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Dominion Shadow Empire: The First Battle | EE Dominion of Abridon




Abridon; the Eternal Empire, following the clues gained recently, tried to scout the cult of Skulenus here. At the time, they had no idea that it was not just a violent cult, but rather an empire operating in the shadows, the Shadow Empire. This was not known and guessed even from the scouts' data.

Countless military bases and factories dealing with the military industry were found on the planet, so there was a strong suspicion that they wanted to use it against the Eternal Empire, as many more and much larger armies and fleets were made here, which would have been enough for a single planet. Since the Abridon system was now in the neighbourhood of the Eternal Empire, they had to take countermeasures.

As it turned out, it was the best decision and move possible. By the time the Eternal Empire's fleet arrived, the unknown fleet - mostly standard star destroyers and fighters - was ready to depart and the units on the ground were ready to transport to the fleet. The battle began at the best moment.

What immediately became apparent was that there were other problems. Both the fleet and ground units used countless Eternal Imperial technologies and styles, and they seemed to have been waiting for the arrival of the loyalists and their allies. For as soon as the fleet exited hyperspace, the battle began. The loyalists only managed to reach the surface through large losses.



Objective 1: Ground combat
The landing was not very easy, but countless units landed at the two points where the enemy had a military base. There were two locations, the acquisition of which was important for surface victory, both of which are extreme areas, i.e. perfect for Ultranauts.
1A: One terrain was found in the Arctic, in the late evening, a hilly, valleyy, wooded area with heavy snow, hard frosts, and torrential snowfall, which caused poor visibility and the enemy base was built halfway up the mountain.
1B: The other terrain is the exact opposite. Huge open area, more than forty degrees, sparkling sunshine, a desert with huge sand dunes, and the enemy base built entirely under sand and earth.

Objective 2: Sea combat
This time, a battle is taking place not only on land, but also in a more traditional, archaic way, on the planet’s ocean. Traditional, old watercraft, submarines fight on the water surface and underwater to protect an underwater base or destroy it by the Eternal Imperial forces.

Objective 3: Space combat
In space, the Eternal Empire fleet fights with an enemy fleet stationed around the planet. Both sides are present with roughly equal force, mainly Star Destroyers and fighters. The fight is fairly balanced, so it is not yet possible to predict who can reap victory here.

Objective 4: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Links: Abridon | Shadow Empire

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Valley, Near to the North Pole
Objective I.: Frosty area
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I ssassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): Open
[ Wolfpack ]

There was finally some progress, in that one seemed to have managed to find one of Skulenus' bases on one of the planets where they encountered greater resistance. At the time, no one even knew there was much more to the background than the cult of a sithspawn. True, it didn't matter that much right now. After all, there was a group of enemies, they had to be dealt with.

And this day was finally perfect for the Ragnarök regiment to finally get into fighting. The regiment also included the entire Einherjar and Dísir project. It really was time to try them out, too. The dropships reached the surface of the planet, where the storm helped greatly. They arrived in a valley on the opposite side of the base, so they were about a kilometres far from the base.

Ingrid stood among her men in the mid-thigh snow. Her otherwise black armour was now a colour she could melt into the environment, thanks to the camouflage pattern. On her side stood a woman in a general's or Field Marshal's uniform, an undead soldier, Verse Shule, who supported the Eternal Empire in both her life and death. She was commander-in-chief of the 267th "Ragnarök" Ultranaut Regiment.

Troops still came here, among the trees, and from the base the enemy opened fire on the armies of the Eternal Empire.

"Let's move!" said the Empress.



FM Efried Halbrecht



Field Marshal Efried Halbrecht
| Commander of the Combined Task Force 'Ignatum' | Survivor of Krayiss II | Loyalist of Dredd | Bearer of the Imperial Cross of the Eternal Cross with laurels, arms and eagle |


Objective: I. & II.
Location: Abridon, Southern Continent (1b), 150km East of enemy base, provisory invasion HQ
Troops: Ultranaught Corps, Armoured Corps, Blue Water Navy contingent, Eternal Starfighter Wings

Tag(s): Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , open

Field Marshal Halbrecht was so far satisfied with the landings, the losses were more than acceptable and they had created the necessary bridgeheads. He was quickly signing orders or directing his staff officers to new duties and tasks, he himself standing in front of a large but portable holo-table which was just build up fifteen minutes before. It was showing the desert and the location of the enemy base, just hundred-fifty kilometers to the West from his location. A second and third holotable were nearby, showing the northern theatre and the battle on sea. On sea, what the kark. He never thought that he would command ships outside of space and air.

