Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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The streets of Coruscant bustled with life pretty much all hours of the day and night. It was the latter, and Veda could use some rest. But things to do, people to see. Person to see, rather. And that person was none other than the Jedi Master Valery Noble Valery Noble .

He flipped up the collar of his jacket as he moved through the maze, partially to protect himself from the unusual wind in the tightly controlled artificial atmosphere, and partially to protect his identity from any nosy passers-by. The city-planet hosted trillions of residents and just as many visitors at any given time. The chances of some random pedestrian recognizing him was probably pretty low. But not all of the pedestrians were random. The cartels had eyes and ears everywhere, and Veda was a known entity in that community.

The outlaw was fresh in from Nar Shaddaa, where he had acquired some very interesting information in exchange for a quick smuggling job. Credits, too, of course. But it was that information that brought him to the core. Noble would be interested in what he’d found out. Veda despised people who dealt in human lives. Slavers. Taking entire families, children and all, separating them, putting them in camps, mines, factories, brothels. The thought left a foul taste in his mouth. He knew Noble felt that way and more. That it was going on right under the Alliance’s nose would come as a shock to her. The Jedi let the powerful and elite get away with a lot, but they — specifically, she — would not look the other way when she saw what he had. She would go in lightsaber first and take this down from the inside. Veda would be right beside her.

He ducked down an alley and paused after several meters, looking back to see if anyone followed him in. The coast was clear. He continued walking, turning down a second alley and through a marked doorway. He bounded up the stairs two at a time, reaching the second floor landing when he heard the door open and shut below. Not good. Had he been that sloppy? He cut around the corner and drew his knife from its sheath on his belt. Then he pressed his back against the wall, listening to the footsteps below, waiting to take the stalker when they turned the corner.


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"You're not planning to stab me with that, are you?"

Valery's voice echoed through the hallway. She had followed him for a while now, waiting for a moment to meet him somewhere privately. The Coruscant underworld was a dangerous place for her to be. Criminals here often recognized her, and with a huge price on her head, even citizens of the Alliance could be tempted to target her. If only to earn themselves enough credits to never worry about a thing in their lives again.

But she wasn't going to let herself get caught.

"I will say, I wasn't expecting this to be our meeting places." Footsteps followed, as she slowly moved closer and closer to the smuggler hiding behind the corner.

She hoped he'd reveal himself.

Veda slipped back around the corner with a sly smile on his face after he heard the voice. How she’d found him and how long she’d been following him, he had no idea. At least he wouldn’t have to stab anyone tonight. Well, yet, anyway.

“Can’t be too careful around these parts.” He twirled the knife between his fingers then slid it back into the sheath on his belt. “Ain’t you a sight for sore eyes?” He’d always laughed at the Jedi outfits, warrior monks drowning in their twenty layers of baggy brown robes. But this Jedi dressed more to his liking. Maybe Master Noble was the traditional galactic policewoman around the Temple, but Val had certainly figured out how to blend in with less polite society.

“I’ve been busy since Mos Espa,“ he finally managed, remembering why he was here in the first place. “Took some work — some hard work. Nearly died.” He left out that the near death experience was completely unrelated and mostly his fault, and getting this information for her was actually much easier than even he had expected. He retrieved his handheld datapad from his pocket, entered the unlock code, and handed it over. “See what you think.“

Veda let her skim in silence for several seconds before continuing. “It’s verified and actionable, at least the Corellian piece. Still trying to figure out where it goes from there.”

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery chuckled and rolled her eyes, "Don't get too used to it. I only look like this when I'm working undercover." She flashed a smirk and brushed some long strands of hair over her shoulder. Granted, even on Jedi duty, she wasn't overly traditonal with her dress code. Long, brown robes had never been her thing and she wasn't one for typical Jedi armor either. She had her own, unique style and it suited her well.

When Pal produced his datapad a moment later, Valery snapped back into focus. She accepted the device and began to skim through it. In an instant, one thing already drew her attention and made her determined to act on this intel.

"Slavers, hm?" Valery's gaze looked rather cold all of a sudden. Her own experience with them in the past still had lingering effects, and her particularly strong hatred for them was never going to fade.

