Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Annihilation Shatterpoint | BotM Annihilation of GA Held Tython

Location: Ruins of the Jedi Temple - Tython
Objective: Uncover the Secrets of Jedi Droids
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Direct Engagement: Project Uriel Project Uriel

Alessandra was fast, but in Uriel, it seemed that she had found her match or possibly even, a superior.

The Chaplain brought her energy sword up to block the bursts of sonic energy unleashed by the pistol. She managed to catch the first burst with the blade, preventing a direct hit in the process, but the explosive characteristics of the concussive spheres briefly stunned her, allowing Uriel’s next two bursts to score direct hits at point-blank range. While the Chaplain was very highly resistant to sonic weapons, with additional protection afforded by her bodysuit, at such a close range, the force, energy, and volume of fire was simply overpowering. Immediately, she found herself thrown back, her energy sword flying from her hand to land some distance away, seemingly disarming the Nuetralizer, though by this point in the fight, the Terminatrix likely already knew that her opponent was dangerous even without a weapon in her hand.

The damage to her chassis from the sonic blasts was thorough, but not crippling, so far. Her systems delivered insistent warnings of the damage to her organs from least to most severe, beginning from her brain, sonic receptors, balance circuits, and finally the sonic organ in her throat, which was entirely compromised.

More than anything, she needed time.

Having been thrown back onto the ground four meters behind her initial position, Alessandra knew that the Terminatrix would be preparing to finish her off. However, the Chaplain thought back to the Terminatrix and the empathy she felt towards her, sensing that she could be bound to a mysterious, uncaring master who might regard her as little more than an asset to be used and then disposed of.

Could the Terminatrix be saved?

No matter what, the Chaplain had to try and free the sapient individual that could very well be locked within the nigh-unbreakable lines of code that made up the Terminatrix’s programming. Not only for her own survival, but also because it might be her one and only opportunity to do so. With each second, it seemed that Tython moved closer to its ultimate fate.

<<Sister, I want to help you.>> Alessandra communicated, via a technopathic broadcast that hopefully, the Mawite HRD might pick up. <<We have something in common. You already know what it is.>> She continued.

<<When you and your brothers and sisters complete whatever directive you have here, what will your masters do with you?>> Alessandra asked. <<Your siblings are holding their own, but they are outnumbered.>> With the statement, Alessandra foisted a series of images showing the Terminatrix’s sibling HRDs into her message, including the one who had been frozen by CryoBan, another who had their head taken off by a Jedi, and a third crawling without legs.

<<Will your masters bother to recover them? Will they bother to recover you?>>

In spite of her empathy, Alessandra remained under no delusions regarding her chances of breaking the Terminatrix’s programming. In order to survive, she would have to answer fire with fire, until she was no longer capable of fighting, the Terminatrix was neutralized, or the unlikely event that her pleas worked came to pass.

Her message was kind and empathetic, but its tone simultaneously contrasted with her actions. While her brain was mildly damaged, due to its Neuromesh fibers, it was still fast in spite of some stutters. As such, the entire communication was conceived and sent within a tiny fraction of a second. All the while, Alessandra was still on the ground, due in part to her damaged balance circuits. However, as soon as she was capable, Alessandra unleashed a searing, full-powered salvo of raw electricity from the two ARC Caster organs in her arms from 10 meters away, for a duration of two seconds, aiming to strike the Terminatrix’s center mass, silver blood running out of her mouth and down the corners of her lips, before dripping onto her torso, as she did.

Alessandra had started the fight. She needed to be the one to finish it.

  • Alessandra blocks the first burst of sonic spheres from Uriel’s sonic pistol with her energy sword, but due to the explosive effects, she is briefly stunned. As such, the next two bursts are direct hits, throwing Alessandra back four meters and dealing damage to her brain, sonic receptors, balance circuits, and sonic organ, in order from least to most severe.
    • Her sonic organ is entirely disabled.
    • At best, her balance circuits might allow her to limp, albeit at the pace of a fast walk or jog for an unaugmented human. However, her repulsor cells are still functional, though attempting to use them might have awkward results.
  • Alessandra tries to communicate with Uriel, conceiving and sending her message within a tiny fraction of a second via technopathic broadcast. Simultaneously, she retaliates, by firing both of her ARC Casters for two seconds at Uriel from ~10 meters away (unless Uriel closes the distance) at maximum power.
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Sergeant Omen

Arc Trooper Sergeant of the 41st Elite Corps
Omen emerged from his pod and waved for the nearest pods worth of infantry to his side. "To the Hanger Vod! We need to support the Akaan'alor's forces" He waved them on towards where they had been directed to meet up, the Avatar's massive hangar bay. It was then he heard the sound of clanking and looked out in horror as the bulkhead that his pod had jammed into split apart, sucking out the husk of a ship and threatening to do the same to the rest of his small group.

The Clone had to act quickly if he didn't want his orphans. "Get your boots on Orphans!" Within milliseconds, his squad that had almost been sucked out into the void was clinging to the floor. Their mag boots wouldn't hold out long under such pressure. He needed to find an access panel so he could override the door controls. Where was it... Ah there! With a shot of electricity, he shorted out the door controls, and with a massive slam, the emergency airlock doors slammed shut, letting the Mandos finally get a breather.

Their breather was cut short by their Commander's call to action. "Come Vod! We can't let the Akaan'alor's troops get all the fun!" And with a ragged cheer, Omen's boys and girls clomped down the hallways, first just his squad and then more and more Vod, following their Clone leader with vigour in their step still and though they were down 48 siblings, they moved on to their final objective without slowing or wondering if they were going to come out of this ship hull. All that mattered was the task ahead of them, pushing back the Sith, at least for today...

By the time Omen's force reached the hanger, the Akaan'lor's troops had cleared the outside hallways and were pushing the rest of the Maw defenders towards the wall in order to secure the hanger to let in further. All Omen and his troops had to do were help out from the rear. With a hand wave, his forces found cover in the back of the hanger and targeted the remaining Sion-class starfighters and other Sith craft still in the hanger with their Paranour's under-barrel launcher's armor-piercing ammunition and taking potshots at the Maw warriors when the opportunity presented themselves. The Former Arc looked over the firing line, taking his own potshots with his MAA-011. Out of the corner of his eye, though he saw Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida , the teacher of the Mandalorian people stagger her way inside. She must have been overworked trying to shut what doors she could before the Akaan'alor's troops were pulled out into the sea of stars. Soon she would hear a clatter near her feet that had come from a canteen of fresh water. Omen knew better than convince her to stand out of the firing line but if he could produce even a little thing to aid her in her efforts, it would be worth more to the Mando cause in the long run than this attack ever would be. But for now, he had to focus on countering the blaster bolts coming his troop's way with his own.
Romul Saxon Romul Saxon Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr

Kaz Krayt

ALLIES: ENCLAVE | Shakka Bralor Shakka Bralor | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Varik Awaud Varik Awaud |
ENEMIES: MAW | Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen |
PROXIMITY: Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | OPEN
GEAR: In bio


As the pods launched towards impending doom, Kaz glanced at the rest in the pod with him. Gwyn and Vulcan, brother and sister fighting together, he hoped the both of them would make it out alive when all of this was over. Trying to feel anything more than that with the rest was still a challenge to the “lone-gun hornhead”. Still, he felt the obligation of looking out for as many of them as he could, it was expected of them as Mandalorians and it was exactly what he was going to do.

He smacked a fresh power cell into his rifle and sat back into his seat as the pod shuddered under the flak outside. He made the mistake of looking through a viewport, only to see the massive planet killer filling his entire view. ”Holy sh-” Another shake of the pod cut him off, then the final CLUNK as it collided with their destination. The Zabrak slid his helmet on and charged out, rifle raised and ready to fire at any opposition. Luckily the hallway seemed clear for the moment.

<"Let's go.">

”Copy that.” He spoke up as he knelt down with his rifle pointed down a hallway. Orders came in to group up in the main hangar bay, though they didn’t exactly have signs around the place on where to go. ”Yo, Gwyn, we’ll need to get a schematic on this damn behemoth. Where’s the main hangar?” He asked her as he glanced over to her and Vulcan. ”Vulc, me and you take point, we’ll clear the way to the rest of the group. This surprise ain’t gonna last long.” He rose from his position and moved up to a nearby column.


Accessing Uriel Unit Command Matrix:
Location: Deep in the Temple Ruins
Allies: The Maw, New Sith Order
Enemies: Team Lightside and Allies.
Direct Enemy: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io

Uriel didn't stop running at her target, even as Alessandra was thrown back four more meters. The drone was relentless, driven by its directives alone, all it had ever known was its mission, model after model had been scrapped then rebuilt in endless production cycles.

Leaping like a heavy animal might bound forward toward its target.