His staff was decently sized, even though compared to other commanders with this level of command, it was small. But he handpicked all of them and except for very few exceptions, he picked them from the ranks of the Ultranaughts. Efried trusted the military academies, but only after the cadets had seen actual combat. The Eternal Empire provided a lot of excellently drilled troops, but creativity and independent thinking were talents which could not be drilled into one.


The North 1A:

Halbrecht only provided strategic overview and coordination for the Northern objective. The Empress was there and it was not up to him to interfere with her command, therefore operative and tactical decisions would be solely up to her. She had three more Ultranaught regiments for her support, a tank company and a regiment of heavy artillery. The Field Marshal did not sent any orders their way. Their liege would take care of everything necessary.

The South 1B:
The situation was different in the desert. It was the theatre where Halbrecht had deployed his HQ and would also take the lead, not in person, but overseeing the details of the operation. The desert was an open terrain and easily accessible, plains and small dunes. The enemy base was entirely underground, but they had troops ready to deploy, even if there were none on the surface. Brute force would work, but with high losses.

Instead forward recon teams set up transponders which would jam both sensors and scanners of the enemy, making them reliant on visual contact only, while a column of infantry with motorised support and light artillery would move towards the base. They were advancing in a broad line, no depth whatsoever, Ultranaughts marching at the enemy as if they would be on a sunday walk. The line was roughly two kilometers broad as they started advancing. Behind them the armoured divisions were forming up, covert by dust and sand. It was not the most refined trap, but it was hopefully enough to lure the enemy out.


Efried Halbrecht had fought in ice, snow, sand, woods, mountains, in the void, on starships, across rivers and in nearly every environment you can imagine, but never a battle with water-surface vessels and underwater. Submarines appeared to be absolutely outdated and not reasonable to be used. Sure, inhabitants of Manaan or Mon Cal would disagree, but what do fish know of flying?

Despite having the command, he was putting an experienced fleet officer in charge of the naval battle. They would share the attention of the Starfighters assigned to them, but when in doubt, the army could claim the superior theatre command. It was a logistical nightmare to get the ships down into the water, luckily some of the locals were keen on supporting them and giving useful input on tides and riffs and the like. Who would think of that? You fly! On a planet or in the void, but who still uses ships on water? Bloody peasants.



Multiple Insertion Groups, Coordinated in Objective 1a
Objective: Anniliate Enemy Combatants.
Secondary Objective: Kill the Beast

Listed Armored Walkers Present:
Cateran Heavy Combat Walker
Chaos Medium Strike Walker
Therato Medium Frontal Assault Walker
Casper Light Armored Walker
Cerebrum Light Patrol Walker
Vox Vong Light Skirmish Walkers

Multiple Support Groups in Objective 1b
Objective: Strike Support Units and Guard
Secondary Objective: Acquire Technology

Listed Armored Walkers Present:
Tengo Assault Armored Carrier Walker
Throne-Breaker Assault Armored Walker
Cateran Heavy Combat Walker
Preserver Heavy Transport Walker
Farlek Heavy Combat Walker
Serpentine Medium Strike Walker
Trackrat Medium Missile Support Walker

Stationed at Objective 1a
Callum Saville Armor Group "Royal"
1x Cateran Heavy Combat Walker
1x Chaos Medium Strike Walker
1x Therato Medium Frontal Assault Walker
2x Vox Vong Light Skirmish Walkers

Mountainous regions had always been a problematic issue with walker technology, hence why Callum Saville himself took charge. There had been multiple reports of hostiles in the area and they had only landed for a brief period before being lifted off again towards this region for a low level drop with their current walkers. A majority of their stationed units were at the Objective 1b area, where the main dropship was located. Currently that region was in command by multiple forces and commands can be given by the walker squads present. Highly trained, they were not to be messed with long term as this would be Alpha Batallions first true test in the Mercenary conflict offworld.

