Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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”Maybe next time,” Veda replied, recognizing the Jedi could probably drive the bike almost as well as him. When Noble got situated, Veda kicked it into gear and sped off from the docking bay toward Treasure Ship Row. He took in the sights, sounds, and smells along the way. There was always a lot going on in this city, tons of pedestrians walking the streets, vendors selling foods, drinks, scarves, shirts, collectibles.

It was a short trip from the spaceport to Treasure Ship Row. Veda slid the bike into an empty spot along the street in front of a boutique selling handmade holsters, belts, and bandoliers. He nodded to the old Duros at the door. A hell of a gunslinger in his day, one of the few with sense enough to hang up his pistols before he got outdrawn.

“Rango likes to hang out at a bar off the main street called the Dizzy Gundark. He’s done the owner a few favors over the years, so now he does a little business out of there. And he drinks for free, which doesn’t hurt. It’s just a few blocks up.”

Veda hopped off and offered Noble a hand. His eyes were elsewhere, though, scanning his surroundings. He tagged a couple of rough looking Ithorians in the crowd that were likely patrolling for the cartel. There were almost certainly more spies about that he hadn’t seen yet. No big deal if they recognized him. He just had to make sure they didn’t recognize her.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Even though she wasn't driving, Valery enjoyed the ride to Treasure Ship Row. Her long hair swept into the currents of the wind, and she felt the pure acceleration of a speeder bike in her gut. It was thrilling and because she wasn't driving herself, she also got to look around. It wasn't her first trip to Corellia, but she hadn't seen this part of it before. It wasn't as tourist-heavy as the beaches, and not quite as industrial as the military sector.

This is where daily life happened, and it showed with the sheer density of pedestrians, shops, and other necessary establishments for people to live a decent life.

When they finally reached their destination, Valery took his hand and stepped off the bike. They hadn't drawn any attention, which was a good sign, but she did wonder if that was going to change. Her outfit and glasses made it harder to be recognized, but Pal knew people here as well.

What if they recognized him, and then her through him?

"Do you recognize any of these people?" Valery asked. "I'm sure the local gangs haven't changed much." Maybe he recognized an insignia or just knew which group was active in which sector of the planet.

Any bit of information would help.

“No one specifically,” Veda responded, “but the Ithorians to my four o’clock, across the street, they look like they’re on patrol.“ He thought a moment more before adding, “Then again, they could be informants for CorSec as easily as the cartel. CorSec keeps tabs on things here, too.”

They left the bike and started down the street, eyes and ears open. “Just act like we belong here. Hell, we do belong here. Nothing suspicious about a pair of smugglers walking down the Row in the middle of the day.“ Not that he was telling Noble anything she didn‘t already know. She was obviously well seasoned in undercover work.

He stopped at a street vendor selling cheap homemade jewelry out of a pop up tent. “See anything that catches your eye?” he gestured toward the selection. Not that he was interested in shopping. Just using this as cover to check their rear for any tails. They appeared to be clear for now. “The Gundark is just around the corner,” he said in a much lower voice, holding his hand over his mouth as he spoke.

Turning back to the stall, he fingered a bright orange and yellow scarf hanging among a few others in the corner. It was soft and silky to the touch. ”I’ll take this,” Veda told the shopkeeper as he took the scarf and tossed a credit too many her way. It never hurt to buy a little good will around here.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"I've seen them." Valery eyes the Ithorians briefly but decided against using the Force. She could likely get into their minds and understand their intentions if she tried, but it was risky. If even one of these thugs had been probed before, they might catch on to something. Worse, if any of the thugs were Force-sensitive, they'd figure her out if she tried to reach out. For now, the best course of action was just to fit in.

With their experience going undercover, it was as easy as any other job.

As they passed by some vendors along the street, Valery looked around. This was Corellia, not Nar Shaddaa, so most vendors here were legit enough. So when Pal stopped to get himself a scarf, Valery paused and got herself a simple bracelet. It didn't cost much, but the credits would help the owner, she figured.

"Now my look is complete," Valery said, as she slipped it around her wrist. "Ready to head into the Gundark?"

”Let’s do it.” Veda guided her onto a side road and continued for most of the block before stopping at a building with an outdoor patio and large open door, an old wooden side hanging above with an upside down Gundark painted on.