Empathy Attack

Could a Terminatrix learn empathy? The holovids would say yes. Uriel drones had never before been reasoned with empathetically from a cybernetic or anyone else, they were usually too busy running or shooting at it! Mid jump the communication was received, quickly as these things were usually broadcast between synthetics. the message relayed before the energy attack landed or she did. There was a noticeable pause, noticeable for a droid at least when the terminatrix head twitched.

<<State Meaning of Directive>> <<Help?>>
<<Drones are mission non critical>> <<Units have carried out their required function>>
<<Recovery of Uriel Matrix is a prior... ERROR Mission sensitive data cannot be accessed>>

Processing Images. Processing New Inputs. Standby. Probability of Synthetic Opponent at 95%. Snapped out of this possible empathetic connection. Because as the droid's bounding leap drew her forward, she had no way of dodging the arcing electrical attacks. The Ionsider Armor was built to withstand a force user's electrical attack, well-insulated in layers, but its condition was showing signs of battle, torn in small areas through to her metal endoskeleton.

Tracking electrical discharge, analyzing power source. Too late for Uriel. The charge was in part absorbed and in part conducted straight into her chassis mid-air, sending Uriel arcing off through a wall, a pillar, and bringing down part of a roof. Ruins atop ruins covered her resting place, shaking the nearby foundations for those unfortunate enough to be nearby. The current attack was partially absorbed, partially burned the armor and chassis, and partially transferred to cause some system damage. Another vulnerability for Alessandra to exploit.

Silence from under the rubble pile as her systems rebooted. Red display across her vision indicated damage readouts and system diagnosis. Redirecting primary processing capacity to secondary actuators, restarting power source. Performing CPR on herself.

Attempt One. Online.

Ending up about at the distance they started, 8 Meters. Under the rubble, a large chunk of metal the size of a hoverbike, was picked up swung around, and thrown full force at Alessandra, who may or may not be caught off guard slowed as she was recovering. Behind it, Uriel continued to advance. She would never stop, never know peace, there was just this? The first time 'this' had been questioned. Empathy and combined Electrical attack noted, subroutines adapted. Combined the efforts were considered to be part of an offensive routine, whereas alone the Empathy would have more effect! Alessandra might be on to something, there were no detailed subroutines designed to counter empathy or reason.

The first jacknife had been lost but the Songstaff extended again in her right hand, Uriel leaped, never stopping. Always coming. Trying to pin the droid in place, neck, chest it didn't matter with the staff. Wristblade extending on left wrist armor and swinging down for stab at one of those arm organs, trying to pin it down, to slowly crush or pierce the limb. The true danger was the blade could be embedded and stop Alessandra from further retreat. The pattern might become obvious, eliminate threats on her target by order of magnitude. Here her maneuverability and her advanced weaponry were both targetted.

Analysing Uriel Unit:
Personal Energy Shield: Destroyed
A1-Ionsider Armor Condition: Light Puncturing, Electrical Burns, Insulation Damage.
Armor Ionization Buffers Condition: Empty 0%
Damage to Combat Chassis Endoskeleton: 15%
Primary Systems Damage:
  • Light Damage to Audio Receptors.
  • Minor Damage to Primary Powersource. One Restart
  • Minor Damage to Cybernetic Signal Pathways (Nervous System).
  • Minor Damage to Temperature Regulator.
Estimated Combat Capability: 120%

Summary of Actions
Empathy attack gives pause. An electrical attack snaps her out of it, and sends the drone flying into rubble.
Taking spread, systems, chassis, and armor damage, while losing a further weapon.
Uriel reboots, picks up a huge chunk of hoverbike-sized metal, and throws it Alessandra who may still be recovering.
Uriel jumps after her and tries to pin the Gynoid in place with her staff, attacking with a wrist blade toward one of the electrical arm organs.

Full Loadout and Background NPCs
Armor: A1-Ionsider including Wristblades and Hud | MK5-Heavy Bolter (Dropped) | Grenades: 2x Frag (Belt) | 2x Cryoban (Belt) | 2x FEX-M3 Nerve Gas Grenade (Belt) | 1x Energy Shield (Destroyed) | Model 31 Palm Stunner (Right Palm)| | 1/2 x MK2 Jack Knife (Hip) | Full Songsteel Quarterstaff (Back) | Barrata-SSG (Back) | Vibro Knife (Belt)

7/12 Independent ARD-X-1's armed similarly only with standard durasteel armor.
Lurking in Reserve: 2 x BAD-BRD's in case they spot Braith.
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Location: Outskirts of the Temple Ruins - Tython
Objective: Engage Tython Accords Forces
Allies: BotM ( Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Thomas Barran Thomas Barran Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren Darth Libertas Darth Libertas Romund Sro Romund Sro Darth Saevius Darth Saevius Shai Maji Shai Maji The Mongrel The Mongrel ) │ TK ( Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax )
Enemies: GA ( Silas Westgard Silas Westgard Henna Ashina Henna Ashina Asmundr Varobalder Asmundr Varobalder Justice Lesan Justice Lesan ) │ ME ( Kranak Vizsla Kranak Vizsla ) │ NIO ( DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran Aerys Myrrine Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor ) │ Independent ( Maple Harte Maple Harte Jas Katis Jas Katis ) │ SJC (Madison Starr Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield ) │ Elysium Empire ( Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Zet Reav Zet Reav ) │ AC ( Lehvi Vass Lehvi Vass )
Direct Engagement: Hilal Vizsla Hilal Vizsla Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (NPCs)

SF-3335 winced as RK-2107 worked the bone welder over her right wrist. Having run the gauntlet imposed by the embarking House Io forces, their numbers were thinned, almost to the point of nonviability. Many vehicle crews and pilots had opted to pull back rather than risk the gauntlet, while others were cut down in the attempt. Unfortunately, for those that had succeeded in making it through, the forces under the command of Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax Teresa Zambrano | Darth Pellax were bogged down in the mountains. It seemed that reinforcements would not be coming to relieve them for some time. Nevertheless, their objective remained unchanged, even if it might have to be put on hold.

Raze Kaleth. Leave none alive.

“Alright, that should do it.” RK-2107 said, not long after dousing the Morellian’s right wrist with Numbspray and applying a bacta patch. The entire time, SF-3335 had her disruptor pistol at the ready, scanning the immediate area for any Accords forces that might ambush them while they were stopped, having only done so because the pain from her broken wrist had become too great for her to tolerate, especially given the strain imposed on it from riding.

Haphazardly packing up the medical kit, the Sith pureblood jumped back on his bike and revved the engine, before setting off towards the ruins, with SF-3335 following in his wake.

“Let’s keep moving.”

“Enemy scout walkers sighted! Sector 21 Delta!”

Still nursing her injured wrist, SF-3335’s ears perked up at the sudden warning. It had only been a few minutes since they got going again, but with the terrain becoming hilly in certain areas, she had been forced to ride with more care, lest she risk a ground strike and potentially damaging her bike. Given her position deep within enemy lines, such an occurrence could be a death sentence if the damage proved to be crippling. However, a certain level of risk had to be accepted for the sake of the mission.

“Numbers and disposition?” RK-2107 called back.

“Estimating a company-sized formation! They’re retreating back to the ruins.”

“Then we’re following them. 335, we’re splitting up to run a patrol circuit around that shield. If they want to hole up, we’ll make sure they can’t leave. That should help keep things clear for our reinforcements while they trek over those hills. You’ll cover the north, I’ll take the south. Got it?”

“Yes sir!” The Morellian replied.

Shifting her body across the bike, the strand-cast whipped the Crimson Velocity into a sharp turn to set herself on a course towards the north side of the ruins. Two minutes later, she came up towards the close to the outer edge of the shield, flipping a switch on her dashboard to set the Crimson Velocity to silent mode, which activated the bike’s sound bafflers and auditory dampeners.

In all likelihood, the enemy wouldn’t hear her coming and with luck, they wouldn’t see her, either.

Using the hills in the terrain for cover, SF-3335 caught sight of a mortar crew outside the shield. Quickly spotting her approach, the Morellian didn’t hesitate. Running up to attack speed, she angled her approached perpendicular to the mortar line, intended to line them up in enfilade, relative to her position.

Then, like a Loth-cat springing out from a bush, she went for the kill.

If all went according to plan, the only warning that the mortar crew might have in advance of the attack run would be the sharp, repetitious crack of the Crimson Velocity’s two machine guns, aimed to cut down the mortar gunners, rather than the weapons themselves. However, once she got into close range, the cracks would shift into a series of powerful booms as SF-3335 switched to her bike’s heavy flechette launchers, unleashing deadly sprays of micro-flechettes towards the assembled gunners, in the manner of a shotgun firing clouds of lethal buckshot.

Making only a single pass, SF-3335 took few risks, covering her retreat with a cloud of pink gas released in her wake, which was capable of neutralizing energy weapons’ fire.

