Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dominion Shadow Empire: The Living Planet | EE Dominion of Zonama Sekot


Armor was great to hide emotions. It was a fact of life that Eliz enjoyed, when it came to strangers. But Mandalorians knew how to read emotion through posture, tone of voice, other subtle things. It was a process learned over time. Eliz was still figuring it out, but even he could tell that despite Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla 's peppy attitude, there was something else there. Something off. He let out a heavy sigh and hung his head for a moment, eyes closed.

"Don't die, alright? I'd hate to see you go." He replaced the sniper onto his back, instead pulling free the heavy charric on his hip. The transport took off. It wasn't going to be long now until they needed to fight. He closed his eyes, stilling his mind for a moment. Battle made him different. This wasn't like when they stumbled upon each other, or when he woke up on her couch. She was a soldier. If she couldn't handle herself, she'd die.

Man, he really didn't want that to happen.

Location: Dragon Cave
Equipment: Standard lightsaber


Objective: Stop the corruption
Location: Dragon Cave
Tags: Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel || Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
There was a tingle that ran across Taozi's skin as she stood in the steam-filled cave. Flexing her gloved fingers, Taozi stared at the others of the Enclave from behind her Rabbit mask. She wondered if they could feel it too, the tingling. A shiver ran down her spine, and she knew they would have to get to work soon. Rituals were not her specialty, but healing was, so how hard could a healing ritual for an entire planet be?

"So. Are all the preparations done?"

Her voiced was modulated by the mask, but there was an urgency to her tone. She knew, no, felt the planet needed them to get to work soon. This "Shadow Empire" Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim had told Taozi about was rearing their ugly heads, so while the Empire took care of them physically... Well, only those Called seemed to be able to help with the corruption.

"I fear the Imperials won't be able to counter our mutual foe soon enough for us to succeed in our task."


Location: Dragon Cave, entrance
Equipment: One (1) custom-made shoto lightsaber, Dantari crystal, One (1) CR-1 Blast Cannon, One (1) 50-meter length of synthrope, Four (4) standard thermal detonators.
Appearance: Nondescript leathers, mismatched with standard-issue Ultranaut helmet.
Interacting: Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan
Nearby: LE-03 (Leigh), Kalic Daws Kalic Daws , Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel

"I still can't shake the feeling that distinction isn’t nearly as clear as anyone thinks, you know."

The Ultranaut helmet's voice filter abruptly switched off as Na'an strode through the cave mouth, letting her natural voice ring out and echo in the confined space. She loosed the helmet, dropping it, and pulled her braid out from where it had been stuffed into her collar. "The Voice has been following a few threads within Imperial military networks," she said. "Nothing's panned out yet, but the fact that those threads are there at all...I can't be the only one that feels like that's strange, right?"

Her lightsaber was clipped high on her belt; Na'an pulled it loose and ignited it for light. As a makeshift torch, the scarlet blade cast the space into an eerie, bloody light, glimmering against a small tide pool and throwing dark shadows from nearby stones. She held it ahead of her as she crept forward, trying to see where the system ended or turned. "This cave's deeper than it looks," she continued; "Look there; it's been bored out farther than is natural. And something in there..."

She inhaled, sucking in the damp air through her nose. And her free hand reflexively reached for the back of her neck, rubbing at a sudden rash of goosebumps as she turned back to Taozi. "It stinks, doesn't it?"


Kalic took a breath as he sat their, holding his PR-1 Ravager just in case any Imperial approached. Honestly, he still didn’t necessarily care which it was. Sure, the Eternals seemed to be better, but some scars didn’t heal easy, and what Ingrid did to him…. Now that he remembered he wouldn’t forget it. He’d look back at the Rabbit, who he finally started to recognize, but wouldn’t say anything, as he spoke.

“Ready as I can be, but I don’t know why you want me here. Best I can do is maybe have a vision that possibly relates to what we’re doing.” It was true. It wasn’t like he could choose where to look, or how long. Heck, he couldn’t control anything a limit them, and it wasn’t like he was a trained in Jedi arts outside of a concentration technique to keep from by blinded in a nexus. Still, he’d help as best he could. He then heard Vidalu walk up, aiming for a split second before seeing who it was.

“Something in there hm? Well now I’m curious.”

Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel
"It's why we're here." Adelle stepped out of the shadows in the tunnel Na'an pointed out, pulling back the hood from her face. She tugged the scarf around her lower face down to her neck, exposing old scars. It wasn't like it could block out the stink of corruption. Adelle could practically taste it, cloyingly bitter and rotten.

"This will require all of us. Healing Sekot is simply beyond my skill alone, even with my connection to the Hidden Nexus," she said, gently placing a hand against the rough stone. Then in a quieter tone, almost like an afterthought, she added "Sekot is dying."

She looked at the others sharply. "This way."

Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an | Taozi Fuyuan Taozi Fuyuan | Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Kill the Maw.
Location: Streets of La'okio
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Romund Sro Romund Sro
[ Der Herr der Schatten ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Fatigue? She knew the man wasn't specifically adept at the Force; of course he knew tricks, but the actual more powerful things were not his strengths. However, she felt where the man was, so after a brief concentration she teleported to the place where Zachariel was. Her gaze was not visible because of her helmet, but she was completely indifferent. Ever since Omni, it has been harder to feel anything. That was the price of victory; to lose – nearly entirely – some of her emotions were what she was able to perceive in the direction of others.

Or she just spent too much time in the Nether. Ingrid didn't even tell Tubrok how much. Only maybe Eina knew the reality. She was no longer able to look at the world of the living as she used to, she was different. The Empress was currently behind Zachariel, she put her hands on her hip and tilted her head slightly to the side.

"I want their souls. They don't belong to you or to the Avatars. And I’m not willing to play a game like that with you. Give them back voluntarily, you don’t want me to take them back by force." she said in an ice-cold voice; Zachariel probably knew her so well to know the woman wasn't kidding.

There was no problem with the other game, which was also played on the beach. But she did not bargain for souls. The troops here were not members of the 267th, just citizens of the Eternal Empire. And Ingrid did everything for them; it also included protecting their souls. They did not agree to anything happening to their souls. They deserved a quiet rest in the Nether.

"Come on big boy, don't be stubborn!" she said as she walked close to the man again without the slightest sign of fear. If the man doesn't let them go voluntarily, Ingrid reaches out to the Force and starts letting them go.


Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective I.: How can you be here?
Location: Streets of La'okio
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Das Tier in mir ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Downstairs, during the fighting, it wasn’t hard to spot, among other things, my clan leader, Zachariel Steelblood; the leader of the Bloodsworn. I also saw several other fights or scouts in the area. Whatever I say, to tell the truth, it’s damn boring to have to send information to teams without stopping. Even Ziare was an agent for COMPNOR, so I rightly hoped I could get assassin duties.

Okay, okay, I admit that this is also an important job, or something I did on Coruscant, because without it we would never have taken prisoners. But! But I still longed for excitement and adrenaline! Oh! Maybe it’s time to finally learn how to use a sniper rifle. Hunting for small little spots, insignificant worms can also be a great feeling. To know that they can do nothing, that their lives are in my hands. Intoxicating!

However, this thought and planning was interrupted by something. Some shots and screams, up close. Exactly from here in the alley next door. I went to the edge of the roof and looked down. It was an Eternal Imperial warrior, just killing our marauder. Although he used camouflage and stealth equipment, something was visible, perceptible. He must have been somewhere where the beheaded marauder lay. Blood traces may have helped, but…

~ Come on MANIAC, find me the little assassin! ~ I instructed MANIAC to look for the target with the biochip’s sensors.

Hopefully they can't hide from every scanner. If I really have a target, I'll try to shoot them from the top of the two-story house. Hopefully there will be one less eternal Imperial soldier or just an assassin in the field after the shot. If not, I will hopefully have a chance to have fun. I was thirsty for blood anyway…



The transport suddenly halted, and very adruptly. What- the crashing was rupturing in her ears. Everything shook as she was thrown off her feet. She crashed into something as the transport was thrown sideways by something, debris flying and scrap metal slamming into several soldiers. Gwyneira winced beneath her helmet as she and something beneath her were flung under a heavy door, sparing her from the brutal onslaught of the explosive bombardment of metal shards. She moaned as it finally grew a bit calmer, trying to push up only to realize that beneath her was Eliz himself - beneath her and between her legs.

