Tags: Darth Solipsis | Kyrel Ren | Alars Keto | Tu'teggacha | Erion Justeene | Darth Mori | Khamul Kryze | Ronar | Lord Letifer | Spindle | Kralmus Orr | Onrai | Tegan Starfall
Solipsis had died on Tython, the Dark Voice of the Maw and leader of the Brotherhood, slain in battle. He died trying to tear the galaxy apart and failed in that final moment. His death hadn't been the only one of course, but no one cared for the countless dead chaff. No, only one other death that Zachariel had heard of mattered to him. The Mongrel had died on Tython, killed in battle as well. Their deaths had surprised and angered the warlord. Failure on Tython had set back several of his plans, made it so a clear message couldn't be sent. The death of Solipsis had ruined yet omre, and the Mongrel's death was frustrating, for his fellow warlord had been a worthy man indeed. At least he had died in glory, fighting and dying in one of the largest battles ever.
But now, that battle was over and the future was uncertain. They had lost many resources, manpower, and so much more on Tython. All in all, Zachariel knew the future was grim. Soon, someone would claim the throne and others would challenge them. Soon, if not already, the forces of good would try and take back what the Brotherhood had gained. The warlord knew they would not be able to continue on in their rampage of the galactic core, he doubted they'd even be able to hold all that they had gained.
However much these thoughts raced through Zachariel's mind, he was also keenly aware of his surroundings. This valley and those assembled were all here for one reason, to see of Solipsis. Some, such as the Sith, saw him as the Sith'ari and deserving of respect in that way. Others, such as the regular marauders, saw him just as the Dark Voice and respected him as such. But all present respected, or at least feared, him enough to be here. Others were here to witness the rise of the next lord of the Maw, if there would be one. Zachariel numbered under that group, he respected Solipsis, but also knew another must rise to take his place, lest the Maw fall into in fighting.
Standing on the raised platform that would become the final tomb and resting place of Solipsis and those to be buried with him, Zachariel watched. As he had done so long ago in a similar meeting, one called for by the Dark Voice, he stood on the right hand side of what once was would have been a throne and now was a tomb. From this elevated position, Zachariel watched and he waited. Bearing witness to the procession as they drew ever closer, listening to their chants. So many were present, this would be the turning point for the Maw. Would they unite under another leader, perhaps this Mori the priests chanted about, or would they collapse into disorder and die to one another's blades.
An answer to that question would come in time, and his eyes were drawn to the most likely place for it. A larger congregation had formed, pat of whom numbered Kyrel. Scanning them, both physically and through the Force, the warlord searched to see if any of their number sought the throne. In turn, he knew he too would be searched. No doubt many would see his position here as him seeking to claim the throne. And perhaps he would, should the one who try to claim it not be worthy, or there not be any claimants.
But until the procession was finished and those here would be laid to rest, nothing would happen. He would make sure of it. As he had done before, so he did now, stand by the side of the Dark Voice. Now though, he stood as a warning, to wait until the procession was completed before things devolved into chaos. Until that time, he simply stood there, arms crossed, watching and waiting.