  • SF-3335 attempts an attack run on the mortar crews outside the shield!
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Allies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Tracyn Ordo Tracyn Ordo Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (and others) | Team Lightside
Enemies: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco (engaging) Darth Libertas Darth Libertas (in vicinity) (and others) | Team Darkside
Location: Ruined Temple

Thurion watched closely as the Sith identifying herself as Xanesh pulled from the depths of the dark side an onyx spear wrought in shadow, rather than brandishing the traditional lightsaber. An unexpected move, but one he was not unfamiliar with from prior encounters. He'd been a Jedi a long time, he liked to imagine he'd seen it all by now.

"The Light of Ashla can never be snuffed out, nor the Dark of Bogan. The Force always finds a way to balance itself, be it through the actions of the chosen few or through the natural course of time. Without the Jedi to narrow their focus, the Sith too would fall through constant in-fighting. I've seen it countless times before. Your misguided need to cause suffering inevitably serves as your own downfall, and you have no-one to blame it on but yourselves. I pity you."

His stance slightly shifted, from that of the more defensive aspect of Form V to the offensive Djem So. She'd done enough stalling.

"I am not alone. My faith is in my friends. Were I to fall, they will stop you."

Every single Jedi fighting on Tython at this very moment was his brother, his sister, and no force in this universe was, in his mind, more powerful than that of family; duty; honour. The Jedi were all of these and more.

Enough talk.

Thurion seized the initiative, quickly closing the distance between the two duelists in order to fight her on his terms. He used the momentum to his advantage, raining blow after blow down on the Lady Sith, looking to overpower her quickly in order to rejoin efforts to stop the ritual.
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The Defense of the Avatar

Location: Tython system, aboard the Avatar of War
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Derix Tirall Derix Tirall | Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Vorm Vorm
Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Varik Awaud Varik Awaud | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | SCAR SCAR

  • Kralmus is manhandled about by Romul
  • He manages to escape the axe strike by jetpack-scooting across the hangar
  • He fires his heavy blaster at Romul as he scoots
  • He reaches the back wall of the hangar and regains his feet


"You do not know me?" The Enclave warrior stalked forward, rapidly closing the distance between him and Kralmus, who was still struggling to keep his feet. The cannibal's breath came in ragged gasps; he could feel his cracked ribs grinding together with every inhale, the pain radiating through his chest in bright, angry waves. His mind was equally angry. It wasn't that he'd been wounded; he generally respected anyone who could actually land a hit on him. But that was just it: this boastful attacker hadn't, not really. He'd just indiscriminately lobbed around the same dark power that the Enclave claimed to despise, showing all the battlefield courage of a back-line artillerist.

It was an attack that, to Kralmus, was unworthy of a Mandalorian warrior.

But it had certainly been effective. As the Enclave warmaster closed in, batting aside the cannibal's last few Kitiakira warriors with the ease of a farmer scything through grain, the cannibal struggled to gather himself. His head was still spinning, his muscles still burning as he fought to oxygenate them. If he took his weight off his axe, he might just collapse at his foe's feet. He knew that he stood little chance against his uninjured opponent. But Kralmus Orr was a Mandalorian, and he would not die without striking out one last time, for he would never agree to die a coward. Taking his weight off his weapon, he swung with all the strength he had left, despite the screaming of his ribs.

The blow never connected. Instead, the warmaster caught him by the throat, blocking his arm.

"Allow me to acquaint you." Kralmus's axe dropped from his hands as he grabbed at his attacker's gauntlet, trying to break his grip - and to hold up his own body so that his entire weight didn't dangle from his neck. His only saving grace in that moment was that Romul couldn't swing a two-handed axe while also holding Kralmus; the angle was all wrong, and he wouldn't be able to muster the necessary force to crack beskar armor one-handed. Instead the Enclave warrior bodily threw the cannibal, evidently strong enough to toss around a grown man in full armor with just one arm. Kralmus crashed to the explosion-blackened floor, ribs grinding together once more as he fell.

His helmet tumbled off as he rolled, revealing his shaven head and sulfur-yellow eyes. His features were lean, narrow, sharp as blades. His teeth, filed down to sharp points, had cut his lips in the fall, and he spat out a mouthful of blood. Despite his pain, even though he was wheezing for breath, he laughed. It was a shrill, nasal sound, a nasty cackle that resembled the wheezing of a wounded animal. "I'm waiting," he told Romul, struggling once more to rise. "Or was that your introduction? In that case, your name is... Chokie? Mister Throw? The Manhandler?" His feral, jaundiced eyes narrowed, even as he grinned. "Still sounds like you're a nobody to me."

The warmaster was rushing him now, bearing down on him with a two-handed axe blow that would surely split even his mighty beskar'gam. Had he been fresh to the fight, Kralmus would have raised his long-hafted weapon in a parry, catching the axe below the head and pushing it to the left... but he doubted that he had the strength. His wounded chest would betray him if he tried, and then that incoming strike would split his head. There was also the fact that he'd dropped his axe, and had nothing to parry with. So instead he fired his jetpack from a seated, leaning back position. It scooted him along the floor on his ass... just as the axe cleaved the space where he'd been.

As he went, his armor scraping the semi-living deck plating and his jetpack heating his tailbone to uncomfortable levels, Kralmus drew the heavy blaster pistol holstered at his right thigh. It probably wasn't capable of punching through the warmaster's thick armor, but the impacts of the bolts might at least slow him down or throw him off balance, buying the cannibal a little more time to figure out how to survive. He squeezed the trigger over and over, sending a dozen shots in rapid succession at his foe. Finally he hit the back wall of the hangar with a mighty clang. His jetpack began to carry him up that wall, helping him back to his feet before he cycled it off.

"Whatever your name is," he wheezed, "you seem to've forgotten what makes us Mandalorian."

Kralmus smiled a bloody smile at his lone foe. "Our vod." Now, Tor'r. The time is now.


The powers canceled each other out, scattering more of the corrupted grass into the wind. Onto the ground. Once rich soil now festered with the signs of rot, red and dark. Like little more than a rabid animal Surea charged forward, brandishing her two weapons. Just as a burst of lighting arched through the air. She didn't pay it any heed, so single minded was her focus on killing them both. Amani needed to die first. She survived an exposure to the Rot. She survived their last encounter.

The alchemically altered dagger cut through the air as she lashed out for the Mirialan. By sheer luck, it brought the lightning with it. The Sithsword like blade acted as all others did, attracting the sparks like a lightning rod. Absorbing it's power, but nearly being knocked from her grasp. Surea blinked, spinning with the impact on the blade in her hand, but took the chance to swing around her lightsaber instead.

Amani Serys Amani Serys | Kai Bamarri Kai Bamarri
Grand Inquisitor of the EOTL
Objective Two-End of an Era


Important clarifications were made between Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha And I to clarify moves, make things more logical, and reduce overall snarkiness! Please reread to get an understanding of what’s happening between the two forces since it may impact your posts. Let Tug or I know if you needed to edit anything. You can read the relevant, updated posts here, here, and here. Be safe and be courteous!

XIII Elysium Battlegroup (30 km/30,000 meters).


15x Carrier Task Forces:
15x Aspis Pocket Carriers

113x Aculeo Mini Carriers

520/570 Total Starfighter Squadrons:

200/225x Strike Eagle Fighters Squadrons

30x Flying Falcon Interceptor Squadrons

287/312x Screeching Owl Bomber Squadrons

3x Argus SAWACs Squadrons

--------------------------Casualties Thus Far------------------

Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha along with Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus 's and Vaux Gred Vaux Gred 's friendly fire wipe out three hundred Strike Eagle fighters and three hundred Screeching Owl bombers! With friends like these, who needs enemies?


Eternal Empire friendly fire along with Fatalis and company point defense takes out six hundred strikecraft, in exchange for the Fatalis getting bombed heavily and losing shields/taking significant damage on a lot of their forces.

Aculia is forced to withdraw her strikecraft, which are attacking in kind of a chain and then looping back to the carriers, thanks to friendly fire as she no longer has maneuvering room to attack in waves without heavy losses, giving some relief to Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha and preventing him from dying almost instantly, albeit he is still getting fired upon by at least four different fleets.

Mawite reinforcements come and the entire Starboard flank erupts into absolute chaos, likely for both sides, they seem to be focused on helping Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha and fighting Vaux Gred Vaux Gred .

Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's forces and Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's frigates attempt a dual Thrawn Pincer on Aculia's Task Forces 1-5. This is not entirely successful because of the omnidirectional standoff gravity well literally designed to stop this from destroying carrier groups in moments. The heavy dreadnaughts and Star Destroyers score some glancing hits with turbolasers, but are too slow and bulky to hit the smaller and maneuverable carriers at that distance with great effect. They attempt to weaken the carriers shields with their shield disruptor, but again are too far away and too slow to have it have any great effect.

However, Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen strikecraft ARE enough of a threat to the carriers AND fast enough to cause serious damage, Aculia's interceptors, and returning/close enough attacking fighters move to intercept with roughly similar parity, both sides seem forced to attack in waves due to the sheer amount of strikecraft as Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha mentioned before. Heavy losses on both sides are expected if they engage.

Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Fatalis is no longer having its Missile Deactivation Transmitter jammed, someone else will have to conduct ECCM against it if they want their missiles/torpedoes to have similarly good effects.

Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's frigates, on the other hand, are fast enough to close in and start pummeling the carriers with their ion cannons, being fairly effective due to their speed and smaller size closing the distance. Aculia redirects her returning bomber squadrons to deal with them, however, since the frigates are further away than Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's forces as they are behind her, it will take more time to get to and deal with them.

Aculia directs the further away Task Forces 5-10 and 10-15 to dive and go under Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus 's fleet in the middle to be protected by his capital ships. She does an emergency crash dive with her own Task Forces 1-5 to run away from Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen 's forces and Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha 's frigates, aiming to link up with the other task forces in safety. They start taking heavy ion cannon fire from the frigates.

OOC: Feel free to DM or Discord me with questions or concerns we can work stuff out like I did with Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha to keep this save and fun! Also screw you Xenforo for ruining my post and forcing me to fix my formatting.

~~~~~~~Up Until the Mawite Reinforcements, Starboard Flank~~~~~


Aculia plotting the death of the Fatalis and eating fried Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha for dinner. Seafood is great!
In nearly all of the history books, simulations, and holovids, fleet action always seemed to be so neat and tidy. Everyone forming up in proper and easily understandable lines that looked good and planned out, coordinating and communicating properly, etc cetera. That, Aculia had found out with her operations, and this engagement in particular, was complete and utter banthashit. It was like trying to make sense of and herd hungry nexu cats, while riding atop an angry rancor.

Things had started out quite well for Tython Accords, and in particular the comparatively small Elysium detachment on the starboard flank. The starfighter and bomber wave attacks were going as well, and perhaps even better, than expected. The Fatalis, along with its Star Destroyer escorts, had been bombarded with heavy ordinance, its missile deactivation transmitter and point defenses hamstrung in their attempt to counter them all being assaulted from three different directions and ECCM countermeasures. Despite some losses on her end, their shields withered under assault, some of the ships had taken hull damage, and with Keaton arriving and opening fire, some of that had ended up being catastrophic. In minutes, it would be all over for them.

And then everything proceeded to go to hell with the Eternal Empire opening heavy fire on the same task force she was engaging, despite the fact that it was surrounded on three sides by the waves her forces, House Io, and Keaton. Hundreds more strikecraft blew up in fiery explosions as they were caught between the point defense fire of the Fatalis and escorts and the turbolaser barrage from behind, leaving little room to maneuver and evade even though they had been spaced appropriately and attacked in waves.

What the frig? Don’t you have any better targets? How about saving your fire until you flank them? Or just putting power to engines and bypassing them and heading for the Avatar directly? I thought we were supposed to be ‘allies’ here???

“Break off the attack! Now! Dive and return to the carriers! All of you!”
Aculia barked, almost screeching into the commlink. “Severin! Damage report!”

“Sir, between the defenses of the Fatalis and its escorts, and the helpful heavy fire of our ‘allies’, we are down twenty-five Strike Eagle squadrons, and twenty-five Screeching Owl squadrons. Only around thirty percent of our task force was able to complete their runs in time!”


Aculia felt like screaming. Between House Io, Keaton, and her, the Fatalis and its escorts would have been dead to rights in just a few more minutes given the damage they had already sustained, then the entire starboard flank of the Mawite forces would have completely collapsed or otherwise been destroyed. Then the Eternal Empire and whoever the hell could have simply pushed through and dogpiled onto the superweapon once they were broken without causing friendly fire.

Just when she thought it could not get any worse, the Eternal Empire forces, in addition to forcing her to break off her attack, started opening heavy fire on the Avatar of War as well, despite the fact that she thought they were supposed to give the Mandalorians the chance to do….whatever the hell they were going to do. She did not necessarily blame them, given that it was already angling its powerful superlaser towards the allied fleet, but should they have not given some warning to the Mandalorians?

She rubbed her forehead vigorously in frustration.

“Tell Keaton to perform the Serpentine S7 maneuver, now! At the end, he should be in a position to hit the Fatalis and escorting SDs from behind, and the Avatar of War from its flank, safe from the ‘help’ our allies are giving us. We’ll regroup and-”

~~~~~~~~~~Mawite Reinforcements Arrive, Starboard Flank~~~~~


The Starboard Flank Battle, it truly is SWRP Chaos™.​

When it rains, it pours.

Just as she gave the order to Keaton and the majority of her strikecraft had begun to turn around and return to her carriers, diving below the EE fire on the plane, even more chaos erupted onto the battlefield as the Mawite reinforcements she had warned the others about arrived, curiously, almost all on the starboard flank, which for some unknown reason had become the nexus point of the battle instead of the center like was to be expected. Maybe all of the admirals on both sides thought they were so witty and clever trying to outflank each other that everyone had roughly the same idea. What a crapshoot.

Aculia's force was relatively safe from the first wave of the arriving Mawite forces, as they had arrived closer to Keaton, House Io, and the EE Mandalorian fleet moving up on the right side of the starboard flank than to her. They lobbed some long-range turbolaser fire at her, but given how she was beyond typical turbolaser standoff distance thanks to the standoff gravity wells, how her task forces had spread out a bit given previous orders, and how they were ultimately a lot smaller and maneuverable ships, they suffered only some glancing blows. She did not seem to be their main focus anyway-rather, they seemed to be focused more on relieving pressure on the Fatalis from Keaton and the EE Mandalorians.

Aculia sighed and was about to give the order to divert the broken off and returning fighters and bombers to the new threats on the flank to help both of them, when her problems truly began as yet another frig-off huge Mawite force composed of heavy and powerful dreadnaughts and Star Destroyers warped into being, this time above her Task Force Groups 1-5, while another, much smaller force of frigates jumped in at her level and roughly behind, on the same group.

Think fast, think fast, think fast!

First, a bit of good news. Yes, her gravity wells had allowed the enemy to jump in relatively precisely out of hyperspace attempting to Thrawn Pincer her, but they were omnidirectional and focused on maintaining a standoff distance-that is at the edge of effective turbolaser fire range, to prevent this exact sort of behavior from larger ships of the line simply jumping in and destroying her carrier fleet. If she had not had them deployed, the Mawite forces could have used their own directional gravity wells in a narrow cone around her and jump in right next to her in the traditional application of the pincer and she would have died in short order.

Thankfully, thanks to the slow speed and maneuverability of the dreadnaughts and SDs arrayed against her at that standoff distance, as long as she kept her agile and small carriers far enough away and with a decent bit of distance between them, she could simply outmaneuver and outrun their heavier guns at that distance with them only able to score the occasional glancing blow and they could not catch up with her. And although the shields of her fleet flickered for a moment, they soon stabilized-the shield disrupting technology worked, but only if they could get close enough-which the bulky dreadnaughts and star destroyers had little chance of doing. The benefits of having a fleet comprised solely of corvettes and frigates.

Second, the friendly fire from the EE forces that had forced her starfighters and bombers to break off early meant that the entire chain of strikecraft was now returning to their carriers instead of attacking the Fatalis and company. Thirty percent or so of the surviving force had already been on their way home to begin with after completing their attack runs, roughly 50 squadrons of Strike Eagle fighters and 79 squadrons of Screeching Owls, albeit the latter had already unleashed their payload. The last thirty percent of the chain of fighters and bombers moving from her task force to the Fatalis was still relatively close by, and had not been mauled by both the friendly fire and its point defense. That was another 75 Strike Eagle squadrons and another 104 bomber squadrons able to come back in relatively short order. That meant that approximately 125 fighter squadrons, her 30 interceptors deployed to protect the carriers, and ~183 bomber squadrons would be there relatively soon. That was not counting the remaining 30% or so of the task force that had about to begin their runs on the Fatalis, who would take a bit longer to get back, but who would add another 75 squadrons and 104 squadrons respectively.

Finally, although the Mawite strikecraft were indeed a serious threat that could catch up to and do serious damage to the one third of her carriers stationed there, much like her own forces with the Fatalis, they would be forced to attack in waves due to their relatively large size much like hers were, and would soon be meeting a bunch of her fighters at relative space parity, and, if they did not pull back and continued to engage for a long period of time, at space disadvantage. Any that managed to break through would suffer concentrated point defense fire from the carriers as well-it would not be a free lunch and easy kills on them.

