Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shadows Within the Sand

Xavka sat quietly at the coordinates that he had provided Akio Diachi, looking out of the valley beneath his gaze as the winds of an oncoming storm whipped around his naked torso. Xavka was dressed as he usually did on Iridonia, a single pair of trousers and wrapping around his feet and single hand. Leaning back slightly, Xavka relaxed in the sunlight, taking his eyes off where the horizon had turned a solid light brown as a sandstorm approached.

Behind Xavka, a small bundle of cloth was set to the side, within which was a set of weapons. Every weapon was one that he knew could be used for Assassination. Some were bloodless and some caused more damage, but all could be used and he would be teaching how to use every weapon that Akio expressed an interest in.

Beside him sat a woman, tattooed just like him but looking to be of Human decent. "I'Doz, as wonderful as having you near is, could I ask that you leave soon? Your presence is quite distracting, you understand."

Turning to face the woman, Xavka stared at Nyte, one brow raised in question to whether or not she would concede to leaving. In no way did he believe that he could force his Mate to listen to him.

[member="Akio Diachi "]/ [member="Nyte Ignis"]
The Thyrsian-Human sat beside him then looked up. Her black eyes staring at his own. She was a stubborn woman but understood the want for the Master-Apprentice bond to solidify.

She was alive and with him to ensure his safety and also to watch the match. She nodded her understanding and stood up. She leaned up to kiss his lips and stroke his chest. "Don't want your apprentice to find himself under the influence to the Sin of Lust? I will leave you Xavka do that you may train him."

She smiled and kisses him once again before she left, giving him time with his apprentice, her mind reaching to his own, 'come home safely love.'

[member="Xavka Duquo"] [member="Akio Diachi "]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio's hands gripped the steering wheel of the speeder as it cut across the world's merciless ground. Stowed in the back were his weapons, his gi, and supplies for a few days over three weeks. He has stowed away on a feighter and jacked it, just like planned. When he sold it for parts, the Chiss was lucky enough to have enough to purchase a high quality speeder that would be easy to sell when this was over and wouldn't fall apart on him.

That was all for the better, he was completely mechanically incompetent and didn't possess the muscle mass to carry this much food and water on foot.

As he neared the coordinates he spied his new Zabrak mentor and a female, human-like woman with him. He hasn't realized the man was missing an arm until now. Akio's speeder slowed to a stop and he climbed out. He wore a sleeveless muscle shirt and black gi training pants. His bare, lanky arms revealed a hallmark of scars, ranging from minor slices to major burns, each a testament to the destructive past he had. Before leaving his speeder, Akio grabbed his katana and knives. He wanted to be ready for whatever his master would require of him. Master. he mulled the term over in his mind. It felt odd to say after being on his own for so long. But for now, it made sense.

At last he reached [member="Xavka Duquo"] and bowed, "Greetings, Master."

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
Xavka returned Nyte's kiss gently, a deviation of his normal personality that he only allowed his Mate to see. As she pulled away and turned to leave, he felt her mind brush against his own and her message soon came through, bringing a slight uplift to the corner of his lips. The sound of n incoming speeder brought his attention away from his Mate as she walked away, bringing his gaze towards his new apprentice, his student.

That word, apprentice. Xavka had never had a shadow of the thought that he might ever have a student in anything but how to Ghost-Walk as all Jath were taught upon their initiation to the sacred and thin ranks. Never had the thought that his student would be in the Art of Assassination, something that his younger self had never dreamed that he would go into.

Pushing himself to his feet, Xavka walked away from Nyte, approaching his student as he climbed off of the speeder, meeting him half way. As Akio bowed to him, so did he to Akio. Dipping at the waist, Xavka spoke a single word accompanied by a gesture for the Chiss to follow. "Akio"

Walking back to where he had just been sitting, Xavka leaped off of the edge of the cliff, falling down a distance of around 20 metres before landing on an outcrop. Turning, he entered the cave mouth behind him, where a fire was already lit. Just before he entered the cave, Xavka's mind reached out and brushed Nyte's, sending a single thought. 'See you soon I'Doz.'

