Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Dev Shadows of Atrisia

Development on Factory, Codex, etc. roleplay.
Junko could see some others as well... Barca wasn't lazy about it or hidden which was one of the better qualities as her attending servers in the palace fortress were roaming around as well. Training more who all seemed to enjoy the attention of the mandalorian. Their clothing a mixture of robes and swimwear somehow with long flowing saris and exposed midriffs. THey were cleaning armor, weapons and serving food to Junko and the other handmaidens as Barca showed a few of the other things.. the massive marble bathhouse within it seemed more like something out of an old story. Statues with buckets that produced the water... high arches and deep pools for the waters.

THe defensive nature was also not lost on Junko, the larger sewers below that went into the mechanical interior allowed for escape but also a massive chokepoint and shooting gallery as those sneaking in could be surrounded with little cover or protection from those ringing the baths. The statues providing cover and concealment. The massive open aired chamber that served as Barca's bedroom seemed tactically dangerous but had several turrets and war droids at the ready who could be deployed. Where Barca was looking she could see more as the tables were filled with food, drinks and all of them were welcomed to eat and enjoy.
THeir enjoyment was plenty and Junko noticed a few things.. mostly of the warriors that Barca had brought from her culvert there were as many males as females but the females seemed to know to be around her more. THe males were outside the fortress while interior were the females all standing around in their sleek armor. The emblems on them before Barca marking them as night owls who would fight or serve as her personal honor guard in this case. Serving girls and dancers as music was being played... there were no bounty hunters roaming around but the fighters she had gathered from Atrisia and its continents were an impressive array of talent.

And there was beauty... Junko knew that her performance in the grand arena had been well she had managed to get to the finaals... face the princess and largely hold her own. Only losing in the end to Junko... but her actions had attracted plenty of the ones who had fought to work under her.. they had formed into a team among themselves and from the palace they would be able to organize... train for other arenas and events as well as improve the military tactics... this fortress being one of them as she brought mandalorians into the fold and gave a stronger defensive measure to Atrisia... also all of the serrving girls were drop dead gorgeous which was agreeable.
Junko could see more of them... warriors, athletes were a given but there were also daughters from some fo the noble families.. the less adventerous types but they loved being regaled with Barca's tales of excitement and wonder... of battle and being able to see the scars as they had much more to be impressed with. Physically they were all fit and then some... Barca as thhey ate having two sit with her in her lap and the atrisians were small with her larger frame.... better they seemed to be enjoying it all as they got to feed her some food and wine. Junko with the others was also having a lot of fun talking over things.. Phaidor with the sisters was looking over some of the designs.

Junko could see some fo the things that Phaidor was pointing out with the sisters... the main entryway of the fortress was being carved and worked on. Two fold... first was the energy bridge that angled upwards. Steep enough to defend but allow others to walk up... thicker heavier doors that had magnetic seals and pins that would hold it in place even in the event of power failure. The walls designed with turrets that would be above and able to rotate as well as handle the airspace... but it would also have turrets designed to cover areas of the wall and their orchid platforms that would be there... several designed to be on the fortress walls.
Barca looked over at them and spoke. "THey have been working to develop some of the inner and outer turrets for full coverage... if it goes well the main entrance will have four guardhouses accessed from different chokepoints. Making it more difficult to access and overtake each one itself... from there it will be able to use the computers to control and disable the gate... in the event one of the rooms is compromised the other three can disable it or lock it out trying to disable defenses. A safety measure since you would need to manage to overtake all four rooms and it would divide their forces. WHile we are able to regroup and deploy additional units where needed."