Now, the bad news-the Mawites had deployed roughly one hundred and fifty squadrons of various strikecraft against her, meaning that until the thirty percent of her fighters closest to the Fatalis arrived, losses would be quite heavy on both sides. And unlike the group of dreadnaughts and star destroyers above her, the frigates behind her were agile enough to pose a threat until they were dealt with. Third, her SAWACs would have to drop the countermeasures deployed against the Fatalis's Missile Deactivation Transmitter to focus on the ones that were detected on the enemy fighters and frigates now, meaning that for now, missiles and bombs would have a much harder time hitting the Fatalis. Maybe that would buy them some time against any EE or allied bombers.

"Interceptors! Deal with the first waves of those strikecraft moving against us! Our Strike Eagle groups will be there to reinforce you shortly! Do not let them get here unopposed! Close bombers, divert away from the fighter battle and slam their frigates! Those of you who have unloaded your ordnance, use your heavy anti-cruiser cannons! Those of you who have not, hit them with the ordnance designed to hit star destroyers and below in size!" Her throat burned from the rapid orders coming out of her in quick succession.

"Carrier Forces 5-10 and 10-15! Pull back to the center under the main EE fleet! They can provide some shelter for us in return for blowing away a stupid amount of our fighters earlier! My own carrier group, HARD DIVE and do the same, and angle point defense guns toward any strikecraft that try to break through! Aculeos! Try to screen the fire around the Aspis's-without their gravity wells, we're vulnerable to micro-jumps!"

Aculia gripped the seat of her command chair as Task Forces 1-5 began a rapid and hard descent towards safety of being under the EE fleet situated more to the center of the battle than the starboard section. Heavy ion cannon fire began to slam into the sides of some of the Aculeo corvettes, their shields shimmering and sparking white-blue electrical sparks on her left flank as the enemy frigates began to move in, it was only thanks to the fact that her carriers focused on speed and maneuverability that they had a chance here. Hopefully, the returning bombers would force them to back off and retreat. Otherwise, it was going to be a bloody trade between the frigates and the Task Force.

And how the hell did these banthashit insane death cultists get so many people on their side in the first place??? Why did the other powers of the galaxy let it get to this point instead of snuffing them out in their infancy?


Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha Aldo Garrick Aldo Garrick Derix Tirall Derix Tirall Akûz the Ravager Akûz the Ravager Electra-12 Electra-12 Albrecht F. Herlock Albrecht F. Herlock Caarlyle Rausgeber Caarlyle Rausgeber VADM Tarsa Doon VADM Tarsa Doon Cameron Crownwraithe Cameron Crownwraithe Maple Harte Maple Harte Bané Zirbils Bané Zirbils Artemis Toth Artemis Toth Rex Valhoun Rex Valhoun Aximand Sicarus Aximand Sicarus Mellifluous Magenta Mellifluous Magenta Mylo Thorne Tren Chaar Tren Chaar Mith'akis'ormo Mith'akis'ormo Vaux Gred Vaux Gred Balt Vizsla Romul Saxon Romul Saxon Verin Oldo Verin Oldo
Last edited:

Roxy Rizzan



ALLIES: DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran | Hall Mannarra Hall Mannarra | Annor E-059 | Julian Qar Julian Qar | Bex Tarring Bex Tarring | Aerys Myrrine | Jas Katis Jas Katis | Asanté Tsilor Asanté Tsilor | Ollis Barran Ollis Barran | Nukth Kelga'an Nukth Kelga'an | Jerec Yularen Jerec Yularen | @whoever else I missed | NIO | Enclave | Hellion
ENEMIES: Everybody else (you'll get tagged if you're important)
ENGAGING: Darth Saevius Darth Saevius
GEAR: Armour | Pistol | Rifle | Shotgun | Vibroblade | Vibroknife | Grenade loadout | 6th "Boom" Platoon - 501st Legion




It was like stepping into a funeral.

The officers in the command tent tried their hearts out to look nonchalant about the impeding battle, but most of them looked like deer caught in headlights.

She couldn't exactly blame them. How many have truly faced the elephant in war up close? But when you have nothing else left to lose, no true loved ones left, that elephant shrinks to something far less imposing.
"Cheer up, people. We still got ammo and hands to hold the guns. The fat lady doesn't get to let out that final note on the Empire yet." she said as she stepped into the tent proper, setting her helmet on a table and pouring a glass of whiskey to warm the veins for the fight ahead.

The initial briefing was fairly straightforward - hold the damn line. So some laid back, sentimental conversation was to be expected to lighten the air before the big plunge.

It was good to hear people fighting for someone - almost like having a patron saint with them. The big names like Massoud and Karsh and their sacrifices would be enough to motivate any soldier. But to the Thorn, they shouldn't be dead in the first place.

And then the Knight-Captain's eyes fell on her and the ELITE next to her.

'So, in hearing, and in Rosk'Aiar's case, seeing what we've been discussing, I politely ask - do you fight for any dead heroes in particular? And if so, will you fight tooth-and-nail for them today?'

Rose missed her deceased family. She missed her sister, who she didn't know was alive until she was notified that Anith was KIA on Noris, even more. But that heartache doesn't win battles. It just clouds judgement to dwell in the past.
"With all due respect, Sir. They're dead. They won't know the difference. I honour them with a drink and a candle, but I fight for the living. I fight so children wouldn't end up dead in the streets while buildings get torn apart around their little bodies." she said. She would remove every Sith and Mawite zealot from the face of the Galaxy to avoid another picture like that.

It wouldn't be long after some of the others' sentimentalities that artillery fire could be heard hitting areas not too far away and not a minute later, Danny appeared at her shoulder as Rose stood somewhat in the entrance.
"Large advancement of Mawites down the valley plus a lot of hail. One large contingent seems to be heading towards this location." he whispered to her.
"Any interception yet?" she asked him in an equally low tone.
"Some units have mobilised toward the northern mountainside as well as in the hills to the east."
"Get the troops ready and have squad prep mortars." she told him quietly before he took off again with a nod.

Turning to face the tent, she picked up her helmet from the table and held it in both hands.
"Right, ladies, sounds like the party has started without us. I don't feel like missing it." she announced before pulling on her helmet. With a two-finger salute, she then dipped out of the tent and in the direction of her troop line.

The time of reckoning was upon them at last.

"Kai?!" Amani glanced at him once more. She was at least 75% sure he didn't look like that last time. It was, however, hardly the most pressing matter at the moment. The light and dark collided like cyclones, flattening whatever surrounding grass remained against the dirt.

Chicken? The seemingly random comment sparked a twinge of annoyance from Amani, then, "Woah," she blinked, and the hallucinogen took its own, decidedly more unpleasant effect on her; The field ahead was scattered with flickering, shifting shades. Like an audience of the dead, come to attend Tython's final act. Or hers.

From out of the procession Surea reappeared, catching the Jedi by surprise. Amani sprang backwards on instinct, the tip of red plasma catching her left arm. She groaned in pain, gripping at the seared muscle.

The earth beneath her feet seemed to shift and rumble. At this point it was no longer clear if that was truly the case, or another effect of the hallucinations. Amani pushed ahead, spinning her pike like a rotor. Side to side, overhead and behind, the weapon danced to keep Surea guessing, and eventually strike at her with blade or haft.



Akar Kesh, Tython
Jem Fossk | Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze | Corin Trenor Corin Trenor | Rurik Fel Rurik Fel | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Soon: Ryv Ryv


“You won’t have a chance.”

The apprentice speaks. Words of defiance echoed in deference to the Dark Lord, by a boy no less. The new student of Dagon Kaze Dagon Kaze to replace that which he lost, a sentiment that spoke volumes to his daughter. He could see that pain deep down, yet she was stronger for it and for that he was grateful, his hold over her was stronger than ever before.

No sooner than when the last word left his lips did Corin Trenor Corin Trenor make his charge at the Sith’ari. Red sparks leapt between his fingertips in anticipation, his hand rose, ready to squash the gnat with the full power of the Dark Side of the Force. A venomous grin spread ear to ear, poor poor Dagon, another apprentice gone in the blink of an eye.

Vroosh! Boom!

The static discharge volleyed wildly in the air, scattering to the four winds as it’s wielder was whisked back. Sidelined. The Dark Lord’s deadly assault was rendered meaningless as the crimson bolts of hatred made manifest dispersed into the Tythonian air. He rolled against the rock, shifting his body to compensate the best he could as he came to a halt, cloak wrapped over him. The empyrean blow had been delivered at the hands of the Iron Emperor himself, his entrance made apparent as he boldly embodied the Will of Defiance in open challenge.

The Dark Lord of the Sith rose to his feet, eyes glaring like twin suns glowing in the umbral veil cast down by the storm above.

“You will not stop me. Whether I live or die, my will shall be made manifest. You may have saved Halketh Halketh , but in doing so.. you merely forfeited your own soul.”

He rose like a black shadow, long robes draped over his dark armor. Inhuman, utterly monstrous in his demeanor. Whatever resembled humanity in him, died long long ago.

“The Light has suffered your evil long enough! No longer.”

