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Dominion Shadow Empire: The Great Art Heist | EE Dominion of Vassek




Vassek is a planet beyond the south-eastern border of the Eternal Empire. Like so much in the region, it once belonged to the First Order. The planet had three moons, one of which was used by the Separatist General Grievous as the location of his home base during the Clone Wars. Nowadays, it wasn’t that significant, there were only more companies here and a very stubborn government, and an art exhibition.

As is usually the case since L’lerim, the Empress, the Empire has offered voluntary joining to the Empire to all planets; it is cheaper than constant warfare and they can expand faster. If they say no, they will convince the planets in another way. In a less peaceful way.

Vassek said no. That is, they could not make an exact decision. Half of the government opted to join, the other half opposed it, which is why they faced unpleasant things.

As long as there was a crisis in the government, there was no trace of it in the cultural life. This is when the annual art exhibition and fair was held, where not only the best artists from the planet, but also from the Outer Rim and the Unknown Region take part, but also the most beautiful works of art can be viewed and purchased.

The Eternal Empire has chosen this opportunity to take appropriate action.



Objective 1: Art Heist
The exhibition in Ranau featured countless objects, some of which had previously been stolen from Black Sun or Hutt Republic, not to mention works of art that Black Sun would have purchased but the locals had not sold to them. That’s why Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt and Black Sun management opted for a more sophisticated method. They hired their own men and other thieves, smugglers, persons of underworld interest to break into the museum before the auction and steal the items. They steal them back exactly.

Objective 2: Assassination
At the same time, the Eternal Empire acted in the city of Jathuun. The Empress personally assigned a strike team, including soldiers, assassins, whose job it was to try to take over the planet in silence and with as little blood as possible. That is, they had to break into the government building in the city of Jathuun and liquidate the government of the planet.

Objective 3: The Ball
Returning to the city of Ranau during the Shenanigans movements, the Art Academy organized a large-scale ball, the focus of which was, of course, the art exhibition. At the ball, all participants can have fun, get to know each other, look at the catalog of works of art that will soon be available for purchase or bidding on them. Splendor and glamour, not just for art lovers. If someone wants to have fun, this is clearly the place to be.

Objective 4: BYOO
Bring your own objective, whatever you want. The point is to have fun.


Links: Vassek | Ranau | Jathuun | Shadow Empire

Location: Rendezvous Area, Outside Government Building, Jathuun - Vassek
Tags: @Open

Upon hearing that she had been chosen by the most lethal assassin in the Unknown Regions to go on a mission with an elite group of handpicked soldiers, assassins, and killers, Chassella had barely been able to contain her excitement. Though a part of her knew that the girl she had met during the Spring Festival had put in a good word for her with the Empress, as Chassella herself had little to no reputation beyond the Eight Arrows Sect, this mission represented an opportunity for the diminutive Elzeri to prove her worth where some might still doubt the efficacy of a non-Force-sensitive member of the sect. She had passed her trials to become a full member like everyone else, thereby proving that she was worthy of the lightsabers she had been gifted. However, in some sense, Chassella still felt that her skills had yet to be truly tested.

She hoped that would change today.

Having arrived at the designated rendezvous area in an alley next to the government building that was her target, Chassella waited for the others to do the same, all the while stripping off her cover outfit to reveal the skintight, Force-enhanced war dress she had worn beneath. She unzipped her bag as well, taking out her utility belt, energy shield generator, and her weapons. The tiny assassin was quick in clasping them onto her person, before stuffing her cover outfit in her bag and zipping it back up.

After tossing the bag in a nearby dumpster, all that was left for her to do was wait for the rest of the team.


Subject 73 Red

We're more ghosts than people.
Objective: 2
Tags: Chassella Chassella , Open!

