be too sarcastic
Tags: Sterling Kinslayer Sterling Kinslayer
Though Taozi knew she did not need to pay attention to what her former student was working on, something told her he was doing something ridiculous. She didn't know what, but she was certain it probably had to do with pulling shrapnel out of someone. If she didn't know better, she would thing Sterling's favorite hobby was pulling shrapnel out of people.

Looking up as the next person, a man this time, with a yellow tag laid down on the bed, Taozi raised an eyebrow at the Tel Medic that ran up to her. Biting back a laugh, Taozi shook her head at the news. Of course Sterling would do what was deemed impossible, given circumstances.

<"If you want to get tossed across the camp, sure, try and stop him. As it stands, he's free to do what he wants, because he knows what he's doing. He's a better field surgeon than I am, so if anyone can save that man in these conditions it's Sterling. Find someone else to work on anyone with a red tag, understand?">

Turning her attention back to her patient, Taozi looked over his wounds. The look on the man's face made it clear he was trying to not show much pain he was in, despite the blood-soaked gauze wrapped around his head, arm, and stomach. The Tal members who didn't have extensive training didn't have the knowledge to fully treat him, it seemed, but they at least knew how to dress the wounds.

"Let's get you patched up. I'm going to treat your stomach first, then your head, and finally your arm. Don't move."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Meeting place, 244Core
Objective I.: The Meeting
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Solitude ]

Well, for now, it seemed like no one would join the business discussion and Ingrid alone would represent HPI and the Empire as well. She already knew it would be twice as long then, because she would have to take care of both sides. From the point of view, perhaps it was good that in this case she did not have to fight her own envoys if they did not agree with her. Or, if no other company wants to come here, Drox has no competition or rival.

As for Drox, they were old subsidiaries of the HPI Consortium, they had the closest relationship with Vex, they also had joint people in the management. For centuries, they were the ones responsible for mining HPI. True, since HPI has grown greatly since leaving Nelvaan, they have had a much harder time since then, because HPI has also produced much more than before.

And the list of products has expanded greatly, no longer produced not only for clans, but in many cases for the entire galaxy. Times have changed. When the remnants of Tacitus and the Shrouded Empire, or the new Eternal Empire, which was already in its infancy, arrived on the Nelvaan, their lives changed forever, much better than they thought. She missed being a simple agent. Then everything was easier…

The door opened and the local delegation arrived.


Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence - 244Core System
Equipment: Viper Mk. I SkinsuitPV-16 “Sunfury” Pulse Pistol
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

Taking her seat across from the stern-faced Blackwatch director, having no idea that the woman was in fact the same individual she had met on Chalcedon, Ivixa gave a soft smile, her bright cyan features standing in stark contrast to the older woman’s hard-nosed set. Nevertheless, the Asa’nyx quickly sensed the mood of the room, crossing her legs and clearing her throat as she listened to the director’s first question.

It was a simple inquiry on the surface, but one that nevertheless stumped the sniper, if only for a moment. She knew that it would be sorely cliché of her to tell the director that this was her destiny, but it wouldn’t be a lie. However, in accepting the offer to work for a secret police organization as an assassin, Ivixa wondered if she would be better served by lying, telling the truth, or a half-truth.

She ultimately decided on the latter.

“Thank you, Lady Director.” Ivixa answered, her golden eyes going wide as she decided on her response. “I wish to use my skills to support my family and keep the Unknown Regions safe.” She began. “I believe that Blackwatch and by extension, the Eternal Empire, is most primed to fulfill those two aspirations.”
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Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence, 244Core System
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol || Empyrean gland || Chosen Look: Link
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
One thing she could immediately be sure of was that she was honest. Most of the time, she has heard answers that this is how someone wants to protect the Empire from external and internal threats. She hadn't heard anyone mention their family or the Unknown Region. Interesting.

"Do you know that most people lie about this question? Being honest was a pleasant disappointment."

Yes, what she read about the members of the Agents of Chaos was very much in keeping with that thinking and idea. She knew exactly that many of them would fit into the Empire, others would not. There is more freedom in the AoC, and there are strict military rules here. She already knew the girl was honest, it was time for the reverse question.

"Can you lie as well good as you saying the truth?"

Kessia was interested; all this was important in their work. Especially when someone is caught. They were agents and spies, they had to deceive others to get the information. She had only seen the girl in a kind of action, so she had questions:

"Have you previously gain any agency or secret police experience?"


Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence - 244Core System
Equipment: Viper Mk. I SkinsuitPV-16 “Sunfury” Pulse Pistol
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

A pleasant disappointment.

Upon hearing that, Ivixa frowned. The Asa’nyx took a deep breath, her big, golden eyes blinking rapidly as she contemplated her thoughts on the director’s response. It was immediately obvious to the sniper that Blackwatch was different from the Wild Hunt and by extension, the Agents of Chaos. Naturally, there would be a long adjustment period as she got used to working in an intelligence agency. Already, Ivixa had begun to learn High Nelvaanian, knowing that she would need to quickly become fluent in it. However, the Asa’nyx had not expected it all to be so sudden.

“I...did not.” Ivixa replied. “I just said what I thought was the best thing to come to mind.” She added quietly.

Then, came the director’s next question.

Now, Ivixa paused. Faced with the Deputy Director of Blackwatch, Ivixa knew that the woman sitting before her was in all likelihood, extremely ruthless, perceptive, and professional. As such, she would be able to tell, quite readily, when or if Ivixa told a lie. Not to mention, with her file in hand, the woman presumably had access to Ivixa’s comprehensive service records in the Wild Hunt, potentially everything from her scores in training, confirmed kills, medals, and yet more personal or even classified information. After all, the Empress herself was the Aspect of Desire. She would be surprised if the woman didn’t know that Ivixa had a family that she was the sole breadwinner of.

As such, Ivixa questioned whether attempting to lie, as it seemed that the woman wanted her to do, was worth it.

“I, I don’t think so.” Ivixa said hesitantly, in response to the woman’s inquiry regarding her ability to lie. “And no, I have experience in the Wild Hunt, but none with any intelligence or secret police organizations.” She finished.

Based on her service record and the progress of the interview thus far, it was likely that the director would come to one immediate conclusion.

Ivixa could kill, but she couldn’t lie.

Near the South Equator
Primary Objective: Secure the Frigate
Secondary Objective: ???

Royal Squadron:
1x Chaos Medium Strike Walker
2x Vox Vong Light Skirmish Walker
2x Serpentine Medium Strike Walker

The long walk would finish after only half an hour, their objective slowly coming in sight. The sight was monstrous and possibly one of the larger frigates he had ever seen. Walking over towards it, the sensors came online to scan the area for hostiles but none were picked up. Giving a loud sigh, he started to relay tactical information towards the other Armored Walkers whom went around it.

"Thing is huge, what am I staring at?"
"Apparently this was some old tech from the Zann Consortium, I am still trying to identify a structural point to enter. Effectively this is a Vengeance-class, rare and with a cloaking device."
"A cloaking device that hopefully still works."

With that, the five would circle on around it as the ground started to shake a bit before settling. The Armored Walkers would stop as the two Vox Vongs would start to carefully move around the area, scanning the surroundings. Giving a negative report, the five walkers would start to carefully walk upwards onto the long beam like neck over on top, able to support its weight of all the other walkers. Stopping on top of a certain section, the two Vox Vong Pilots would power down and start to descend with various equipment to cut their way in. This would take some time...and something was possibly out here.

O B J E C T I V E: 2

As a Sith, one thing that ate at Lilanna, was that she had to focus her rage at very specific obstacles in order to progress. Slavery had to be tolerated, pain had to be endured, and foes had to be crushed. It was a tiring experience. At least for her. It was part of the reason she left, the other being the immense pain she was forced to be subjected to, but regardless, she wanted more from this life. As such, she was currently wading through the ruined mines of this world, doing what she knew many could not. Her suit enabled her to endure in this place much longer than others, paired with her force abilities, and it was a wonder more force users weren't down here.

She could feel the suffering in the force, feel the pain of those who died here, and those who were on the verge of death. How fortunate that she happened to be in the area. She had made her way to one of the blockages, and immediately found the reason for why rescue efforts had hit a wall. The placement of the rocks here was so precarious, there wasn't a safe way to remove rubble without risking making the collapse worse. Her brow furrowed under the helmet, as she tried to think of an alternative measure. She had once such ability that would allow her to move on through this obstacle, but getting people out....well, that would be a problem, but with help from some miners, maybe it could be done. Reaching out with the force, she ran towards the obstacle, and called upon the force, her body going translucent for a moment, as she phased through the rubble, using her senses to gauge how much further she needed to progress. This power always took so much out of her, it was probably foolish to use it in such a way, but this was the only answer she had.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, she found the exit up ahead, a clearing that was not obstructed, and once she reached it, she dropped her power, nearly falling to the floor as the strain hit her hard. Panting, she caught herself, leaning against the wall, sucking in air as her system was intent on returning her oxygen signs back to normal. This was going to be a bit more than a training exercise, it would be a test of her will. It was time to see if she still had the power in her to survive.