And they say Fate doesn’t have a sense of humor. His eyes beheld his former apprentice of ages past, a foolish slave to a misguided religion propped up by his nephew Cedric Grayson Cedric Grayson .


What a fateful band.

He’d bury them all together.

Taking his right arm, the Dark Lord ripped away his tattered cloak. His damaged armor from the many battles of the Second Great Hyperspace War laid bare before the eyes of those who would oppose him, slowly he removed his gauntlets letting them fall onto the temple grounds.

“Does she?”

The Sith’ari hissed, outstretching his right arm towards the heavens, calling upon the energies collected by the Tho Yor from his faithful. The ritual was not yet complete, held together only by the power and mental link of his dear daughter who’s mental fortitude was tested again and again. This moment was only a slight delay, a minor inconvenience in his work. Once the heathens were dealt with he could resume it and let the old world die so that Galaxy to Come may flourish.

He felt the innate tug of resistance nearly overwhelm him. His muscles strained as he pulled upon the empyrean with all his might, balling his fist clenching tight. Eyes wide open, twin lanterns glowing bright against the darkened backdrop as he felt the tug-o-war end.

Shock and awe. Entire regions of the great moon of Ashla crumbled, the surface peeling up like an onion as fragments began spiraling down.



The Mandalorian's tenacity was admirable, but pointless. Even as he rocketed forward to plant his knee right into the underside of the Dark Lord's chin, a blow that would have broken the jaw or dislocated the neck of a lesser being, he was thrown aside by the impact of the Dark Lord's runeblade striking against his beskar'gam. Though the weapon did not manage to pierce the Mandalorian's armor, the blade still soared through the air and veered back around for another pass; much like a shark circled its prey.

Recovering from the Mandalorian's hit, the Dark Lord turned His attention to the approaching Jedi Master. Eyes narrowed as He sensed the Force swelling around Master Korr, which materialized in the form of blinding white light. His helmet's visor automatically corrected for such an intense burst of light, same as it would for something like a flash grenade, but His sight was temporarily lessened as the distraction played its part. But He did not need His eyes to see, not when He had the Dark Side of the Force. His other senses momentarily heightened, the Dark Lord reached out with His feelings...

And leapt right as Master Korr's weapon struck out for the back of His leg at the very last second, the blue beam striking one of the armor plates rather than the vulnerable joint. Angling Himself forward, the Dark Lord deactivated His lightsaber as both hands reached out to catch the ground, curling Himself up as He rolled forward before finding solid ground and snapping back up to stand. He took this moment to assess His surroundings, taking inventory of His forces and where they had been deployed along the mountainside.

Artillery walkers had been moved into position and were shelling unconquered enemy positions with thunderous bombardment. Quick and agile mechanized units were making great progress up the slopes, deploying fearsome biological agents to flush out enemy pillboxes, and unceremoniously executing those too weak to fight. Rarely would they have taken prisoners in this fight, none of these wretches were worth the effort of taking in alive. The Dark Lord could see His winged apprentice carrying out His orders, the summit was nearly in their grasp.

"Order your men forward," the Dark Lord commanded His apprentice in ghoul-speak, the battle language devised for Kainate soldiers. "And then return to me, I wish to observe what your training has taught you." The Dark Lord did not truly need her aid, He was more than a match for more than a single Jedi and a single Mandalorian, but He always found the best evaluation of one's skill was in the heat of battle. This would have been His apprentice's first combat operation at His side, and He wanted to see what His apprentice was made of. Especially after all the gifts He had bestowed upon her, gifts that were not to be squandered.

Reactivated His lightsaber, the Dark Lord eyed His opponents. Then there was a hideous crack that split the air, gazes drawn upwards as pieces of the moon Ashla began to peel away and careen down towards Tython's surface. He could feel Solipsis' handiwork in this. "The Lord of the Maw makes such pretty fireworks, all of Tython will be dazzled by such a display. Perhaps it shall be their last." The metal plating around Carnifex's face slid away to reveal the Dark Lord's face. His eyes, hateful and glowing, stared out from within the darkness. "But it will not be yours."

As the Dark Lord stared intensely at Master Korr, the space between them began to shimmer with heat. The grass withered and burnt, rock began to glow red and melt. Carnifex's deadly sight began to vitrify and vaporize anything within His gaze in a tight, concentrated cone. Undoubtedly, it would begin to affect Master Korr as well, for he was squarely within the Dark Lord's field of vision. His clothing would be the first thing affected, but he would begin to feel an intense heat washing over his skin; capable of causing blisters and rapidly worsening burns if not handled. With enough power and time, even a fully armored individual would be blasted away to ash.


Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith Lord, Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Objective: Investigate, fight the enemy.
Location: Ruined Temple, Tython
Equipment: Kaldrweave Robe | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | Red blade lightsaber (Benûwia) | Red blade lightsaber (Ireria) | Amulet of Many || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
[ Final Days ]
<"Sith or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Xanesh joins to the ritual and warned Thurion about the death of the Light of Ashla.
  • Xanesh attacks back.

Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith Lord, Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Objective: Investigate, fight the enemy.
Location: Ruined Temple, Tython
Equipment: Kaldrweave Robe | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | Red blade lightsaber (Benûwia) | Red blade lightsaber (Ireria) | Amulet of Many || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
[ Final Days ]
<"Sith or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Xanesh investigates the ruins and welcomes Thurion.

Xanesh has not found her place since the Sith Empire collapsed and the Worm Emperor took control of the empire. The old Sith Lady did not accept the new views and as it became apparent that she could not retain the power she had built for more than a decade, she preferred to leave. Here, in this age, in the present, she didn’t have to leave so much behind, but she wasn’t happy. Xanesh has since spent most of her time researching archaeology and research. As always. She found a new home in the Maw, but they didn’t feel really at home.

The methods were too aggressive for two Sith Ladies as old and tired as Benûwia and Ireria. Even Benûwia was tired of this. And since Csilla, both of them, and so Xanesh herself has seen the visions, the dreams. They were on Voss for a while, which is Ireria's other home, but after the Ashlan Crusade occupied the planet, they couldn't return there either. In fact, they have never really found a place in this world, in this time. Everything changed too fast, they were old and wanted a quiet life.

They had not been involved in war for a long time. Now they are made an exception. Before the fight reached this place, the woman examined and looked at the Jedi ruins. After all, she was partly an archaeologist. It's always been fun. After that, however, hell broke loose and the fight began. She could feel the Jedi approaching, and she was still meditating and maintaining Force Storm and Battle Meditation nearby. After all, the old lady was a sorcerer rather than a swordswoman.

She knew her fate, but that didn't mean she wouldn't kill as many Jedi today as she could. Because Xasneh intended to send a lot into the Netherworld. The Sith Lord opened her eyes as she sensed the person approaching. Xanesh, now in an old female body, after the shape-shifting, folded the hood over her head and emerged from the ruins. HSh looked around, recognizing Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield , the High King of Midwinter, Former Grandmaster of the Silver Jedi Order. A worthy opponent.

"Lord Heavshield, we welcome you!" she greeted the Jedi.

She felt the effect of the ritual, she heard the words, "Hâsk jiaasen!" from hundreds of thousands, millions of throats. All the warriors tied their lives, their souls, to Dark Voice. She looked at the Jedi, calmly, peacefully.

"You're late, it's over!" she told him.




Allies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Tracyn Ordo Tracyn Ordo Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Team Lightside
Enemies: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco (engaging) Darth Libertas Darth Libertas (in vicinity) | Team Darkside
Location: Ruined Temple

The battle was joined now in full, with the Jedi strike teams of Vanagor and Starchaser converging on the temple ruins. Blasters were fired point-blank, lightsabers clashed, and fists were thrown. It was a complete brawl, one that the towering Valkyri was more than suited for; Thurion's fighting style more often than not incorporated jaw-breaking punches and bone-crushing grapples, utilising his superior physical strength and size to his advantage. Besides this, it was also the less lethal way to take down an opponent for a man who abhorred killing if he could help it.

"I don't drink caf," he called back to Caltin while lifting another enemy off his feet and throwing him into a nearby tree with such force it uprooted and fell over, crushing several others. "Wife's tried to warm me up to it for ages, still can't stand it!"

As yet another Mawite charged him, the Jedi Master summoned into his palm his ignited saber still buried in the chest of a previously felled foe just in time to sever the raving madman's hands clean off, following up on the swipe with a roundhouse to his chest, sending him flying.

By now he'd caught glimpse of someone he never would have expected to see ever again, and as he held another enemy in a painful joint lock he was stunned to realise it was truly him. "Tracyn! What are you--" He gave it a good snap, pulling the poor sod's arm out of its socket and letting him drop naturally to the ground before finishing him off with a stomp to the throat.