Red stood at the mouth of the alley, leaning against the wall, watching people walk in and out of the government building that they would soon be breaking into. Instead of his usual armor, he wore a security guard uniform. He even have the build and stature of a security guard, so playing the role of one would be easy to pull off. He practically blended in with the crowd, except for the fact that he was taller than a lot of the people passing by, and his red eyes scanning the crowd. In fact, he didn't even have his standard, blood red hair. Today, his hair was dyed blonde to allow him to better blend in, since his bright red hair commonly stood out since it wasn't a hair color most people had. So, he dyed it to a more common hair color, to allow himself to better blend in better. Needless to say, with his hair being blond, he felt... normal. And that made him slightly uncomfortable for some reason.

Red had been selected for this assignment because of his black ops and covert intelligence training and experience. He was well-skilled in Black Ops techniques, since he had extensive training and that field experience. And on an assignment that required only the best for a quiet and discreet assignment, Red was a good choice.

Behind him, Red heard something land into a dumpster, he turned around, and saw that the other member of the mission in the alley had finished getting into her outfit. She was tiny, but she looked quite agile and lithe. Good, if they got compromised, she would at least be a hard target to hit for their opponents. She was fairly attractive, no doubt about that, either. That could be either an asset or a disadvantage, depending how one looked at it. Sure, she could use her good looks to persuade people and get whatever it is she needed, but it could also draw attention to her, and the last thing they wanted here was attention.

"Things are bustling now," He told her. "Lots of people coming and going. And some sort of shipment just arrived, too."

"I should be able to blend in easily as an employee. And thanks to the magic of splicing and hacking, I have the security credentials, too."
Red said to the small woman. "You, however, will not blend in. You definitely look out of place. I have no idea how we'll get you in without suspicion." He told her.

Hopefully, this operation would go smoothly. But these things rarely ever did.
Still going, despite everything.

Tags: Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Chassella Chassella
Gear: KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, BR-212 'Jackal' ACR

Taking a little detour, Arturo strode into the alley a few seconds behind Red, a cap pulled down to cover his face. Dressed as a guardsman, he looked much the same as his counterpart, only the other man had a good few inches on him in height. He was a bit bulkier too, though, that may have just been his clothes. "Sergeant." He greeted the man ( Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red ) his tone surly, as if he was trying to be someone else. Which he was. He nodded at the woman. "Ma'am. ( Chassella Chassella ) Nice night for a stroll, isn't it?" Pulling his jacket closed, he zipped it up halfway. Beneath, his rifle lay concealed, a reassuring weight against his side. His pistol was the only weapon he wore openly, in a holster on his right side. Not enough to raise eyebrows or concerns.

Looking his two companions over, he nodded, as if to say they'd passed some kind of test. They hadn't, but they looked competent. And deadly. A good combination for what they'd come here to do.

"Mhm." Arturo hummed, shooting a glance over his shoulder. Checking to see if the coast was clear. "'Bout that. There's a rear access door we could make entry through. One camera, no guards 'cept a few who patrol the perimeter every fifteen minutes or so. Opens from both outside and inside assuming you got the credentials for it... which we do." He tilted his head at Red as he presented his own ID- a forgery that was just as good as the real thing. A gift from the Black Sun's finest. "We hit the control room, means there's no-one around to watch the cameras or hit the big red button when you Chassella Chassella make your entrance. Plus, it'll make finding our targets a whole lot easier." He shrugged, the universal sign for 'it makes no difference to me.'

"Just an idea. Thoughts?"
Objective 3: The Ball


A party. How perfect. Tara had been wanting to go to one of these high society events since she Since she was a little girl. She imagined going to balls and festivals. She'd grown up so poor she had to imagine what they would be like. But now that she was a Sith? Now the world was her oyster. The white haired Siren had her own transportation getting to the event. She piloted an Omnicron-Class 0-1 Imperial Shuttle named The Starlight. It was her pride and joy. And the perfect vessel for transporting royalty and the like.

Tara Willows was dressed in her most pristine outfit: a beautiful black dress with lacy sleeves and frill collar. Slung around her shoulders she clipped her leather jacket with red fuzzy cotton on the inside. The Siren felt like a queen, a true badass, a Sith lord. She was none of these things yet, but she would be one day. That was her mission as a Sith Acolyte. Power. And Tara would get power however she could. Today it was about mooching with some of the higher up socialites and gaining their favor.

