Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Shatterpoint | BotM Annihilation of GA Held Tython

Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Location: The Temple Ruins
Allies: The Maw, New Sith Order
Direct Enemy: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Mentions: Madison Starr

Beyond operational parameters, details of deployments were rarely stored in Uriel Drones. Infiltration and reprogramming were not unheard of in earlier Age of Steel models, something Archangel would likely need to purge from subsequent Uriel models, if the line was to continue with greater effectiveness. Certainly, the reappearance of the Scylla AI Scylla AI or Sithwatch might give the galactic alliance pause to trace who was behind wanting factions to be in an eternal battle sometimes called the Long Conflict, but more on that later. #One Sith Directives

In the background, despite their impressive armament, closing on the defenders two more HRD's went dark, and others were being overwhelmed with volley fire to be reduced slowly to slag. Nerve gas was going off to eradicate unshielded organics where possible but few if any would breach the temple ruins, their purpose to probe the defense for the main attack. Few perhaps but one…

Crunching rubble underfoot, like the lives the HRD had ended making their entry. A contrast was being fought. Alessandra had care or concern. Uriel had datasets programmed into files like optimal killing zones, target specific weaponry, maximum casualty radius, terror protocols, and exterminatus routines

Registering a hit on her target's shield, the drone also took the opportunity to advance further into the ruins. Uriel had not faced HRD in close combat before, it took her longer to analyze who or what she was facing, especially as this one was constructed by a genius. Robot Envy. Losing track of her target through the blast visually, while her optics tried to predict a likely path. Taken part by surprise, a sonic shockwave coming forward happened to be the PERFECT weapon to hit Uriel with, her armor offering only low protection to the devastating shockwave.

Another blue crackling field appeared across the walking dreadnought's energy shield, as it completely blew itself out, only with less energy discharge this time. The rest ripped at her armor and took small chunks out of it. Checking. Checking. Registering extreme sonic damage, shield generator destroyed, armor stability partially compromised. HUD Sonic damper effective, damage to audio recognition reduced.

Bolter minimum range exceeded, switching to secondary combat protocol.

The heavy bolter was detached and dropped within the now growing rubble around her. Detecting an energy sword on her target she adapted to force user protocols. Readying a combination of Jack-knife in left hand and Songsteel staff in right. Audio and visual sensors pinpointed by probabilities where her target had hit her from, Uriel's jack-knife pistol screeched its own sonic concussive three-round bursts right at that throat emitter, which had done so much damage, then another burst, then another burst. Potentially exploding conclusively against whatever it hit including the target's energy sword.

Just six meters apart, with the bolter gone, meant a great deal of weight was gone with it. Her steps charging her toward Alessendra were not light but were faster and the two HRD's were about to potentially collide like something straight out of an Age of Steel holovid. Songsteel staff pushed out to potentially block the energy sword aside, and then come down across the wrist holding it if left unchecked. Aiming upward at her repulsor-lifted opponent, a significant amount of HRD strength was actualized behind the blow, attempting to damage Alessendra's wrist capacity with the finely crafted weapon.

Calculating odds of synthetic combatant at 60%

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Personal Energy Shield: Destroyed
A1-Ionsider Armor Condition: Light Puncturing
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 0%
Primary Systems Damage: Light Damage to Audio Receptors
Estimated Combat Capability 150%

Summary of Actions
Hit by Sonic Shockwave. Energy Shield Lost. Armor further Damaged. HUD mitigating sonic damage to audio receptors.
Sonic Concussion Pistol firing at opponent's Throat Emitter.
Charging at target, blocking, then attacking with Songsteel staff at opponents wrist.
Assaulting HRD NPCs dropping to enemy fire.

Full Loadout and Background NPCs
Armor: A1-Ionsider including Wristblades and Hud | MK5-Heavy Bolter (Dropped) | Grenades: 2x Frag (Belt) | 2x Cryoban (Belt) | 2x FEX-M3 Nerve Gas Grenade (Belt) | 1x Energy Shield (Destroyed) | Model 31 Palm Stunner (Right Palm)| | 2 x MK2 Jack Knife (Hip) | Full Songsteel Quarterstaff (Back) | Barrata-SSG (Back) | Vibro Knife (Belt)

7/12 Independent ARD-X-1's armed similarly only with standard durasteel armor.
Lurking in Reserve: 2 x BAD-BRD's in case they spot Braith.
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The Defense of the Avatar

Location: Tython system, aboard the Avatar of War
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt
Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Varik Awaud Varik Awaud | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen

  • Kralmus orders all of the bulkhead doors on the breached decks sealed to slow the Enclave down
    • Except for the ones leading to airlocks, which he opens to suck out as many Mandos as possible
      • Taking many Mawites with it, which he considers a worthwhile sacrifice
  • He gathers up a force of Kitiakira Warbands from the Crimson Hands tribe
    • He heads for the hangars to meet the Enclave there


Well, the Enclave forces seemed to have mostly slipped through the point defense grid. Their pods were heavily armored, and the Brotherhood starfighters had largely been needed elsewhere - against one of the many other threats coming after the superweapon - so Kralmus was not too surprised when he counted only a few kills on the sensor readouts. Not a great help to the Maw, but it was pretty funny to think of dozens of highly-trained Mandalorian warriors screaming about honor being vaporized while seated in a metal pod instead of the glorious battle death they'd no doubt hoped for. They'd better hope that dying on their asses didn't disqualify them from Mando heaven.

In any case, a few hundred Mandalorians had made it aboard, and were now loose on several decks.

A few hundred... against three hundred thousand crew and forty thousand troops.

If they planned to capture a weapon of this size, they were delusional. Surely no one was arrogant enough to believe they could actually take over a craft ten kilometers long in every dimension with a few hundred warriors; they'd never be able to crew it even if they could somehow kill everyone aboard with zero losses. Kralmus had a low opinion of the Enclave honor-botherers, but he didn't believe they were stupid. They must be planning to sabotage it somehow, to destroy a key system or three - the bridge, perhaps, or the central nervous system - in order to cripple it before it could fire. That wasn't totally impossible, though it'd certainly be an uphill battle for the boarding group.

The corridors of the Avatar of War were the only place in the Tython system where the Maw wasn't outnumbered.

"Let's welcome our guests," Kralmus transmitted, his singsong voice reaching the crews across the breached decks and beyond. "Seal every bulkhead door." That would slow them down, force them to cut through panel after panel after panel of the slithering biomass that made up the bizarre "ship". But wait... perhaps simple door controls could do even more than that. "Every door except the ones leading to airlocks on those decks," he amended. "Then vent the airlocks." Time to see how the Enclave commandos dealt with good ol' explosive decompression. Airlocks hissed open across the breached decks, and atmosphere rushed out into the void.

Carrying anyone in the way along with it. They could join the Mandos already dead out there.

The Enclave commandos were probably too spread out by now for this to catch all or even most of them, but any of the elite warriors the Maw could bleed away now meant fewer they'd have to deal with in hand-to-hand... and fewer chances for the enemy sabotage to succeed. Certainly it required sacrifices. All of the Mawite personnel on the decompressed sections of deck were also doomed. Kralmus watched impassively as hundreds of men - repair crews and gunners and marines - flew screaming out of the same airlocks, twisting madly in the cold depths of space in their last moments, their breath exploding from their lungs as the pressure equalized.

No matter. They had plenty more warriors. These ones just got to meet their gods early; they should thank him, really.

"They're headed for the hangars," Kralmus noted, watching the progress of the commandos he hadn't been able to sweep out with his little trick; life form scanners and internal cameras made tracking their movements easy. Perhaps they meant to try to capture a hangar or two and bring in reinforcements, or perhaps they meant to disable Mawite starfighters, or perhaps they just needed a rallying point. It didn't really matter at the moment. "We'll meet them there. Kitiakira, with me!" Gathering his troops, the cannibal headed for the hangars, aiming to cut the boarders off. Troops from all across the Avatar would be converging on these bold intruders from all sides...

... and he wanted to make sure he got his shot at them before everything went mad.

With him came several mighty Kitiakira Warbands of the Maw, experts in shipboard combat. Their lightning cannons were excellent at frying armored targets, especially in the tight confines of starship bulkheads, and their sinister chemical and radiation grenades were also deadly when enemies were packed together. If all that failed, they had savage close-combat weapons... and these Kitiakira were particularly adept with those. They were of the much-feared Crimson Hands tribe, survivalist savages descended from degenerated First Order stormtroopers. They were brutes after Kralmus's own heart, cannibals and torturers and prey-stalkers of the highest degree.

"Let me teach you what Mando tastes like," Kralmus offered them. They nodded in silence...

... but he could feel their eagerness for the enemy's flesh and blood.





Revenant Squadron
Galactic Alliance
New Imperial Order
The Enclave
Ashlan Crusade
Eternal Empire
Elysium Empire
Silver Jedi Concord
Brotherhood of the Maw

-Revenant reports in
- They are tasked to destroy
the Eradicator

Chaar's eleven pilots reported in as their starfighters wove between the marshalling Alliance vessels preparing to surge forward. “Cut the chatter!” Chaar barked at Revenants 9 and 11 without missing a beat as he studied the tactical holoscreen. Rookie pilots, didn’t they know the importance of staying focused? There were hundreds of allied and enemies ships of all shapes and sizes jousting above Tython for position as they exchanged weapons fire - camaraderie could wait for the cantina after the mission.

If the rookies survived that long.

Two Brotherhood targets quickly became focal points of the battle - the dreadnaught Fatalis and superweapon Avatar of War. A broadcast came over the allied channel advising that Mandalorian boarders were trying to seize to the Fatalis. Elysium warships closed distance with the Brotherhood Task Force defending the dreadnaught and began engaging its escorting Star Destroyers.

That left the Avatar of War.

The Tyrant-class Star Destroyers protecting the massive superweapon deployed their fighter screens as Silver Jedi forces moved to engage them. The two Pryde-class Battlecarriers floating near the Avatar of War activated their gravity well generators to pin the defending forces in place. Moments later orders came through from Alliance High Command - destroy the Eradicator to weaken the Brotherhood’s interdiction of Tython.

“New orders,” Chaar explained over the secure Revenant comm. “Set course to three-one-cresh. Brotherhood Star Destroyer, just under three klicks. Expect heavy resistance.” The Eradicator was a lynchpin of the Brotherhood’s strategy at Tython, and they would not let it go without a fight. The Umbaran set a target marker on the Star Destroyer and sent it to the battle computers of the other Revenant starfighters.

