visio populi
As the pair walked hand in hand, Alicio seemed contemplative. He found himself staring off into the middle distance, or at the ground between his feet, or, yes, sneaking a peek at the woman at his side. His face was peaceful, but his thoughts were guarded.
"I'm glad you enjoyed it," the Alderaanian said, squeezing the hand they shared. "Usually, I wouldn't stay for so long, but this was... really nice." He felt a need to say that, for whatever reason.
As the sun began to cool off, bathing Alderaan in warmer hues, strings of lanterns flickered to life, coloring the walkways in reds, blues, and greens. Alicio took a moment to absorb it, and a moment to think. Was this what he wanted?
"I particularly liked winning. And, since I won..." He attempted to pass Amani the purple nerf, a glint in his eye. "Hold this for me?"
Passing a building, Alicio's eyes were drawn by their final destination; a series of large transparisteel domes, each the size of a small field. Perhaps that would jog Amani's memory.