@Akio Diachi
[member="Nyte Ignis"]

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio followed [member="Xavka Duquo"] down into the cave. His eyes carefully stalking the area around them. Even though this was a place of training and he trusted his new master, his paranioa was still nagging subconsiously and old habits truly did die hard. He located the few hiding places around and committed them to memory. He found the few trails away, stowing them as well. Truly in the middle of no where. However it never hurts to remain ready at all times.

He reached the cliff and watched his master leap down, twenty feet. Impressive. He suppressed a slight sense of arrogance. This is a test. I have jumped distances further than this and still ran a few dozen miles. With a graceful spring the Chiss propelled himself into the air. He flipped three times in the air before landing, adjusting his zone of projection. His feet hit the ground with a soft thud, stirring up the dirt and sand of the chasm. Rising, Akio followed his master to the mouth of the cave. The fire dancing in side flickered his attention. He raised his eyebrow in a silent question. Observe, ask no questions. You will know in due time.

[member="Nyte Ignis"]
As Xavka had moved, he had kept a mental eye on his student, observing him through the Force using his limited skills in Empathy and Telepathy. The sense of wariness and observation that had emitted from the Chiss had brought approval from Xavka however the arrogance he had felt had stirred a feeling of disappointment before as he noted that his student would have to be taught to be calculative over arrogant.

Settling down by the fire, Xavka gestured for Akio to sit opposite him so that they would be staring at each other with the flickering fire between the two of them, the shadows cast by their figures crawling up the walls behind them, reaching up to the cave roof where they would slip into the crevices of the jagged rock.

After the Chiss had done as he had bid, fire reflecting within his red eyes, Xavka spoke, explaining the situation in a low, gruff voice. "The idea of this is simple, here we will be conducting the first stages of your training. Compared to what you may have learnt previously, this is most likely going to be unusual to you, so I will allow any questions you may have. This," now he waved his hand in a vague gesture meant to include the entire cave, "will be our home for however long this takes. You will be learning stealth first as I did so, hunting. Once your supplies have run out, your survival will be dependent on your success and nothing else, as such the next two weeks will be an introduction, a method of easing you into what we will be doing here. I will be accompanying you on the hunts for the two weeks, speaking when advice is needed or requested, but afterwards you are to go alone. After you can prove to me that you can survive for a week and a half on what you hunt alone, you will have passed my first lesson."

Xavka moved his eyes from Akio to the fire before him, particularly the black speck at the centre. "Questions?"

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The Chiss felt a slight frown on his face. Odd, but he was willing to take the challenge and prove himself. He preferred training in secluded areas, on Dantoowine the convent had been as secluded in the mountains as it got. However, they did farm their food instead of hunting it. Aside from a few times, Akio had never hunted before. His stealth had been limited to sentient beings. Very well, it doesn't hurt to learn more.

Akio nodded, "Yes, I have questions, master. First, what we will be hunting, is it," he searched for the word, "sentient? Additionally, is there anything that makes what we shall be hunting exceptionally difficult? Lastly, what are their weaknesses?"

It was the standard set of questions he would ask when given a target. The only one he left out is where shall it be found? For obvious reasons. That would come with time in hunting. The biggest challenge Akio could foresee already would be his lack of ranged weaponry. Aside from a pair of throwing knives, the only ability he had to take on an opponent would be with his Katana. No matter, it will be done. One way or the other.
Nodding slightly at the questions, Xavka cast a quick glance outside of the cave's mouth, before turning his attention back to Akio. "To answer your questions in the order you asked them in. No, the animals we will be hunting are not sentient, however you will not find them an easier target for this fact. Sentient beings have complex thoughts and worries and concerns which distract them from focussing on their survival instincts. The animals out here," he gestured to the desert outside the cave as well as the large, rolling brown clouds, "have only four thoughts. Survival against bigger beasts, food, water and their kin. Nothing else. They also know the terrain better than most, having grown up within it."