They were the worst of this Galaxy.

"Do you have a location? This is something I'm going to put an end to."

“I have at least a starting point.” Veda had to admit he didn’t have all the pieces yet, but he had enough to act on. They would have to connect the dots along the way. “I reached out to a friend in Coronet City. He told me about a guy named ‘Barq.’ I’ve been in and out of Coronet over the years, never heard of a Barq in my life. So I press. Barq has been rising through the ranks of the cartel pretty fast since moving in on the Corellian territory. Unnaturally fast. Making a lot of money for the wrong kinds of people.“

“Now, here’s where it gets interesting. Barq is a Zygerrian. Supposedly banished from Zygerria, but a Zygerrian no less.”

Veda took the datapad back and slipped it into his pocket. Never trust a woman with your unlocked handheld for too long.

“The story out of Coronet City lines up with the intel from my guy on Nar Shaddaa. We just don’t know how they’re getting these kids off world or where they are sending them when they do.”

”We’re talking about Corellia here. Master Noble can freely travel there, get a grand tour, probably get the key to the city. You’re a hero there, I’m sure. But you’d have an hundred sets of eyes on you before you exited hyperspace.” His sly smile returned. “Lucky for you, I can get you planet side without anyone knowing you left the Jedi Temple.”

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Corellia, hm?

That was surprising, but it also solidified her determination to end this. Slavery was terrible, no matter where it happened, but she wasn't ever going to allow it to continue under Alliance watch. No matter where they were hiding, no matter who was on their side, she wouldn't stop until they were all brought to justice.

With a raised eyebrow, Valery then returned his datapad — he seemed awfully quick about wanting it back. It made her wonder about what else he had on there that wasn't meant for her eyes.

The thought made her smirk.

"You're right. I'd rather not draw attention while we're trying to work there." She smiled kindly and nodded, "I'd be happy to join you on your ship. We'll travel there together and figure things out one step at a time?" She offered a hand to shake. A last chance to either back down or make the deal.

Veda didn’t hesitate. He took her hand and sealed the deal. “Let’s go to Corellia.”


The daylight of Coruscant’s carefully maintained artificial day/night cycle lit up the docking bay as B1-D1 carried a small crate up the YT-2400’s landing ramp. The repurposed battle droid dropped it at the top, with a metal CLANG! that got Veda’s attention.

”Kriff! If that’d been the thermals, we’d all be vaporized!” Veda knew better than to let the clumsy droid handle explosives. Food and medical supplies, fine. Thermals? Hell no. He turned his attention to the BB unit rolling around near his feet. “Run an inventory report for me.”

”Roger, Roger!”

”No, not you, B1. I was talking to BB.” The battle droid wasn’t even capable of running an inventory report.

Beep boop! the astromech confirmed.

As the battle droid picked up the crate and headed toward the storage compartment, Veda simulated a quick draw of his blaster, mocking a shot at B1-D1. He laughed under his breath, spun the pistol a couple of times on his finger, then slid it back into its holster. Old cowboy tricks he picked up from bounty hunters decades ago.

He walked down the ramp and took a look around the hangar. A glance at his watch told him it was right at ten hundred hours. His companion should be arriving shortly. Hopefully she’d be bringing stimcaf.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"I heard someone yelling. Is everything alright?" She asked the question with a smirk because she already knew the answer. Nothing was wrong, but there had been a little situation between him and his crew of droids. Something all too familiar to the Jedi Master, which is why she decided to tease him just a little.

She was sure he wouldn't mind.

"I also brought you some caf." She offered the cup and raised her own to her lips for a sip. She never drank coffee, so hers was filled with tea. Perfect to soothe the mind before a mission. In this case, one she expected to take a little while, as most undercover missions did.

At least, it'd be spent in good company.

"Do you need any help from me to get going? Or should I leave the flying and ship operating to you and your droids?"

Veda took a long sip, trying to moderate the need for caffeine with the temperature of the liquid. Not bad. “Leave it to me. But definitely not to these rustbuckets.”

