Akio Diachi
For it was All but a Dream
((sure no problem, this one will be a bit shorter too, for same reason. :/))
Akio nodded and stowed the idea for later. He would work it out somehow, some way. He knew there was a great deal to think about and that it would probably change his life forever sometime in the future.
"I am ready to learn all you can teach me master," Akio agreed with a bow of his head.
More weapons? The Chiss thought in surprise. He couldn't imagine more lethal weapons than the ones before him now. Truly this Zabrak is a master then to have so many weapons at such a high skill level. He was ready to begin his training and ascend to a masterhood. Almost eager. It has been a long time since I have been eager for something. He wondered what that said about himself before forcing his focus into the present and clearing some of the area around him for more weaponry. He carefully set the ones he had already seen by his left side in neat organized rows. It was time to learn from Xavka.
Akio nodded and stowed the idea for later. He would work it out somehow, some way. He knew there was a great deal to think about and that it would probably change his life forever sometime in the future.
"I am ready to learn all you can teach me master," Akio agreed with a bow of his head.
More weapons? The Chiss thought in surprise. He couldn't imagine more lethal weapons than the ones before him now. Truly this Zabrak is a master then to have so many weapons at such a high skill level. He was ready to begin his training and ascend to a masterhood. Almost eager. It has been a long time since I have been eager for something. He wondered what that said about himself before forcing his focus into the present and clearing some of the area around him for more weaponry. He carefully set the ones he had already seen by his left side in neat organized rows. It was time to learn from Xavka.