Steeling herself, the nightvision in her helmet flipped on the night vision, as the world took on a green hue, the ground vaguely trembling under her feet. She could feel life still existing here in the force, there were still people down in this part of the mine. With an objective mapped out in her mind, she continued downwards, her comm flicking to life as she turned it on, her voice coming through distorted by her voice filters. "This is Kelamvor, I've reached one of the shafts, if you can here me, there are several miners in this area. Track this signal if you can, over." She wasn't sure if anyone could even hear her, but if the rescue efforts were to get underway, it would help if they knew where she was.​

Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence, 244Core System
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol || Empyrean gland || Chosen Look: Link
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
There were many similarities between Ingrid and Kessia; they are both professionals, ruthless, not merciful and always do their job, whatever it is. Artists in their field, cold professionals and love their work, although the Empress was the better of the two. The huge difference between them was that Ingrid considered homicide and torture to be only a work, which had to be done, while Kessia enjoyed having her opponents suffer. And in that, they were pretty much the two extremes.

Kessia, of course, read the files, but they never gave such a nuanced picture as reality. Reality is always different. That is why she listened intently, to what she said; it seemed to her that she had managed to embarrass the other girl. She nodded in her direction.

"No need to worry, it was a good answer. I appreciate honesty!"

She also said honestly; especially in this profession in which they worked. Another honest answer; it is true that lying on this point would have been pointless, as the survey and test reveals the truth. Of course, it wasn’t a problem that she had no experience in that area because everyone was being trained, it was just a conversation.

"It’s great if you don’t have that kind of experience even better. There is no need to fix old, possibly bad habits. There will be a test, practical and theoretical. With your past, these should not be a problem. If the test was successful, there will be both theoretical and practical training where you will learn everything about what it is like to be an agent."


Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence - 244Core System
Equipment: Viper Mk. I SkinsuitPV-16 “Sunfury” Pulse Pistol
Tags: Kessia Miran Kessia Miran

“Thank you, Lady Director.” Ivixa gave a sigh of relief, placing her hand on her bosom as she did, before resetting her posture back to a ramrod straight set. Nevertheless, for Ivixa, the tension still hung thick in the air, but for a fleeting moment, she could feel a little better.

So far, so good.

In listening to the director, Ivixa nodded, having anticipated that she would be tested and trained beforehand. As such, the diminutive Asa’nyx had done everything to refresh her skills for what she believed would be on the tests, mostly pertaining to marksmanship, physical fitness, obstacle courses, and the like. However, being that this was Blackwatch, she knew that things were going to be different from the Wild Hunt. For one, she still wondered if her education or lack thereof would be a hindrance, While Ivixa had taken steps to amend her limited education, mostly via intensive flash instruction, she anticipated that Blackwatch would likely be more cerebral.

So long as they didn’t make her do calculus.

“Understood.” Ivixa replied. “When will I take the test? Is it now or…” Her words trailed off.

Vreemde Morteisen


Morteisen, Vreemde
CEO of Macharian Industries Corporation | Senator of Brentaal
Attire | DC-17 | Holo-Projector | Com-link | Datapad | Personal shield generator

Objective: II. The Meeting
Tag(s): Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , open


The CEO of Macharian Industries would not send anyone else but himself to negotiate here, speaking for the branche which was within the Eternal Empire, he could hopefully muster the means to offer more than just a single market for the locals. Macharian Indsturies skyrocketed at Brentaal, the means of Aiglos were immense, strangely his influence on Brentaal itself was strong. But now it was once more to secure the simple means of production, alongside the Eternal Empire and the HPI. If they could find a mutual ground with the locals, they had a lot to gain here.

But the first impression was already ruined. Vreemdes shuttle had some engine failure and therefore he was late. A speeder brought him to the building and with his datapad in a formal bad he hurried with swift steps through the halls towards the conference chamber. He was dressed in a simple coat with two rows of buttons, grey of colour and only with the chain of his office around the neck and a ring around his finger without any visible markings.