BB rolled down the ramp and whistled something at the pilot. Veda ran his hand through his hair in frustration. “That’s just great! Go give him fifty credits and tell him to call Pluto if he still has a problem. Go! No, wait!” He waved his hand from the astromech to Noble, then back. “Valery, meet BB. BB, Valery. She’s our guest on this trip, so be nice.” Beep boop! “Okay, now go!”

As BB headed off, Veda explained the situation. “The normal dockmaster is out sick. Means I‘m stuck double paying for discretion. Nothing I’m not used to,” he winked. “So that’s BB. Has a dirty mouth for an astromech that only speaks in binary. Inside, you’ll find B1-D1. He pretty much only says, ’Roger,” but he can move boxes and shoot a blaster. I don’t particularly care for either of them, but they have their uses.”

“And this,” he made a grand gesture toward the modified YT-2400, “is the Rubicon. You won’t find a finer or faster ship in the galaxy. Made the Kessel Run in less than twelve parsecs!“ Maybe. He actually didn’t know because the ship was almost ripped apart and the computer system crashed twice as they tried to escape the maw. Twelve parsecs was a very favorable estimate. But it was something to brag about, and he wasn’t crazy enough to repeat the run for confirmation.

“Go ahead inside, I’m right behind you. Just need to disconnect the fuel line and make sure BB gets us paid up.”

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Nice to meet you, BB," Valery said with an amused smile. She was very familiar with the dynamic between pilots and droids. Some were nearly lovers with how close they were. Others were more like... siblings. The kind that often fought but ultimately cared for each other when it mattered most.

Pal seemed like the type who did care.

Valery then looked around as he began to talk about his ship. In many ways, it was similar to The Bastion, her husband's light-freighter. Spacious, fast, and quite durable all at the same time. But what truly made these types of ships shine were their pilots. In the right hands, they could go toe-to-toe with even nimble starfighters.

Judging by his bit of bragging, Pal was one such pilot.

"Well, you've certainly made me eager to see you in action," Valery said while she smirked and walked ahead. "Don't keep me waiting too long~"

Veda lingered a little too long as Noble made her way up the ramp, then turned back to the task at hand. Once he unhooked the fuel line and tightened a bolt for the third time, he saw BB making his way back, whistling triumphantly. “All set?“ he asked, already knowing the answer. They entered the ship together, and Veda let up the ramp.

”Let’s get this show on the road,” he said, more to himself than anyone else. “BB, plug in and make sure the new codes were uploaded. Then go ahead and confirm the hyperspace route. Same one as last time.” He glanced in the Jedi’s direction as he added, “That’s the safest way until I convince our new friend here I’m worthy of my price.” This was an old smuggler’s path that jumped between a couple of hyperspace lanes at the right time to avoid most Alliance checkpoints and patrols. With a little luck, he would skip right past all of them. The core worlds were more tightly controlled than the places he usually flew, but he knew how to bounce between them unseen when he needed to. Just took a little longer these days. He knew Noble could bypass all of that and go directly from point A to point B as a Jedi Master, but the whole point was to avoid anyone knowing there was a Jedi Master on board.

The BB unit rolled on ahead. “Care to join me in the cockpit?” he asked his guest. Hoping she’d follow to the empty co-pilot’s seat, he made his way to the pilot’s chair and started flipping switches and checking gauges. The engines of the YT-2400 roared to life, and the Rubicon lifted from the ground. All good. That was a relief. Engine trouble before they even left the docking bay would have been quite embarrassing. The landing gear audibly retracted into the underside of the vessel. Once BB confirmed they were good to go, he opened the line to the dock master. “Rubicon, requesting clearance for takeoff.”

”Cleared for takeoff,” came the reply.

Thanks, you greedy bastard, he thought to himself, remembering the extra 50 credits he had just paid the man.