Chaar diverted power to his sublight engines and pushed his throttles forward, sending his B-wing hurtling toward the Eradicator. The squadron had knocked out a bigger ship over Coruscant when they had been much greener.

The mission would be over shortly.






Green light.

The Sith cultist smiled wide with an insidious grin spreading from ear to ear, zombified eyes snapped back and at the head of the bridge the cold glare of death faced his officers with renewed zealotry not felt since his ‘death’.

“Grand Overseer Sularen has given us the green light, the Avatar of War has initiated the trap. Begin the Thrawn Pincer. Take us out of Bogan’s orbit and bring us to their corner flank.. smash them between our lines.”

The Day of Victory was at hand.

A Galaxy Reborn.

“Sir they’re using gravity wells atop our own!”

The undead admiral laughed aloud,

“Young fools, have the Archfiend and Doombringer target their scarcely protected battle carriers. Split them in half.. ram them and charge the Orbital Autocannons to fire on those out of range.”

He spun around to look at the viewport, the enemy coming into view as they peaked around the edge of the dark moon.

“Deploy the fighters, our Eradicator Heavy Starfighters shall assist in hunting down their fighter craft. I want TIE/fd’s helping targeting their Fighter Wings, swarm them.”

Clasping his hands together the Sith admiral looked on toward the Fatalis.

“These idealistic heroes have sealed their own fates. Our pincer begins! Bring the Tyuk Dreadnought to aid the Fatalis, I want all other vessels to push them in. Like a wave against the rock they will be surrounded.”

He did not know yet it but those who gave him his first death lingered here on this field of battle.. they were bound to clash soon.


Eryk Thaxton




Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe | Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Kel Se'Taav Kel Se'Taav

Eryk would reveal himself from the shadows of the commission, somewhere behind the Chancellor and the delegation of leaders from almost every major faction across the galaxy. He eyed all of them briefly, before letting the light illuminate him. He had taken the courtesy of dressing to the occasion and wore a body-hugging navy blue tunic, trousers and boots, without any clear markings, which likely made clear his status. He wore his dark hair in the close-cropped buzzcut military style, and his rather nondescript betrayed no obvious emotion. In his hand he held a datapad, and stepped to the head of the table, just behind the Chancellor, stoic in a menacing sort of way, before pacing around the long table.

He waited patiently as the leaders took their seats, and chatted idly amongst themselves. He could tell that old rivalries still lingered, from less-than-casual glances, and the odd nature of the interactions between them. It was fascinating what the Tython Accords had done to cement the danger of the Maw. Only such as existential threat to the status quo could possibly tie all of these people, some of whom had been at war not too long ago, together in such a manner. Truly fascinating. What did not surprise him however was the absence of any delegate from the New Imperial Order. Taking into account the strained relationship they held with many of the members of the panel, it had likely been best that they did not attend, even in such a spirit of cooperation and goodwill.

Allowing everyone's conversations to come to a natural pause, he would begin his report. "As the Quartermaster has enlightened us, the presence of the superweapon, the Avatar of War. An immensely powerful weapon, with the capability of destroying whole worlds, not too much unlike the Death Stars of antiquity. The weakness in the battlestation has also been communicated to us. However, I would like to remind the representative from the Enclave that such a glaring weakness holds all the possibility of a trap, and I would implore them not be hasty." He enunciated every word in a matter-of-fact tone. It was known that Eryk was not one to mince words, and he had gotten straight to the point.

"Agents on the border have reported fleet and troop movements, which leaves the logical jump that the Avatar of War will be accompanied by a sizeable defence fleet of some sort. And there is the possibility that the Super Star Destroyer Fatalis, known to military intelligence as one of the most deadly ships in the enemy arsenal will be in attendance at the battle. The Maw will likely deploy their best at this battle. Numbers will not be an issue, as I am confident that the combined forces of the Tython Accords will outnumber the Brotherhood almost five to one. However, the Brotherhood have likely discerned that, and have tried to compensate for their number disadvantage with firepower, and adequate defences. I am of the opinion that the Dark Lord has an ace up his sleeve, and I advise caution on the part of you all." He'd mention, before falling silent as his report had ended. Eryk then assumed position behind Tithe, watching the proceedings with beady eyes, that attempted to read the expressions of all in attendance.

Xiphos winced, crying out in pain as Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha managed to get inside her head. Trouble was, there were so many bad memories to choose from. Her suicide attempt with an assault shuttle that had cost her her left eye and arm, for one.

Finding out her beloved Master was actually the Sithspawn known as The Amalgam, finding out her first lover ever had slain her parents when she was still a baby, finding out an evil copy of said lover was inhabiting and puppeting the body of said Master. Learning she had never been normal but altered as a baby by a heretic Sith before her parents were murdered. Finding out her current lover, The Battalion, had murdered her grandparents. (She had forgiven that as in her mind, the person who had originally done that was kinda dead/warped beyond almost all recognition). The Loss of Csilla. The Loss of Sarka. The horrors of Oyokai, where Tu'tegaccha had also been present. Her entire child hood alone on Nar Shaddaa, her crucible.

Tu'tegaccha looped all of that. Over and over. The insanity her life had become, and always had been.

Xiphos swooned from the pain. Lesser people would have broken from the trauma of all that crazy and irony being played back for them, being forced to relive it. But Xiphos had learned to accept pain and suffering. In many ways she was somewhat numb to all but the most severe parts. But it was the severe parts that did the most damage.

But her struggle to try and seize control of the weapon systems could simply go no further with the Squid-Man fething with her head, which felt like it was going to split open.

Cold resolve, a creeping ice over her spirit allowed her to hold him back from getting further, managing to hold his disgusting mind at bay but it wasn't fully forcing him back.

Darth Phyre sensed the Ebruchi breaching Xiphos's mind and was incensed. The filthy Maw Blasphemer dared lay a mental hand upon who she laid claim to? In her presence?!

Phyre gave a snarl of hatred, her poisonous, rotting presence in the Force, which had already tainted the entire hangar with her Dark Side Presence, poured out into the Void. Phyre regretted nothing. Questioned nothing about her choices. She was an unrepentant sadist like the Ebruchi. A Mass Murderer a thousand times over, dominating the minds of other Mass Murderers inhabiting her body.

"Get Xiphos to the Shadow Bride and to your own Boarding Shuttles. It's time." The red headed abomination commanded

Her flesh shuddered, the Dark Side metabolizing through her body, polluting every cell.

That mass of evil minds, lashed together with hatred and bloodlust and unholy magic lashed out at the mind of the Ebruchi, wielding the Dark Side like a deadly spear in an outright attempt to cripple the mind of the Fatalis Commander, allowing Xiphos enough chance to sever all mental contact with him and stand up dragging herself to her craft in her silver armor, the Brainwave Regulators in the helm bringing the pain in her skull back down to manageable levels. Phyre got on the ship right after Xiphos and a silent, sullen Maple did, Phyre still attacking The Ebruchi's mind, doing her absolute damnedest to keep him completely occupied, uttering unholy Sith Curses under her breath to try and latch on to his very life Force to prevent him from breaking the link to her while she tried to flood his mind with countless horrors.

The micro warship, based off the Fury Class Sith Interceptor, began take off procedures, piloted by Maple, covered in a red and black skintight living catsuit suit suppressing her Degenerative Schizophrenia.

Xiphos, in the meantime, was furious at having been momentarily thwarted. She hoped Phyre utterly ravaged the Squid's Brain and turned it into his own personal hell. As Phyre attacked his mind, Xiphos reached out with her technopathy to her own Droid Starfighter children.

Continue harrassment of the Fatalis Escort.

In the meantime, Hadrian, as his fleet withered the storm of cannon fire, got closer and closer to the Fatalis. There was no attempt to deviate from course as the wrath of the combined fire of the Ebruchi's fleet continued to bare down.

A Frigate lost power to its engines and was damaged, clipping a Rhand Cruiser and shearing a leg off on impact, causing massive damage on multiple decks.

A House Io Destroyer took Multiple hits, its targeting Jammers working overtime Visible dents and craters across it's surface were visible now.

The B-Wings streaked toward the Fatalis, as well as all the Vulture Droids from the Grievous Class Destroyers, closing in on the Fatalis. House Io had made a dangerous gambit and it had worked: With all the Fatalis escorts shooting at Battle Group A, they were completely open to attacks from Aculia Voland Aculia Voland 's fleet and that of Keatoch Keatoch . The B-Wings were immediately under fire, quite a few destroyed on the first Salvo, but others were still getting through.

They began targeting the largest guns they could find on the Fatalis. Clusters of Proton Torpedoes were unleashed in swarms upon the hull defenses, even as more got shot down. As many as five B-Wings at once would unleash their Torpedoes on a single heavy gun in coordinated alpha strikes, even ignoring the anti starfighter defenses. Though some pilots were Organic. Many more were House Io Mercenary B1 units, born ready to die, like Blade, and had been told beforehand they were going to their potential deaths. More power to them if they survived, but Destruction of the Super Weapon or anything defending it took top priority.

(Cutaway of Blade kicking the needle into Deacon Frost's face)

Throughout the whole of it, Hadrian kept ordering slight adjustments in the Leviathan of Danuta's approach vector, tipping the Nose of the Battle Cruiser upward ever so much by one or two centimeters at a time, all without altering his beeline for the Fatalis.

...and that was when it became clear he had no intention of altering his course...

The Leviathan of Danuta's Commander, while not crazy enough to full on ram the Fatalis, was nonetheless crazy enough to risk a partial collision while firing as many energy Torpedoes as it could.

It's Solar Ionization Cannons, as well as those aboard the still functional but damaged Star Destroyers and Battle Cruisers, began opening up with fire from their Solar Ionization Cannons at the Fatalis Escort Destroyers, right as the fire from others began to hit the Fatalis Escorts also.

The Nuetralizer TIE's, much smaller than a normal TIE, holding the Brains used in Laertia's infantry, swarmed over enemy destroyers in vicious high speed hit and run tactics on the main guns of the Star Destroyers, only targeting the point defenses if they obstructed the best path to the main weapons. Dozens were blown to scrap but they kept hammering every Turbolaser they could, reacting like flocks of birds, dispersing, converging on singular guns, five or ten at a time if necessary, but the fact they were smaller than normal made them an absolute nightmare to try and hit for the anti starfighter defenses, though it happened all the same.