She sighed in relief, "Good. You're okay. I don't want you to die either." Paying no mind to the position, she had snapped into survival mode. She stood up, pulling her sniper rifle off her back and turning to peer out of the corner from their makeshift shield. "I think we're the only ones who survived that."

She needed to assess her surroundings, figure out what had turned over their now half destroyed transport, and come up with a solid battle plan. She had snapped into action, ready to prove her significance to the Eternal Empire and Wardens she had joined.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt


The world erupted, all at once. Eliz blinked in surprise as an explosion sent the ship they were on spiraling towards the ground. This was bad. He could survive this sort of thing, easily. But how would Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla be able to handle it? If it wasn't for the explosion he'd of gone after her. Instead, the most he could do was brace for impact. The sound of metal tearing and the occasional explosion eventually died off as he found himself laid out on the floor.

"Karablast.." He muttered mostly to himself as he pushed himself up. Or tried. Instead, he found himself pinned under something. Someone. Panic immediately filled his mind as he stared up at Gwyn. Wha- why? Was she hurt? .. No, not by how she was speaking. It only hit him how they were positioned when he was sure she was alright. Good thing he had a helmet to cover how red his face got.

A blush that faded pretty quick once he saw the condition of the others. ".. No, it doesn't look like anyone else survived." Eliz got up then, dusting off his armor before looking around. So this was what they were going to have to deal with? Of course it wasn't going to be something easy. "We should try and regroup with the others."

Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Plain Cloths
Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Objective: Tal Type Medical Vessel - Obj III
Tag: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

The soldier spared a look to the Togruta that spoke, the sharp gaze hidden behind the helmet before they left the room with their question answered as Fel looked to the other in the reflection.

Anger had been the knee jerk feeling to the words. A quick and intense feeling that was pushed down. She hadn't been shown pity. Not exactly anyway. It wasn't exactly gentle the treatment she had been given either. But consideration for her condition had tainted the way she was regarded in some degree.


There was a finality to her words. Stifling something with admittance rather than dancing around it. She kept her thoughts tightly bound inside her mind, the force cradling the one thing she felt she had control of anymore without stinging her eyes.

Her days were made of frustration and exhaustion, with a sprinkle of other things when she was alone. Crying had been a portion of it. Bargaining with herself another. Crying again when the bargaining hadn't worked to soothe herself.

"It's all there. The Empress. She fixed it all. So I can't really be sad about that." She didn't turn her face, nor did she look at the person in the reflection. They didn't have their helmet on, and the way they mentioned options produced her own questions. But the words were not lost on her. "My legs won't listen though. I can't...I can't feel them. Like my brain is jumbling it all up."

Her hands folded neatly, settling in her lap as she looked out to the stars again

"I'm tired of crying though. And I can't hasn't even been that long. I shouldn't complain, it's just...frustrating." She blew out a breath, eyes already stinging as she broke the look in the reflection and turned to her lap.

"Everyone talks about options. I've had myostim treatments, but it feels like cheating." She explained slowly, noting her legs were not yet thinning out from disuse just yet. Did it take longer than a month? She had no idea really, but it had been strange to see the myostim unit working without being aware of it.
Gwyneira nodded firmly, her movements serious and firm. This was far from the flirtatious airhead Eliz had met before. She motioned for Eliz to wait, closing her eyes from under her helmet and reaching out with the Force. She could sense them, enemies all around. Getting out of here would not be easy, but they were closing in. The Force Sensitive girl grimaced beneath her helmet and announced, "Three to the south, four to the east, three north, six south. Sixteen total. We're surrounded."

She reached up and tapped her helmet's rim as if tapping her lip, deep in thought. Various scenarios rolled through her head on what to do, and none seemed to end in victory in her mind. Then, she remembered something from the night she and Eliz had met. She snapped her fingers, "Eliz! You still have that flamethrower, right? You provide the flame, I'll fan the fire. A ring of fire, set it all around. It will both keep them at bay and protect us for a moment. We take the three south, and we make for the city. Does it sound like a plan?"

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Location: Tal class medical corvette
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
Equipped: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies

"I can imagine how frustrating it much be, just wait for the time you can give the physios a kick up their own asses"

She looked at the girl's notes, Felmorante Dewinter, Anashja knew the Dewinter name from somewhere which was bugging her but she wasn't going to mention that right now, it was not a priority.