Junko was looking at it and the planning was there... if they could make it so multiple hardpoints needed to be controlled and each one was a battle to itself.. that would go a long way in most cases. There were more design decisions to it... chokepoints at key locations was one thing and each area was made itself to be able to survive a siege with the fabricators and siege defenses built in. They would be able to secure the doors and walls and make their own food with the power being independent for all of them to survive and see. Soldiers and combat droids being abel to survive and be down in the lower levels that were secured even more in most cases and protected the tunnels to the palace town.
Barca was enjoying the company of her serving girls as they moved around.. the pair of them on her shoulders while she stood up and Junko bowed when she was heading off towards her chambers. The other handmaidens laughing enough as they all ate. Junko was looking at more of the designs and taking in the room itself.. it was beautiful and filled with the tables for gatherings like this or with her clan... or parties. The high arches concealing turrets that werre designed and set up to defend.. the aterno system of the palace itself able to adjust and make the ceiling of it something different each time with skylights forming to catch the sun and give them natural light.

SHe could see other parts within the hall itself.. the mandalorians who were in here were muscled and in standard clothing... their hair short or managed so it would go into their helmets.... weapons there and able to be reached quickly enough... but they were all relaxed... at ease. It went a longer way to show they were more comfortable here and willing to step outside of their armor which was easily accessed with many of the attending droids that traveled around with them and offered quick access to armor and weapons or other equipment. She could see the armored guards and warriors outside at the windows as well who were defending and working on construction.
Finihsing the food allowed Junko the chance to walk around.. Barca would be busy for a few hours at the bare minimum... there was a an expectation after all but it would give them plenty to do here as she motioned for the handmaidens to help where they could. WOrking with the mandalorrian culvert to continue setting things up. THey were working in the courtyard as the ships arrived with the massive crates and opening them more armored vehicles were being brought in. THe crates being put off to the side as the glydr model droids were being used to break down the metal and component to add to their own mass.. thney wouldn't be ship sized but they would be able to come out larger.

Junko was looking at some of the other things thhey had. The battle circle was being worked on.. a staple of mandalorian training and settling disputes, conflicts and any matters. The one wall being designed to hold thousands of different weapons, training tools for the foundlings who were brought into the clan and able to practice. The circle being carved and made in the dirt so it would always be visible.. the etching there and space for the other mandalorians to be aaround the outside to watch. With a second level from the one side and the wrap around weapons area that went up to the platforms below the walls housing the turrets.
She went towards the walls and walked up the pathway going up higher and higher.. the ability to observe from it was key as she could look out and see the distance where the buildings were. Each made at one level and they would have a basement that was designed like a bunker. THe building in a grid pattern around the base and enclosing the walls on three sides... from there a second set of walls that would serve to enclose those within. The civilians who made up farmers and workers on the island were the staff that worked with the mandalorian soldiers and Barca's Atrisian guards who were here. Giving it a feel as they cooked, cleaned and maintained the island.

She coudl see the buildings were also being worked on, the streets a mixture of stonework and metal.. with barricades able to pop up and block off sections or route enemy forces. Providing cover with additional coverings would be important as the main streets that were wider had turret coverage as well as defensive measures. Droids were working with the people who were setting up and the outerwall served much the same function mirror it on that side but also looking out on parts of the island. The port of the island being divided itno two sides with ships and skiffs thaat were there around them. Junko could see some parts of the wall where the mandalorians were setting up.
The town that would be around the fortress was their next stop. Her and Phaidor with Tripitaka and Kirano who were there with her. The group was walking and the citizens who were working the farmlands and fisheries welcomed them. Smiles and interest in what they were doing here. There was the smells of food being cooked and grand banquats being made.. there was the fisheries that were filled with tens of thousands of fish from around the galaxy and they were catching them while the market handled it... dozens being cooked for all of the people... wine flowing... fruits being cut open as well as the most important part... meats sizzling.