There was one more thing on her arm: a beautiful lady. Tara had done the impossible and asked the First Sister First Sister for a date. The short...short Qilin probably looked a little silly trying to hook arms with Tara, but the Siren didn't mind. She felt beautiful. And she felt powerful. To her, she was a queen. It also helped that she had her Double Bladed Collapsible Lightsaber Hilt strapped to her thigh. She wasn't about to go in somewhere unarmed. Security made sure she didn't have any guns on her, but they hadn't exactly pat her down either.

"So, my dear Starlight," Tara said to The First Sister in a nickname she gave to the girl. "Shall we get ourselves a drink?"

Dress clothes? What the hell had Tara gotten him into? He was sweating bullets, in his relatively uncomfortable dress clothes.

He felt like a diplomat... He felt like a scholar... He felt mortified, standing nearby wherever the food was, he fanned at himself, quite literally sweating bullets. The hell was she at anyway, and why the heck did she need an escort if she was going on a date? He glanced about, picking up a handkerchief off the table, and wiping his face off. This was mortifying. Of course, he also kept his saber, a small consolation to be dressed like such a tool around all these rich... Delegates, or diplomats... Or whatever the hell these people called themselves.

He noted a waiter walking past, picking up a glass of something from his tray, and sticking out his pinky at the man as if that was supposed to be sophisticated. As he sipped, he glanced over, finally spotting her appear. And that must be the date... This was it, this was her one. He was calling it. He would roll his eyes at her, turning and sort of raiding the food surplus on hand. Forgoing a plate, he just picked up a tiny sandwich, and munched at it; stay near the food, just don't talk to anyone. That was the plan.

Alternatively, maybe he could offer himself up to one of these rich old women. That could be a lucrative sum of credits. Who knew, what he did know was that he was suffering in this stuffy clothes, he needed a shower, and he was never... Ever, doing this again.

"It'll be fun, she says..."

he mumbled that under his breath, noting she never did say who it would be fun for. In any case, at the very least he could watch her back, from what he understood these types could be a nest of Vipers at times.

Location: The Ball, Ranau - Vassek
Wearing: DressShoes
Tags: Tara Willows Tara Willows Rax Tremira Rax Tremira

She had said yes to Tara without any consideration to the contrary.

Of course, Starlight had not thought about the cost of having a dress and shoes fabricated, especially as no store in the galaxy, apart from the ones that catered to Bimm or Qilin, carried her size. Fortunately, it had not been that expensive and her date for the evening had covered transportation.

In arriving at the event and taking in the energy of high society, Starlight felt as if she were a princess. She had never been to an event like this before, having spent much of her life in Malsheem, training to be the best Sith that she could be while living a life of prayer, service, and devotion. Things had changed in quite a radical fashion since she became one of Carnifex’s apprentices, privileges and freedoms she now enjoyed owing to her Master’s unlimited wealth. This was perhaps one of them, which Starlight could only thank her Eternal Father for being so kind as to grace someone as undeserving as herself with such resplendence.

“Gosh, this is just wonderful.” The Qilin began as her eyes swept across the luxurious ballroom, taking in the swaying figures dancing across the floor as she did.

“I can’t drink but…” Starlight swallowed nervously in response to Tara’s question. She wanted to suggest dancing instead, but she knew that would be very
awkward, even with the six-inch tall heels on her feet which acted to lift her stature. “Sure! Just alcohol.” The Qilin added. “It’s uhh...well, poisonous to me.” She frowned.

Starlight had already told Tara that she had no sense of smell. Now, to tell her that she could not consume alcohol? She wondered how the Siren would respond.

Moric aep Deithwen


Tag(s): Chassella Chassella | Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red
Objective (s): II. Assassination + BYOO 'Know Nothing'


Diplomatic Envoy of the Eternal Empire | Demi-Imperator of the Rim-Guard Order
Location: Governmental Palace, First Floor, Conference Hall 2
Equipment: DC-17, Gladius, Ceremonial robe above a body-glove with reinforced armor-weave and a musculata

It was another long day. After a first session with the heads of opposition and the supporters in the morning, another exhausting session followed the afternoon. The opposition was just stubborn about their powers, afraid of losing them. They would just be supervised, not controlled.