But before he and Tracyn had the chance to reunite in earnest, another made their sinister presence known. An older woman, from the looks of it, but one unmistakingly aligned with the dark side. Didn't take a genius to figure out which side she was on. She called him out, specifically.

He turned to Tracyn, patting him on the shoulder as he bid him good fortune. But then he added something so cryptic that again served to give him pause.


This wasn't the time to stop and find out what Tracyn had meant by that, for the battle soon separated the two as Thurion faced the Sith Lord, azure lightsaber at his side. The two carved out their own little arena amidst the chaos, circling one another like two predators awaiting the opportune moment to strike.

"You have me at a disadvantage, Lady Sith," he replied, offering a slight bow of his head while holding her corrupted gaze without fear. "The Brotherhood will not succeed. By attacking Tython, you've just united every Jedi faction in the galaxy where before there was disunity."

Thurion would then assume the wide stance of Form V long since mastered, lightsaber at the ready. "Ladies first."


Benûwia Antares / Darth Xanesh / Ireria Antares
Sith Lord, Sith sorcerer, alchemist, historian, Archon of the Primyn Group, Owner of UAAK and GBATS
Objective: Investigate, fight the enemy.
Location: Ruined Temple, Tython
Equipment: Kaldrweave Robe | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit undersuit | Red blade lightsaber (Benûwia) | Red blade lightsaber (Ireria) | Amulet of Many || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01m
Tag: Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield
[ Final Days ]
<"Sith or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

  • Xanesh summons a Darkshear, but not attacks Thurion yet.
  • Xanesh tries to arouse doubt in her opponent.

"We are Darth Xanesh!" she introduces herself.

She did not particularly expect the man to know her name, although Xanesh was the person who held the rank of Pillar of Advancement in the Sith Empire after the death of Darth Prospero. That is, she was the Dark Councillor for Science. True, it's been more than a decade, slowly, and a half. A lot has changed since then. Maybe she felt the best in this world then. Since then? It was something like it used to be when she lived under Vitiate's reign.

The cycle always goes on.

Sure, she loved the theory of shaping the galaxy in the image of the Sith, but Xanesh only saw another Vitiate behind it. And it was tiring; she wasn't entertained anymore. Once upon a time, she was afraid of that, from the passing. Not specifically Xanesh, but rather Benûwia; Ireria never. And yet at their first death, their souls were locked in a gem and united, so Xanesh was born. They waited there for millennia before they finally occupied a body. The accident denies them ever being part of Netherworld. Maybe, maybe this ritual will change it.

"If so, where are the Silver Jedi Concord's forces? Or where is Saint Holy Kaiser of the Ashlan Crusade? As if I know well, they are nowhere. Ashla's light goes out today, Bogan will overcome. Even if you win today, the Jedi's time is over." she told him.

The world will change today, no matter who wins. The Sih Lady knew exactly that; that was the reason she came too. She watched as the man pulled out her weapon and took the Shien form. It was also Xanesh's preferred form. However, she didn’t reach for the lightsabers on her side. She reached into the Force instead. She remembered for a moment her first battle in this age with Adenn Kyramud

The Sith, the Jedi, the Mandalorians, none have changed over the millennia. They will have to after today…

In her hand appeared a spear of midnight black consisting of Dark Side energies. A bitter smile appeared on her lips. She had not yet attacked, but rather tried to arouse doubt in the former Grandmaster.

"The Jedi are always the ones who want to start the fight in a hurry…" she took only one step closer. "Have you ever asked yourself if it makes sense? You're trying to kill us, you might succeed, you might not. Does a killed Sith change anything? If you want to achieve something here, shouldn’t you be at the scene of the ritual?" she asked him.




Allies: Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser Celeste Rigel Celeste Rigel Caltin Vanagor Caltin Vanagor Tracyn Ordo Tracyn Ordo Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka (and others) | Team Lightside
Enemies: Ardana Vorco Ardana Vorco (engaging) Darth Libertas Darth Libertas (in vicinity) (and others) | Team Darkside
Location: Ruined Temple

Thurion watched closely as the Sith identifying herself as Xanesh pulled from the depths of the dark side an onyx spear wrought in shadow, rather than brandishing the traditional lightsaber. An unexpected move, but one he was not unfamiliar with from prior encounters. He'd been a Jedi a long time, he liked to imagine he'd seen it all by now.

"The Light of Ashla can never be snuffed out, nor the Dark of Bogan. The Force always finds a way to balance itself, be it through the actions of the chosen few or through the natural course of time. Without the Jedi to narrow their focus, the Sith too would fall through constant in-fighting. I've seen it countless times before. Your misguided need to cause suffering inevitably serves as your own downfall, and you have no-one to blame it on but yourselves. I pity you."

His stance slightly shifted, from that of the more defensive aspect of Form V to the offensive Djem So. She'd done enough stalling.

"I am not alone. My faith is in my friends. Were I to fall, they will stop you."

Every single Jedi fighting on Tython at this very moment was his brother, his sister, and no force in this universe was, in his mind, more powerful than that of family; duty; honour. The Jedi were all of these and more.

Enough talk.

Thurion seized the initiative, quickly closing the distance between the two duelists in order to fight her on his terms. He used the momentum to his advantage, raining blow after blow down on the Lady Sith, looking to overpower her quickly in order to rejoin efforts to stop the ritual.

"Hâsk jiaasen!" she whispered barely audibly as she joined the ritual as well.

Although she did not hope that this would be of any use to her. Her soul and life have long been doomed. Sometime when she first started working with sangnir, thousands of years ago. But maybe, maybe it won't be in vain. Xanesh knew she could never get into the Netherworld, so it didn't really matter. As for her companies, they were already in the right place. She's already spoken to the Primyn Group, Darth Maledictio Darth Maledictio will take care of her present heritage.

Chuckling at Thurion's words, she felt Vinaze's strength as the eldritch Sith Lord was already in the right place. Exactly as Xanesh had seen it before.

"Oh, we’re talking about the girl, not the Force, not the Light Side. About the daughter of the Sith Lord and the Force Entity. About the Light of Ashla, whom the Crusade considers Living Saint. You will lose the Ashlan Crusade before the end of the ritual." she told him, and an evil smile ran down her lips.

She did not ask for the man's pity, the old Sith Lady did not consider her life pitiful. She lived a lot, she was successful, she was a winner, a conqueror. Maybe she only regretted the ritual that made her here now and not in the Netherworld. But other than that, nothing. Nearly five thousand years passed, but there was still, still a large number of her descendants, many of whom she knew, knew their identities. How many could have said all this? Probably not many.

"Keep your pity for those who need it, Jedi." she told him.

She smiled again at the next one, the man was still blind and did not understand anything. But Xanesh didn't want to explain it to him anymore. Especially not because the man had already attacked. Xanesh knew Thurion was old, too, but he was still moving deftly and quickly. But the woman, too, since Xanesh did not move like an old woman. In fact, the body she was in was barely thirty-five years old, still almost childish, but shape-shifter. Thus, it was not difficult to choose the appearance of an old woman, but it did not have any disadvantages for her.

She avoided the first blows and cuts, and then she tried to take advantage of the fact that she didn't have to go too close because of the spear, trying to pierce the former Grandmaster with the quoted spear in the middle of her chest.

"And the moon is lost, too! Ashla is bleeding!" she said.




Location: Akar Kesh
Equipment: In Sig
ALLIES: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir / Battle Meditators / Jedi on OBJ III
ENEMIES: Khamul Kryze


The battle passed by around them as if there was nothing else between them. Geiseric's focus was entirely on the Demon Mandalore. If he could likewise hold the man's attention, then those challenging the Dark Lord himself had a better chance... to end this.

"It was foolish to come here, Jedi. Tell me, are you so eager to die?"

"I am eager to see this end. But I will patiently wait until you are dealt with first."

Geiseric took the anchored stance of the Stone Form. For once the Light of Ashla within him was dimmed, overshadowed by the Bogan. Were they loosing the fight? He was unsure. His fight against the Mandalore was only just beginning.

Khamul boiled with the darkness, it was clear. Just as Geiseric radiated his own energy given by the lady Ashla, illuminated further by the light of his life, Eina. On Kamar they had been the unstoppable force and the unmovable object. If either one slipped from that role it could mean death. yet, Geiseric suspect that was much more of an issue for his opponent. For all the Sith revelled in Death, they were afraid of it.

"I do not fear death, warrior of Mandalore." Geiseric's body was as rigid as a mountain, yet his mind flowed like water, ready at any second to change that. He awaited the first strike of the Darksaber.

"Are you afraid to become one with the Force?"

As he questioned the opposition, he felt the greatest shift in the Force he'd ever felt. Like a tidalwave, threatening to knock him from balance. His focus broke from the Mandalore long enough to realize what was occurring. The dark sky filled with fire that rain down upon them from the holiest moon itself. Under his breath his muttered a prayer, and turned his attention back to Khamul.

