Ellifain Eden
[SIZE=10pt]Piraiba’s smile would frighten most but it endeared Elli. Midnight-brows knit together in frustration as a cloudy expression crossed her shimmering features. Each name tickled something in her memory.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Vascious. Sable. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Eyes became dazed for a moment as a clear picture of the towering sith master flitted before her vision. The build down to the armor matched Piraiba…all except for the species. Heaving herself up with a jolt, she spun on the table and hopped down, practically bouncing on her feet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“I think I knew him! Your dad. Somehow,” hand came up to lightly tap the side of her head as she squinted straight ahead, either looking constipated or like she was trying to remember something. The freezing in carbonite must’ve really screwed with her head because every time she felt like she could grasp the memory, it would slip away like the strawberry Nabooian jellycakes. “I can’t remember,” she grumbled and skipped lightly to the kitty’s side, looping her hands around his massive arm.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“I don’t want to leave you,” lower-lip trembled as she pouted. But she knew she had to, to protect him. She tried to muster up a brave face. “Will you get in trouble? And if I go, will I ever see you again?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Remember, I have to be brave for him. Silently, she scolded herself.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Piraiba’s smile would frighten most but it endeared Elli. Midnight-brows knit together in frustration as a cloudy expression crossed her shimmering features. Each name tickled something in her memory.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Vascious. Sable. [/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Eyes became dazed for a moment as a clear picture of the towering sith master flitted before her vision. The build down to the armor matched Piraiba…all except for the species. Heaving herself up with a jolt, she spun on the table and hopped down, practically bouncing on her feet.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“I think I knew him! Your dad. Somehow,” hand came up to lightly tap the side of her head as she squinted straight ahead, either looking constipated or like she was trying to remember something. The freezing in carbonite must’ve really screwed with her head because every time she felt like she could grasp the memory, it would slip away like the strawberry Nabooian jellycakes. “I can’t remember,” she grumbled and skipped lightly to the kitty’s side, looping her hands around his massive arm.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]“I don’t want to leave you,” lower-lip trembled as she pouted. But she knew she had to, to protect him. She tried to muster up a brave face. “Will you get in trouble? And if I go, will I ever see you again?”[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10pt]Remember, I have to be brave for him. Silently, she scolded herself.[/SIZE]