Callum Saville would start preparing for his assault on the mountainous base though the reports he been hearing about been troubling. Some form of...large creature seems to be prowling near the mountain pathway. While the Empress herself, known as Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim would be in command of their forces, he still worried on the snowfalls effect on their current military position. Fitting himself into the Cateran, a newer model that just been recently put out in production and a bit harder to find than others, he started the sequence to get it online as the lights would finally turn on.

Giving a long breath, he would start to give out authorization commands through secure channels to FM Efried Halbrecht whom would have some controlled commands to give out to the walkers on the other side of the planet. Callum could not anticipate nor understand what dangers could be over there but they were equally prepared to strike out at them. There was also a command only known as "White Claws" which in statement terms underneath, is to be pushed only if the battle is in dire need of a turn around. They were a special flight division among the Court of Blades and not something to call upon quickly. Regardless, the five walker squad would slowly lumber forward as they started to climb a more unknown trail up the mountain.



Objective I.: Frosty area
equipment: H.A.R.M. mk II armor : Heavy assault configuration, D16 slugthrower

The landing was harsh when alot of their forces died to get here wounded and dead were in moderate numbers from just getting here it was madness. But to frank he was home he reveled in the battlefeild for to him the fight for ones life and the choices made during it are the only true moments that made a person free.

With his helmet on his hip and his d16 slugthrower of its heavy mag assisted sling frank was finishing shaving his salt and pepper greying beard with his vibroknife before slipping it back into his sheith and putting back on his helmet.
"Let's move!" said the Empress.
Upon her orders Frank gripped his Weapon "Understood Mylord, Alright ladies lock and load we take point." Frank said in the best drill Sargent voice he could preform. It wasn't lost to frank that his armor and quick promotion to his squad level leadership wasn't normal But he was thankful that he was given the chance to stretch those leadership capability's due to his prior experience for various military groups. Leading his squad to the front of the group as he moved up he made sure to lead by example.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Valley, Near to the North Pole
Objective I.: Frosty area
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I ssassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): FM Efried Halbrecht | Callum Saville Callum Saville | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Open
[ Wolfpack ]

Ingrid enjoyed great respect throughout the entire army because she was the kind of soldier who not only fought wars from the command post, but always fought his men in the front row.* But for the woman, it was completely familiar and common. She saw the same thing from every member of her family, she knew her husband, Adrian, was not happy about it, but she was a soldier and would never have let her men down.

In addition to her own team, others were here and even watched from the base. From there, of course, she also expected fresh information, especially from FM Efried Halbrecht. It was easier for her if the man reported the data of the drones and satellites, as if the woman had to deal with it from the first line. The walkers also set off, there really was no easy terrain for them, and the enemy also opened fire.

The first fifty to sixty metres was relatively easy and quick to do, because during this time the units of the Eternal Empire were moving between trees and covering them. The enemy's shots weren't too accurate either, but you could already hear that they also had walkers, so Callum and his men wouldn't get bored later either.

As they emerged from the trees, a meadow roughly a hundred metres long followed before a wooded area came again. On the other side of the meadow among the trees was the enemy and they could now attack more accurately. Some walkers could also be seen stepping closer to the border of the forest and the meadow.

"Field Marshal! I want a report on what you see from the air!" Ingrid said into the comm. channel as she knelt in the cover of one of the trees and began to spy on the enemy's lines with her sniper rifle.

*Carpy said once.