The Leviathan of Danuta unleashed swarms of Ion Pulse missiles from it's side mounted arrays upon the Star Destroyer Escorts, as it maintained it's present course and speed, even as they were now bombarded right back. The Rhand Class Cruisers, due to their unusual design, had Energy Torpedo Arrays mounted on the back of the craft in large numbers, allowing them to fire behind them at the craft. Battle Group B started to do this more than Battle Group A, as Battle Group B had not soaked up nearly as much fire as Battle Group A had. One House Io Destroyer in Battle Group A lost most of its weapons and engine power, transmissions indicated that, per House Io Doctrine, all non essential Organic and Droid personnel were to abandon ship. The Grievous Class Destroyers had taken significant frontal damage, one ship now completely on fire in some sections was giving similar orders for all non essential personnel to abandon ship. The chances they wouldn't be massacred in their escape pods was incredibly slim. But everyone on those ships knew just how insanely high the stakes were. They had accepted the risks, and were as dedicated as any professional army in another faction.

"General Hadrian, we are now eight thousand meters from the Fatalis and closing." The Tactical A.I. announced.

"Maintain Present course. All hands, brace for impact. Vent Atmosphere on my mark..." The Golden Prototype ordered. "Send all the Ramships forward now. All of them. Have them vent their payloads then try to ram the Megacaliber and Orbital Auto Cannon weapons."

"By your command." The A.I. acknowledged.

The Ram ships, 7 left at this point, all diverted course at the last instant from hitting the Fatalis in a variant of the Loran Spitball venting their payloads of Advanced Spread Proton Bombs into it at point blank range (Though Hadrian refused to remote detonate them just yet.) before going for the guns they had been programmed to go after, even as Energy Torpedoes rained on the Fatalis constantly. Hadrian cackled like a psychopath, knowing the ship had diverted most power away from it's weapons to survive the withering amount of fire being directed at it, an was now focused on Starfighter Suppression.

"We are now five thousand meters from the Fatalis."

Hadrian looked at his Organic crew, all wearing oxygen masks.

"Who dares, wins." Hadrian said in his scary James Spader voice. "Tactical, vent atmosphere at three thousand meters to Fatalis along with every remaining vessel in Battle Group A. Send all Rhand Class Cruisers in Battle Group A to launch their Seismic Charges and then make contact with the Fatalis hull. Signal the Leviathan of Sev Tok for Lancing Manuever."

"At once, General."

At three thousand meters, when the Leviathan of Danuta vented it's atmosphere through clever use of emergency purging systems, the sudden venting of so much gas at such high pressure tipped it upward slightly. Just enough to send it above the hull of the Fatalis, though the risk of scraping the Fatalis was incredibly high. That said, a scraping was the lesser of two insanities, and the still functional Rhand Class Cruisers, albeit some being heavily damaged, slowed their speed and split off from the Leviathan of Danuta, heading for the "wings" of the Fatalis, the House Io and Grievous Destroyers that had come through the horrid barrage sticking close to the Leviathan itself, venting their atmosphere to give them just enough of a minor push to get them above the Fatalis hull at the last possible seconds.

That was when the House Destroyers started using their Ion Bomb Launchers, just as the Leviathan of Danuta launched all it's mines as it started to pass over the hull of the Fatalis. The sensors picked up the ships of Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick and immediately sent out warnings to Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus and anyone else directly attacking the Fatalis. But this possibility had also been brought up in the planning out of action on Tython. With the Maw, there was always some sort of Naval treachery afoot and you had to be equally ruthless, never giving them a chance to breath.

Battle Group B began to split off from attacking the Fatalis, heading directly towards the Super Star Destroyer headed by Garrick...

In all that chaos, the Danuta Leviathan, in the process of passing over the Fatalis, launched The Shadow Bride, which contained Xiphos and company, along with several boarding shuttles towards the Avatar of War, immediately coming under heavy fire. One boarding shuttle was destroyed, then two by anti starfighter defenses, but the rest made it through, Xiphos managing to disrupt a hangar Force Field long enough to land with three other shuttles, while the rest were forced to find another Hangar. Xiphos immediately brute forced a hangar bay Electronics system, opening up blast doors, even as a small army of Maw arrived to greet them.

Xiphos teleported out of her ship, Darth Phyre phasing through it, and the butchery began. Phyre and Xiphos fought like if was the most natural thing in the world to do so...

Either way, Xiphos was now aboard the Avatar...with nukes.


As the grounded Star Destroyer on Tython launched concussion missiles at the Rhand Cruiser it retaliated by firing a barrage of energy Torpedoes and it's electromagnetic guns back at it.

It was in that exchange that Ted's team had been launched, but the Force Storms were already so terrible they brought his shuttles down.

He had lain unconscious for a few minutes. Already half his crew was dead. A bolt of the Darkness to his mind awoke him to the grinning face of the Conjoined, The Collage, and half a dozen model 1's and organic citizens.

"Come now, Teddy old boy." The Conjoined purred in a seductive way that made Ted tense up at its sheer wrongness in this context.

"Murder awaits..."
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Objective I: Defending

Post: 03
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Loreena Arenais-Valhoun | Open to engagement​

Cursing in four languages and accompanying Rex Valhoun in a genocide peaceful mission.
Beskar'gam armor
ERS (Emergency Revival System) (Under the armor)
Scout Jetpack
02 Blaster Pistols (Westar-34)
Blaster Rifle (On back)
01 Vibro-dagger
Vambraces (Combat - Worn)
Vambraces (Medical - On belt, will put on if needed)

Rations (For prolonged scouting)
Red Drops vial
01 Vital Suppressor
01 Energy Bola
Grenades (2 of each):

Only a few enemies approach their camp. Of course by 'a few' it is relatively speaking to the war going everywhere else, but Zet Reav and the Elysium forces are holding their own. It is not very pleasing to be on the thin side of the battlefield with no chances at glory, but perhaps things will change.
"I'm going to go ahead of the main group...and I'm going to negotiate with the natives.

He what now.

Zet is... a strong-minded individual. Willpower and geniality given form, he would go as far as describe himself. Very humbling yes, but, it is what it is. Born in an Arkanian vessel with exhiled scientists, adopted by Mandalorian raiders after they raided said vessel, living and training as a Mandalorian, going to several battles and then one big war which killed his entire clan, and thus Zet became a mercenary. Out of necessity and survival he has grown to be ready to kill a world to save himself and the few allies he actually trusts. Not all lives are worth the same, after all.

But listening to King Rex, current holder of his contract, saying he will attempt peaceful negotiations makes Zet suddenly stop and worry if the comm link in his helmet is defective.

It's up to you if you wish to come with me...I don't know what to expect yet... Hold here until further orders are given. I am going into the camp alone. Be ready for anything....keep your men ready too."

"If you die I don't get paid. I'm on my way." He grunts, taking one last look around almost as if wishing a mad Sith lord would jump out of nowhere to hit him with a deadly red glowing stick to give him something better to fight against. But, no Sith nearby, there's a momentary peace in the area as the Elysium soldiers cover the grounds. Cursing in every language he knows Zet dashes towards the King. "Just a reminder, the last time you went to create peace with the natives, you had me kill them. If you want me to do the same here I will need a lot of bigger guns with me."

It is not the 'kill everything' part that bothers Zet. Honestly he doesn't care about Tython or those living on it and he certainly will not mind contributing more to the battle. It is the attempt at peace followed by combat. If one goes to make peace they are not fully geared to get the job done when said negotiations fail. For example marching with a big, nice army to crush all the Flesh Raiders and creating a stronghold there to control all of the south area of this region. That would be a great idea.

Maybe even leave a giant flag, in case the planet survives, so the natives never forget this day?

Objective: Continue to Broadcast lies and misinformation between the combatants. | Establish a sensor net.
Status: Battlefield Neutral Net Activation Stable
Allies: Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | The Mongrel The Mongrel | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Shai Maji Shai Maji | Erion Justeene Erion Justeene | Darth Saevius Darth Saevius
Enemies: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Rose Dorce | Hall Mannarra Hall Mannarra | Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Aerys Myrrine | Ollis Barran Ollis Barran | Jas Katis Jas Katis | Julian Qar Julian Qar | Annor E-059 | Saul Vandron Saul Vandron | Asmus Omaand Asmus Omaand | Alessandra Io Alessandra Io | Kal Kal | Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor | Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Madison Starr
Mentions: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Rurik Fel | Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe
Directly Engaging: (OPEN)
Tag me if a relay tower is destroyed, assume hits on cultists and towers as you like. Except for the main Omega site.

War Posting Update
1) Makeshift sensor net established across the combat zone. reports fed to Sith troopers of enemy movements and locations for artillery strikes or ambushes.
2) Falsified reports of betrayal continue to be sent to differing defending factions where possible. Faction leaders and local commanders' images/voices are used to better mimic communications. To cause diplomatic incidents and fallout. Falisifed Holonet records are updated by tactical droids.
3) Where records can be located of commanders or names these are used. Sent to ships in low orbit, ground forces, and anyone the AI can penetrate. Sent to soldiers and crew as a preference, as opposed to commanders and leaders to cause confusion and discord.

Ever Directive Deployment Status:
Directive 18 Moving to Stage Two
Establishing Sensor Net

So far Scylla's activities had been relatively unblocked, having met no coordinated effort to hinder its directives or takedown its relays. One relay had been spotted by mere chance. Allowing the AI to continue broadcasting its poison to the troops, crew, and officers in the field or those in low orbit it could reach. Continuing to falsify holoreports or communications of well-known faction leaders, battle reports of betrayal, and attempt intercommunications between the many and varied defending factions on the planet's surface. This was a rife ground for a wrong shot going the wrong way, chaos on the lines with friendly fire as so many engagements were taking place. It continued to assist these mishaps which happened in war, wherever it could facilitate confusion or chaos. Especially focusing on individual troops or crew, to try and bypass their commanders who might know better. Slowly it left these tasks to its three T-Series Tactical Droids.

Initializing Directive 18 Stage Two. Establish a sensor net of enemy movements.

Main Scylla Location: North of Akar Kesh
Varian Cavern.