"Now, your second question. Er." He creased his brow in thought for a few seconds before shrugging. "I do believe that I have, by coincidence, just answer that one. Your last question, their weaknesses. I shall not answer that now. Their are numerous beasts patrolling the deserts and each have their own weaknesses. I would be here all night and tomorrow explaining them all. Depending on what you hunt, I will explain then. Acceptable?"

Shifting again, Xavka cast his gaze outside of the cave before sighing and waving his hand. A large stone boulder rolled across the mouth while, at the same time, a burning log lifted out of the fire and dropped itself into a second pile of dry kindling and fuel before repeating itself with a third. The end result was the fire the two males were sitting in front of and two long trenches of small fires that Xavka knew would burn themselves out soon.

"I'm afraid that whether or not you accept, we will not be starting soon." As Xavka spoke the howling of the wind outside of the cave became audible. "One of this planet's hurdles has raised its head, a sand storm. We will not be leaving until it passes, not until I have taught you how to survive them. I suggest you take this time to ask any questions you have, what so ever."

@Akio Diach

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
The weather was an inconvenience. He took a moment to comprehend it with the cold stoicism of a droid. The worlds move on. He was grateful for the cave, well aware than a sandstorm would spell out certain death for himself. He made a mental note about it as he stored the information about the prey as well. That will also be useful soon.

The questions roared through Akio's mind as the floodgates were opened. He had three days to recall in vivid imagery what he saw in a few split seconds when [member="Xavka Duquo"] killed before him. He swallowed and took several minutes to prune them down and get his thoughts in order.

"Your weapons that you used, what are they and will you teach them to me?" He began, "How did you get there without anyone seeing you? When you appeared I felt more than experienced--something I have never felt before, what was that and can you teach me that?"

He stopped himself. He had to give the Zabrak a chance to begin to explain. And the Chiss needed to be able to drink it in with sips not gulps.

He hadn't been allowed to ask questions of his masters in the past. It was always learn by what you are told, do not ask. Follow, silence. Curiosity was stifled, as all feelings were. This was a new, odd thing for him. The master was right. This is an extremely different thing.
Xavka stared at Akio for a short while, considering whether or not to answer immediately or to leave the answers for later, after food had been prepared. Eventually he sighed and, though a gesture pulled a cloth bag towards him from the shadows.

"The answer your question as how I got in without being seen is two word, extremely simple. The Force. That's it, I only used the Force. I am a part of a subsection of the Sith, the Assassins. I have been trained to slip under the notice of others so that I can slip the knife into their back. And, yes, I will be teaching you that." He paused to reach into the bag by his side and removed a rolled up piece of fabric, which he placed before him.

"Now, the weapons I used, that requires a bit more in depth explanation." Taking a hold of the cloth bundle before him, Xavka rolled it out so that it was flat, exposing row after row of thin, metal weapons secured within the cloth. "These are two of the weapons you saw me use. The first, the Emeici." He gestured to the left of the roll, where the thin weapons had barbed ends and a metal ring secured to the middle.

Removing one from the cloth, Xavka held it up to the light, letting the Chiss get a better view. "This is a weapon designed solely for the Art of Assassination. The ring on the centre is designed to slip over your middle finger, allowing you to keep possession of it even while not holding it. The needle like body of the Emeici can rotate around the ring a full 360 degrees. This can be used two ways, to slip the Emeici from stabbing to slashing positions or to distract your opponent with the quick movements grabbing their attention. The barbed tips allow for this to be used in two ways, stabbing or slashing. The edges of the barge are tapered to a fine point, meaning it can be used to slash open throats or sever tendons. If you use this to stab, the barb caused more damage upon entrance and exit. Here." Xavka chuckled the weapon to Akio.


Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio listened carefully to every word. Stabbing. Slashing. Distracting. Slashing open throats. Severing tendons. His red eyes studied [member="Xavka Duquo"] attentively with every word, flickering with cat-like curiosity. He caught the Emeici in both hands and began to look over it.

The red flames of the fire danced off it, reminding Akio of the blood he had seen shed by this weapon. It was thin, tapered, and perfectly balanced. The metal shaft was surprisingly light. He gripped it and ran his hand along the shaft. It was smooth and well-crafted. He held it careful in his left hand, carefully rolling it in his palm, it made a light whistle. He sucked in every detail of it with unblinking eyes, turning it over on each end and examining it from every angle. Part of him knew he could be here for hours just studying it and feeling it over. But you will never truly know how it feels until you slip it on.

The Chiss fitted it over his finger. It felt quite natural. He began twisting it slowly, rotating it with his fingers as he felt the balance out. Gradually picking up speed, Akio's fingers twisted in spider-like grace. A true weapon of a master. As he said, designed purely for assassination. Finally he stopped and reversed the spin, starting slow. This was much more difficult. His brows furrowed in concentration as Akio willed his fingers into obedience. Spin. Spin. Learn the weapon and become deadly. Slowly he managed to go faster but nowhere near as fast as the other direction. He sighed. That would come down to practice.

Akio set the weapon across his lap and thought for a moment after the thirty minutes of examination and spinning. He only had one question, "Could it be thrown? Or would the ring cause too much imbalance?"
Xavka chuckled slightly as he watched Akio experiment with the Emeici. The scene reminded him so strongly of what he himself had looked like when he had first began to experiment with the different ways to manipulate the Emeici that a small smile tugged at the corner of Xavka's lips while he made his way deeper into the cave, away from the fire and the Chiss, towards where he had stored an amount of pre-hunted, raw, meat.

When Akio roused himself from the trance he had fallen into while examining the weapon, Xavka was once again sat on the opposite side of the fire. His hand was currently massaging a variety of spices and herbs into a slice of blooded meat that rested on a wooden plate.

"Hm." The hum was involuntarily from Xavka as his attention was returned to his student. The Zabrak stared at the Chiss in confusion for a few seconds, before the question registered within his mind. "No, your correct about the ring. While it serves its purpose for the Emeici, that is a held weapon only, the ring prevents it from being thrown. Hence why I use these for throwing," As he had been talking Xavka had been washing his hand in the bowl of water next to him.

Drawing the roll of cloth back in front of him again, Xavka ran a finger along the items secured within the second half of the cloth. "These are throwing needles, specifically designed and weighted to achieve maximum speed and penetration. These ones have their tips coated in poison as the penetrative abilities of these needles ensure quick delivery to the system. Here." Instead of removing one of the needles within the fabric, Xavka instead reached into the top-knot of his ponytail and removed one from his hair.

"Keeps it hidden and able to be used as a surprise." Was his explanation for the location as he passed it over to Akio.

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio took the needle in his hand and examined it. It was black as death, strait as the Corellian Run, and thin as the chances of a law-abiding Corellian. He smirked. Where did I come up with that? That was humorous.

He turned his attention back to the needle. It was almost ten inches long, able to pierce through most limbs. He twirled it over his knuckles easily and tried to grip it. This was far to thin to be used to stab, except in emergencies. Storing that, Akio twirled it again, tossing it and catching it in the other hand. He smiled, pleased. I could get used to these. Just like knives only much easier to hide and they hold their poison better.

Then he frowned. They were incredibly light, so they could be stored on the person in mass quantities, but it easily meant they couldn't stand a chance in high winds. Storing the idea, Akio held it between his fingers and chose a target on the firewood, a quarter inch knot on a roughly hewn log. With a flick of the wrist, he tossed it. Unfortunately, the needle went spinning head over heels, knocking its back on the target with a thunk. Akio sighed through his nose, grabbing it and trying again, changing the method. Instead of tossing like dagger, he aimed it like a dart. It sank in beside the knot. He tried again. And again. Different angles, different finger positions, different parts of the hand, different twists. His aim switched from the knot on the log to perfectionism. He willed his arm to master the weapon.