Objective: Ground Battle - 1A
Location: Arctic Area - Abridon
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim FM Efried Halbrecht Callum Saville Callum Saville Frank Sterling Frank Sterling

The swoops of Mermaid squadron had deployed from the skies, the cold posing little obstruction to their operation. After Vorral, Generis, and many other intense combat deployments, Mermaid squadron had established itself as the premier swoop squadron of the Wild Hunt Speed Corps, led by none other than the most prolific swoop ace in perhaps the entire Unknown Regions, Isena Elysi. Eleena was proud to be a part of it, especially since she had been a part of the squadron since its inception, having been assigned to it as a Cadet fresh out of training. Now, she was a veteran and an ace, having accepted another promotion after Vorral.

Soon, she hoped, she would become an Officer.

Now though, Eleena was focused on the mission. The cold couldn’t penetrate the seal of her suit, keeping her warm in spite of the below freezing temperatures, which would have otherwise made the heat-adapted Twi’lek feel extremely uncomfortable. Since her first introduction to the Shadow Empire on Bakura, where the mysterious group had made their presence known via ritualized murders and abstruse inscriptions, Eleena had heard more of the group from briefings, but she had never expected to face a standing army which was robust enough to meet the forces of the Eternal Empire and its allies in a conventional engagement.

Nevertheless, Eleena was prepared to meet them, as was Mermaid squadron and its lead, Isena Elysi.

“Mermaids, pair off with your wing mates. Watch each others’ backs as you do your runs and whatever you do, stick together!”

To a chorus of affirmative voices, the twelve pilots of Mermaid squadron split up into pairs after Isena's directive, moving to support the advance of the Ultranauts into the valley. Eleena followed after Isena, before opening a channel to any allied forces in the area, including the mercenary walker company.

“This is Mermaid Nine! I’m on station for close air and reconnaissance duties.” Eleena said over comms. “Standing by for fire missions!”




Objective I.: Frosty area
equipment:H.A.R.M. mk II, D16 slugthrower
As Frank stood at the edge of their treeline as shots richochet off their armors heavy sheild and the trees around them he let a smirk form on face hidden by his helmet. he was proud to see the squad learned well from their Jager training as they used their suits MSS-V1 systems to shoot the general posistions of the enemy shooting at them in relation to their positions.

"Jagers load ap rockets and wait for my mark!" frank stated as he got into fireing stance with his D16 slugthrower. setting it to full auto mode he let it roar its 20×110mm rounds ripped downrange threw trees cutting them down and removing cover for the enemy while kicking up red mist and snow here and there. "mark! fire at will." With his orders made His jager squad let loose a volly of anti personell rockets from their Eternal Empire AWS's lighting up the treeline with fire and shrapnel on the enemy forces.

Frank noting he had half a mag from the fighting so far and noticed one of the enemy walkers pushing up in the now shattered treeline of its position frank would then turn his weapon on it and send the other half of his mag downrange on the walker piling brass at his feet and watching as his shots would dent and ricochet off its shields before ripping threw due to the concentrated and power of the ammo soon the walker had more holes in it than a CIS dauntless plan. the lumbering beast of metal soon topling over its metal frame unable to do anything anymore. frank jestered to the rest of his Jager squad. "move up and clear em out."


FM Efried Halbrecht



Field Marshal Efried Halbrecht
| Commander of the Combined Task Force 'Ignatum' | Survivor of Krayiss II | Loyalist of Dredd | Bearer of the Imperial Cross of the Eternal Cross with laurels, arms and eagle |


Objective: I. & II.
Location: Abridon, Southern Continent (1b), 150km East of enemy base, provisory invasion HQ
Troops: Ultranaught Corps, Armoured Corps, Blue Water Navy contingent, Eternal Starfighter Wings

Tag(s): Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Frank Sterling Frank Sterling , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , open


The North 1A:

"Send fire coordinates for those upper enemy emplacements to Captain Eradis artillery. Tell those swoopers, Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , to make ready after the strike to clear the remnants of the enemy positions. The Empress can then proceed."

Halbrechts voice was absently echoing through the staff tent, he was focused on organising his three fronts, talking to the tankers at the second theatre via holo. For the request of his liege he would put their briefing on hold though and turn towards the lord of the Eternal Empire.