The inside of the Dizzy Gundark was nice but unassuming. Not an upscale cocktail bar from Canto Bight, but not the dingy, dusty, and dirty racetrack bar Veda had first met Noble at in Mos Espa. No incandescent night club lights, but no dark and seedy corner booths, either. Just a good square bar, nothing more, nothing less. A few customers sat in barstools sipping on drinks, a few tables alive with friendly chatter. As they passed through the entrance, the barkeep shouted a warm, ”Welcome!” but then went back to his business of making drinks. Veda gave him a slight wave and a nod, but kept moving through toward the back.

A graying Bothan sat at a table by himself, scanning a data pad with a half-empty glass in his hand. ”About time,” he commented, laying down the data pad and finishing off his drink. “A little longer and you’d have found a drunken old man sitting here. Take a seat.”

”Good to see you, too,” Veda retorted sarcastically. He pulled out a chair for his partner then for himself. “Rango, meet Gal. Gal, Rango.”

“Pal and Gal, huh?” he laughed. “I just told you I’m not drunk yet.”

”Yeah, yeah. She’s joining me on this little adventure. A trainee, if you will.”

”Pleasure to meet you, Miss Gal,” Rango said politely, with a hint of playfulness. “Sorry you’re stuck working with this old pirate. But I will admit, he does surprise me from time to time.”

”You gonna get us a drink, or am I gonna die of thirst, first?”

The Bothan flagged a waitress. “I’ll take another of the usual,” he ordered as she approached. “Grab these two a couple of beers. Put it all on the young gun’s tab.”

”Don’t you drink for free around here?” Veda asked, slightly amused.

”If you’re paying, it is free for me,” he jokingly replied. When the waitress scampered off, Rango lowered his voice a bit. “So, Pal and Gal, let’s talk about your business here in Coronet, eh?”

Valery Noble Valery Noble
Last edited:


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery's eyes briefly shifted up to the sign of the upside down Gundark. She chuckled, shook her head and walked into the establishment by Pal's side. It felt a lot more welcoming than the ordinary club on Nar Shadda, and certainly than the crime-invested cantinas on Tatooine. But even here, Valery was on her guard. Her appearance was decently hidden with the outfit and sunglasses, but a careful look could still expose her.

At least, she wouldn't immediately be in trouble here.

Following Pal, Valery approached the older Bothan and greeted him with a smile, "Gal Veda," she said, as she sat down. He had been surprised by the likeness of their names, so she was curious for his reaction to the last names. Would he wonder if Pal had gotten married? Or would he believe her to be a sister or relative of some kind?

A little mystery never hurt.

"I hope Pal already shared some details? We're looking for some people, and he believes you can help us find them." She eyed the waitress from the corners of her eyes, making sure they wouldn't overhear.

“As it happens, your problem and my problem are one and the same.” Rango paused as the waitress brought their drinks and sat them on the table with a smile. “Thanks, Sonya,” he grinned back, but he did not continue until she was gone. Once she was out of earshot, he went on. “Barq is causing the wrong kinds of trouble around here. The kind that draws the wrong sort of attention and puts little operations like mine — and yours — in jeopardy.”

The Bothan paused again to take a sip of his drink. “His operation is too big for local. The cartel is paying everyone to turn a blind eye. But it isn’t big enough — yet — for full on Alliance intervention. Then there’s the question of whether Corellia would even accept it.” He rolled his eyes, knowing Alliance interference would bring with it way too much heat. “We need to shut this down before it gets any more out of hand.”

Veda took a sip and responded dryly, “What about the kids?”

”Don’t give me that crock, Pal.“ A slight change in his tone expressed his annoyance and offense. “Yes, I am also concerned about the kids. Don’t forget you’re just a visitor here. A kriffin’ tourist. This is where I call home, at least these days. It started with street orphans, but it’s grown as that supply began to dwindle. I have seen some of the parents.” He rubbed his hand along his canine like nose then took a long drink to calm himself down.

”Sorry,” Veda said, a touch of sensitivity in his voice this time. “I just wanted to make sure we’re on the same page here.”

”I never took you for having a heart of gold,” Rango replied. “But you’ve surprised me before.” His eyes shifted to Noble as he said it, indicating he suspected something fishy but did not have enough information to fully assess the situation yet.