Varian Cavern now powered up, it's signature becoming more readable for those paying attention. Within a carved-out stone cavern, supported with strong metal framing and surrounded by three OS Fixed Position Shields. Many droids were on a protection detail, near two hundred of them, old CIS models mostly but a few larger surprises. At the center, from a large computer matrix, the AI continued its overwatch on the conflict, every second it was allowed to receive data, analyze and grow from the various locations it had linked itself, it became more dangerous.

The next stage of the plan was use of a makeshift sensor net. Nothing fancy, simple handheld sensors from sithwatch members, the benefit was how widespread the cultist infestation was, hidden away in their caves, their basements, or thick undergrowth across the combat zone. From all these locations a somewhat accurate picture could be formed and offered to Sith troops, of who was moving where, or where to drop orbital fire and artillery. When they might be attacked and when to ambush.

Intelligence. The critical side of war was often missed. It could be the difference between a victory and defeat. Scylla almost had free reign, and as it grew more informed, it was only going to get worse for those within its focus. Emboldening its potential actions to come #One Sith Directives. It was studying and growing from its humble roots on Coruscant fighting Rogue squadron.

Ten Sithwatch still operated at each relay, meaning thirty at each location. Apart from relay Omega, known as the ending, or last of a series.

Operational Relays:
x3 Relay Towers Alpha, Seeing Stone, Status: Online
x3 Relay Towers Beta, Masters Rest, Status: Online
x2/3 Relay Towers Gamma, Journeys End, Status: Online
x3 Relay Towers Delta, Flooded Plains, Status: Online
x3 Relay Towers Epsilon, Flesh Raider Grounds, Status: Online

Main Site of the Scylla AI: x3 Relay Towers Omega, Akar Kesh, Status: Online

NPCs and Equipment:
Relay Defenders. 10 with each relay, 30 at each site.
165/180 x One Sith Sithwatch Cultists
17/18 x Relay Towers
17/18 x Master Relay Terminals
17/18 x Directional Transceivers
17/18 x OS Fixed Position Shields

Assume hits on the towers and cultists as you like, they are there for your RP.

Main Scylla Omega Hub Additional Defenders
3x T-Series Tactical Droid
100 x B1 Series Battle Droids
50 x B2 Super Battle Droids
10 x Scorpenek Droid
5 x Droideka Sharpshooter
5 x Drodieka Oppressors
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ALLIES: BOTM | NSO | Whoever else - I ain't tagging y'all
ENEMIES: GA | NJO | NIO | AC | Enclave | EE | The whole shebang
ENGAGING: Simon Meinrad Simon Meinrad
GEAR: In bio





"I know, Graves. Hang back, darling. It's not Jedi." Danika answered the Hellion commander. They were approaching the Temple complex. She had felt the presence for some time now - much more balanced than the fools she had faced up until now, which meant the challenge she had been waiting for for years.

The Prefect hesitated before signaling for his men to drop back and follow the Lady of Bone and the Falleen General. After all the years serving Danika, Nathan Graves had learned that the Lady could handle herself just fine. He wasn't always happy to relent to reserve force, however. He didn't yet have Samron's balls in challenging her orders.

"Then what the hell is it, Mistress?" Samron asked as if he could read Graves' mind.
"It stinks of balance and order. My guess? It's Imperial. But I'm not sure." she answered as they trekked the last few yards before the temple would come into view.
"Let me guess - you want to tackle them alone." It was half a question, half a statement.
"Oh yes, because it worked so well for you the last time you dealt with an unpredictable Force user." Danika quipped.
"You can't put me in a glass case forever, Danika." he grumbled at her.
"Where unknown fools are concerned, I can. I'm not subjecting you and your mind to another feral attack, I'm sorry darling." Danika was incapable of fear - until Samron nearly got killed by a Jedi with mind tricks.

It had been the straw that had broken the camel's back.

Rounding the last bend in the valley, the Temple and it's steps came into view. And upon it, a beacon or argent - a sentinel guarding the doors and barring her way.
"Samron, be a dear and find another way into the temple. Check the underground as well." Danika said as she came to a stop just beyond the bend of the hill.
"Let me stay at your side." he said.
"Find a way in - it's more important to me than the fool on the steps, General. The Sith'ari has tipped the balance enough that even you can call upon the spirits of the dead yourself now. Call upon the Lady of Night. She'll show you the way on my behalf. Just leave me three Hellions in concealment. Now go." Teal eyes turned on her friend, emphasisng the mission she was tasking him with.
With a slight bow and a heavy sigh, the great Falleen then took all but 3 Hellions on a detour toward the Temple of Knowledge.

With the three remaining in concealment within the hills around the Temple, the Herald of Death glided forward to the foot of the steps, the unnatural breeze whipping ever stronger around her form with the altering of the balance of the planet. The veil between the living and the dead was thinner than ever, strengthening her own prowess in the process.

Otherworldly eyes burned up at the Templar at the top of the steps.
"Come then, darling. At least you are not a zealot on either side of the spectrum. So let's see what kind of warrior you are." she smirked before the amethyst blade ignited and readied.

A Clash of Wills written in the cards.



Location: Journey’s End, Rowan Grove Plateau
Allies: BOTM, Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
Enemies: NIO, NJO, Enclave
Objective: Join the battle, prove himself

• Ronar’s Men join the forces in the east
• Ronar meets the Bloodhound

~Journey's End, Some Minutes Ago~

"Pilot!" Ronar yelled to the Mawite specialist guiding the massive transport, "Land in the assembly area! East floodbank!" The pilot nodded an affirmative and angled the ship towards a large contingent of warriors massing to the east of the main Brotherhood line. Ronar was purposefully avoiding the main line of battle; his troops, while courageous and zealous, were not equipped to deal with the fighting on that front. Instead, he intended for him and his men to fight as he had learned since he was a boy: as a raider, lightly armed and equipped, attacking savagely then melting into the landscape. He hoped that making a good showing of himself in such maneuvers would earn him a greater position. As the transport started to descend, the lasers and explosions of AA fire screaming above it, Ronar moved to the back to speak with his men.

"Warriors, we are about to touch down!" he declared to the thirty odd armored warriors occupying the troop compartment, "Remember your mission! Fight, kill, and die! Die for me! Die for the Maw! Die for glorious victory!" The warriors raised a mighty cheer and, as the doors opened, they piled out of the transport and made their way towards the main body of troops. On their arms, they wore ribbons of violet, the colors of his fallen tribe's banner. Ronar wanted to ensure that the deeds of those who fought for him would be remembered, for good or ill. The bone-armored warrior himself held back, surveying the battlefield with a practiced eye. He spotted a warrior checking ammunition stocks, and walked up to him.

"Who leads these forces?" he asked.

“Rook and Dreamer,” the man replied, “At the behest of the Bloodhound." Ronar's eyes narrowed. The Bloodhound…he had heard that name before. The warriors in the camp had spoken of him. He knew few details, slim as the grapevine was, but he knew enough to know that it was not a name spoken lightly. And yet it was a name that…for some reason…intrigued him.

"And where is this…Bloodhound?" he asked. The man shrugged.

"Who knows?" he replied, "But the rumors are that most of the big commanders are gathering at the Rowan Grove Plateau. They say there's something big going down." Ronar's heart skipped a beat. All the warchiefs gathering in one place? It was the perfect opportunity. Though the idea of bending the knee to anyone made him feel ill, the only way to advance in his current situation was in the service of another. Among his tribe, lesser-born warriors had often pledged their service as champions to powerful warchiefs, using the weight of the warchief's name to grow their own power. A warrior like the Bloodhound, with status and position, could protect him, provide him with resources, and open doors that once were closed.

"Carry a message for me," he said, "Tell Rook and Dreamer that Ronar's Men come to join them, bearing bands of violet." The man nodded, and departed for the front. Meanwhile, Ronar climbed back aboard the transport.

"Take me to the Rowan Grove Plateau."

~The Rowan Grove Plateau, Present~

"Captain, we're coming up on the landing site!" called the pilot from the command cabin. Ronar stood on the edge of the troop compartment. This was it. He had to make a good first impression if he was going to pull this off, and he had to be prepared for anything. If the Bloodhound was anything like the warchiefs of his tribe, he would not accept Ronar's service on blind faith. He would expect proof of his prowess.

A smile crossed Ronar's face as he pictured the havoc he could wreck in the Bloodhound's service. The transport finally touched down, and the bone-armored warrior leaped free. For a planet engulfed in war, this location was remarkably peaceful. The grass was wet beneath his feet, and the tall rowan trees seemed in great contrast to the clouds and lightning of the sky above. In the distance, he could see two armored figures. Not knowing which one was the Bloodhound, he decided he would simply show confidence, and let the chips fall as they may.

Rule number four, said his father's voice, Fear is palpable; you can smell it in the air. If you wish to be the alpha, not only your words, but your entire bearing, must show that nothing makes you waver.

Face emotionless, steps like a stalking panther, Ronar approached the figures. He figured their was no need to announce his arrival; the loud engines of the transport had done that just fine. So, he said nothing, letting his attitude and accouterments speak for themselves. When he reached the pair, he gritted his teeth and drew Bloodreaver. Then he knelt, plunging the blade into the ground.

"I am Ronar, son of Thornar," he said, "I come to serve the Bloodhound."
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Mylo Thorne




POST: #2

"Revenant Six, standing by."

Mylo called in through his comm unit as he formed up with the rest of the squadron. It was awe-inspiring how much the Tython Accords had united the great powers of the Galaxy against a common enemy. Just with a glance he could indentify cruisers, destroyers, missile boats and frigates from half a dozen Navies. He weaved through the various ships the GA fleet, moving to the forefront with the squadron where the battle raged on. A flurry of laser bolts greeted him as volley after volley from countless vessels lit up the pitch void. Then he saw it. Not even that far away, he peered out of his front viewport, mouth agape, as his stomach churned. The claw-like, grotesque behemoth made the various starfighters and even ships of cruiser-class seem like insects in comparison to what was being called the Avatar of War. "Sithspawn.. what the hell is that thing." He muttered to himself, just as the orders to cut the chatter reprimanded Artemis and Zev. The presence of a superweapon told him all he needed to know about how much the Maw needed this victory.