He would offer two knocks and enter before a response is offered. With a nod to the present he would seat himself on the side of the Empress, but two chairs away from her, after having him sorted, he would look up at the faces.

"Shall we begin?"

Final Dawn Central Command

Within the Meeting Room...
COO Kitrep Drayson

244Core. It was a somewhat obscure Planet yet this World had enough resources to construct an entire Armada alone. For Years SularenCo had held a presence on the World , orchestrating Violent Corporate Takeovers and establishing control over some of the dominant corporations on the Planet reorganizing them into the Mining Collective , a Subsidiary of SularenCo which provided the Corporation with the Resources needed to build it's Starships which were in turn provided to it's clients.

With the Eternal Empire's Arrival at 244Core , the Mining Collective had been presented with a monumental opportunity. With a Seat on the Planet's Corporate Committee. There was an opening , a chance to seize control of the Planet's Resources and use it to not only fuel the War Machine of the secretive Sularen Association but also to support the Brotherhood of the Maw , which Sularen was Secretly associated too , although Drayson was fully oblivious to Sularen's True intentions , for what he knew the goal was to ensure that the Mining Collective's Operations on 244Core would not be disrupted in any Way.

Thus , Kitrep Drayson found himself entering the Meeting Room where some Representatives of Local Corporations were already present along with the Eternal Empress herself. "Your Excellency." Drayson said as he greeted her. "Kitrep Drayson , COO of the Mining Collective it's an honor to meet you" the Corporate Official Said. With Drayson was his "Assistant" in reality a
Politorate Agent sent by Marlon Sularen himself to assess the situation. With the Galactic Alliance's Nationalization of the Bilbringi Shipyard and recent events at Byss , Sularen had grown concerned about his assets and had begun taking steps to ensure that no one else could threaten his assets.

If the Eternal Empire would move against them , he would be ready. But first , they needed to earn their trust and secure their position on this World before taking any sort of defensive measures.

Kessia Miran / Agent Chameleon
Knight Warden of the Wardens of the Shroud, Special Agent of Blackwatch, sithspawn, L’lerim’s right hand
Location: Blackwatch Meeting Room, Eternal Silence, 244Core System
Equipment: Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol || Empyrean gland || Chosen Look: Link
Tags: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
Kessia continued to watch the woman's reactions, to see what she would need to pay attention to later on during the training. In fact, the possibility that the girl seemed innocent seemed very good. In many cases, such a feature can be an advantage. Especially for an assassin if they like to kill in melee and not just from a distance. But it is also a very useful feature for a spy or agent.

The next question came a little unexpectedly. Immediately? She wasn't getting ready for this, but why not? They were here, they could do that, there were suitable rooms on the ship that could be used anyway. She had no other task to date anyway, just this interview. More specifically, she would have another job if the Empress called her.

"If you have already mentioned this possibility, now. Please follow me!"

With this, she got up from her chair, and if Ivixa followed, she went out into the hallway first, from here to the elevators, and then more corridors, until they arrived at the practice area. Mostly with an obstacle course, more difficult terrain, emerging enemies, or just friends, hostages. So a complete exam venue.

"How do you decide, Miss Nera'kas, do you want to start with the practical test or the theoretical one?"


E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Meeting place, 244Core
Objective I.: The Meeting
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | G1 OmniLink | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): CETCOM CETCOM | Vreemde Morteisen | Open
[ Solitude ]

"Director Drayson, welcome, nice to meet you!"

She greeted the man who had arrived with the delegation. The discussion would have just begun when the door reopened and another man arrived through it. He was not familiar to the woman, after all, Ingrid could not have known every company manager or CEO in the galaxy and had not even caught up with herself. She had been on Coruscant for quite some time, and the woman loved being aware of everything, which is why she was still making up for the data review. About everything she had no knowledge of during the captivity.

"I'm sorry, who are you?"

She asked the man, who apparently did not wear the corporate clothing of the locals nor did wear the usual Eternal Imperial standard attire. So he's not Ingrid's man, just like he's not the Corporate Council's. So she was really wondering who the stranger might be. As the red-haired woman looked at the local delegates, apparently they were not fully aware of all of this either. Finally, a human woman, a bald middle-aged person spoke.

"We would be happy if you introduced yourself. We send many invitations to different companies…"



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