After dinner the supporting faction was sitting together again, they did this for the past days. They talked and talked, trying to sort possible allies, not knowing what might or might not happen.

His heavy robe and chains of office were annoying, weighing heavy on him, making him on the edge of sweating through. Especially because of the underlying armoursuit.

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The Ball
To her confusion, Starlight would tell the white haired Siren that she couldn't drink. Tara gave First Sister First Sister a confused look. She then explained why, that alcohol was poisonous to her. What a strange thing to be allergic to. If that was the right word. Well Tara understood allergies. She had quite a few herself.

"No worries. I'm sure we can find you a club soda or something. Let's go see- oh hey. There's Rax!" Tara would point across the room at one of the men dressed in red. "Come on. I want to go say hi first. Then we'll get you a drink."

Pulling her date along she would approach Rax Tremira Rax Tremira and give him a bow of her head. "Brother. I want you to meet my date. Star-" She then stopped herself. Did she tell him her little nickname for the First Sister? He would know that Tara's ship was also called Starlight. What an awkward moment. "This is the First Sister." But she'd already let Star slip. Hopefully he didn't start calling her that by accident. Not that there was anything wrong with the name Star.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud
The Red Witch, The Night Queen, Lady Stuztala, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium, Archon of the Primyn Group
Location: Jathuun, Vassek
Objective 2.: Assassination – BYOO
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | Kiss of the Red Witch | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland
Writing with: TBA

While Ingrid sent a team to the government building with a mission; until then, she also had an affair here in the city. Also assassination. But this was not an imperial affair, but much more personal and not in the same building. She wanted to kill a business leader; this person was one of those who sent Cartri Keswoll Cartri Keswoll to the woman to spy, or just get Ingrid to kill him, because of his actions.

Well, the young man survived, and the woman finally found the corporate leader who was involved in the case but could not be linked to Darkwire. And today Derlon Gladzac will die. He will regret trying to steal data and information from the HPI Consortium. Although Ingrid could have sent the Shadow Company as well, but she liked to handle such a case on her own.

Invisibly, she came to the planet and the city with the same dropship as her Black Ops team, or strike unit; only they had no idea that the woman was there. After landing, she went in the right direction. It was the last time she had to do a regular assassin job. That is why she felt good herself now; she could finally do what she loves.

From here she moved quickly, for she was already alone, and soon arrived at Mr. Gladzac's house…


Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tags: Rax Tremira Rax Tremira Tara Willows Tara Willows First Sister First Sister OPEN
Location: Just entering the ball

Broka had been at his palace on Annaj recently. It was now finally finished construction after the Eternal Empire under Tacitus gave him and other powers in the empire's private sector authority over the capital city. It needed some decoration, and Broka wanted to make sure the Eternal Empire held him in regard. It would be good being diplomatic with these people again. The Jedi have gotten insufferable and tiresome to deal with. He needed a break, and what better than with his first major investment.

He arrived fashionably late. He knew there were some shenanigans being done on this world. Artwork disappeared while being shipped to Hutt Space. There were some commissions planned for the Hutt Assembly Building on Nar-Shaddaa, luckily all the other artwork commissioned for the giant structure allowed for the missing artwork to not cause the Supreme Mogul to embarrass himself in front of all the other Lordas who elected Broka to that somewhat lofty position. However, debts had to be squared. No one screws with the Hutts and gets away with it. The people here who thought they could cheat Broka will learn the hard way no one makes a fool out of him, Black Sun, and all Hutts. To distract from the heist affairs the more common members of Black Sun were performing, Broka came here with an entourage in true Hutt Space fashion. His great Chelandion orbited the planet, and the shuttle that brought him here had the elegance of a sail barge.