It was guarded by the bane of Alliance forces. The Super Star Destroyer Fatalis. A dreadnought worthy of it's title as one of the more dangerous ships of the enemy fleet. Stacked and armed to the teeth with turbolasers, autocannons, point defense and MegaCaliber Six guns, it was a force to be reckoned with. Other ships of various class also populated the battle, the Tyrant-classes being engaged by the unrelenting forces of the Silver Jedi, and the courageous charge of House Io, at least showing that the forces of the Tython Accords weren't at all ready to give up. The sphere-like gravity well generators of the Pryde-classes were going to prove difficult to counter, and Mylo wasn't sure what chance they had if they couldn't jump to hyperspace.

The order came in rapidly, and a projected image of the wedge-shape battlecarriers materialised on his terminal, and he nodded. It made sense. If they were going to have a shot at this, they needed to take out at least one of those ships. It was time for business. He flicked a switch above his head which set his strike-foils to assault mode, and he kicked in the throttling, zooming straight towards their target, the Eradicator.

“New orders,” Chaar explained over the secure Revenant comm. “Set course to three-one-cresh. Brotherhood Star Destroyer, just under three klicks. Expect heavy resistance.” The Eradicator was a lynchpin of the Brotherhood’s strategy at Tython, and they would not let it go without a fight. The Umbaran set a target marker on the Star Destroyer and sent it to the battle computers of the other Revenant starfighters.

And heavy resistance they did meet. A swarm of fighters headed straight for them, an unrelenting defensive screen. Twin-ion-engine triangular winged Interceptors, fighters, bombers and a new-class of fighters he had not seen before. They were wedge-shaped also, like mini star destroyers, in a large school, ready to blow every one of them to bits. He opened up the secure channel Tac-Three, which he could use communicate with the squadron. "Fighters coming in! Two hundred and forty degrees!" He mentioned to the rest of the squadron, though their visual scanning probably worked well enough that they could discern what was going on. Mylo set his shields to double front and moved in head on the units, passing out in front of them as heavy fire lit up his forward shields. "Aghh." He exclaimed as the fire impaired his vision and he broke off hard to get clearer sight.

A few Brotherhood starfighters had decided to take chase and he throttled up, going into a spiral manuever, as allied starfighters came in to do some damage. He kept the same heading, corkscrewing out and making a sharp arc turn as green laserfire peppered where he had just been. Quickly glancing back, his sensors picked up a TIE Advanced - or "bright" in pilot slang, coming in from a pure pursuit position, a few klicks away. This meant it was likely trying to get a missile lock which worried him. The elite pilots of these starfighters struck fear into the hearts of GA pilots, their exploits legendary amongst even arguably equally elite units like Revenant Squadron.

Mylo made a quick tight snaproll, kicking his fighter up on its vertical axis, before half rolling once more into a half-loop and levelling out to bring some distance between him and his elite opponent. They seemed to have caught on to what he was trying to do and kept the chase. He broke hard, just as his attacker dived into another bloodthirsty lag pursuit. Mylo was going to use it's overwhelming speed and manoeuvrability against it. He throttled down just a tad to 60 percent, pulling back hard on the stick to let his attacker overshoot. The bright did overshoot, but not as much as he would have wanted. This fighter was good. Arrogant too. But not stupid. Decelerating too, the bright reversed hard, and he tried the same, but still ended up in front. The scissors tactic was well-known to most fighter pilots, and involved the two opposing fighters switching rapidly from the attacking and defending rolls while trying to make the other overshoot.

Now he was the defender again. He couldn't let himself underestimate this fighter, so he needed to think of something novel. The young pilot stepped on the rudder pedal, and made a random slip out to port to ruin the aim of his enemy who'd achieved a dangerous position. Mylo moved up a slider on his right increasing his interial compensators up about point five. This would create a pocket of neutral gravity, that meant he wouldn't be affected by the difficult turns that would make him black out without the compensator. Executing this move quickly, he held his stick to starboard, going into a perpetual roll, but keeping control enough so that he wouldn't go into immediate spin out and so his enemy could not get a lock.

This gave him some amnesty for a bit to think of something, but he needed to do it quickly. Concern and worry etched onto his face, he racked his brain for a solution. Then he had it. Just as he had predicted, the attacker pulled up and rolled to try and throttle-hop him. He broke hard, which predictably would let his attacker pull down and nab him. But he had an ace up his sleeve. Just before the manuever went through, he banked quickly, letting himself take a hit or two, before pushing the throttle up close to 80 percent and pulling up hard as he climbed above his opponent who had now become the defender. Pitching up even higher, he made a small soft turn round, before throttling down and pulling behind the bright.

"You're history." He muttered, grimacing and hitting the trigger and sending out a flurry of red laser fire, just as the fighter broke out. The two triangle solar panels broke off and the centre ball cockpit blew up in a fiery inferno. "Scratch one bright!" He called into the squadron frequency, taking a deep exhale of relief that was cut short by the presence of one of those smaller
fighters he had seen before.


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Her power over the Rot had grown. Mutated. If it had already evolved so in this span of time, Amani was not eager to see how much further the Sith could take it. Surea was certainly stubborn, if nothing else. Whether it was truly to the woman's benefit or detriment remained to be seen, but she sure wasn't going to make it easy.

"I tried to give you a chance."

As soon as the pistol clicked empty, Amani discarded it and sprang forwards, staff raised overhead.

On the descent, the long end ignited with a blade of white: a lightsaber pike. She cleaved downwards, hoping to catch Surea before she could recover from her own landing. There was no hesitance now, Amani was going for the kill shot. If only her death would stop the spread, then so be it.

In memory of our late CEO
SHIP CAPTAIN: ROGER POWELL (Ethereal), ZEV TANTOR (Silver City), GYM HALPERN (Celestial City)

EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 3 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 4 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 5 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  5. Angel 6 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  6. Angel 7 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  7. Angel 8 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  8. Angel 9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  9. Angel 10 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  10. Angel 11 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 12 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 13 NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 15 NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 16 NC-1000 X-Wing
  6. Angel 17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  7. Angel 18 NC-1000 X-Wing
  8. Angel 19 Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 20 Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 21 Ashera Class Fighter
  11. Angel 22 Ashera Class Fighter
  12. Angel 23 Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 25 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Angel 26 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  4. Angel 27 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  5. Angel 28 Azazael class Stealth fighter


  1. Angel 29 Starfury class Starfighter
  2. Angel 30 Starfury class Starfighter
  3. Angel 31 Starfury class Starfighter

BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 33 Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 34 Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 35 Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 36 Demon Class Bomber
  6. Angel 37 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 38 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  8. Angel 39 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  9. Angel 40 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  10. Angel 41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 42 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 43 Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 44 Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 45 Cherub Gunship
  5. Angel 46 Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 47 Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 48 Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 49 Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 50 Cherub Transport
  10. Angel 51 Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 3 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 4 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 5 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  5. Voodoo 6 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  6. Voodoo 7 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  7. Voodoo 8 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  8. Voodoo 9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 10 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 11 NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 12 NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 13 NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 15 NC-1000 X-Wing
  7. Voodoo 16 Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Voodoo 17 Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Voodoo 18 Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Voodoo 19 Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Voodoo 20 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Voodoo 21 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 22 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  4. Voodoo 23 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  5. Voodoo 24 Azazael class Stealth fighter

BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 26 Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 27 Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 28 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 29 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter


  1. Voodoo 30 Starfury class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 31 Starfury class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 32 Starfury class Starfighter

  1. Angel 30 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 31 Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 32 Cherub Transport
  4. Angel 33 Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 34 Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II

CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.
  1. SCAR 4 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 5 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 6 Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. SCAR 7 Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. SCAR 8 Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. SCAR 9 Jackal Class Starfighter
  7. SCAR 10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  8. SCAR 12 Jackal Class Starfighter
  9. SCAR 13 Jackal Class Starfighter
  10. SCAR 14 Jackal Class Starfighter
  11. SCAR 15 Jackal Class Starfighter
  12. SCAR 16 Jackal Class Starfighter
  13. SCAR 17 Jackal Class Starfighter
  14. SCAR 18 Jackal Class Starfighter
  15. SCAR 19 Jackal Class Starfighter
  16. SCAR 20 Jackal Class Starfighter
  17. SCAR 21 Jackal Class Starfighter
  18. SCAR 22 Jackal Class Starfighter
  19. SCAR 23 Jackal Class Starfighter
  20. SCAR 24 Jackal Class Starfighter
  21. SCAR 25 Jackal Class Starfighter
  22. SCAR 26 Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Ares 1 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 2 Cherub Transport
  3. Ares 3 Cherub Transport

Tags [Enclave] | Balt Vizsla | Romul Saxon | Vemric Keldra | Verin Oldo


In a brilliant flash of powerful and destructive light, the Avatar of War fleet’s weaponry tore through the night sky. If that was not enough the numerically superior fighter squadrons were ripping around intent on defending their forward operating bases. This was a sight to behold if you were with the Brotherhood of the Maw, and frankly, it was if you had eyes. They were deadly efficient and destructively powerful. Just ask the crew of the Avalon Class Destroyer “Oceanic” as the vessel moved to engage a Star Destroyer, the combined might of several Maw warships slammed into and through the shield tearing the hull on multiple decks. She is in a bad way and is currently in need of serious repair.

Admiral Angellus was in his Command room, which was a simulator that was in direct contact and gave him a view of all of the bridges under his battlegroup. This way he could speak to the Captains directly while not interfering with how they command their ships. (Note-any color changes in conversation not by Angellus denote the Captains of those ships)

Move “The Divinity” in to assist “The Oceanic”, engage that Star Destroyer directly, and take the heat off.

Aye, Admiral.

Admiral, I will move “The Revelry” in to assist as well. They won’t take “The Oceanic” without getting through us first.

I like how you think Captain, but don’t be heroes.

Admiral, sir. If I may be so bold, we are in a bad way here. If our repairs are unsuccessful, I will order the evacuation and stay behind to commit to a tactical ram.

Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Zev, Gym, I want Starfurys covering them.


Aye. Moving as well to set up the long guns for better shots.

As the bridges of both “The Celestial City” and ” The Silver City” began going to work, tactical departments running he could see the bridge of “The Ethereal” get rocked. Fires were visible both on the bridge and on the decks that could be seen from the viewport. As he became concerned, there were more issues, more Maw ships were dropping out of hyperspace according to the sensor readouts he had access to as well as comm chatter of “Gravity Wells” up and running.