Junko offered a small smile to the others as she was thinking about it.. THey had much more to do as well.. they would be able to do even more if they were lucky as well. Junko could see many of them there as they set it all out and she grabbed some food but they had already eaten plenty.. she would need to work all of it off if they kept doing this. Worse still there was so much wine being poured as the mandalorians were there at least some of the culvert and they were joining them. Everythign looked amazing and at the ready she had to admit before KIrano was dancing with a few of them and Phaidor stood near her but she was checking with some of the children who had brought gifts for the princess.
Junko looked at it all.. there was wines, flowers, elixers, toy horses... jade figurines, onyx stones... Beautiful designs that would give anyone pause and she was receiving them with smiles and thanks. What was being worked on for them all served a greater purpose though. Junko could see a lot more as the town around her opened to a cave and it went out to the ocean with an artificial waterfall designed to make a moving curtain on the island. A way to conceal the entrance to the town and one side of the fortress itself at least. There was many more around them as the children were playing on the town side of the waterfall and a hydrostatic shield was set up.

Junko could see more of it... beds of flowers that were being grown and cultivated... edible ones that they could have and she was given a few laced with honey like it was morning dew. A delicious treat to eat and suckle on before she was looking over at the other handmaidens who had moved off with some of the children. THey were making a show of it while some of the mandalorians were showing their emblems.. armored animals from around the galaxy like bulls and horses, birds and even horned beasts... one had the mythosaur for their own emblem itself. I was like something out of a story with all of the animal themed warriors outside the kingdom.
Junko was able to see more. The water curtain went a long way for them here. SHe moved past the waterfall and the oceanside entrance was unexpected. They had set up artificial rocks as well as two of the fisheries.. it would allow them to have a lot of fish which could be stored and prepared for the time if it was needed. With the right preservation.. they could use this area to cultivate fish and rice for a long siege. THey had even more in some places as she could see livestock being raised and cared for... that they would have other meats, veggies and fuits being grown en mass so they could have all of that and grains... the livestock could also provide milk while the waters could be cleaned and purified for hydration.

There was more she could see as well... the mandalorians had worked on fortifications and making it so any force would be funneled into the waterrs or pathways getting here. The coverage from the turrets would keep them down in carved pathways if they wanted to avoid being in the open. Junko could see more of it.. the defensive screens were being built and concealed in the rock which would mean they could section it off and use drones or even traps to handle aareas of it.. sections of armies that were on the approach. It was a continued effort for them to narrow the field of battle and avoid all out mass clashes where others could get the advantage.
Phaidor was looking at other sections of the wall and Junko joined her.. the far outer wall wasn't as populated but it had spaced sensors and droids... allowing it to give coverage and the jungle that was within it served better in some cases. THe sensors allowed them to observe from above while releasing drones that would harass and be detrimental to the attacking forces. The far wall also allowed them to turn it more into a preserve that housed animals while the middle layer was the livestock and farming... and then inner layer the town with the fortress. Each layer adding to the protection but also making it that much more difficult to get in as the mandalorians could respond everywhere.

Phaidor was showing a few other things that they had set up... the jungle area had the aviaries for cloning birds and wild game that would fly around. This would give another source of meat as well as feathers for clothing. Livestock was able to be there in the trees and maintain the grasses that were being created with the envinronmental plates and materia. Thuria and Kirano were going over plans with the mandalorians who were in charge of this small area and setting up defenses. The walls didn't need a lot of entryways or methods to get past them.. what they needed though were holes in the wall one was able to use to get around and orient yourself as they set up shielded areas.
Junko was moving along the pathway itself and the autoturrets that they used had full coverage with sections of the stone reinforced with metal plates. It would make it so the rock didn't crack when explosions happened... it would keep them channeling flames and concussive force whhich would enhance each other as it was channeled down. Building to launch out of the different ends.. she could see the danger here with enemy forces and the autoturrets were an impressive thing... but what would serve as anti-infantry flamethrowers able to flood the channels or even in the open areas saturate the entirre area... flames hot enough to smelt down beskar into a pool of slag.