“You know I’ve got informants around here. Looks like you already met one.” The Bothan turned his gaze back toward the orange and yellow scarf sticking out of Veda's jacket pocket. “Her boyfriend is a mid-level whatever with the cartel. There’s an exchange tonight.” Rango could see Veda’s eyes light up, so he quickly interjected, “No, not that kind of exchange. This one is spice and contraband liquor. Barq doesn’t trust those types to handle the human trafficking. He has higher level, ex-Imperials on that. But this is an in. If they can’t get you to Barq, they can get you to somebody that can.”

”I suppose you won’t be comin’ with us?”

”Not this time. But find me after.“ He popped a card from his data pad and handed it to Veda. “This has the information for the meet tonight. And remember I said I’ve got informants around here? Well so does the cartel. Folks knew you were here before the Rubicon touched down at REB.”

”Sometimes the best cover is no cover at all,” Veda smirked back.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery felt a little out of place, sitting in her seat, listening to them. She was used to being mission lead — to setting everything up, preparing a mission, and briefing others. Even for this mission, she could have arranged it all herself, but with Pal's contacts on Corellia, it just made more sense for her to follow after him.

It had paid off too — they had their lead.

"Alright," Valery said.

"We go to this exchange and try to gather more information." She looked between Pal and the Bothan and dipped her head, "Anything else we need to know before we go?" She didn't want to draw more unnecessary attention. Anything that could help them complete this mission was welcomed.

There was a lot a stake.

“Yeah,” Rango said, finishing off his drink, “If this comes back to me, I’ll kill you both myself.”

Veda chuckled and turned up his beer. “You worry too much, old man.”

”Maybe you don’t worry enough. And you’re not so young anymore yourself.”


The pair sat around the table in the galley of the Rubicon with a hologram projecting from the center. “Rango is thorough, if anything,” Veda commented, moving between scrolling through information on his data pad and examining the image of the shipyard in front of him. He looked to Noble and added, “But no surprise to you. He picked it up from SIA, so it’s probably the kind of intel package you’re used to.”

He tossed his data pad on the table and leaned back in his chair, stretching his arms behind his head. The transaction was happening in a shipyard closed for construction — but obviously open for other business. A freighter with the right credentials could land there under the guise of delivering supplies without drawing any attention. He chewed on a toothpick, his mind running through the possibilities.

”Well . . .” Veda started, thinking out loud. “I see a few options. I think the best is to hit Barq’s crew after the exchange, outside the shipyard. That way we don’t have to deal with the smugglers dropping off the cargo. It’s a pretty routine delivery, so it shouldn’t be a big team.“ He glanced over at the faux wall a few feet away that served as a weapons safe. No smuggling vessel would be complete without a few hidden compartments. “But you should probably carry that fancy laser sword just in case.”

“What do you think, Master Jedi?” Of course he liked to tease her, throwing in Val’s formal title, but her experience leading countless strike teams was not lost on him.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

Valery rolled her eyes when he referred to her as Master Jedi, but ultimately shrugged it off as teasing. "I think the plan is solid. We hit them after the exchange so we don't have the smugglers to deal with. It also means we have physical evidence of the exchange having happened." It wasn't as important to Pal, she imagined, but hard evidence helped her case if the Alliance ever demanded a report about this mission.

"As for my lightsaber..."

Valery glanced down at the blasters strapped to her belt and sighed, "You sure about that? I don't need a lightsaber to be effective, you know." Still, she understood why he made the request. Leaning forward, Valery placed her elbows on the table and looked Pal in the eyes, hoping to draw his gaze to her.

A smirk tugging at her lips.

"You don't think I'm a terrible shot, do you?"

Jedi mind tricks don’t work on Pal Veda. No old man in a robe is going to wave his hand and convince him those aren’t the droids he‘s looking for. But this wasn’t a Jedi mind trick. This was pure feminine domineering over the male mind. Far too strong for even Veda’s constitution. He tried to play it cool, but he had given in before their eyes even met. That was a look no mortal man could deny. Even the gods would struggle with this one.

“Okay, okay. If you want to play dress up and run around shootin‘ your blasters, by all means, go ahead.” He looked over to his astromech and joked, “BB, we‘ve got a regular pirate on our hands here. If we’re not careful, she’s gonna be callin‘ herself ’Captain’ before too long.” The droid whistled back in acknowledgement, adding in a few choice words of his own. Who knew binary could be so vulgar? But he agreed with his metal amigo. Valery Noble was one hell of a woman.