"When I was with the Umbarians," Akio said as he practiced, thinking out loud, "who trained me, they were versed in order. Everything was regimented, down to dogma, down to how we ate our rice. It was all incredibly liturgical. There was nothing but tradition and discipline. That was all there was. Sometimes I wonder why they would take a Chiss in then," he flicked the needle in, splintering the knot. He blinked realizing what he said and sheepishly retrieved the weapon. "What about when the guards? Do you have anything for more aware and militaristic opponents?"
"These," Xavka spoke through a proud smirk that had grown while watching his student practice different ways to throw the needle, "are for true Assassination. Hidden, unseen, unheard. You really think I could survive against guards who are well trained with these?" He sorted in good humour, the smirk on his face growing. "No for them I have more... devastating weapons. One of which I do believe you witnessed." Xavka made no move to discuss what Akio had revealed about his training, from his expression the Zabrak knew that Akio had had no intention on sharing and until he was, Xavka would not approach him about it, to do so would be to force him to confront something that Akio showed no desire to do so, especially in front of Xavka.

Reaching down to his waist, Xavka removed the chain belt from where it was fastened before holding it up in the firelight. The fire reflected off of the polished metal as the weighted dart at one end swung freely, like a deadly pendulum. The chain was thin and light weight and formed out of nine sections with links between them. The entire whip was long, around one metre from end to end with a diameter that could not have been more than 1cm.

"This is a Nine-Section Chain Whip. Despite its fragile looks, it is forged to be stronger than expected while maintain flexibility, hence why the sections are connected by three links. This here," he shook the weighted dart at the end, "is specifically weighed to generate momentum. This weapon can be near invisible due to speed. That is where it truly becomes deadly. The edges on the dart can easily tear open flesh and the weight of it coupled with the velocity can generate enough force to crack skulls." Smirking in pride at the weapon, Xavka threw it over the fire and onto the ground next to Akio, the sound of metal sliding over metal resonating within the cave.

"I have a few more weapons to show you, if you wish, but they were the three you witnessed me using. But first..." Xavka paused to take a bite out of the raw meat that had been covered in herbs and had been sat next to him. Blood seeping from the corner of his lips as sharpened teeth tore through the meal, Xavka mumbled around the mouthful. "How do you like your meat?"

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio didn't realize how hungry he was until Xavka said "meat." Then his stomach reminded him that the Chiss had not eaten in several hours, but it also said he could go another three days without food before suffering major side effects. He had trained to go without food, sleep, and water for prolonged periods of time which made hunger difficult to identify most of the time. One of the reasons I am so small. His mind went over the word "like" trying to categorize it. Food for him was usually bland, tasteless, bare minimum nutrients in a bar or whatever could be stolen from local store owners. He had never really thought to form preferences with food.

"In my mouth," Akio said. In all honesty, he had no other answer and meat was a luxury he could rarely afford or get used to. Now is a good time to change that.

His eyes flitted over the weapon. It was quite lethal, but elegant and in every way, the tool of a master. He could see how it could disappear under a tunic then reappear swinging through the air--into someone's skull or flesh. He felt its weight, surprisingly for its size, it was quite light but the heaviest weapon there was yet. His mind ran over all the ways to hide it; the belt like Xavka had, under a mattress, in a heavy scarf, as an exotic animal collar or as decorations piece--the possibilities were endless. The best part is they would never understand what it was--or underestimate it. He smiled, he was all about the non-blaster forms of weaponry.