"Mylord, the enemy sitting in its fortified positions offers a variety of heavy weapon emplacements. We register several large warmth signatures which are either heavy lasercannons or a barbecue party. I have given firing solutions to the artillery at your place, if you grant it, they will stagger the opponent long enough for you to assault them. Beware of the flanks though, we register light warmth signatures, moving infantry most likely."

The South 1B:
After finishing the situation with the Empress, the Field Marshal would turn back to the tank-commanders. They were still apporaching the enemy base in a forty kilometer wide halfmoon of armoured vehicles, initially covered by the advancing infantry. Now the situation has changed a bit, as a light sand-storm was whipping the plains and equally the infantry, their commander, Colonel Haskeer, only sporadically appearing as a full person, otherwise disrupted and distorted by atmospheric bullkark.

"We will proceed as planned, find a way to communicate. Lure them out into a battle, we want them on the open field, I will send two more infantry regiments to the last reported position of Haskeers boys and from there you will retreat once they hit you in force. Once Haskeer reports strong enemy contact, we will send the tanks. Any questions? Good."


EThe reports from the sea were as helpful as nipples on a cuirass. The Admiral was apparently not used to report to a land officer and therefore decided his reports would be short and absolute nonsense. Halbrecht was keeping himself busy with details of the other two fronts, not to open a connection to the Admiral to shout him into the water.

He knew they had requested a squadron of starfighters to support them and that they had contact and were already fighting, but that was everything they knew. They could have as well reported 'we are at war'. After having dealt with the most apparent issues at fronts one and two, Halbrechts index finger was coming up and pointing at the liaison-officer of the Admiral who was suspiciously quiet and holding back.

"Lieutenant-Commander, to me."


Objective: Ground Battle - 1A
Location: Arctic Area - Abridon
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim FM Efried Halbrecht Callum Saville Callum Saville Frank Sterling Frank Sterling

“Copy that. Ready on station!”

Fire coordinates were received and acknowledged by the swoops of Mermaid squadron. Eleena shifted her body, pulling her swoop into a tight chandelle in order to increase her altitude, so that she could stay clear of the incoming artillery strike on the enemy emplacements. Moments later, a series of pounding booms erupted as the artillery shells rained down on the enemy positions. This was war waged in the visceral and relentless fashion of the Eternal Empire, with an emphasis on pounding artillery and hyper-disciplined siege infantry. With their speed and elusiveness, the swoops of the Wild Hunt acted as a foil to the tactics of the Eternal Empire, confusing the enemy with violent speed and seemingly random destruction after undergoing the violent pressure of an artillery strike.

It was certainly an odd combination, but one that kept the enemy guessing, as they were essentially facing multiple strategic doctrines at once.

Now, at least two, with jet swoops and artillery working in tandem.

“Guns away!”

The voice of Isena gave Eleena the signal. She immediately angled her machine in a low dive, before lining up her nose with a laser cannon emplacement and firing an energy torpedo to the effect of a fiery explosion, consuming the nearby gunner in flames. After taking another emplacement with a second torpedo, she shifted her body across the fuselage of her swoop, angling her nose for a squad of infantry who were moving in vain to escape the barrage of fire from above. Her disruptors whined to life, casting forth a salvo of bolts which disintegrated five of the soldiers, forcing the survivors to dive into the snow for meager cover. Her speed then carried her into the forest, flying low in order to put terrain between her back and any retributive fire.

There, she saw the enemy walkers.

In the thick of it was the same crazed, juiced-up special forces soldier she had seen on Vorral ( Frank Sterling Frank Sterling ), now wielding a massive cannon as he poured fire into one of the hapless walkers, filling the mechanical beast with holes. For the brief moment that she could before passing him owing to her speed, Eleena watched in awe, after which she pulled her swoop into a climb in order to get in position for another attack run...

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E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Empress Regent of the Eternal Empire, Overlord of the Eternal Empire, the Emperor's hand, Lord Commander
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Valley, Near to the North Pole
Objective I.: Frosty area
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I ssassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): FM Efried Halbrecht | Callum Saville Callum Saville | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Wolfpack ]

Ingrid watched not only the enemy, but also the lines of communication. So she was pretty much aware of where the others were going and what they were doing, and what information they were asking the centre for. Meanwhile, she also watched the enemy and shot two senior officers in the head. At least their uniform gave me assurances about that.