Veda moved toward the wall safe and entered a code into a hidden keypad. The panel slid open, revealing a few more options besides the worn IB-94 holstered on his side and the beautiful Corek customs Noble carried on her hips. But he wasn’t after another blaster. Instead, he grabbed a small pack and started filling it. “Concussive grenades,“ he called out, tossing a few into the bag. “Non-lethal, but could be useful to stop the transport speeders when we hit them.” The non-lethal part was more strategic to avoid the attention thermals would draw, but he thought the Jedi may appreciate the not-killing-everyone-in-the-immediate-vicinity aspect of it, too. He left out that the bag already had a couple of thermals in the bottom. He then opened a secondary safe within the wall and withdrew a handful of credits in denominations of 20s and 50s that he placed into another pocket on the pack. He had stacks of various currencies, but Alliance credits were as good as any on Corellia. “With these types, a few credits can sometimes get you father than a blaster to the head. Going on your tab, of course,” he added, looking back with a wink.

With his pack loaded, he grabbed one more item and strapped it to his left wrist. A grappling hook. A relic from his younger days when being whipped through the air hurt a little bit less. He hoped it wouldn’t pull his arm out of the socket this time.

”If you see anything that tickles your fancy, by all means,” Veda said, waving his hand at the weapons on display. A long disrupter rifle (very illegal and too large for a job like this), two military grade blaster rifles (strangely identical to the Alliance rifles currently in circulation), a scatter gun (was that a Mando clan symbol engraved on the handle?), the ole smuggling favorite DL-44, and a couple of concealable hold-out blasters. “Otherwise, we can get this show on the road.“

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"Captain Noble does have a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Valery teased further, her lips still curved into a beautiful, yet dangerous grin. She wasn't actually that fond of using her blasters or having to play this role, but even just bringing a lightsaber along was taking a risk. No, if they wanted to keep their fake identities intact, it'd be better if she only used what other smugglers had in their posession.

She could be convincing enough.

Valery continued to lean on her elbows a little longer. Until he rose to his feet, and she decided to follow to check out his safe. It was no surprise that Pal had weapons or other munitions on board, but she hadn't expected an armory like this. Was that an illegal disruptor rifle?

She eyed him for a moment, but said nothing.

"Well, maybe I'll take some credits and a grenade or two? Otherwise, I prefer to stick to my blasters." She knew how to use those specific ones, and she didn't really see anything better that wouldn't immediately be overkill.

She was ready.

"When we're down there, I suppose I should let you lead the way? Just to be safe?"

“Of course,” Veda smiled, “I’ll protect you from the bad guys.” He twirled his blaster a couple of times for show then shoved it back into the holster.


As he had predicted, the shipyard was the perfect spot for the exchange. No buildings close enough with a line of sight into the facility. And no eye in the sky that a fancy Alliance satellite could have provided. Just two smugglers in the twilight, posted up outside the most obvious exit route from the shipyard to the warehouse. The waiting game.

“It’s a shame,” Veda said quietly, turning to his partner, “I had to plan a full on ambush against a cartel just to get you alone in the dark.” The streetlights offered just enough of a glow for him to make out her face a couple feet away as they leaned against a wall in the alley. Those eyes.

On cue, as if intentionally designed to sabotage his advances, a freighter lifted out of the shipyard and sped toward the atmosphere. Now it was go time. Within moments, three cargo speeders started to approach. The streets were pretty sparse in the industrial area at this hour, so no vehicle or foot traffic to contend with. The plan was simple enough — simple usually worked. He held the detonator in his left hand as he stepped into the road in front of the lead speeder.

“Hey hey!” he yelled at the approaching vehicles, waving his hands in the air, “Stop!” Surprisingly, and thankfully, they did stop, instead of plowing straight over him.

“Get the hell out of the way!” the driver screamed out the window.

Veda calmly called back, “Sorry, boys, but I’ve got bad news. I’m commandeering this cargo.”

”What?” The driver laughed and turned to speak to someone in the backseat. The rear doors opened, and two men in light armor stepped out, blasters in hand.

What the hell, Rango? These aren’t street thugs, these two are definitely ex-military. But Veda kept his cool. “I said, I’m commandeering this cargo.”