” Gravity Wells means some kind of trap they’re setting. Not stupid.” he thought to himself. The Admiral was not sure exactly what kind of trap was being sprung just yet, but he himself entered the command codes to move and reset the defensive satellites into a more concentrated arrangement. Their positioning was still wide enough to cover multiple attack angles at once, but the firepower which was a result of the proximity increased.

Roger! Roger?! Flag to Ethereal, respond!

Sir, this is Commander Atton. Captain Powell was injured in the attack and is in sick bay. I am acting Captain.

Damage Report.

Sir, both catapults are down, our shield took several direct hits and our long guns have been disabled. Repair crews have been dispatched, and we can defend ourselves but we’re unable to commit to your artillery picket approach right now. Sorry, sir.

Don’t worry, Commander. Take primary control of the defense net until you’re back to one hundred percent. Gym, Zev, cover the Ethereal. Also, I'd like to know more about that power buildup I am picking up.

It took a moment or two, but the orders were clearly being given. Meanwhile “[Green]The Divinity” and the [Red]“The Revelry were moving into their positions, engaging an Avatar of War TSD directly. They both were taking direct hits but shields were holding. This did buy “[Royalblue]The Oceanicsome time for the moment. The Captain of the Revelry picked up something of concern.

Admiral, the dreadnought is to an intercept position of The Ragnarök Super Star Destroyer. We’re picking up tremendous power increases in a centralized area of that ship. That has to be some kind of superweapon, sir.

Level of certainty?

They’re going to destroy that ship, sir.

Good work, Get that ship fixed, and if you can, get in our defensive screen. We’re on it. Attention all fighter squadrons, this is Admiral Angellus. I want all X-wings and Asheras to engage Maw fighters, punch us a hole! I want heavies on that superweapon! Contact The Ragnarok directly and let them know we’re moving to fire on the superweapon to not engage us.


“They’d BETTER NOT hit us!”

“Cut the chatter!”

All Ashera fighters continue to engage as X-wings break off and run with the bombers. They have Gravity Wells out there. They shouldn’t!


“Let’s stomp a mud hole on those fuggers and walk it dry!”

“Last one to hit buys the first round!”

“You’re on!”

As the fighters began rerouting and engaging Maw Fighters directly, there was almost an even match, a fighter for a fighter with total numbers, but there were still issues. There was a fix to this though as the Stealth fighters engaged, as well as the Jackals of the SCAR teams. They had their own mission that they had to run as they were rerouted to stop engaging support ships, but the flanking TSD which was on the opposite end of the damaged ship. The stealths ran to cover as a large majority of the SCAR teams bailed into zero-G this time in order to internally attack the larger Star Destroyer. Yes, the Jackal fighters could be controlled remotely, but so many of them could not be used for remote-controlled combat operations, it was just unfeasible. The heavy attack fighters were running into opposition from Maw forces, this was addressed with the ArchAngel interceptors running high-speed cover. Engaging and assisting Silver and Coalition forces.

They were not in the best position for this as there was a serious lack of cohesion with all of the chaos across the skies above Tython. One thing was certain while there was the very real possibility that none of them might walk away from this fight, they were going to do some damage and may even take some of these Star Destroyers. with them.


A secure landing had been established and the Marines were moving still onto the Seeing Stone. Tank for the tank, enemy forces engaged the collective firepower of almost 19,000 marines, tanks, attack, and fighting vehicles were tough for any enemy forces to overcome though. They were not at their objective as the movement was indeed extremely slow, but this was the way that it had to be. They could drop closer, but this was not feasible because they would be exposed

]Spoiler=Summary of Actions]

  1. Ethereal (Catapult launchers damaged, forward long-range weapons disabled, shields at 75 percent)
  2. Silver City (No damage)
  3. Celestial City (No damage)
  4. Conservator class Heavy Cruiser “Divinity”(nominal damage Shields holding at 64 percent)
  5. "Avalon" Class destroyer “Oceanic” (critical damage Hull breaches on decks 4-7, Shields at 31 percent)
  6. Revelry Class Cruiser “Bartera” (moderate damage Shields holding at 88 percent)

  1. Carriers“Silver City”, and “Celestial City” are dug in returning fire Avatar of War fleet TSDs with long-range cannons focusing on flanks starting with damaged TSD
  2. Carrier “Ethereal” has not withdrawn but has “pulled back” into a more supportive position while tending to damages, committing primary responsibilities until repaired to the defensive net.
  3. Destroyer “Oceanic” is attempting repairs as the defensive fighter screen protects. If repairs are not successful, the crew will go to escape pods, and command staff will commit to tactical ramming of a target of opportunity.
  4. SCAR teams and fighters rerouted from support ships and now focusing on opposite flank Tyrant Star Destroyers (Jackal Squadrons 21-24 flying cover/attack in fighters, Jackal squadrons 4-20 bailing out to “Zero- 6 Breach” ships to shut down systems as well as destroy navigation and engines from inside)
  5. 10x Azazael Class Stealth fighter squadrons (Angel squadrons 24-28, and Voodoo squadrons 20-24) flying cover for SCAR jackals and zero-G teams
  6. X-wings (Angel Squadrons 12-18, and Voodoo squadrons 10-15) and bombers(Angel 32-36, and Voodoo 25-27 attacking gravity wells
  7. Heavy Assault fighter squadrons (Angel 37-41, and Voodoo 28-29) attempting to engage and destroy Superweapon
  8. Interceptors squadrons (Angel 2-10, and Voodoo 2-8) flying high-speed cover for the heavies
  9. Ashera class fighters utilize their long-range capabilities to operate at attack speed all across the “theater” engaging enemy fighters anywhere that might be lining up coalition forces for ambush or a shot.
  10. Defensive satellites and fighter screens up and operational
  11. Cruiser “DIvinity” engaged flanking ships and drawing fire away from destroyer “Oceanic”, Revelry doing the same.
  12. Marines still moving to the next sector on Tython. A secure landing zone has been established north of the “Master’s Retreat”. Moving towards “Seeing Stone”
In memory of our late CEO


SHIP CAPTAIN: ROGER POWELL (Ethereal), ZEV TANTOR (Silver City), GYM HALPERN (Celestial City)
EQUIPPED: 25x L4Vele Series Deployable Defense turrets. per ship

FIGHTER COMPLIMENT: 103rd Tactical Starfighter Wing "Angel of Death Squadron"
CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Angel 2 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Angel 3 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Angel 4 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Angel 5 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  5. Angel 6 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  6. Angel 7 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  7. Angel 8 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  8. Angel 9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  9. Angel 10 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  10. Angel 11 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Angel 12 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Angel 13 NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Angel 14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Angel 15 NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Angel 16 NC-1000 X-Wing
  6. Angel 17 NC-1000 X-Wing
  7. Angel 18 NC-1000 X-Wing
  8. Angel 19 Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Angel 20 Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Angel 21 Ashera Class Fighter
  11. Angel 22 Ashera Class Fighter
  12. Angel 23 Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Angel 24 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Angel 25 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Angel 26 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  4. Angel 27 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  5. Angel 28 Azazael class Stealth fighter


  1. Angel 29 Starfury class Starfighter
  2. Angel 30 Starfury class Starfighter
  3. Angel 31 Starfury class Starfighter

BOMBERS W ESCORT (10 Squadrons)
  1. Angel 32 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Angel 33 Demon Class Bomber
  3. Angel 34 Demon Class Bomber
  4. Angel 35 Demon Class Bomber
  5. Angel 36 Demon Class Bomber
  6. Angel 37 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  7. Angel 38 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  8. Angel 39 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  9. Angel 40 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  10. Angel 41 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter

  1. Angel 42 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 43 Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 44 Cherub Gunship
  4. Angel 45 Cherub Gunship
  5. Angel 46 Cherub Transport
  6. Angel 47 Cherub Transport
  7. Angel 48 Cherub Transport
  8. Angel 49 Cherub Transport
  9. Angel 50 Cherub Transport
  10. Angel 51 Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II


CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

  1. Voodoo 2 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  2. Voodoo 3 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  3. Voodoo 4 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  4. Voodoo 5 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  5. Voodoo 6 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  6. Voodoo 7 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  7. Voodoo 8 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor
  8. Voodoo 9 Archangel class Fighter/Interceptor

  1. Voodoo 10 NC-1000 X-Wing
  2. Voodoo 11 NC-1000 X-Wing
  3. Voodoo 12 NC-1000 X-Wing
  4. Voodoo 13 NC-1000 X-Wing
  5. Voodoo 14 NC-1000 X-Wing
  6. Voodoo 15 NC-1000 X-Wing
  7. Voodoo 16 Ashera Class Fighter
  8. Voodoo 17 Ashera Class Fighter
  9. Voodoo 18 Ashera Class Fighter
  10. Voodoo 19 Ashera Class Fighter


  1. Voodoo 20 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  2. Voodoo 21 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  3. Voodoo 22 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  4. Voodoo 23 Azazael class Stealth fighter
  5. Voodoo 24 Azazael class Stealth fighter

BOMBERS W ESCORT (5 Squadrons)
  1. Voodoo 25 Demon Class Bomber
  2. Voodoo 26 Demon Class Bomber
  3. Voodoo 27 Demon Class Bomber
  4. Voodoo 28 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter
  5. Voodoo 29 Sovereignty Class Heavy/Assault Fighter


  1. Voodoo 30 Starfury class Starfighter
  2. Voodoo 31 Starfury class Starfighter
  3. Voodoo 32 Starfury class Starfighter

  1. Angel 30 Cherub Gunship
  2. Angel 31 Cherub Gunship
  3. Angel 32 Cherub Transport
  4. Angel 33 Cherub Transport
  5. Angel 34 Cherub Transport

Amenediel Shuttle Mk II


CALLSIGNS: Admiral Angellus "Maverick" is and will always be "Angel 1", Captain Rojuh Pouil "Starlight" is "Angel 2" Captain Scoht Pouil "Meteor" is "VOODOO 1". Captain Ewan Isaacs "Raider" is "SCAR 1" and in command of the Jackals primarily for both ships. Each Squadron leader makes up the remaining "Angel" callsigns, their individual squadrons and make-ups are named below.