The channel and pathway came out to jungle and this was jungle that was not contained and covered the rest of the island. The main area of approach from those trying to avoid the ports.... but still covered in thousands of sensors and mapping equipment that would alert to changes in population or if something or someone trried to sneak through it. THey were covering it with crystal grav sensors which would be for cloaking devices and there would be the improved gravity plating they could use for traps in the jungle. Heavy gravity traps were beneficial if you used them correctly and mixed with sensors it also worked to counter stealth.
Junko finished there... coming through tot he jungle and stopping once she saw the sensor gate. it would serve the best as the hardlight blind was designed to be invisible to anyone else but if you knew it was there you were able to see it easily enough. "It looks impressive, the mandalorians have gotten better with the terraforming plates for shaping the island to what is more tactical." JUnko had to agree and it was like this for all of the islands... the envinromental plates and artificial nature would allow them to better shape and plan out the islands themselves. Junko could see some ideas for forming her jungle and island areas as well.

HEr handmaidens cleared some of it for her while she was walking back and their inspection likely handled enough time. Seeing Barca in her robes confirmed it as they approached with the mandalorian having a grin on her face. JUnko raised an eyebrow but she didn't need to ask what it was from.. Barca's appetites were well known across the Commonwealth and the princess doubted anyone would have doubts about her intentions with some things... the battle circle was now being used by some of the recruits as they practiced with their weapons and paint shots. Barca had a few mandalorians flanking her as she spoke. "I hope it meets all approval."
Junko looked at her and gave a nod of her head. "MOre then you can imagine... some of the best ideas for the envinronment as well as a few things that I am liking the look of should anyone try and invade. We'll have this island and the others protecting the island." She said it as the sight of the projectors was being done.. they had developed the new multi-spectral emitteres were smaller and better designed. They would be able to use it instead of massive ones that gave a clear view of where one needed to attack. The fortress would be able to project it while a secondary projector was over it... and tertiary projectors were set up between the islands.

Junko was looking at some of the other things and she could see as they walked onto the main fortresses building her island and the others ringing around it. The projectors for a more visible shield were set up already and the islands created a series with the area between each one its own powered area so you couldn't bring down the entire network with one attack... in theorry and work that they were doing you wouldn't be able to bring it down with attacks on all of it. The palace in the center controlled the back up systems in case allowing it to maintain the shields even if all of the islands fell which was a safety measure.
Barca beamed though as she was looking over the design of the fortress and from here everything could be seen well enough. From the outer walls to the inner walls and the areas inbetween that served... there were some drones mapping and coordinating everything.. secured locations were being set up that would serve as harder chokepoints needed to be captured as they could relaunch plenty of assaults and use them as siege towers to hold out for months easily enough. With the means to communicate and run operations from each one.. it would be an up hill endeavor to capture the fortress and even more to hold it for a lengthy period of time.

Barca was also setting up places that would be less for military use and more for looks. The gardens were not like th palace with statues... they were made for training as much as for a wide open area... someplace one might try and land and that was the design of the trap as the mines were set up and able to be activated there given an intruder alert... auto turrets designed to turn it from a staging and gathering area into a large box of death... there was more being set up and she could see it. Pools and fruit trees that would serve them well enough and more droids being set up for defenses as well as constant monitoring in areas since they didn't tire.
"We have some other ideas for fortifications.. specifically in the city and between the walls. Where the farmers and housed are." She said it as she was looking at them and Barca seemed to be laying out some other ideas. "The soldiers from Lady Kioshi are skilled, mandalorians who have been here and can help the culvert adapt faster... we are building up store houses and weapon caches. We have set up thoris and armament stations that can be accessed to arm the citizens in the event of an attack aand each home has a droid and biot chamber built on it that will allow production should the need arise. A perpetually building and armed force that can be used."

Junko was looking at Barca and she might be a horndog who went after every female she saw... but she was tactically strong and knew how to fight.. more so she knew how to not just throw bodies at them. SHe didn't waste her people or resources which was why when the chance came she was given command of the second largest force within the islands that made up Junko's palace. She had her entire clan brought here and they were all offered plenty of work and credits which they accepted on the ground that if they were ever asked to betray Atrisia, Junko or Barca then they say something and would be paid three times the bribe to remain loyal.
Barca gave a nod of her head to it all though as standing there with Min and Miyoung near them she was happy to celebrate in most cases. The jedi princess had a lot more to search out and find so they would have to work on that but for now at least she could bare witness to a mock compbat scenario in the battle circle as it was a team duel with three on three mandalorians. THey were going at it with sword and fist and foot. The battle was going strong as they all had different styles with one fast, one slow but strong and one was weaving around and controlling the flow of the fight.. while the last was prepared for them with blade.