"Copy that, Field Marshal! How many chances do you see of rumbling an avalanche from the mountains on either side of the valley, to the enemy’s position? If possible, forward to pilots!"

True, this will involve redeployment, especially in the sense that the base will have to be approached differently, but if, with the help of this surprise, they get through this valley without losses, it is all worth it. In the meantime, she found two more opponents; these were snipers. So much less will hunt for her men. Meanwhile, she also signalled to Verse Shule, who issued the order.

Project Einherjar’s people stepped out of the trees and set off. They were shot by the enemy, many would have been lying in the snow if they had been alive, but they were not so just going forward. Fear could be felt from the enemy's ranks when they saw their snipers piercing the soldiers' armour, leaving a huge hole in the soldier, but they just went on.

"Break their will, as yours has been broken, they're here alone, (dream of home)."



FM Efried Halbrecht



Field Marshal Efried Halbrecht
| Commander of the Combined Task Force 'Ignatum' | Survivor of Krayiss II | Loyalist of Dredd | Bearer of the Imperial Cross of the Eternal Cross with laurels, arms and eagle |


Objective: I. & II.
Location: Abridon, Southern Continent (1b), 150km East of enemy base, provisory invasion HQ
Troops: Ultranaught Corps, Armoured Corps, Blue Water Navy contingent, Eternal Starfighter Wings

Tag(s): Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Frank Sterling Frank Sterling , Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa , open


The North 1A: ​

"Topographic display of the valley." It was an order and not a request, the staff adjutants directly going to respond by changing the holographic projection to a colourful one which shows the different inclinations and heights of the valley.

"Calculate the possible path of an avalanche." Efried was looking at it himself, but he liked some input. His gaze was looking between the valley and his datapad where he was making some notes and scrolling through some examples of controlled avalanches as he had not used it before. The adjutants were delivering their results a few seconds after he had done his considerations.

"Halbrecht for Empress, mylord, I advice against it, we would have to clear the entire valley and the results could be that they are going into their bunkers and sub-level compunds and we got to dig them out. We have not yet discovered any escape routes and cannot guarantee that they escape while we try to shovel away the snow we put there. Shall we still proceed?"

The South 1B:
The frontline, Colonel HAskeer, was briefly appearing to report enemy contact. The connection broke soon after.


"I do not care at all about your communication issues! I can reach my soldiers in a damn sandstorm or in freezing temperatures, hell I could walk there and get better information than from you and your superior! Tell Admiral Lugo that he is not on one of his precious spaceships and that he is reporting to me or I will replace him with someone who is more inclined to do so, have I made myself clear?"



The loud clanging could be heard as they started to climb up onto a very off the beaten path portion of the mountainous base. It was unusual why no one would take it either, as it was a very long and grueling climb upward with each step almost threatening to make their own armored walkers fall over. Once in a great while going upwards onto the climb, there was a loud boom of a blaster cannon firing at them, only to meet a salvo of blaster and light turbo laser cannons of their own into it. Again, this was way to easy as the snow started to pepper them much harder.

"Nothing but snow and is it they have the hard fighting and we get this climb?"
"Due to how it is, barely anything can climb it as is, and this blizzard makes it near impossible. We are the only ones that can try."

As they kept ascending towards the top of the facility, there was a rather large clearing as they stopped moving as there was a rather large fence around it. There was some questionable silence as they started to move past it, shooting through the large fence like structure as there was a small siren alarm. It was a bit puzzling as they walked through, still encountering no resistance.

"Why have a large fence in the middle of nowhere?"

Frank moved of with his Jagers after clearing out the treeline as he moved silently listening to his men's banter.
"So Hox, If these guys are so big and bad how come they die so easily?"
"Probably because we have no chill and will fight them with extreme prejudice."