He exited the shuttle in a pomp and circumstance comparable only to royalty. He sat on a hover throne. It flew lower than usual with its corpulent owner's immense weight on it. Some of Broka's stomach fat poured over the edge of the throne. It was clear it was too small for the colossal Lorda of the Nem'ro Clan if one looked closely. However, the people here were not the type who seemed to pay much attention. They saw his grand entrance, and simply glanced in awe. This was a test for these people. The first was to see if they could serve his voracious appetite, and the other was to see if the higher society of this world would turn their noses up at the presence of a Hutt of his stature.

He did not make a grand statement with his words, he was wanting to take a break from that too on this side of the galaxy. He let his mere entrance be that statement. Now, with them at the doors, Broka landed his hover throne to show his personal ability. He prided himself on being so fat of a Hutt yet still able to move on his own. He slid through the entryway to the ball with a half circle of courtiers behind him, and a near complete circle of Nem'ro-Sun guards with the break of that circle being right in front of their master who towered above them all. He entered in the higher portions of the ball, where a booth sat open for him to enjoy the spectacle of the night. It was a balcony which oversaw the auction. Maybe he would purchase more artwork for his new palace on top of what the other Suns were doing elsewhere at the same time. There was a fast servant who would run down with his bids prepared among his courtiers. The fast running Bith would be perfect. He won the small race against other servants at his palace for this to happen. At the same time, he had another servant go to the kitchens to order a private banquet for Broka alone to eat. The first test for this world began. The next was bound to be conducted as a few of these high society citizens came up to him to pay their respects. They will be kept. Broka kept tabs on who came before him to possibly do business with in the future. However, there were those among the high society here who did not pay their repsects. Those possibly did not welcome the empire as much, and they will be persuaded in various different ways if Broka had anything to do about it. Black Sun will have a much easier time operating on this world in the future to make such "persuasion" happen.
He was doing pretty good at minding his own business, having settled down a bit from his previous feeling of out-of-placeness. He glanced back once, noting her approaching with her date. "I swear on the pillars Tara, if you bring her over here.." he mumbled to himself, taking a ridiculous bite out of a sandwich, and of course. He heard himself being introduced, turning and swallowing hard.

Star what? It was quite obvious that there was an addition there... Starlight? You didn't nickname her after your ship did you? His eyes lit up towards the woman, lightly chewing as he adopted a full bow, hand across his stomach. When he leaned back up, he would smile, eyes flashing between the two with interest.

An interest to leave Tara here...

"I am underdressed, and not at all worthy to make your companionship Malady... As my sister said, I'm Rax... Honored!" he said, putting on his best face. Making sure to briefly cut his eyes at Tara when her date wasn't looking. He played it off well though, eyes trailing past them to focus on the Hutt that was floating into the ball. Didn't him and Tara JUST rob them? He inhaled sharply, smiling to Tara.

"What a star studded cast we have tonight..." up-nodding in the direction of the entrance. Out of the three of them, he imagined Star would've just saw the entrance and saw nothing, while Tara would've looked and understood what he meant. To be fair, those people had died, but you never knew. Maybe he was just reaching. In any case, it was quite convenient.

He pulled up that handkerchief again, pat patting at his face. Just a few more hours... Just a few more. For now he would let them speak, turning and snatching up another sandwich, aggressively biting into it.
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Location: The Ball, Ranau - Vassek
Wearing: DressShoes
Tags: Tara Willows Tara Willows Rax Tremira Rax Tremira Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt A ARS VAMI

Though she lacked a good sense of smell, Starlight did not fail to notice the entrance of the massive Hutt into the ball, accompanied by a large retinue of servants and armed guards. It was an event that she monitored in the corner of her eye as she looked up at Tara, a soft, apologetic smile coming across her pale features as she did.

“Oh yes! I’d love to meet him, and a club soda sounds delicious.” Starlight answered as the Siren pointed out a man with intense features dressed in dark red vestments, before following her date to meet him. An intense pair of blue-green eyes met her as she approached. In turn, the diminutive Qilin took in his athletic stature and sleek black hair, before answering his bow with one of her own.

