Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Campaign Shadow Over the Rim: Ryloth

Objective 1: The Liberation
Gear: Armor, Sword
Tags: Darth Strosius Darth Strosius // Commodore Helix Commodore Helix // Jonyna Si Jonyna Si // Sodd-Soll Ha'rangir // Open

Chaos reigned all around Revna; blaster fire seared the air around her, the cries and squeals of both the living and the dying on both sides filled her ears, and the roars of the fighters ripping through the air above her as they sought to cut down the darksider created a sense of utter mayhem for the young Acolyte. She had to process a lot of information going on around her in a rapid time frame and though she did her absolute best, her inexperience did show itself from time to time-especially when she made rookie mistakes or took unnecessary risks due to the bloodlust that raged through her.

Yet somehow she still stood at the end of each skirmish, each lethal test that she was faced with, finding strength and renewal of her own savagery in the rallying words of the Sith Lord who led the assault. She still didn’t know she had sustained an injury, and with each movement she made her wound grew more and more serious. She felt discomfort now and then, but her intense focus on the battle before her and the need to stay alive kept her attention away from the injury, not to mention the Force itself acted like a sort of painkiller, dampening the pain and discomfort to the point that it was a mere background sensation which allowed her to push her body beyond what it could normally handle.

Her own battles were soon aided by droid forces under the command of Commodore Helix, an agent who Darth Strosius had hired to help him in his campaigns throughout the Outer Rim. A large framed droid had seemingly attached itself to her, defending her and cutting down any enemy attack she failed to notice immediately. She was grateful for the aid, and she adjusted her own fighting tactics to work alongside the droid to be more efficient in her fighting and killing.

What felt like an eternity later, the young Sith noticed that the Hutt defenders were beginning to fall back, and those that still survived were retreating back into the underground facility and abandoning their defense of the landing zones and the entrance into the hidden base underneath their feet.

It gave the offensive fighters, like Revna and her Sith Mentor and those who had joined him in this battle, a brief respite before the carnage resumed. One such individual slashed their way through the doors with a crimson saber, blowing it inward with a powerful telekinetic blast before they disappeared beyond.

The comms within Revna’s helm came to life and the familiar voice of her Mentor came forth, issuing commands to others to tend to the wounded, to secure the landing zones they had all fought for, to create a perimeter around the entrances. He then ordered the Commodore and his Acolyte to join him and the blood splattered young woman obeyed his summons, moving over the fallen bodies of both enemy and allies alike until she was at his side.

Awaiting your command, my Lord.” Revna replied with a hint of eagerness in her voice, still unaware of the seeping wound in her flank.

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