"So it's good to hear the Empress has put the physical bits back together, if you get any unusual symptoms, burning, sweating...a desire to rule the galaxy, you'll let me know right?" She tried to make a joke with the girl, in truth she was always a little concerned when the Empress had a hand in a patient's care, she was certainly unorthodox.

She had a few moments to thinks about what the woman day about cheating, she had never considered anything like myostims as a cheat, it was just treatment, but how to put it to the woman.

"Don't look at the myostim treatments as a cheat, we all use the tools we can, if it was your heart muscles we were concerned about we wouldn't even give a second thought to stimming it."

She scratched a few notes on a pad, she had a trick of jamming a piece of graphite under her fingernail so she could write without looking like she was writing, it tended to make patients feel less like they were being interviewed in her experience. Of course her manicurist hated her for it.

"We should try and get you a change of scenery, we have an on board garden and pool if you would like to visit it? I made sure it isn't all done up like a hospital pool, you might like it?"

Last edited:
Location: Streets, La'okio
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Allies: EE
Enemies: BotM
Direct Engagement: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

The scream attracted the attention of the two marauders in patrolling the street, close to the ones the assassin had slain only moments before. Immediately, she knew that she had made the right decision in activating her energy shield, as one of the soldiers began to fire at her, the projected aegis shimmered as it absorbed the blaster energy. Ivixa retaliated in turn, sprinting towards the two marauders as she raised her right arm to deliver a coruscating arc of galvanic energy, setting the marauder alight as the electricity fried his body from the inside out. Then, closing the remaining distance with a sudden forward boost via her armor’s micro thrusters, Ivixa’s vibroblade slashed through the marauder’s blaster, before opening his guts with a vicious follow-up slash across his stomach, finishing him off with a third that cleaved off his legs.

Content to let the Mawite scream and bleed himself to death, she didn’t bother with sparing him a quick end.

Just as the man collapsed to the ground, the assassin’s radiation scanners picked up sensor pings emanating from a nearby building. She knew immediately that she was being watched or searched for, likely by another Mawite. Sheathing her vibroblade, Ivixa pulled her rifle from its place on her back, her armor’s sensors tracing back the sensor pings back to the rough position of whoever was looking for her, though it was by no means an exact triangulation…

Up until the moment she saw the armour-clad figure ( Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr ), looking in her direction from the top of the building..

With snappy, surgical precision, The sniper delivered a single armor piercing round aimed for the marauder’s chest from roughly thirty-five meters away, but she didn’t linger for long in the street. Kicking into a sprint, a thought triggered her micro thrusters to fire, boosting her body forward so that she could get out of the open that much faster, moving towards the entrance of the building where the mysterious marauder was located, if her initial round failed to outright take down the unknown Mawite...



Sixteen? That.. Wasn't that much for him. But he could go invisible with his fractal pattern. .. Wait. He stared down at his armor. And grimaced. The coating had been ripped off in the crash. Some still remained, but the system needed to be whole to work. There went that idea. Not that it mattered. Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla couldn't do the same. He gripped his rifle, frowning in thought. Just how were they going to get out of this?

Wait, flame? He blinked under his helmet, then nodded. Her idea was better than anything he might be able to figure out. His wrist came alive as he aimed it outwards, letting loose a torrent of flame. "Get the ring up and I'll take care of the three to the south!"

Gwyneira extended her hands and got to work on it, following the teachings of the graceful pyromancer who taught her, she used the Force to make the flames far longer, taller, and stronger. She caused them to surround the entire radius of the crash, save a safe spot for Eliz to safely pass through. Hands extended and posture firm yet elegant, she called to the Chissalorian, "Now!"

She then continued to fluidly use the Force to expand the flames, flowing expanding the ring of fire the best she could. Beneath her helmet, she bit her lip. She was still new to this power, and it was taking a lot of concentration from her. She turned her head to see how Eliz was fairing, and when she could let go of this strain.

A trickle of sweat slipped down from her forehead.

Eliz Krayt Eliz Krayt

Objective: Stop the corruption
Location: Dragon Cave
Tags: Vidalu Na'an Vidalu Na'an || Kalic Daws Kalic Daws || Adelle Bastiel Adelle Bastiel
"Perhaps not, though I doubt the Empress had much reason to lie to my informant. If nothing else, this gives us an opportunity to grow without much worry about the Empire breathing down our necks at every turn, yes?"