“You know who we work for,” one of them said, leveling his blaster at Veda, “So you know what’s about to happen.”

No turning back now. Especially in front of the pretty lady. He chanced a glance at Noble and smiled. Time to show off, and maybe live to tell about it. In a split second, he drew his blaster and fired three shots, taking out the mercenary closest to him. Then he pressed the detonator, setting off concussive grenades along the street beneath the speeders, enough force to damage the engines and render them inoperable. Glass exploded out of the vehicles as they rocked back and forth. Veda took aim at the second mercenary, firing two shots at center mass.

He knew he couldn’t kill everyone — he needed to keep the goons who would talk alive long enough to do the talking. But the former Imps had to go or he would be the one with a blaster bolt though his chest.

A few more armored mercs scrambled out of the middle and rear transports. Veda hoped Noble was as good a shot as she led on.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"It's a Shame."

Valery turned her gaze to him, her fiery eyes glowing in the Dark — a trait of her people — and her mind curious. He continued to speak and she felt heat rising in her cheek. Was he flirting? Now and here? She tilted her head and flashed him a smirk, "I admire the effort, but it's not that hard." As if to prove her point, trouble arrived not even a second later. The freighter that was scheduled to arrive for the exchange flew overhead, so it was time to get serious.

Pal was the first to move, positioning himself right in front of the approaching speeders to force them to stop. Luckily, they did, but Valery still felt somewhat reassured.

It would have been an unfortunate way to die.

A brief exchange followed between Pal and the thugs, but Valery already kept her hand near her blaster. She could feel that it was about to escalate, so the very moment the first shot rang out, Valery whipped out her sidearm and peppered one of the thugs with three quick shots.

He was stunned and out.

Others rushed out from the transports, threatening to overwhelm the two with numbers. Subtly, Valery waved her hand near her thigh and tugged on their legs, hard enough to send them stumbling and falling over.

Presenting Pal with a clear shot.

Well, isn’t that lucky? he thought to himself as the mercenaries seemed to lose their footing at the same time. Only someone as arrogant as Pal Veda would attribute that to his own luck and skill rather than realizing the Jedi next to him had something to do with it. Regardless, he lined up and took several shots, sending two more to the ground.

There were four more armored guards taking up cover positions between the second and third transports. The local drivers remained inside each vehicle, having not anticipated this to escalate so quickly.

”Cover me,“ Veda said as he jumped onto the hood of the lead speeder. He clawed forward and took aim at the driver’s face through the blown out windshield. “Listen to me, ’cause I’m only gonna say this once. Stay in that seat and don’t do anything stupid. You do that, and you’ll live to tell your grandkids about this one day.” The young man held his hands up in surrender and nodded, probably wetting his pants in the process. “Tell your buddies in the back two cars to do the same.” He stared at Veda blankly, unsure what to do. “Now!” he barked, inciting the driver into action.

Hopefully that covered the three men he thought could help him. He just had to deal with the mercs that wanted to kill him.

Veda rolled off the hood to the driver’s side of the lead speeder and crept forward, guiding the way with his blaster. One of the gunmen poked his head out to take a look. Mistake. A perfectly placed shot sent him to the ground.

Then he heard more blaster fire, but it wasn’t aimed at him. Valery!

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"I've got you!"

Valery was serious about making this work out. She had convinced him that she didn't need her lightsaber to be of use, so she was determined to prove it. As soon as Pal got onto the hood and exposed himself, Valery watched two mercs pop out of cover, hoping to take advantage of the exposed smuggler. The perfect chance for her to prove her worth.

In an instant, Valery leveled both pistols at the same time, guided by the Force, and pulled the trigger. Both mercenaries were hit square in the chest and fell to the ground, stunned and out cold.

A slight grin tugged at Valery's lips, but it faded as soon as Pal jumped behind cover again. More mercenaries were popping out now, frustrated with her for taking out their friends. Valery was luckily quick on her feet and moved behind cover, as bolts violently struck the vehicle she was hiding behind.

"I'm pinned down!" she called out to Pal, hoping he could help her out.

Veda sighed in relief at the sound of Val’s voice. A call for help was better than no call at all. She’s a Jedi. Why are you worried?

