Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shattered Empire

Kalic was quick to open fire with his slow-yet-powerful blaster. The former hired gun knew good and well what not shoot would get in a fire fight. The T-21 did it’s work as it continued to hit true. The Miraluka may not have been a crackshot, but he was accurate enough. Harris then for his troopers to cover him.

Daws watched as their leader ignited a lightsaber. He had already known the man was strong with the Force, it was basically impossible to hide it from the pilot, but he had never seen a lightsaber on him. It was definitely a sight to say the least. The lightsaber welding Harris then got to cover, telling the team to advance. Kalic quickly got behind a crate that was lying there, followed my Jee. Kalic looked over at Harris, and quickly called out to him. “Harris. If it isn’t already the target, I’d like to try and take the bridge. With help of course.”


Location: ESU Frigate - Hyperspace

ES-06 reached up from the flight deck driver's seat pressing a couple buttons on the panel turning on the ship's speakers, "ESU ready up we are almost there connect to the coms and prepare for the strike " turning the communications off ES-06 put his helmet connecting to their private channel. They were ready now for any signal to engage and board the enemy vessel if help is needed, Exiting hyperspace ES-06 stopped the ship he could see the Fel forces boarding the enemy ship as he arrived.

[member="Kalic Daws"] | [member="Premier William Harris I"] | [member="WD-334"] | [member="Sergeant Vickers"] |
Following along with Harris and whoever else was on their team, she had an additional five Imperial Knights with her. Not that Jairdain couldn't handle something on her own, but she was their Grandmaster. The honor these five had protecting her would be remembered and she would remember them. Making sure to make note of their names, a personal thanks would be given to them after this ended.

She knew why she was here, but not why Harris had picked her for his team. Other than him and Kalic, she didn't know any of the others here really. More of a support fighter, that was her designated role. One to bring healing and morale for her people, her Knights would be her fighters. Though the woman could not physically see, the Force guided her.

Motioning with a hand to her Knights to form up around her, Jairdain stood behind Harris after he and his troops had cleared the area in front of them. Something stopped her and she stayed next to him as he ordered them to advance. Maybe the Force spoke to her, but she felt drawn to stay nearby.
Harris sat at the post as maul and some of the knights followed her up to cover. Quickly he turned to hear [member="Kalic Daws"] yelling for him.

“Harris. If it isn’t already the target, I’d like to try and take the bridge. With help of course.”

"Just stick with me kalic, first we secure here, then we'll move onto the bridge."

Harris quickly motioned for some of his troopers to follow him as he turned, stood, and dashed back into combat. He quickly deflected several bolts before advancing once more and cutting down one more of the eight remaining hostiles.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="WD-334"] [member="ES-06"] [member="Deadeye"]
Kalic just nodded and began firing again before hearing a flurry of whistles behind him.

"(I have a idea. I just need to get to the engineering deck.)" Kalic just sighed as he eyed the floating droid.

"I think I know where this is going. Can you access it from here?" The droid quickly plugged into a wall computer port, turning it before letting out another whistle.

"(No. Not from here, at least with my programming. These guys are actually smarter than a gundark.)" Kalic just chuckled a bit before he continued to fire, keeping himself in cover.

"That's a rarity for freighters. Guess that's why they're carrying such valuable cargo." Jee rolled into a nod before moving back to seeing if she could do anything from the panel.

[member="Premier William Harris I"] [member="Jairdain"] [member="ES-06"] [member="WD-334"] [member="Deadeye"]
"Kalic! Follow me. We're moving up, defend that droid."
Harris jumped from cover and, using the force, pulled multiple merchants together before ending them with one swipe. Quickly he charged and cut the blaster of another and force pushed the last two together into a traumatic headbutt that killed them.
"Let's go!"
Harris quickly ran down the hallway, followed by the others, towards the bridge.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="WD-334"] [member="ES-06"] [member="Deadeye"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
Ordering her knights to keep going, when Harris moved, she placed a protective barrier around him. It was the least she could do in an attempt to keep him safe. So far all she had done was tag along. Not being as much of a fighter, Jairdain was a defender. Her job, she felt, was to help keep Harris, her knights and other party members safe.

The additional aid from the Mandalorians was noticed and she turned around to give them a sightless nod. Her attention was drawn back to Harris as he called out again for them to advance.

She would need to have a conversation later about what had transpired and alternate paths to accomplish the same thing. Along with being a protector, she was also a diplomat and consular.

Letting out a sigh, she followed after the group and kept up.

