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Approved Tech Shadow Guard Armor

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Darth Vyrassu

Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor


  • Intent: Is required for an NPC submission
  • Image Source:
  • Robed
  • Unrobed
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A



  • Classification: Armor
  • Weight: Light
  • Resistances (For each category choose from: None, Very Low, Low, Average, High, Very High, Extreme Ratings of High, Very High, and Extreme will need to be added as strengths with elaboration.)
- Blasters (And other plasma type weapons): Extreme
- Kinetic: Average
- Lightsabers: Extreme
- Other:
Sonic: Low
Elemental: Low
Toxins & gasses: None

  • (Short brief detail list on any advanced systems with a respective link to the technology if available. The armor is made of phrik with a reflec spray to warp signals of radars and scanners as well be extremely resistant to lightsabers and blasters, the armor also includes a personal cloaking device to make them invisible for a short period of time.


+ Armor is made of phrik making it extremely resistant to lightsabers and blaster

+ Armor has reflec on it making it warp signals of radars and scanners

+ Armor has a personal cloaking device that renders wearer invisible for a short time

+ Armor is very light to make wearer very quick and agile.


- Armor has no protection from lightsabers around thighs and elbows

- View is limited due to small visor

- Has very low protection against sonics, EMP and ION blast as well as lacks protection from heavy environmental conditions.

- Helmet does not protect from toxins and gasses.

The Jen'ari Shadow Guards armor was designed to protect the wearer from most common damages that they would engage in such as lightsabers and blasters. it takes a loss to environmental, Sonics, EMPS, IONS and toxins and gasses but makes up for it with the phrik armor. The armor does not cover the elbows and thighs but does cover everywhere else. The armor also features Sith attire robes with armorweave that is worn over the armor when not in combat. The red visor is rather small to the point the guards field of vision is limited. The armor also comes with a personal cloaking device that can render the wearer invisible for a short period of time, such as maybe at the most 20 minutes and then takes 24 hours to recharge so it is wise to use it only when needed or sparingly. The armor is also painted black to make them difficult to see at night as well has an overcoat spray of reflec to warp signals of radar and scanners.
[member="Darth Vyrassu"]
This submission has been removed from the approved section because it was approved at limited production using a restricted material, which is only permissible when submitted using a Tier 6 Company that has the restricted material in question (phrik) listed as its restricted material specialty.

Please lower production to semi-unique or change your manufacturer.
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