“To you as well.” The Sister answered, though she flashed Tara a strange look upon hearing the woman use her pet name in public. “I am First Sister.” She emphasized with a coy smile, giving Tara a light, playful bump with her left hip, as she did. “I didn’t know you two were related! Or...are you siblings in a different sense? Perhaps as apprentices under the same master?" The Sister knew that for many Sith, it was a tradition for apprentices under the same master to refer to themselves and each other as siblings. The Sister followed that tradition herself, especially since she had only received her name after being chosen as an apprentice by Carnifex, the Sith’ari who she not only prayed to, but also trained directly under.

To say that she was lucky, was quite the understatement.

Objective: Wait for the auction to begin
Attire: Dress
Tags: Sterling Kinslayer Sterling Kinslayer
Somehow, Taozi was surprised to find out that Sterling knew how to dance. Ballroom dancing was not something found in Komo culture, nor Mandalorian culture for that matter. Cinna demanding her daughter learn not withstanding, anyway. Though her former student wasn't the greatest dancer, he was good enough that their height difference didn't affect the dance much.

"You never told me you learned to dance, Sterling. When did you find the time?"

Smiling up at her dance partner, Taozi laughed softly as they spun around on the dance floor. Really, even after knowing him for so many years, Taozi was still surprised by the Komo's abilities. From their first meeting where Taozi was interested in learning about an unfamiliar species, to taking him under her wing as a medical student, it seemed like she learned something from him every day.

"Remind me that I can bring you to these events more often. I adore Feng and Xiao, but they can be so very dramatic about these types of formal gatherings."
The Ball
Rax Tremira Rax Tremira First Sister First Sister A ARS VAMI Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan

"Right you are," Tara would say to Starlight. "We are both apprentices to Lady Tremiru"

She would give a smile to First Sister and then to Rax. When their attention was deterred to one of the oh so mighty Hutts made an entrance worthy of a real member of royalty. While Rax and Starlight seemed to be diswayed by the slug, Tara seemed excited. Excited to meet a Hutt? What was she out of her mind?

Tara would turn back to Rax and take the plate out of his hands. She set it down on the table without any care someone else would have to clean it up. "Stop stuffing your face for a moment." She then leaned in further and would say quietly so only the three of them could hear her. "I'm going to go make friends with that slime. Can I trust you to take care of my date for awhile?" Tara gave Starlight a smile and then nudged her forward a little -closer to Rax.

"One mango dripper for me, and a club soda for her. Thanks, brother"

Without giving him much of a choice she'd lean in the rest of the way and kiss him on the cheek before turning about and walking towards the grand staircase. She had an objective to complete. The white haired Siren had already found some contacts within Hutt space, but having an actual Hutt lord on her side would be a huge boon for her plans of treachery.

After climbing the staircase the Sith would approach the Hutt's booth and give a look to his guards outside. "I have business with your lord," she would say to them with a wave of her hand.

Now, Tara could not do an actual Jedi mind trick. She lacked all knowledge of the ability. But she had a sense of authority about her that demanded respect. The slug's men would stand aside, expecting her. Well probably not her, but someone to come groveling to his greatness. Tara gave no other look to the guards as she moved into the booth housing the large flabby worm.

"Greetings, your excellency." the Siren would say in Huttese. "My name is Sith Tara Willows." She neglected the word Acolyte. He didn't need to know she was only still but a learner. "I was hoping to talk with you about ventures I had in mind."
Location: Rendezvous Area, Outside Government Building, Jathuun - Vassek
Tags: Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red Arturo Braga Arturo Braga @Open

Chassella was not a tactician or a strategist by any means. Fortunately, she could afford to leave such things to her partners, one of which was a muscular blonde with piercing red eyes and the other a suave, yet gruff looking mercenary with a buzz cut fade. It went without saying that they were an odd trio, but certainly not lacking in competence. However, she could already sense that there might have been a slight disconnect in how they would be approaching the infiltration. Upon hearing Subject 73 Red Subject 73 Red , Chassella contemplated taking her bag out of the dumpster and putting her cover outfit back on. The bag was waterproof, so she wouldn’t have to worry about the outfit getting dirty during the brief time it was inside, but doing so would have been a colossal waste of time. As luck would have it, the mercenary suggested a different approach, in the form of a rear access entrance which would allow them to enter the building and from there, launch an assault on the control room to cripple security.