He looked at the eating Zabrak and felt another surge of curiosity. Before he had never been allowed to ask questions of his masters. In fact, they had taught him explicitly to only know the necessities about those around him. But here, he had a feeling that he wanted to know more--and well, of course it wouldn't hurt to gather that intel would it? He convinced himself that his curiosity was out of something more disciplined, it was a lie he was more than willing to buy into. It was a rare feeling, making it hard to suppress or even really know how to cover.

"Well, who are you?" Akio asked as the fire's light caste strange shadows around them, "And why did you choose this path of being an assassin?" he paused debating whether to add one more, "And why me? You could have easily killed me back there--or made it look like I did that," his eyes flickered, "why didn't you?"
Xavka chuckled at his student's question as he wrapped the chunks of meat for Akio to eat and placed them in the fire so that they would cook. He was sure that, unlike his own biology, a Chiss's body could not handle digesting raw meat directly.

"So many questions, where to start?" The question had an obvious bite of sarcasm and humour, so as to reassure Akio that he was fine with being questioned. In fact, Xavka often welcomed being questioned as it would lead to him improving his methods of explanation, force him to increase his knowledge so as to find the answer required and taught him when his actions were wrong which would lead to him seeking to improve.

"Shall we start with why you are alive? I'm sure that you're most eager to know." Xavka leant back against the sandy cave wall behind him before speaking up into the silence again. "The answer to that is both simple and complicated. I didn't kill you because I did not want to, nor did I want to frame you. That, I'm sure, is simple and confusing. To explain: I ... saw something in your eyes ... something I haven't seen in a long time, something I last saw in my own." As he spoke his voice faded slightly in thought and memory. "You had a ... potential, something a ... a spark within you that a true assassins needs. A desire to be unseen, to strike from the unknown. And, I saw that in you that day. That is why I didn't kill you, nor frame you. You had potential, potential I didn't want to end."

Falling silent for a moment, Xavka reached into the fire before quickly withdrawing his hand before he could get burned. Unwrapping the meat, he passed it across to the blue male opposite him before speaking again.

"As for who I am, and why I'm an assassin? Well, the second one I answered already. I have a desire to be unseen, to strike from the unknown. But, who I am? Now, you surely didn't expect me to lay out my life story, did you?" The sarcasm and humour returned briefly. "I'shuree tozu meni Xavka, Jhere het Ru Uiging. My name's Xavka, Clan Member of Clan Uiging. Anything else you wish to know, you must learn from experiencing life around me and espionage into my life. If you find anything, though, I will be most impressed."

His answers spoke, Xavka fell silent, waiting for the slince to be broken by Akio before he would speak again. He could see that his student was hesitant to ask questions, and this was his way of encouraging him to speak up.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio grabbed the meat in both hands and hesitated before eating. In his culture he would have had chopsticks, even around a campfire. He didn't want to appear rude, one way or the other. Oh well, might as well be as polite as possible I suppose. With what little manners were able, he sank his teeth into the meat. The juices started flowing down his hands, dripping on the ground. The flavors were genuinely appetizing, especially for someone not used to flavor in their diet. and it was very difficult not to scarf it down like an animal. When he finished, Akio wiped his mouth on his hand and brushed his fingers off on his pants. They were trashy anyway, no one would notice the difference.

The Chiss sat up strait again and blinked. There were more questions, always more questions. The worlds were full of them. All questions are best answered by observation and silence, not by asking them. He remembered those trite words and the impact they had on his life. It was hard to forget them. He subconsciously laced his fingers in his lap in the prefect waiting hand position. "I see. I was taught that the gods were killed when the masters perfected the art of death and using it, they claimed the halls of the gods," he paused, "I never took too much stock into that story. But death--cold death without anger, without remorse, in cold clean ways, from the shadows and with great cunning and skill, was the only way to ascend and the only art worth pursuing. Right and wrong matter not, only the kill, and survival itself. I do want to be better at the art of death," he paused for a moment, gathering his thoughts. His ears picked up the faint sound of the wind howling outside. Ultimately he would have to figure out who this Zabrak was through observation. Something he was quite good at, but part of himself told Akio that was easier said than done.