Frank would let them continue on for a decent ammount of time as they made their way to the next pillbox on the outer defenses of the base.
"alright cut the chatter I want breaching rockets loaded and ready." With the jagers taking up positions around the pillbox frank gave the order as the team fired their payloads at the pillbox blowing several holes threw the structure and killing most while critically wounding the few who werent close to the walls. Frank would make short work of them before he found a hatch in the floor of the pillbox leading to a tunnel system. " Jagers build a defensive line around this point and mark a hot LZ zone down by the treeline." while his units started their work Frank Contacted all command channles.

"This Is Jager leader Frank I may have found a enterence into their base threw one of the pillboxes if im wrong it could lead to the other pillboxes however and make it easier to clear out. were setting up a hot LZ and defensive points around this position and will radio you all if we can punch a hole from this location."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Valley, Near to the North Pole
Objective I.: Frosty area
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I ssassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): FM Efried Halbrecht | Callum Saville Callum Saville | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | Open
[ Wolfpack ]

Ingrid watched as her soldiers moved forward and tried to push the enemy back, while she also did the work of the snipers and shot down more and more enemies.

"Copy that Field Marshal! No, I stick to your suggestion! What are the chances that they will try to put us in a similar situation? If the battlefield stops and we can’t continue to march forward, we’re wasting the lives of our people unnecessarily, which I would want to avoid if it could be resolved. I don’t want stationary warfare. You see a better picture of this with strategists than I do here on the battlefield. And trying to survey the tunnels with scanners as soon as possible."

In that situation, she should have wanted Stegan's men on her side, but they weren't here. The Ultranauts were also very tough, but among the people of the clans, Stegan’s fanatics were much more brutal and this terrain would have favoured them. But now she couldn't count on them. Ingrid hoped heavy artillery, walkers, and the undead would solve the situation.

"This is L’lerim, for all units, heavy artillery and walkers, move forward, start pushing back the enemy! Be careful not to get the enemy in our backs on the edges! Use a semicircular shape formation!"

Another shot and another hit. The Empress also moved forward.


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Frank would Halt his advance when one of the Jagers made him aware that the empresses forces are pinned down by the treeline by hostiles and that further up there was a ground pounder. it was unknown if he ment artillery or mortor teams so frank looked to their radio operator. "Hox get me on the line with the nearest AWACS. and you four get those charges planeted in the hallway double time."

Scarecrows Deployment Zone
Biodroid damion listened from the command post from their deployment zone hed lost alot of pilots just trying to get the Eternal Empire forces down to that planet let alone the unknow lives lost when they reached the LZ's he hoped it was enough. however when their CEO Frank who insists much like Ty did to be down there in the mud and blood with his troops called in He picked up. without saying a word frank barked out the orders "We need air support and we need it now Target unknow groundpounders and infantry pinning down forces in killbox alpha!" The scarecrow commander let frank know that they would be their in 5 mikes. before getting on the intercom "Rolling out Strike package bravo on unknown target, Athentication Charlie, time 005"

Spooky lead a three AT-2's on the gun run as they flew overhead breaking the sound berrier. "attention all aircraft this will be a danger close firemission watch your targets and dont hit the freindlys over."
as they flew to their target area they let loose 54 anti personel missles, 18 per gunship on the groundpounders location and lower treeline were the hostiles were the smart munitions keeping freindlys from getting caught in the blasts. after dumping their payload the aircraft let loose a flurry of shots from their dual rapid fire laser cannon turrets and rotary dual light laser cannon turrets to further bring the hate to those foolish enough to stand between the empire and victory.

Back to Frank
After watching the firework show from his position the explosion sounding behind frank made him turn as his Jagers had breeched the door and made their way into the bases lower chambers. Frank would put a message over the radio to all command lines. "it should be easier for you to move up now my lord. The Jagers and myself have just breached the bases lower chambers requesting reinforcement on my position marked by flair."
As if on cue Hox would load a flair round into his missle underberrol to fire up into the sky above before frank motioned them to move out.

"alright ladies plant the explosives around the suppot areas of this lower structure if we are forced to blow it in the case reinforcents are not availible i want this thing to come crashing down."