However, upon hearing Braga mention her directly, the diminutive assassin could not help but to blush at the implied compliment of her abilities. Nevertheless, Chassella maintained an otherwise calm demeanor, nodding in response to the mercenary’s suggestion, though she was slightly nervous knowing that he had such high expectations for her, especially given her lack of reputation.

She was no Blood Hound or Red Witch and in truth, Chassella did not think she would ever ascend to their level.

“Sounds like a plan.” The assassin replied. “I’ll be right behind.” Chassella added as she palmed the chakrams on her hips, making it clear that she did not consider herself to be the leader of the operation in any respect.

But if she wasn’t the leader, then who was?

Oh the nerve of this girl, his eyes narrowed as she had unhanded him of his food, still munching as Tara mentioned she was about to try nicing up the Hutt... YUCK! In any case, he nodded his understanding, swallowing the food in his mouth and looking over to Tara's date.

A chuckle left him, pleasantly rising his eyes towards the woman, but not really sure what to do with her otherwise. That kiss was hardly consolation for taking care of a dignitary... Well, in any case he might as well try to enjoy himself.

"So, why DO they call you the First Sister?"

He'd asked curiosly, sipping on that bubbly, pinky still stuck out. Was it obvious this wasn't his scene? It should've been... The more he hung around the more he wondered if just being himself would suffice.

While paying attention to the woman, he maintained visual contact with his sister, she was the only person he was responsible for as far as he was concerned.

Man, he wanted another sandwich.

(tags don't work on phone sorry)
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
(Partially bleeds into Objective 1 though)
Tags: Tara Willows Tara Willows First Sister First Sister Rax Tremira Rax Tremira Arturo Braga Arturo Braga
Location: The previously open booth now all his

The word from the kitchens came back with the servant sent there. As usual, they said Broka's meal will be prepared. Whether it was just him, or the Hutt ways, but it seems his people can figure out how to best deal with a people from tasting their food. Since this planet may join the Eternal Empire, and may become a next area of Black Sun's and his clan's expansion, it was of upmost importance to get a more literal taste of this world.

Now it seemed all the locals of high society that would pay their respects to one of the leaders of the Eternal Empire have already done so. The rest were the ones who would resist, and will be replaced or persuaded later. So, to bide some time, he monitored the auctions. Some fine sculptures that could decorate his latest palace's courtyard were up at the bid. Broka liked the look. Little pillars to put along the walkways that had symbols he did not recognize sculpted as the main focal point of the pieces. Broka had no clue what they meant, or what culture they originated from. In truth, he did not care. They looked nice, and he had the money to outbid these locals ten-fold at least. This was going to be his personal score for the night if anything. He sent the servant to quickly run down with his bid. 700,000 credits to be exact. It was more than enough to outbid these people, but Broka needed to show his power the way the Hutts did best; with wealth. While the servant ran down to submit the hefty bid, Broka leaned over to a courtier. He whispered, (In Huttese as always)"<Send word to those taking care of the rest of the artwork that this particular set of sculptures is mine. They will not touch them whatsoever. The rest of the artwork in stock is for the operation. Quickly now!>"

The courteir then turned to a corner of the booth. He spoke in hushed tones as he repeated the order of his boss to Arturo Braga specifically. The man was a rising star in Broka's mind, especially after Lotho Minor. Broka knew that Braga would ensure that adjustment will be made, and could get the other mercenaries to follow that instruction as well.