Taozi shrugged, before reeling her head back in surprise at the red lightsaber Vidalu pulled out to light their way. Somehow, she didn't expect the smaller woman to wield a red blade. Not even Darlyn did, and he was a former Sith. Certainly not a reformed Sith by any means, what with his ability to summon a storm at will. But, like him, Vidalu was a friend, so while not as close to the other woman, Taozi still trusted her.

Then, the smell hit her, and a shiver of disgust ran down her body.

It smelled of rot. Not quite a corpse, but close. Like an infected wound, if Taozi had to label it. Then, Adelle came out of the shadows, with an answer to both Kalic's question and Taozi's unspoken one. Sekot was dying. Unfortunately, that meant the Eternals were woefully under-equipped to handle it. Part of Taozi questioned if the four of them would be able to heal an entire planet.

But even stopping the corruption would help. Healing could come later, if they had to.

Walking deeper into the caves, the stench of rot and decay grew stronger, and Taozi had to stop herself from gagging.

"We must be getting close to the heart of Sekot, if this... Disgusting stench is anything to go by. I can only imagine how much worse it is for you two, without a mask or helmet as a buffer. Smells of infection."

Equipment: Powered Wheelchair, Enviroweave Blanket, Plain Cloths
Haywire I Armor over Viper Mk. I Skinsuit, Duraglide Boots with Boot Rockets
Dark Purple pair of Wrist Dazzlers, 7 Whimsy Knives, 3 Glitter Grenades, 2 Giggle Grenades, 1 Pink Vapor Grenade

Objective: Tal Type Medical Vessel - Obj III
Tag: Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

She gave a soft snort to kicking someone's butt though little more on the topic as symptoms were mentioned. Her hands opened, slowly moving to the wheels of her chair as the locks disengaged at the slightest brush of her hands.

She wheeled around, pulling on one side before pushing against the other. A neat little twist on the spot as she faced the other.

"The worst is just temperatures right now. And the sores. As for ruling the galaxy...thats too much work."

She leaned in her seat a little, adjusting the blanket even if she couldn't entirely feel it. It felt like the whole floor was just off kilter as she tucked a bit more beneath her left side and wiggled herself with her arms on the rests.

Once settled, she addressed the issue of the tools.

"It just feels like I should be able to spring back. Not...this. But...I guess you're right." She waved her hands to the chair and legs. Exasperation plain on her face as she settled against the back and frowned.

"I would like that. We were supposed to be visiting the surface. But...well. The jaw showed up and ix'nayed that idea." She frowned deeper at the mention of their guests.

Her hands went to the wheels again, slowly pushing herself forward with effort. The movements were sluggish, hands fumbling every now and again to find a grip as she made her way toward the door.

It opened to the soldier, one hand holding a canteen and the other closed around something as he glanced between them.

"We are going to the garden and pool. Thank you though." She informed them while wiping her hands on the blanket and taking the canteen and medicine she had requested. She eyed the pills briefly, as if waging mental war before gulping them down with a long draw from the canteen.

The soldier held their hand out for the canteen to which she promptly ignored and set the thing in her lap. They stared at her for a long moment, quietly resigning the item to her as they stepped aside to let them through.

"Alright. Lead the way." She was putting up a front to trick her own brain. She would follow behind as best she was able, determined to push herself to be better quicker at the independence rather than rely on the soldier that shadowed them.
Ziare Dyarron (NIO) | Keilara Kala'myr (Maw)
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent, Nite agent | Slave of the Maw
Objective I.: How can you be here?
Location: Streets of La'okio
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Omega Phase Assault Rifle | 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | Druetium Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags / Writing with: Ivixa Nera'kas Ivixa Nera'kas
[ Das Tier in mir ]
"Galactic Basic" | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

One thing is for sure, my opponent was damn fast, it saved my life, my shield was also active, but the shots still went through it and slammed into my armour. I fell back with a painful shout and couldn't take a breath for a few moments. And then all the breathing hurt. Feth! Ouch! I turned to the side, coughing. I have no idea what kind of weapon it was, but if I don’t have a shield, it will kill me.

