Rekha Kaarde
Ms. Sarcasm
She nodded yes always good for someone else, and she wasn't planning on it today. But there was going to be a bit of a trick to getting out of here.
500 meters in these conditions, quick math and that was better than she expected. She had to think about the information she had right now after her talk with the gents inside.
"I like a good laugh, followed up by a good drink. If we get out of this you stop by one of my places I'll buy you the drink, might even have some of that thick molasses that mando'ade seem to love so much, Ne'tra Gal. I'm sure I got some stashed." Now she had to think and collaborate..
" fly overs every 20 minutes...they probably can see as good as you if not better. Then there's the ground troops we'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they see at least as well you do but I don't know how often they move around. The storm won't give us the coverage I was hoping, so....." think think think she said to herself.....she looked at Shuklaar Kyrdol again.
"Speeders might give us problems in the storm"....this was not adding up right in her head. There was an idea in her head but at the moment she wasn't so sure that would work and it was a bit crazy. She might suggest it depending on what he said next.
She checked the blaster made sure it had a charge and was ready to go. "We have to make the edge of the city and head out. I'm hoping that if we make it that far they don't follow. I'm thinking wing it, we go up that way and just keep going to we get to the edge.. shoot to kill when we have I'm sure you realize the first shot we pull off, the intensity to catch us triples." The other idea sat on the tip of her tongue but the more she thought about it the more something inside her said....its possible....maybe....and it's crazy.
She looked down taking a breath, "you have any thoughts on this I'm all ears"
500 meters in these conditions, quick math and that was better than she expected. She had to think about the information she had right now after her talk with the gents inside.
"I like a good laugh, followed up by a good drink. If we get out of this you stop by one of my places I'll buy you the drink, might even have some of that thick molasses that mando'ade seem to love so much, Ne'tra Gal. I'm sure I got some stashed." Now she had to think and collaborate..
" fly overs every 20 minutes...they probably can see as good as you if not better. Then there's the ground troops we'll give them the benefit of the doubt and say they see at least as well you do but I don't know how often they move around. The storm won't give us the coverage I was hoping, so....." think think think she said to herself.....she looked at Shuklaar Kyrdol again.
"Speeders might give us problems in the storm"....this was not adding up right in her head. There was an idea in her head but at the moment she wasn't so sure that would work and it was a bit crazy. She might suggest it depending on what he said next.
She checked the blaster made sure it had a charge and was ready to go. "We have to make the edge of the city and head out. I'm hoping that if we make it that far they don't follow. I'm thinking wing it, we go up that way and just keep going to we get to the edge.. shoot to kill when we have I'm sure you realize the first shot we pull off, the intensity to catch us triples." The other idea sat on the tip of her tongue but the more she thought about it the more something inside her said....its possible....maybe....and it's crazy.
She looked down taking a breath, "you have any thoughts on this I'm all ears"