Ira looks away, and does not responds. Her smile dissapears, and is replaced by sadness, which can be seen on her face, and closing her eyes, several tears start falling from her cheeks, although she doesn't speaks or makes any kind of noise.
She starts remembering when she was a little girl, forcefully separated from her mother, father, and sister, to be sold to a pirate. In the marauder's spaceship, she was ordered to clean and make the food for the crew. Then, when she had finally found someone who cared for her, and acted like the mother she once had, her adoptive mother was sold to another person, leaving the Twi'lek girl alone, her duties only increasing each day. As she grew up, the pirates noticed the beauty of Ira, and made her dance and entretain the crew.She could remember how the raiders hurt her if she disobeyed an order, or even if she curiously explored the ship, when the Twi'lek was just a child.
She had been able to escape, but the emotional scars where still there.
[member="Mit Tuxaire"]