And my chest again, my ribs. It’s not enough that when Ziare was taken prisoner, The Mongrel The Mongrel broke her ribs and the Maw's minions tortured and disciplined her through those, now this too. MANIAC indicated that the armour was severely injured at my chest, but also indicated that I had suffered severe bruises. If he hadn't said so, I wouldn't have figured it out…

"Say something I don't know yet!" I growled angrily.

And even that happened. I couldn't decide if I was happy about it or annoyed.

~ The target is heading to this coordinate, has already reached the stairwell and is going up, the estimated time remaining until arrival… ~ and he also said the number of seconds.

Despite the pain, I got up from the ground, though in the name of the Avatars, how comfortable the floor was. I switched to shotgun mode and aimed at the door, all from cover, of course. As the door opens that leads here to the roof, I immediately try to shoot my opponent in the chest. I always repay the debt…


Location: Streets, La'okio
Dialogue Legend: <"High Nelvaanian"> │ “Galactic Basic”
Direct Engagement: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr

The tiny sniper immediately saw her target stagger and fall as the armor piercing round connected with her chest, but MEIPOC prodded at her awareness, warning her that the Mawite was likely still capable of fighting. Nevertheless, a part of Ivixa knew that she could simply leave the soldier behind on the rooftop, so that she could move on to reinforce the dwindling contingents of Ultranauts within the city and provide them with vital sniper support. However, the assassin reveled in the thrill of the chase, the satisfaction that came with finishing off an enemy in a visceral explosion of red mist or alternatively, leaving them to die an agonizing, bloody, and messy death on the ground. After all, it wouldn’t be good to leave one of the marauders alive, likely giving them the opportunity to flank her later on.

Your armor won’t save you, savage.

While she had initially intended to seek cover at the base of the building where the marauder was positioned, in seeing her target fall, Ivixa smelled the blood in the water, sensing that she had gained the temporal advantage. Intending to seize it before the enemy managed to recover, once she reached five meters away from the base of the building, the Asa’nyx planted her feet and jumped up from the ground with a grunt, her leap assisted by the Glitter Ghost’s energized, strength-enhancing polymers, then further boosted by her repulsor pack to propel her form up to the height of the roof.

At the apex of her jump, the assassin struck.

The sniper’s senses were honed in with lethal intent on the marauder as she flew up through the air, her rifle held ready as she did. Then, at the apex of her ascent, the split-second where she was neither ascending nor descending, Ivixa fired, delivering a single armor piercing round aimed to hopefully strike the marauder, a woman by indication, in center mass from less than seven meters away. Where the marauder might have expected the Agent to attempt getting up to the roof from elsewhere, Ivixa had instead ascended up to the roof directly from the ground immediately after moving roughly thirty meters from where she had first fired on the Mawite, thereby cutting out the middleman in an attempt to capitalize on her advantage.


Location: Tal class medical corvette
Tags: Felmorante L'lerim Felmorante L'lerim
Equipped: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies

Anashja was impressed with the determination of the girl, if the mind was strong the body would tow the line she had always been taught. She watched her wriggling about to get comfortable and mentioned the sores?

"With your permission Felmorante, I can make your sores a little more manageble with the force? It won't magically make everything better, and it won't be permanent, but it would be wrong not to offer?"

As the two women made their way to the pool, Anashja resisters the urge to push the girl, the impression she got was one of fierce independence, and to push her right now may undermine that.

The garden was only a short trip, the ship itself not being particularly large. It was a kidney shaped room around 50m wide and 25m deep. At the the centre of the room was a half moon shaped pool. There were the usual trappings of a medical centre pool, but well enough disguised into the artificial rockeries that it just looked like a pretty pool.

To either side were flat, easy to navigate paths painted to look like stone, and a mixture of shrubs and flowers. There were the noises of birds, although these were artificial. Real butterflies flew through the air though, feeding on the large colourful flowers.

Light was was provided by a bank of lights on the ceiling, it wasn't perfect, but it gave the impression that it was sunlight.

"Do you like it here? I am quite proud of my little sanctuary." Anashja smiled. "If you would like you can swim? The water is beautiful and you may find the weight off of your limbs feels nice."

There was a thick folded towel by the side of the pool and an appropriate bathing outfit for her. Along side a screen to allow her to change privately.

"Or you could wheel around and just enjoyed the plants, and we can order something nice to eat? If you are hungry that is, personally like ice cream sandwiches but they aren't for everyone."