The ship slowly floated upward above the platform until it cleared the skyline. Veda felt like showing off a little, so he punched the throttle forward and shot out of the Coruscant atmosphere at about three times the legal speed. He knew he’d be in hyperspace before anyone had time to bother him.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery knew why he had let her head inside first. An amused smirk tugged on her lips, and briefly, she glanced over her shoulder to meet his gaze. She knew, and she left it at that before heading inside. If it had been her own ship, Valery would have gotten to work to help with take-off, but she didn't want to be rude and just start messing with any of his systems without permission. So, only after he returned and asked her to join him, Valery began to move.

Once more, she stepped ahead of him and settled on the co-pilot seat. He could handle the flying and communications, but she'd keep her eyes on sensors for him.

Or get to the guns, if things got out of hand.

"If you need me to help with anything, let me know," Valery said as she idly brushed some hair out of her face. "But I can also just sit still and look pretty," she joked while her eyes roamed around the console in front of her. Most ships were very similar in how they were operated, so she quickly pieced together the basics on the YT-2400 as well.

"Once we land, what's the plan? I assume I should stick to using blasters and keep a low profile, but anything else?"

“Plan?” Veda asked, amused at the suggestion. He double checked the hyperspace calculation that BB had confirmed, pushed the shifter forward, and watched as the stars became a flashing tunnel around them. The trip would take a while, and this hyperspace route was basically autopilot. Plenty of time to think up something brilliant.

Veda plucked a toothpick from behind his ear and stuck it between his teeth. Sure, it looked cool as hell. But it also helped him think. “Keeping a low profile is a start,” he agreed, half joking. He watched Noble take stock of the controls, her tactical mind already working out how to operate the YT-2400 if it came to that. No surprise that she knew her way around a ship. But no way in hell she’d be flying his ship anytime soon. He was a bit protective.

”Hey, BB,” he turned to the droid, “Can you go grab the docs Rango sent over?” Beep boop! The droid rolled out of the cockpit toward the galley.

He turned back to the Jedi. “Nobody‘s gonna wonder what I’m doing on Corellia. So we lay low, but not too low. I’ll dock Ruby at my normal spot. We’ll stay off Alliance logbooks. But the cartel will know the second this ship hits Corellian space. Trying to hide from them would look more suspicious than just following smuggler SOP. Not worth drawing that heat until we have to.”

BB rolled back into the room with a data card clasped in its metallic pinchers. Veda took it and passed it to Noble. “This is for you.” A blaster permit for Gal Veda. “No surprise, but your team has cracked down on blaster regulations in Coronet City. You’ll need this to keep those fancy pistols on your side while you’re planetside.” He laughed to himself at the name he’d chosen for her. The little things in life. He of course had manufactured blaster permits for himself for pretty much every core system where it might be required. “B1-D1 will make sure your laser sword is safe here on the ship.” In case bantha really hits the fan and we’re back here arming up.

”My thought is we do a little recon first. My guy in Coronet City that I mentioned last night, he’s an old Bothan named Rango. Did some spying for you guys back in the day, but he’s hung up the Stars and Stripes, deals in credits these days. We’ll meet with him when we land. He should have a lead on some of Barq’s footsoldiers. If he doesn’t, I’m sure we’ll find someone that does. Then we work our way up from there. Figure out how Barq is getting them off world, where he’s sending them, and who’s paying him for this dirty work.”

Easy-peasy, right? Veda wondered to himself how the hell they would pull this off without the cartel finding out he was involved. That would be the trick. He couldn’t sever those connections yet, but he needed this mission to work, and he truly did want to take down this slave trafficking ring on Corellia. Even if Noble could not appreciate his desire to avoid career suicide in a less than reputable career choice, he figured she would at least place value on him maintaining his underworld connections for the sake of this continued relationship.

“But if you’ve got a better idea, I’m all ears.”

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Even after countless journeys through Hyperspace, Valery couldn't stop her gaze from turning to the viewscreen when they made the jump. It'd be their view for at least a few hours, knowing roughly how long it took to travel to Corellia. Plenty of time to plan or discuss their approach once they made it there. Or, if there was little to discuss, she could spend that time meditating or even just resting.

A single request from his droid and she knew there was plenty to discuss.