"You are doing good and your clan is coordinating better then I thought they would.. with enough time to finish this could become one of the more fortified bases on Atrisia and then we would be able to do a lot more in most cases... better still we'll have a number of new ones who will eventually become citizens of the Commonwealth hopefully... they wouldn't have to give up their clan.. but just be loyal to the Commonwealth like many others are." A smile was there and broad on her face while she looked out at the other islands and debated which way they were going to be going.. there was still plenty to see and her handmaidens had a lot of information to sift through here alone.
Barca gave her a nod of her head while she adjusted the helmet on her hip. The armor and equipment that they used were impressive enough and they had a few more things. "It will be easier princess, with the others palaces and fortresses. I know Kirano's is going to be filled with Chi-Oni warriors which is a powerful force... for a bunch of overly pretty people who lounge around they are powerful warriors who have spent centuries perfecting and honing their bodies into instruments of war even without conflict with the greater galaxy." There was that and them being muscle mommies as Barca had said once or twice was important.

Junko was looking at her and her other handmaidens who were nodding in agreement and some of the other palaces would likely be fortresses... built to have standing armies that would fight... others would more then likely have extra equipment or technicians... engineers who would serve to be able to reinforce the infrastructure of the palace and island. If they did things correctly it would benefit them in the long run as they could continue to keep the palace going and the sounds of the airship coming for them was there.. Junko bowed her head and motioned for the others to get on as Barca would stay here to finish up for now. "Join us when you are done at the palace."
Barca gave a nod of her head. "I shall princess." She said it while the airship was there and Junko was going on it with the others... the beauty of the island not lost as they were moving out and around on the ocean. Skiffs with recreational moments were happening. SHe could see the jet skiffs as they were passing by and while everythign was happening a grin was on her face. Thuria was there and prepared with her island next as it came into view and the white marble of it was beautiful.. large stone slabs where the airship could land and theyw ould be able to disembark... stairs and arches with even more of a massive building that had stained glass.

Junko was looking at the island itself and the trees were beautiful.. large and lush.. the grass that was around the palace neatly trimmed and cared for with vines going up the white marble itself to give it an older look. Junko could see as the airship was coming in and docking that there was a pool wrapping around.. massive and deep she knew for recreational swimming. With bridges going over it in areas to connect to large gardens. Servants and soldiers were there giving it a look very different as the village on the island wasn't much.. it was built into the palace and such had the additional protection of it. It went a long way for the people there and they traded gemstones and spices.
Thuria presented the palace as they were walking. "It is not everything but it will look more like the ancient Atrisian design.. polished marble... large buildings and ornate gardens. The statues won't be like yours princess, more metal then stone and classical in design butt... well I am hoping to cultivate artists here. Poets, dancers, singers... all of them here to enjoy the beauty that is the island paradise you have created not just for me and the others but for any of them to come and see." Thuria was saying it and she seemed to have a much grander plan when it came to a few of the other things they had here... beauty went a long way but they could also manage to see new poets and singers for Atrisia.

Junko was looking at it as the palace presented much more then that. The scholars who were here in their silks and long hair. Poets talking about the beauty not just of the sunset or cherry blossoms... but also each other.. it was a hedonistic dream in many ways which fit Thuria across the board. She would present for them a place to do such things. The Soldiers here much less defined but they were trained soldiers and they looked the part. Ornate armors and weapons as they were able to walk around. The lush fields of grain and flowers, waters filled with fish and birds in each of the trees would allow more food sources to be seen. An alcove at the port where waves crashed.

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