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Frank would look to the sky as the Cerberus broke threw the enemy blockaid. "Nyx, if you can spare the troops I could use help clearing the base." Frank asked threw coms hoping he and the jagers wouldn't have to resort to blowing up the base.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Valley, Near to the North Pole
Objective I.: Frosty area
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I ssassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): FM Efried Halbrecht | Callum Saville Callum Saville | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | N Nyxeris | K König Kryze | D Darth Malus | Open
[ Wolfpack ]

Ingrid had not received an immediate response from the command now, so she thought those flights had not yet been found and that was why it took time. The units started forward and the woman also went to the edge of the trees. For now, she didn't want to go any closer to the free area, only then when the enemy was pushed back behind the trees.

<"Commander Sterling, can you bring additional biodroids for reinforcement? We need more units from the easier-to-replace force if we want to win.">

Meanwhile, also sent a message to her own men to send additional Infinite droids for supply. Rather, droids should be destroyed that are easy to replace and not humans. She fired a few more shots and then exchanged magazines in the sniper rifle. It took the troops a few meters to reach the next forest, so the woman hadn't moved yet, just looking for some new targets. She had not yet received answers from the command centre, so she spoke again on the common channel of the Eternal Empire.

<"Here is L’lerim again, I want each unit to report on how the fights are going on your position.">

Then the units reached the forest on the other side of the meadow; Ingrid also came out of cover and ran after her soldiers.



Frank pinged his radio at the request of their backup. "Roger that blood hunter sending you coordinates now weve breached the lower floors at the moment if you can we need you to keep their forces off us while we work on taking out their aa and coms tower once we get that done we'll regroup with you on the top floor were the controll room is located." Frank then changed channles to ingrid "10/4 my lord ill send some troops your way eta 10 mikes" frank and his jagers began pushing up the floors clearing rooms as they go with no casulties. "alright team split up Hox you take your half and take down their comnet where my group moves to take down their AA and defensive network lets move."

Scarecrows forces
"this is spooky of charlie strike craft scarecrows forces,our flyboys arnt really seeing much issue completeing firemissions are heavy gunship sensors and our own vision modifications make the storm not a issue for us....speaking of which were you the little lady who requested reinforcements we got two platoons of scarecrows and their vics on their way to help support you lines."

more rotory cannan firefrom spookys bird lit up more rebel forces as he did another pass on the enemy. his co pilot having to raise his voice over Spookys choice of rock music. "damn spooky how can you shoot thall those rebels some are young enough to still be in school."
spooky just glanced behind him with a smile "easy you just dont lead them so much!"

Franks unit
explosions could be seen threw the snowblind as franks unit detinated their charges on the coms tower making it topple into the snow below. however franks charges hadn't gone off yet.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Valley, Near to the North Pole
Objective I.: Frosty area
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I ssassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Tag(s): FM Efried Halbrecht | Callum Saville Callum Saville | Frank Sterling Frank Sterling | Eleena Salwa Eleena Salwa | N Nyxeris | K König Kryze | D Darth Malus | Open
[ Wolfpack ]

She received the broadcasts from everywhere after asking for them. One of the men sighed after checking in, “my Lady”. How many more times does she have to say that her address is “my Lord”? In such situations, and at other times when she worked, she was not a woman, only one of the subjects of the Empire, serving her men and the Empire and no matter whether she was a woman or a man. Only service matters. These thoughts came to her head as she ran across the field.

Ingrid had military training so she knew exactly that she had to run in a zigzag pattern, and did so. Her armour was still white thanks to the camouflage system and material, making it harder to spot her. That's why maybe, but in total, only one shot came in her direction, which she could avoid. Finally, after sprinting in the snow she arrived at the edge of the new forest. She also heard on the radio Shule giving commands to the 267th "Ragnarök" Ultranaut Regiment, which continued to advance. But she answered from the other, not her commander.

<"Copy that. If reinforcement is needed somewhere, try to resolve it with redeployment."> she said on the common channel.

She hoped there would be no need to dismantle the military formations anywhere and they would be able to send reinforcements from where they had already won. Meanwhile, she also took a sniper position behind the new tree and began searching for new targets lurking among the trees.



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