When the BB unit returned with a chip that was promptly offered to her, Valery looked at it and perked a brow, "Gal and Pal Veda? Really?" She looked at him with a perked brow and sighed. "Am I to play your annoying sister or should I be a dangerous partner?" She flashed a grin and pocketed the permit for now.

It'd work either way.

Valery then turned to listen to him again and made a mental note of his plan. This Rango might be working for credits these days, but if he had worked for the Alliance, he perhaps still felt a certain way about it. Maybe enough for him to be a trustworthy source of intel.

"No, that's a fine idea," Valery said with a determined smile. "We get down on the planet, we meet with him and we go from there. I'm sure it'll be a lot of improvisation after that." Plans never worked out entirely as intended, so planning ahead too much wasn't going to help them. But they had a good starting point.

"We got some time to kill, still. Anything else we need to discuss?"

Annoying sister or dangerous partner? “I’ll let you choose,“ he replied. “A little improv. A little roleplay. I’m sure you can make it work.” He shot a wink her direction.

”At this point, we can kick back and enjoy the ride.“ Veda looked over his shoulder and yelled, “Hey B1, grab a couple of those blue milks from the fridge, will ya?”

“Roger, roger!” After a moment, the droid appeared, carrying a bottle in each hand. “Roger, roger!” he repeated. I really should get that voice computer fixed, Veda thought to himself. B1 had been stuck in Roger, Roger mode ever since his reprogramming.

”Glad you treated these more carefully than the crates you loaded,” he joked, grabbing the beverages and handing one to his companion. ”This stuff is supposed to be good for you. An acquired taste, but keeps you strong.” Veda took a pull from his bottle, then leaned back in his chair. The battle droid sensed his presence was no longer required and sauntered back into the main cabin.

”So tell me, Val, what’s your interest in slavers? Got some personal vendetta?” Then again, who didn’t dislike slavers? Especially ones stealing children from the streets of Corellia.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Forcing me to make the difficult choices, I see." Valery rolled her eyes when he winked and hummed in thought. Either role would work well enough — improv and Roleplay were easy enough. But she wasn't quite sure which role would lead to the least amount of complications if someone were to ask questions.

She luckily still had some time to think.

Pal decided to use the time they had to request a drink. An unusual one that made her perk a brow, "Really? Blue milk?" Valery watched the droid appear with the drinks and gave hers a wary look. She could see why it was an acquired taste, but she wasn't about to refuse to try it.

After taking a careful sip, she turned her eyes back to him, "I did have a more personal encounter with slavers, but this isn't about revenge. Slavery is perhaps the worst evil in this Galaxy. I do suppose that experiencing it myself has made me realize even more, just how awful it truly is."

"But... I'm just very determined to stop it where I can."

“Of course it’s not about revenge,” Veda replied sarcastically, “You Jedi aren’t allowed to be vengeful or vindictive, are you?” A Jedi saying the code was one thing. A Jedi following the code was another. It was human nature to seek revenge for personal affronts, especially if those experiences involve something like slavery. But he let this sit for now. He knew if he kept asking uncomfortable questions, the inquisition would eventually flip, and he wasn’t ready to open up his life story to this dogooder. Not yet.


After some light chitchat and a quick nap in the captain’s chair — rudely interrupted by the jump across hyperspace lanes to avoid the Alliance patrol, all the more reason he wanted those clearances — the computer dinged to signal they were nearing the end of their journey. Veda unlocked and pulled back on the hyperspace lever, bringing them out of the tunnel of light. He piloted the ship toward the southern continent and began their descent outside the Golden City.

“It’s a beautiful place,” he commented as they breached the planet’s atmosphere. “A little quieter than what you’re used to on Coruscant, but it has its charm.”

Veda opened a connection on the comm. “Dock Romeo Echo Bravo, this is the Rubicon, coming in for bay forty-two. Clearance codes are transmitting now.”

”Roger that, Rubicon. You’re all clear. Bay forty-two is all yours.”

When the connection terminated, he turned to Noble to explain. “REB Dock is just outside the city, but it’s the safest place for us to park. They know a thing or two about discretion. But it ain’t cheap. You may be getting an expense report after this little mission,” he half joked.