He moved forward, his path to the break between the transports clear. They seemed to be focusing their fire on Val’s position, giving him an opportunity to flank. Veda stepped around the back of the lead transport to see two armored men taking aim at his partner and a third reloading behind cover.

The last of the three was the first to notice the smuggler, but he was too slow on the draw. Pew! Down for the count. The other two were quicker and turned their carbines in his direction. Veda tagged one in the leg with a wild shot as he dove back around the side of the vehicle.

“All yours!” He called out, hoping he had opened a clean shot for Val. If they could finish off the soldiers, dealing with the drivers would be much easier. Veda had a plan for that.

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

The very second he called out, Valery took her shot and sent another down to the ground. He had helped her out by flanking the attackers, but she remained overly aware of their little battlefield. He had taken one down and clipped another in the leg, so her shot took down the thug that could have otherwise been a problem.

The one shot in the leg, now without friends and trapped between two enemies on different sides, knew he was in a lost position and finally dropped his weapon.

Valery leveled her pistol, set to stun, and sent him to the floor to be safe.

"You okay?" she called out, as she carefully stepped around the vehicle. She did not sense others and they had been thorough with taking them out. But she still wasn't going to take any risks and held onto her pistol just in case one of them popped up out of nowhere.

"I think we're clear."

“My hero,” Veda smirked, approaching his partner. “You sure you weren’t an outlaw in a previous life?” She didn’t need that lightsaber after all, it seemed. He checked her out, making sure she didn’t have any holes in her. And for other reasons.

The mercs were down, but they still had the drivers to contend with. Veda waved them out — with his blaster — and lined them up between the transports, making sure they saw each of the fallen gunmen. These three were green. Young, fresh faces, not battle hardened like the ex-Imperials hired to protect the cargo. They immediately surrendered their hold-out blasters without putting up a fight.

”Alright, listen up. By now, you’ve seen what we can do.” He motioned to the bodies scattered around, some dead, some just stunned. “We know you’re moving this cargo for Barq, and you know we’re not scared of Barq. Maybe you are. I get it.“ Veda reached in his jacket and removed the scarf he bought from the vendor earlier that day. As he wiped the sweat off his forehead, he watched their reactions. One of them took particular notice. Got him.

In a flash, he shot the other two drivers with a stun blast, and they dropped to the ground. “You recognize this, don’t you?” Veda offered the scarf to the last man standing. It was a long shot, but he was pretty confident he’d pegged the boyfriend Rango mentioned earlier.

“No . . . What?” He stammered in reply.

”Look, kid, I’m not gonna kill you. We’re here to help.” Veda emphasized the we part, hoping the striking female figure next to him would buy him some trust. He also reached in his bag and withdrew a few hundred-denomination credits — real currency for buying trust. “You tell us where we can find Barq, you take these credits, you go have a nice night with your girlfriend, and when you wake up tomorrow, all of this will have been a bad dream.”

Of course if this didn’t work, Val could use her voodoo powers to make him talk. But Veda wanted to prove to her that he was worth his price. He wanted her here, no doubt about that, but he didn’t want her to think he needed her here. Gotta impress the lady!

Valery Noble Valery Noble


Outfit: Undercover Smuggler
Weapons: Blasters

"No, but I've been in the underworld plenty of times," Valery said, turning to her partner in crime with a smirk. She picked up on him looking her over, and grinned a little wider when she caught his gaze again. Letting him know that she knew. Her own eyes wandered for a moment after that before she turned away to get on with their mission. The drivers of these vehicles still had to be dealt with, and they hopefully had information to offer.

They had seemed like rookies, so she hoped they'd be more willing to talk.

Giving Pal the lead, Valery stood by him and just added to the intimidation factor. She wanted these people to speak and had no intentions of hurting them — something she'd keep Pal to as well — but if they didn't talk, she'd have to make them talk. Luckily, Pal had prepared for this moment.

The scarf he bought had been purchased for a reason that even went beyond Valery's line of thinking. Impressed, she looked at him and smirked a little.

The young man in front of him, however, hesitated. He knew that if he talked and Barq wasn't dealt with, he'd be dead. But those credits looked tempting and the two in front of him had proven that they were capable. Maybe there was a chance he could get out of this business and have some money to spare?

After a quiet moment, he finally sighed.

"Check the navigational logs. The routes we took all returned to one place each time. That's where you can find him."


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