The servant who went to the acutions came back with the news that Broka successfully outbid the locals for the sculpture collection. Then, right after he came back in with the good news, a Sith entered. This woman was no local, and the guards let her in like the locals anyway. He would have to get a different batch next time if Sith are to be attending these now. More strong willed ones. No matter, she wanted business. The Sith were a tricky bunch with a strange history with the Hutts. Broka did like the Sith more for their moral flexibility in comparison to those insufferable Jedi. However, there have been many accounts of Hutts getting betrayed by Sith. He knew he had to be careful, but entertaining this proposition would certainly be an....interesting conversation. Maybe he could use this to start worming his way into Sith politics too. They were Imperials similar to the Eternal Empire. He already knew some of the things that made the Sith Empire tick.

Broka continued sitting back. Her not saying all was a power move. Classic of the Sith. Instead of begging for her to elaborate further like she probably wanted, the Supreme Mogul waved her to take a seat before him in a somewhat aloof manner. He can play those games too. He has had slightly over a century to practice. As he waited for her to take a seat, the colossal Hutt turned his gaze now directly at his new guest. As he read her, he could see the flicker of desire. This business was possibly personal for this one. Also classic of the Sith. This night was certainly going to be interesting.
The Ball
Broka the Hutt Broka the Hutt
"Thank you, oh exalted one"

The Hutt offered her a seat which she was happy to take. She scooted back in the chair, straightening her back as best as she could, then crossed her legs over one another. She then clasped her hands in her lap. "I will be blunt," she started off -still in his language. "I seek power. I seek wealth and the power that comes with it. I come to you now as a humble servant. I have a ship. Perfect for.....many needs. All I'm asking for is a chance. A chance to prove my worth and see if there are some lucrative deals the two of us could partake in."

She then crossed her other leg over one another showing her lightsaber between her thighs. "After all, having a friend in the Sith could prove beneficial to someone of your grace."
Lorda of Nem'ro and Hutt Republic Supreme Mogul
Tag: Tara Willows Tara Willows
Location: Broka's Private Booth at the Ball

Broka was right. This was personal for this Sith. The ambition was commendable. As he looked further, he could tell that this Sith was young. A prodigy perhaps, since the title of Acolyte typical of one her age was not used in her introduction of herself. As he listened to her speak, a little glint of amusement appeared in his eye. This ambition was certainly familiar. Almost took him back to the days of just being the heir to the Nem'ro Clan under his father many years ago.

"<To be blunt as well, you want to get into the slave trade it seems. It must be known that I have been dealing with various poltical theatres across the galaxy now. Some more morally flexible than others. With that being said, in order to keep somewhat good graces in one, I cannot do slave trade. Well, I can not get caught conducting it really. Though, having Jedi breathing down your neck would make getting caught quite easy to do. However, as Supreme Mogul of the Hutt Republic, as well as the leader of Black Sun, there is an alternative possibly more lucrative. It was a method my colleagues back home have made to counteract the slave ban enacted by the Silver Jedi Concord upon our Hutt Republic. The Thrall System, as it is called, gives more "rights" to these people forced into cheap labor. They are given better care, but thus get a debt they pay off with labor. It is slavery, but more glamorous to put it simply. It certainly was not as terrible looking as slavery is that the Jedi did not stop the Hutt Republic from adopting it as a constitutional law that any Hutt can take part in the Thrall System and make money from selling the indentured servitude. You would still harvest people the same way as harvesting for slavery, and you will get similar pay for your exploits. The difference really being that it appears as more ambiguous to the less morally flexible people in the galaxy. Easier for them to allow to happen in the background. I am fine giving you the opportunity to harvest for my clan with the system. However, my kind has dealt with the Sith before many times in the past. What is to stop your masters or you from coming to y houses and killing me, my guards and courtiers, and-or my operations and industries? There are times when the Sith have turned on their Hutt partners, and there are times when the Sith have had very lucrative relations with the Hutts. Before I give you my blessing to harvest thralls for the Nem'ro Clan, I need to make sure that nothing will come my way when dealing with the Sith. I agree, it is good to have powerful allies like the Sith, however, I need to see if the Sith are willing to carry out the other side of aligned interest.>"

Broka's gaze then turned to the entrance. The food from the kitchens has arrived. The local waiters and waitresses at this place carried out the dishes for Broka to feast on. The night was certainly going to go well for him. There is business and food. His two of his favorite things.

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