Veda brought the ship down inside of bay 42. The landing gear lowered, and they dropped to the ground with a thud! Perfect landing. He’d done this a time or two.

“BB!” he yelled for his astromech, who came rolling in, cursing in binary. “There you are. I need you to stay here with B1-D1. You’re in charge. Make sure he shoots anyone that tries to come aboard.”

Beep boop!

”Obviously except for us! What’s wrong with you?”

Beep boop!

He turned back to the Jedi. “Alright, let’s head into town. I’m sure we’ll find Rango on Treasure Ship Row.“ Veda took a hard look at Noble. “You’re dressed the part, but somebody’s gonna recognize that pretty face.” He led her to the galley and reached into a storage compartment, pulling out an old helmet. He started to hand it over, then shook his head and tossed it over his shoulder. “Nah, that won’t do.” Veda removed his Rogue Squadron sunglasses and placed them on Noble’s face, curious how she would react to a sudden invasion of personal space. They just needed to hide the blazing eyes and partially cover up the scar, and she’d be fine.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"We shouldn't be, and I'm not," Valery said with a perked brow. "My past gives me a useful perspective and I think it's important for Jedi to address slavery. But it's not about revenge." There was a lot she wasn't going to tell him that'd explain her stance further. It was too personal and she wasn't in the mood to talk about the heavier parts of her life.

She just wanted to focus on their mission.

After some quiet time meditating in her chair, Valery opened her eyes to see them approaching the planet. It wasn't that long ago that she visited Corellia, though it had been for its beaches at the time, "I've been here before," Valery said with a smile. "The Gold beaches of Corellia are quite something."

She was looking forward to going back someday.

Leaning further into her chair, Valery watched and remained quiet while Pal handled the communications. For now, she was just here to sit still and look pretty, so that's exactly what she did.

She rose from her seat when it was time to leave, but stopped when Pal raised a valid concern. Changing her clothing was rarely enough if she wanted to be undercover. Her eyes were very distinct and paired with her scar and the long ponytail, it was very easy to recognize her.

The helmet he brought to hide her look, however, was met with a death glare. She was not walking around with that thing on her head all day. Luckily, he seemed to agree and returned with a pair of sunglasses instead. At first, Valery drew her head back, clearly a tad wary of him getting so close. But when she understood what he wanted to do, she remained still and let him place the aviators over her eyes.

"Well? How do I look?" She smirked and turned her body away to start heading for the exit.

“Like a million credits,” Veda replied without missing a beat. Maybe he stared a little too long, but he wasn’t concerned with the awkwardness. He was a space pirate; she was a Jedi Grandmaster. Quite an interesting pair they made. Finally, he broke his gaze to finish getting himself ready. Which took all of five seconds. He drew his blaster, double-checked the power cell, then slid it back into the holster. “Let’s go catch ourselves a bad guy, eh?”

”BB, drop the bike,” he called to the droid in the other room. Beep boop!

Veda led Noble down the landing ramp to find a speeder bike slowly lowering from a compartment on the underside of the Rubicon. “Only got one,” he grinned, “hope you don’t mind.” Fuel gauge was full and navigation sensors operational. Not that it mattered. He knew his way around these parts pretty well. He climbed on and fired it up, revving it a time or two for show. “Hop on!”

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"A million credits, hm?" Valery asked teasingly while she looked at him with quite a smirk. She noticed the way his gaze lingered but said nothing of it. Her choice of underworld attire was meant to draw some attention and project a level of confidence that kept certain types away. Even if it invited others. Pal wasn't the type she kept at arm's length, and with how things have gone thus far, she was looking forward to working with him.

It was time to catch bad guys.

"Sounds like a plan." She smiled, then blinked when he asked for a bike to be dropped. Valery had one herself, built to go unreasonably fast. Few things felt as good as long drives on it.

This day was getting better and better.

"I don't mind, though I'd almost ask if I could drive." She smirked and looked his bike over, already excited to feel her hair whipping in the wind. Valery then climbed onto the bike behind him, got herself settled, and brought her arms around his waist. She was ready to get this mission going.


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