SPACIAL COMBAT AND RENDITION - SCARs use the Jackal Fighter for its balance of speed and maneuverability as well as its remote capabilities. This allows the elite pilot/operators to"bail" and operate in zero-G often a tactic in boarding capital ships.
  1. SCAR 4 Jackal Class Starfighter
  2. SCAR 5 Jackal Class Starfighter
  3. SCAR 6 Jackal Class Starfighter
  4. SCAR 7 Jackal Class Starfighter
  5. SCAR 8 Jackal Class Starfighter
  6. SCAR 9 Jackal Class Starfighter
  7. SCAR 10 Jackal Class Starfighter
  8. SCAR 12 Jackal Class Starfighter
  9. SCAR 13 Jackal Class Starfighter
  10. SCAR 14 Jackal Class Starfighter
  11. SCAR 15 Jackal Class Starfighter
  12. SCAR 16 Jackal Class Starfighter
  13. SCAR 17 Jackal Class Starfighter
  14. SCAR 18 Jackal Class Starfighter
  15. SCAR 19 Jackal Class Starfighter
  16. SCAR 20 Jackal Class Starfighter
  17. SCAR 21 Jackal Class Starfighter
  18. SCAR 22 Jackal Class Starfighter
  19. SCAR 23 Jackal Class Starfighter
  20. SCAR 24 Jackal Class Starfighter
  21. SCAR 25 Jackal Class Starfighter
  22. SCAR 26 Jackal Class Starfighter

  1. Ares 1 Cherub Gunship
  2. Ares 2 Cherub Transport
  3. Ares 3 Cherub Transport
SECTOR: Tython
ORDERS: Kick Maw tail out of the sector

Tags [Enclave] | Balt Vizsla | Romul Saxon | Vemric Keldra | Verin Oldo


In a brilliant flash of powerful and destructive light, the Avatar of War fleet’s weaponry tore through the night sky. If that was not enough the numerically superior fighter squadrons were ripping around intent on defending their forward operating bases. This was a sight to behold if you were with the Brotherhood of the Maw, and frankly, it was if you had eyes. They were deadly efficient and destructively powerful. Just ask the crew of the Avalon Class Destroyer “Oceanic” as the vessel moved to engage a Star Destroyer, the combined might of several Maw warships slammed into and through the shield tearing the hull on multiple decks. She is in a bad way and is currently in need of serious repair.

Admiral Angellus was in his Command room, which was a simulator that was in direct contact and gave him a view of all of the bridges under his battlegroup. This way he could speak to the Captains directly while not interfering with how they command their ships. (Note-any color changes in conversation not by Angellus denote the Captains of those ships)

Move “The Divinity” in to assist “The Oceanic”, engage that Star Destroyer directly, and take the heat off.

Aye, Admiral.

Admiral, I will move “The Revelry” in to assist as well. They won’t take “The Oceanic” without getting through us first.

I like how you think Captain, but don’t be heroes.

Admiral, sir. If I may be so bold, we are in a bad way here. If our repairs are unsuccessful, I will order the evacuation and stay behind to commit to a tactical ram.

Let’s cross that bridge when we get to it. Zev, Gym, I want Starfurys covering them.


Aye. Moving as well to set up the long guns for better shots.

As the bridges of both “The Celestial City” and ” The Silver City” began going to work, tactical departments running he could see the bridge of “The Ethereal” get rocked. Fires were visible both on the bridge and on the decks that could be seen from the viewport. As he became concerned, there were more issues, more Maw ships were dropping out of hyperspace according to the sensor readouts he had access to as well as comm chatter of “Gravity Wells” up and running.

” Gravity Wells means some kind of trap they’re setting. Not stupid.” he thought to himself. The Admiral was not sure exactly what kind of trap was being sprung just yet, but he himself entered the command codes to move and reset the defensive satellites into a more concentrated arrangement. Their positioning was still wide enough to cover multiple attack angles at once, but the firepower which was a result of the proximity increased.

Roger! Roger?! Flag to Ethereal, respond!

Sir, this is Commander Atton. Captain Powell was injured in the attack and is in sick bay. I am acting Captain.

Damage Report.

Sir, both catapults are down, our shield took several direct hits and our long guns have been disabled. Repair crews have been dispatched, and we can defend ourselves but we’re unable to commit to your artillery picket approach right now. Sorry, sir.

Don’t worry, Commander. Take primary control of the defense net until you’re back to one hundred percent. Gym, Zev, cover the Ethereal. Also, I'd like to know more about that power buildup I am picking up.

It took a moment or two, but the orders were clearly being given. Meanwhile “[Green]The Divinity” and the [Red]“The Revelry were moving into their positions, engaging an Avatar of War TSD directly. They both were taking direct hits but shields were holding. This did buy “The Oceanicsome time for the moment. The Captain of the Revelry picked up something of concern.

Admiral, the dreadnought is to an intercept position of The Ragnarök Super Star Destroyer. We’re picking up tremendous power increases in a centralized area of that ship. That has to be some kind of superweapon, sir.

Level of certainty?

They’re going to destroy that ship, sir.

Good work, Get that ship fixed, and if you can, get in our defensive screen. We’re on it. Attention all fighter squadrons, this is Admiral Angellus. I want all X-wings and Asheras to engage Maw fighters, punch us a hole! I want heavies on that superweapon! Contact The Ragnarok directly and let them know we’re moving to fire on the superweapon to not engage us.


“They’d BETTER NOT hit us!”

“Cut the chatter!”

All Ashera fighters continue to engage as X-wings break off and run with the bombers. They have Gravity Wells out there. They shouldn’t!


“Let’s stomp a mud hole on those fuggers and walk it dry!”

“Last one to hit buys the first round!”

“You’re on!”

As the fighters began rerouting and engaging Maw Fighters directly, there was almost an even match, a fighter for a fighter with total numbers, but there were still issues. There was a fix to this though as the Stealth fighters engaged, as well as the Jackals of the SCAR teams. They had their own mission that they had to run as they were rerouted to stop engaging support ships, but the flanking TSD which was on the opposite end of the damaged ship. The stealths ran to cover as a large majority of the SCAR teams bailed into zero-G this time in order to internally attack the larger Star Destroyer. Yes, the Jackal fighters could be controlled remotely, but so many of them could not be used for remote-controlled combat operations, it was just unfeasible. The heavy attack fighters were running into opposition from Maw forces, this was addressed with the ArchAngel interceptors running high-speed cover. Engaging and assisting Silver and Coalition forces.

They were not in the best position for this as there was a serious lack of cohesion with all of the chaos across the skies above Tython. One thing was certain while there was the very real possibility that none of them might walk away from this fight, they were going to do some damage and may even take some of these Star Destroyers. with them.


A secure landing had been established and the Marines were moving still onto the Seeing Stone. Tank for the tank, enemy forces engaged the collective firepower of almost 19,000 marines, tanks, attack, and fighting vehicles were tough for any enemy forces to overcome though. They were not at their objective as the movement was indeed extremely slow, but this was the way that it had to be. They could drop closer, but this was not feasible because they would be exposed

  1. Ethereal (Catapult launchers damaged, forward long-range weapons disabled, shields at 75 percent)
  2. Silver City (No damage)
  3. Celestial City (No damage)
  4. Conservator class Heavy Cruiser “Divinity”(nominal damage Shields holding at 64 percent)
  5. "Avalon" Class destroyer “Oceanic” (critical damage Hull breaches on decks 4-7, Shields at 31 percent)
  6. Revelry Class Cruiser “Bartera” (moderate damage Shields holding at 88 percent)

    • Carriers“Silver City”, and “Celestial City” are dug in returning fire Avatar of War fleet TSDs with long-range cannons focusing on flanks starting with damaged TSD
    • Carrier “Ethereal” has not withdrawn but has “pulled back” into a more supportive position while tending to damages, committing primary responsibilities until repaired to the defensive net.
    • Destroyer “Oceanic” is attempting repairs as the defensive fighter screen protects. If repairs are not successful, the crew will go to escape pods, and command staff will commit to tactical ramming of a target of opportunity.
    • SCAR teams and fighters rerouted from support ships and now focusing on opposite flank Tyrant Star Destroyers (Jackal Squadrons 21-24 flying cover/attack in fighters, Jackal squadrons 4-20 bailing out to “Zero- 6 Breach” ships to shut down systems as well as destroy navigation and engines from inside)
    • 10x Azazael Class Stealth fighter squadrons (Angel squadrons 24-28, and Voodoo squadrons 20-24) flying cover for SCAR jackals and zero-G teams
    • X-wings (Angel Squadrons 12-18, and Voodoo squadrons 10-15) and bombers(Angel 32-36, and Voodoo 25-27 attacking gravity wells
    • Heavy Assault fighter squadrons (Angel 37-41, and Voodoo 28-29) attempting to engage and destroy Superweapon
    • Interceptors squadrons (Angel 2-10, and Voodoo 2-8) flying high-speed cover for the heavies
    • Ashera class fighters utilize their long-range capabilities to operate at attack speed all across the “theater” engaging enemy fighters anywhere that might be lining up coalition forces for ambush or a shot.
    • Defensive satellites and fighter screens up and operational
    • Cruiser “DIvinity” engaged flanking ships and drawing fire away from destroyer “Oceanic”, Revelry doing the same.
    • Marines still moving to the next sector on Tython. A secure landing zone has been established north of the “Master’s Retreat”. Moving towards “Seeing Stone”

Flesh Raider Grounds
Currently caught between the native Flesh Raiders and the advancing Elysium forces
Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun | Elysium Allies
Direct engagement: Jax Thio Jax Thio | Anneliese Kaohal Anneliese Kaohal

She roared with fury as another beast fell to her blade. The natives had launched a mostly uncoordinated assault in the direction of the Jedi positions, woken by the excessive Force energies ravaging the planet. This situation only became more frustrated as an ally of the Jedi, the so-called Elysium Empire, sallied forth to keep the beasts from joining the main battle.

Foes from both sides had foolishly charged her, believing her to be allied to the other...

Boy were they wrong...

The ancient fallen Jedi was relishing in the death she was causing, using the despair from each fallen foe to fuel her own fire. It had been some time since her pulsating crimson saber staff tasted flesh...


Cear'bhaill bellowed across the battlefield, laughing maniacally as she continued her hate-filled rampage.

Suddenly, a voice entered her mind, close, but not in the direct vicinity. This voice made her stop, analyze it. It was filled with emotion, confusion and despair...intriguing.

The woman dashed off in it's direction...