Objective: Kill, Maim, Burn
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Romund Sro Romund Sro
Links: Weapons

Turning from the slaughter to his Vong, Zachariel was about to command them when Ingrid appeared. He didn't see her appear, but sensed it and saw the surprise of the Vong. Glancing back, he frowned upon seeing her. What foolishness was this? Anyone could see her simply speaking to him, rather than fighting. That'd endanger so much more, and there were Vong here, though she may not have known. Turning to half face her, Zachariel ignored her words and instead called out to his Vong allies.

"Behold the master of these soldiers, Empress L'lerim-Vandiir. I suggest you leave, take what flesh you can from other sources, because she is a far hardier foe."

His Vong allies seemed surprised by his words, but nodded and vanished away. They returned to the city, fading away in search of other targets. Meanwhile, Zachariel began to move around Ingrid, even as she advanced on him. Snarling low, Zachariel shook his head once he was sure no one was watching. Stopping his sideways movement, somewhat in cover now, Zachariel turned and faced Ingrid fully.
"You should have waited, for a more hidden location to speak." The entire time, Zachariel had given no indication of aiding Ingrid with her precious souls. Instead, as she reached out, Zachariel simply rolled his head and eyes. "If you care so much for the fools, you should have told them to not attack me. That only leads to death, you know that."

She reached out in the Force, aiming to release the souls from Zachariel's blades. Instead of finding souls, she found nothing. The blades were empty, as empty as the day they were made. No souls had been added, as far as Ingrid could see, or if they had been, they were already removed. Which remained unclear, and Zachariel wouldn't say or reveal either. Instead, he spoke up again as Ingrid drew closer.
"So, what brings the mighty Eternal Empire to the doorstep of the Vong? And why call upon me so quickly my dear? Afraid I'd run off before you could say hello?" His deep, echoing laughter came forth then, even as his eyes never left Ingrid.


His gun came around as the wall of flame was more solidly.. Solid? There was a whole talk to have about that, at some point. The Force had always been something he didn't understand. It didn't help that he was dead to it, either, but that was just his path. Eliz squinted some as they rushed forward, trying to peer through the flames and find the trio she had mentioned to the south.

He couldn't see through it, but the sensor in his helmet could. A ping was sent out, and as soon as they were revealed he lifted his rifle and fired. One, two, three. One shot each, hitting them between the eyes. He'd always been a good shot.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective I.: Kill the Maw.
Location: Streets of La'okio
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Romund Sro Romund Sro
[ Der Herr der Schatten ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"I do not use the name Vandiir officially, just simple L''lerim. At least you could respect your enemy so much, Steelblood, to learn her name correctly. How many years have we been fighting already? For a decade by now?" there was mockery and contempt in her voice; of course it was acting, no more, especially because there were no enemies and they respected each other.

She looked at the Vong who had left, she had not noticed others nearby before. She, too, was moving, so they were moving into a position that was no longer an open street and certainly no one could see them. Now the woman shook her head, then looked up to look into Zachariel's eyes, as far as it was possible because both of them wore helmets.

"I felt like there was no one around who would matter. If there was anyone nearby, I would have attacked you. Anyone could easily have believed it was a real attack, do not underestimate my skills, Zachariel." she said the beginning still harshly, but the other half of the sentence was more of a flirtation.

She hadn't answered the words yet, Ingrid wanted to get the souls back, but the blades were empty. There was not a soul in them. There were two options, she didn’t know which might be the answer. Zachariel did not absorb them, or he already sent them to the Nether.

Only here, in the cover, she stepped closer to the gen'dai.

"Come on, big boy! Do you really want me to go down into the Nether and pull out their souls from your Avatar's mouth?" she asked tiredly. "You know I can’t tell them not to do it and we both know they have no chance against you and we didn’t expect Maw. That’s why I wanted to ask you to avoid them and find a more worthy opponent! We're here due to the Shadow Empire."

As the man laughed, she had to smile behind her helmet as well.

"I thought and hoped you wanted to do something completely different at the end of the fight…" now it was just flirting tone in her voice as playfully ran her armoured hand over the man's face, neck, and chest, that is, on his armour. What do others say? Will war and armour kill "romance" and flirting? Whoever said it wasn't wrong too much.



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