"Isn't emotional connect deadly in this line of work?" Akio asked finally, "Is it not the sort of thing that gets you killed--or worse?" he hesitated. Perhaps that had hit a nerve, one thing that he knew would get himself killed faster than any other here. Or worse. "With the Umbarians affection was literally beaten out of us; especially myself. Love was denied. Connections were scolded, all forms of emotion were deemed dangerous and liabilities. And often it was. I had to kill even some of my own clansmen to protect myself during training. Would this not be that to become connected means to become weak at a point?"
Xavka stayed silent for a short while after Akio finished speaking, letting the silence settle between them once again. A silence that was only broken by the occasional crackle of the fire between them.

"That, is a hard question. One that many have tried to answer with complete truth and honesty. There are thoughts and arguments for both answers, yes and no. In the end, only you can truly answer that question. And only that answer will satisfy you."

Xavka sighed, rubbing at the scar that crossed over his right eye, the wound that had robbed him of his sight. "To me, however, I believe that you shouldn't distance yourself from connections. To do so is to make oneself completely inhumane. When you are fighting, when you are on the job, freeze your heart, let it feel nothing. But, unless you unfreeze your emotions you will be stuck in an endless cycle of dispassionate thoughts. In the end, you won't care if you live or die, nor will there be anything that would install the drive to survive into you, nothing to return back to. In that circumstance, death will claim you, not your targets. If you are willing to open your heart, even in this tough profession, you will learn how to distance yourself from the job naturally. More than giving you something to live for, by learning to distance yourself you learn, completely by instinct, how to distance yourself from the faces that you kill. This way, it is impossible for the deaths you administer from haunting."

His finger stilled as he stopped tracing the scar on his face before placing his hand on his right thigh. Xavka sighed again before continuing, locking eyes with Akio's red ones. "Basically, I see the virtues in being willing to build connection to others. However, the decision as to what you choose to do is up to you."

Xavka paused. Reaching to the side he threw a new branch of wood onto the fire, sending a flurry of sparks into the air, casting a abnormal light onto his face. "Will you decide that having connection, or not having connection, is deadly? Understand, I make no effort to convince you one way or another, it is completely up to you.

@Akio Diachi

Akio Diachi

For it was All but a Dream
Akio thought for a moment. A very long moment. His initial reaction was relief that he had not been killed for his question, then the thoughts set in. It was true, he was indifferent to his own death and suffering, the only thing that had kept him alive was the sheer will to survive and rise to great honor. It was also true that the lives he had taken haunted his every sleep, seeing their faces when he closed their eyes. He didn't know of any other way to live despite the suppressing of his own emotions he had done for so long, they were always there in the back of his mind. He had denied them all his life since his first kill as a child, only because there was no other way he knew. But now there was an alternative presented before him by the Xavka. One that he had no doubt hurt less than the one he had now. To permit myself to feel? Dangerous? Lethal or the right choice?

He shifted his weight. It was a lot to take in. Almost too much at once. He looked into the fire between them and thoguht. "As fire burns on wood, passion must burn on something. That much makes great sense. I have never heard of any other thought. But it is true, and sometimes that must be someone you care about I suppose." He swallowed and sunk back into his own thoughts again. "I will need time to think about that before making a judgement on it. It is a weighty thought."
Bowing his head in agreement, Xavka spoke quietly. "Indeed, you are right. Passion is like a fire, uncontrollable unless monitored. It also, as you said, requires fuel to burn like a fire need wood. However, that is where self control is required. What will you let be burnt? The positive or the negative thoughts and emotions within you?"

Shifting, Xavka pulled a bag from the shadows through the Force, he himself never moving until the bag settled down into the dust beside him. "Now, with that weighty thought, shall we move on to weapons? After all, I have a few more to show you."

@Akio Diachi
Sorry for the post being so short, but this is the best I could think to do for the transition between philosophy and weapons.

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