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Kalic Daws"] [member="Premier William Harris I"] [member="ES-06"] [member="WD-334"] [member="Deadeye"] [member="Sergeant Vickers"]
The door to the bridge slid open, a man quickly charged out screaming and was cut down. Harris, followed by two stormtroops and everyone else slowly stepped into the bridge of the ship.
"@Kalic Dawes Get your droid hooked up to one of these terminals, I need you by me."
Harris put his lightsaber on his belt and walked to a captains chair and sat. He pushed a button on the right armrest and a holographic map appeared in front of him. Quickly, he selected osseriton as the destination and engaged the locking mechanism to display the location in the pilot chairs hud. Harris scrolled quickly through a menus then looked up to [member="Kaine Australis"] ,

"Everything's Here, Kalic, do you think you can fly this thing back home?"
Harris looked at the blind pilot and smiled, he looked back and returned one.

[member="Jairdain"] [member="Deadeye"] [member="ES-06"]


Location: ESU Frigate

ES-06 was done he had enough he yanked the controls accelerating at full speed he made his way towards the crew, ES changed his helmets frequency to those of Fel Empire.

[member="Premier William Harris I"] " Harris, Harris is everything alright we are here for assistance if needed " Harris had ignored ES for most of this mission which concerned him.
"We are all clear here ES, the ship is clear. Follow us home and meet us at the dock. Make sure these hired guns don't turn against us."

Harris clicked his communicator and turned towards kalic in his seat.

"Okay, punch it and let's go home."


Ressurected by a cult
Deadeye leaned in behind Harris.

"Is it what we expected? Am i getting payed?"

"It's more, you will get your original asking price."


Deadeye pulled away and walked back to the dark corner he was in, turning back towards harris, looking directly and him with his right hand resting on his weapon belt, completely silent.
(Sorry for the really late reply.)

Kalic watched with awe as the lightsaber wielders sliced through the final opponents. The leader then told Kalic to have Jee hook into the terminals, but Kalic didn’t need to say anything as he got into a pilot’s seat. The Miraluka and astromech had a short discussion about what systems were working. Engines, power plants, life support, and gravity. Everything was good to go.

At Harris’s question of whether Kalic could fly the freighter, the pilot nodded. “She may be damaged, but this ol’ girl will still get us home.” Then, once the order was given, Kalic activated the hyperdrive, and made the jump to hyperspace.
The ship came down to dock at the high altitude landing pad. The ship buckled and rocked as it slowly approached, finally stabilizing next to the dock and opening it's side hatch to be unloaded by a group of Fel servicemembers in blue uniforms. The men quickly began entering and unloading. The crew smiled and all high fives before Harris and @kalic Dawes stood from the chairs. Harris shook Kalics hand and then turned to @Jairdaine .

"Thanks Jair, it was an honor."

Harris nodded to everyone else and then motioned for them to follow him. The crew walked down the corridor and then exited out the side docking bay, they all followed Harris to the center where a few men were opening and rationing containers of credits.

"What's the final count sergeant?"

The man looked up at them surprised and stood tall, quickly adjusting his glasses and blue tunic.

"Uh... Hello sir," He nervously smiled, "The final count comes up to 115 million. We have a lot of food and enough supplies to last us the season. And, after payments and rewards, we will have enough to fill our treasury."

"Glad to hear it, [member="Kaine Australis"] Grab your suitcase, it has the million we agreed on, plus an extra 500k for any damages."

Harris picked up the suitcase and handed it to Kaine before turning back to the group. He fixed his cap and turned to deadeye.

"Your payment is all there, And a little extra. Thank you for helping."

He reached out to deadeye with the briefcase.


Ressurected by a cult
Deadeye looks at Harris up and down and then reaches out and retrieves it. He goes to leave and then turns back and looks at Harris.

"I told you I'm not a monster. Did your people get the supplies they need?"

Harris nodded. "Thanks to you, they will."

Deadeye, whose hand had been at his side so far discretely moved something just beneath his cloak. "That's good, I'm glad to help the people. But, I think that, now that they are safe, it's time for us to tie up loose ends."

Harris' face turned concerned and he tilted his head, "How so?"

"Like this."

A blaster bolt ripped through the thin layer of deadeye's cloak and flew down range towards the unsuspecting Premier.
Harris saw a beam of light and then felt the burn of the blaster bolt hit him center mass in his chest, he collapsed to the ground backwards. The shot felt like he had been kicked down, Harris looked upwards, eyes glossed over, faintly breathing. He stared up with a blank stare up to the heavens and let out a final. He coughed as an explosion of blaster bolts let out on the platform. [member="Sergeant Vickers"] ran up to him and quickly and leaned on him.

"Sir, Sir, Are you okay?"

Harris coughed again, the world around him was darkening, the light was fading, and he couldn't move.

He breathed in, coughing, "Tell the king," He coughed once again, "Tell him, I....."

The light faded, Harris' eyes closed slowly as he slumped over in sergeant vickers arms.

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