Call to me again, Jedi. Here I come.
Last edited:

Location: Tython
Objective: Defend the temple
Tag: Erion Justeene Erion Justeene

It didn't take long for Jedi and soldiers a like to be fighting side by side outside of the temple. Dropships and hoards of Maw troops swarmed towards the temple, biting at the bone to destroy the very thing they despised to their souls. Nothing would change their brainwashed minds, permanently fixated on hate and destruction against anything that went against them. Silas knew there was only one thing to do now, end all of their miserable suffering and send them packing off this sacred world.

Since the start the Silas had been battling hard along side his Jedi brothers, cutting down endless bodies of Maw soldiers who had dared to come close to the temple. While explosions and blaster fire erupted all around him, he ran forward with urgency and plunged his lightsaber into a Maw heretics stomach. Behind him two of his squadmates raised their blasters and fired, most of them going straight into his back as Silas held his ground. The padawan grunted loudly and and forced pushed the standing body into the two attackers, sending them to the floor in a heap.

Silas breathed heavily and took a second to look around him, taking in the chaos going on around him. The smell of death was evident from the bodies scattered along the floor, their bodies misshaped and missing vital parts that had once been apart of their body. It was a sight that would stick in his mind for the rest of his days, something so hideous didn't belong in the galaxy. Wiping fresh blood from his face, he slowly shrugged his shoulders and gave himself the mental fortitude to keep going.

He couldn't think about the dead right now, all Silas could now was keep striking true for those who were alive around him. A part of him thought about Valery Noble Valery Noble and Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble who were also valiantly fighting on the planet, as well as Iris Arani Iris Arani who was somewhere fighting for her life. Silas hoped the force would guide them safely through this mess, whatever the force had for him was not for him to decide. His purpose was to defend the very lifestyle, even if it meant dying for the freedom of others.
Last edited:

Thaddock Fost

Location: Tyrion | Mear the Jedi Temple ruins
Objective: Set defensive positioning
Tags: Open


Thaddock had arrived on Tython with the rest of the Enclave ground forces. He did not even have time to think about what was going on here before he was deployed with a small contingent to support NIO forces near the ruins of the Jedi temple. The enemy was advancing and the defense of Tython, perhaps the galaxy as we know it was beginning in earnest.

Night had fallen. It didn't make things safe, not by a long shot, but time was given to rest. Some of his comrades slept. Fully armored of course. They had advanced Ai. Even asleep they would know of an attack well before Thaddock.

Besides the fact that he didn't want to be caught unaware of an attack, Thaddock was going through his normal pre-clash jitters. Of course the usual clash was merely a shock boxing match and not a war with the fate of the galaxy in the balance, but even with less on the line Thaddock always had trouble calming his mind when he knew combat was right around the corner.

Problem with tonight was that he didn't know what to expect in the morning, or even if he should expect it. For all he knew the enemy had detected them and would try to go around. Or wouldn't wait for light to make their attack. Even more troubling to Thaddock, he wasn't sure what he was preparing for. Usually he had weeks to prepare for a single opponent. He was taught exactly what actions to expect. Now he was in the chaos of war with an enemy that was just as chaotic.

All Thaddock could do now was sit wait and sharpen is beskad. The battle would find him sooner or later. If he couldn't be prepared in his psyche he would be sure that his gear was as ready as could be.

Kelinna Tryn



ALLIES: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken | Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand | @whoever I missed | NIO | Enclave | Hellion
ENEMIES: Everyone else - you'll get a tag if you're important
ENGAGING: Gaaraddik Gaaraddik


GEAR: Modified Armour | Sniper rifle | Pistol | Rifle | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout



An iceberg.

Immovable, stalwart, destructive. That's what Lily was while death reigned supreme all around. Prone on the ground of the ridge she was scoping out the area with her binocs, the smell of death seeping through filters not affecting her in the slightest. Men shit themselves all the time when they died - nothing new to an operative.

A train.

It was a step up from a bloody shipyard, at least. The directive was no surprise to Special Forces individuals, as there were enough cannon fodders running around on both the ground and in space already. If you want something done right, send in Special Operatives, not a common foot soldier.

Sarge with his new found conscience might disagree, but facts were facts nonetheless.

It wasn't long before the clock on her HUD began counting down. Silently, the binocs were pocketed and all sensors adjusted back to ambient.

:: Lock and load. ::

Lily pushed herself from the ground in a graceful motion.
<Ready, kid?> she asked Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand as the repulsors powered up.
Then the SCAR sharpshooter shot into the air after Sarge.

While her CO took out the turret, Lily dropped onto the train, precision rifle already against her shoulder in case some fool decided to stick his head out of the hatch. The Verpine tech could do a job much more silently than a service rifle ever could.

Provided it was only grunts onboard.


Keiran Varn





POST: #1
Darth Daiara Darth Daiara | Darth Mori


Dark waves ebbed and flowed through the Force here. But he could sense a conflict. Amidst the bloodshed, terror, fear, hatred, a warming presence penetrated the wall of death and destruction. One that rejuvenated him, as if he had just replenished his energy. It coursed through him, emboldening him as he cut through one Mawite unlucky enough to encounter him. The ultimate test of a Jedi. Not the war raging above his head, or even in front of him. But the dark. To confront it, even embrace it, but not let it confound you, was a real test. And it wasn't as if he did not understand the implications of such. But he wasn't sure if he was ready to take on those implications.

Keiran had not come across anyone to draw his saber before. He had mostly taken on lone Mawites on enroute to the ritual. It emanated energy, like a turbolaser from a warship, or a beacon. Power radiated throughout the embattled surface as Jedi and Sith crossed blades. Red and Blue crashing together in unholy matrimony. Along with the rest of Strike Team Skywalker, Keiran approached Akar Kesh, but had been separated from the rest of his people.

He now found himself wandering the lonely plains in the vein of some lost traveller. It took him back to his lone sojourn across the galaxy to search for new ways of harnessing the Force. Then he had been on his own, with no particular destination. Nowhere he was going. He just
was. Freeing, but, lacking the deep connection that he thought it would have brought him. Sauntering along, he felt a feeling similar to then. Just that this time, the forces of ruin gnawed at that great peace.

Keiran didn't remember how long he'd been walking. A few hours possibly? He was almost wishing that a few Mawite troops would pop out from behind a rock and give him something to do. Then he saw her. Well. He heard her first. Perhaps in his current perplexed, it had give him a plane of connection that he could conduct his listening. Halting quickly, he attempted to get a better "connection" so to speak. Her words were like whispers. Keiran could assume she was talking to someone, conversing with one she called Master.

Then he looked up, and approached them. But his hand did not immediately reach for his lightsaber. He simply waited.

Blackened Valkyrie — The 14th Wife

Allies: Carnifex-Demiurge, SF-3335
Enemies: Koda Fett | Ryan Korr
Engaging: No one as of yet
Equipment: Silens cursor, Revans Lightsaber
Borrowed Equipment: "Judicator" Adaptive Battle Rifle

Jeff Williams - Ra'viatah, Osa Manetah

Teresa looked over to carnifex her eyes meeting with his, she did a light eye roll and a slight grin. "I think I would partly disagree kaine. Braking your enemy goes only so far into a certain kinds of victory. If there is something I have learnt in history, logistics is what wins war, skill is what wins battles. Well guess that is for those of us that are not a walking hunky tank, with a presence that is more delicious than any cake that could be served." She lightly chuckled for a moment till her gaze fell forward to the battle ahead of her.

It was strange, she did not know if to smile or go into this with a stern face. It has been so long since truly able to take in the scent of metal in the air from blood spilt. Teresa hoped the training that she had been subjected to would be of use. Going in all she had was skill alone to go into a battle filled with veterans. One last glance up to the Carnifex as he gave orders she decided in that moment. This occasion was something to smile about. After all what better testing ground to try this new form out. "Try not to be too long, you would not want the world to burn before you have chance to do what you came to accomplish would you?" Her steps slowed as she let her hand glide across the mans back.

Those ahead would only see Carnifex for a moment as two large black and red wings stretched out behind. They folded back down as she turned to face Carnifex's forces. "Listen up, strategically speaking fighting up hill is a fools gambit. So we will call this a test of your loyalty to Carnifex. You will split into three fighting forces, I will entrust your ranking officers will work out what. The main force will be the advance you will be named Aurek, you will be pushing up the hill to the right, with Carnifex pushing up centre I doubt may will be willing to cross his path, understand your battle will be one of attrition and it is in the enemy's advantage with their positions.

Besh as Aurek advances it is your task to ensure to support them and keep a path to them open, note the further up they go the harder your jobs will become. Finally Cresh, you will turn that location into a FOB..." Her hand raised to point up to the hill that the Anti-air was that Carnifex had crushed moments before. "That point will need to become secure as a means of resupply, reinforcements and to treat those who can be saved. So secure it and protect it with your lives."

Her hand extended pulling the one of the soldiers main weapon to her hands. "As for me I will support the advance from the air, Make use of coloured smoke to mark those that are proving to challenging. I will asses from the air to the most urgent to the least. Try to use if you need to, no doubt I will become a target and I am counting on it. Distractions will get them killed. Listen to your ranking officer, their experience out weighs my own. Now you have your task get to karking work!"

Teresa looked at the men as they gave their salutes. She would stow her saber onto the belt and get comfortable with the blaster. Both wings rose up as she crouched down. With one powerful beat of the feathered appendages and a push off the woman moved into the air. The woman did not make a straight shot for the hill as she circled Carnifex's forces. Her eyes would be lingering over the battlefield seeing where the enemy was beginning to bunk in. The hill was going to be a hard push for those on the ground.

She then looked to the allied forces below her already moving into their teams and on the move. Teresa was no commander, that was best left to those with the rank. With each beat of her wings that no longer made sound the ground became further away till the Aurek began their push. Flicking the safety off she began her dive across the enemy forward line. Each second her speed grew as her sight locked onto the few targets along the path.

Stock to shoulder, finger over the trigger she angled her wings up to level out. Aiming the weapon several volleys of crimson bolts blasted out of the gun. She missed quite badly at the first target, though it certainly panicked them, the further across she went her accuracy began to improve. It was the first time using this gun though she was no stranger to this tactic. Reaching the end of her strafing run she angled hard towards the location that will become the forward operating base. She can see the firefight against those that are remaining after Carnifex had destroyed their anti-air. Team Besh was giving support to both teams and began to create the link.


Aurek team have started to advance up the hill fighting the front line
Besh are supporting
Cresh are advancing to take over a position to make a FOB

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