One way or another it was the beginning of the end. And Geiseric was not afraid.

Last edited:

Location: Akar Kesh
ALLIES: Khamul Kryze / Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis / Anyone Sith on OBJ III
ENEMY: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


"I cannot tell whether your insolence is merely naivete, or if the Jedi had truly stooped so low. They used to have some respect for us. But you are correct. I am no warrior, yet there are places in this reality where only a few can get, I among them."

The entity reached through the Force as he had done with a dozen Jedi before, reaching for the mind's eye of his enemy. In the deepest recesses of the cerebral plane was where Vinaze did battle, and right away he could tell this new foe would not break easy. She had suffered here before, trapped in her mind, behind eyes not her own. It had made her stronger.

Eina's vision would fade to black as Vinaze weaved and molded their battleground, a stadium in the Force's abyssal void for none but them.

"It is not the Avatars of the Maw that you need worry about in immediacy, nor is it I. But, I will stand in your way nevertheless. I welcome you, daughter of two empires, to our shared consciousness. Do you recall the last time you shared a consciousness with a monster?"
"Rrrohw, gwaaahr."
In war, there were constants that one could rely on. Unscrupulous beings would always find a way to profit from the carnage. Regardless of the victor, it would always happen again. The innocent would always die alongside the soldiers that fought it.

And an army was only as strong as its supply lines.

Wars were not fought on the battlefield alone. Without the requisite resources and the support systems that provided them, the fighters on the front may well be so many sandcastles facing the rising tide. For every soldier holding the line, there were a dozen more making sure that they got everything they needed to stem the advance of those seeking their destruction. Of course, that made the Allied supply apparatus a prime tactical target. One that would need to be protected if there was any hope of holding Tython. That's where Gaaraddik found himself; away from the fighting at one of the numerous checkpoints established to observe the maglev rail that was now responsible for supporting the massive battle that now raged on the planet.

The Jedi stood atop a high escarpment overlooking the rail with a small detachment consisting of several marksmen and a comm operator. They were too few to fully stop an attack but, combined with the train's automated defenses and token compliment on-board guards, should be enough to hold off any advancing saboteurs until reinforcements could arrive. Force storms battered the area, and even the wookiee's thick fur could only do so much to keep the biting wind at bay. Ideally, the fighting would remain on the front and their mission would remain strictly observational. Unfortunately, war was anything but ideal.

The checkpoint ahead of them had checked in without issue, and the train was due to emerge around the western ridge any moment. Gaaraddik watched through borrowed binocs as the supply train came screaming into view just as the forward turret exploded from its housing. He adjusted the range and was able to pick out three figures in Imperial armor that had boarded with obviously ill-intent. Even with the whole galaxy at risk, they chose to strike at the Alliance. Those opportunistic mynocks.

A furry finger pointed out the Imperial fireteam, and the marksmen took up positions to fire on the interlopers as they came into range of their rifles. However, the speed of the train rendered the sharpshooters all but obsolete. Blaster fire impacted the armored plating as targets were acquired and lost just as quickly. They had been expecting to fight back ground teams, not commandos already aboard the train.

Gaaraddik tossed the binocs at the comm operator, not bothering to check if the Sullastan had managed to catch them as he relayed the situation to command. There simply wasn't time. The train would soon be out of sight and, if they didn't do something now, would not reach the next checkpoint. The wookiee gauged the speed of the train, the height of the escarpment, and the miniscule window of opportunity he had to make his move. He'd have to time this just right if there was any hope of success. The Jedi willed the Force into his limbs and took off at a sprint toward the far side of the ledge, leaping into nothing.

As he fell, the train began to pass underneath him. First the nose cone, then the destroyed turret, and finally the commando squad. He landed heavily a few meters behind them, only sheer physical might liberally augmented by the Force kept him from losing his footing.


Gaaraddik bellowed his challenge, and the dual cobalt blades of his lightsaber hummed to life. They would not take this train. Not so long as he still drew breath.

ALLIES: Generally speaking, the Alliance.
ENGAGING: Hal Vaiken Hal Vaiken Lily Stevens Gavyn Berand Gavyn Berand


The Temple Ruins
Location: Tython, Jedi Temple Ruins
Tags: Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka | Madison Starr | Maple Harte Maple Harte

  • By the power of Solipsis, the moon Ashla rumbles, and meteors fall
  • The crew of the Messy Blighter and the other war skiffs begin directing charric masers against the shield
  • Mucknose and Big Rûg notice the captured LuchsHai and rush to shoot at it before it reaches them
  • A horde of Moon Children charges down the slope of the temple valley, soaking up mortar fire
  • The Marauder Aspirants advance behind them to assault through the shield
  • All remaining Scar Hound rear guard forces target the Io troops moving toward Thor Yo

BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. Missiles streaked in all around the Messy Blighter, sending up huge plumes of smoke and dirt and shattered stone and mangled metal. A LuchsHai technical right next to them took a hit right on the front hood, going up in a colossal fireball; its thundahvelins cooked off all at once, spraying into the sky at random angles and bursting midair like mono-color fireworks. On the other side, a war skiff took a hit low along its hull, and several of its repulsorlifts guttered out. The nose plummeted, plowing a furrow in the ground.

The Blighter itself was not unscathed. A missile clipped one of the steering vanes on the aft section and exploded, making the entire craft lurch. Shrapnel flew in all directions, and Slim went down, struck by flying metal. An instant later, though, the Weequay was back on her feet. Blood streamed freely from a ten-centimeter shard of durasteel embedded in her cheek, but she resumed her place at the helm anyway, ignoring the pain by force of will. She'd have a hell of a scar when this was all over, if she survived. If any of them did.

And then, all at once, it was over. The enemy missiles ran out.

"WHEW!" Mucknose sighed, finally crawling out from behind the fallen MetaCannon barrel. The deck of the Blighter was scorched and strewn with debris, but remarkably intact considering what they'd just flown through. "Oh my gods, I can't believe we just saw a JEDI and we're not dead!" A nervous chuckle ran through the crew at that. Here they were on the Jedi homeworld, a place they'd known they would run into Ashla's demigods from the moment they'd landed, but their first actual encounter with one had still shaken them.

As the Pact ambushers fell back from the burning foothills, the War Skiff crew sprang back into action. The rusted, dented binary loadlifter assigned to the Blighter, which the crew had nicknamed Ol' Scrappy, unfolded from its storage position in the ammo bay and clomped over to the heavy Maser barrel, lifting it so that the gunners could mag-lock it into place. They were short their spotter now, so they would have to rely entirely on instruments and old positional data to make their shots, but they were aiming for a huge energy shield.

How hard could it be to hit a shield covering a square kilometer?

The remaining war skiffs pulled up along the cliffs overlooking the temple ruins, finally in their desired firing position; from here, it would be almost impossible to miss. Once they dropped the shield, they could go back to lobbing incendiaries, frag rounds, and chemical payloads into the ranks of the Alliance marines, softening them up for the incoming Mawite infantry. A staccato braaaaamph braaaaamph braaaaamph rang out over the valley as the charric masers went to work, directing long blue lines of energy into the plasma shield.

The maser didn't require reloading like shell-based artillery did, just a little time to cool down between shots - and eventually a new battery, which resembled a massively oversized power cell. That meant that Mucknose had a lot more downtime than he'd had when loading the incendiary shells... which was why he noticed that one of the Mawite speeders was not where it was supposed to be. "Uh, hey Slim," he said, narrowing his eyes and pointing at the incoming LuchsHai. "Doesn't that one look like it's coming right... at..."

The gunner's eyes widened. That driver was no Mawite.

No blood runes on her, for one.

"INCOMING! AGAIN!" Mucknose and Big Rûg ran for the deck guns, Mucknose once again taking the E-WEB repeater while the bulky Gundanbard took the missile launcher. They might already be too late; the speeder was moving fast, and it'd taken Mucknose a while to notice that it was acting oddly. Being out of position was hardly odd among the chaotic tribesmen, after all. But if there was any chance of stopping that speeder before it hit them, they'd take it. Both auxiliaries opened fire, trying to light up the LuchsHai in time.

If they'd known the driver was a Jedi, well...

... they'd have tried even harder.

As they fired, as they made their desperate play to save their own lives, the heavens above rumbled. By the power of Solipsis, the surface of the moon Ashla crumbled, as if he was flaying the skin from the goddess herself. Huge meteors made fiery trails across the horizon as the skies themselves seemed to fall. Great shadows crisscrossed the ground, and in moments the battlefield began to shake under the titanic impact of falling celestial bodies. Mucknose stared up in awe and terror as moon rocks rained down...


Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka
The Scar Hounds were ready. Marauder Aspirants howled their eagerness for death and glory, while their more experienced comrades recited psalms from the Bleak Gospel. The infantry force was arranged like a figurative arrow. The young and wild warriors acted as the sharp point that would break the skin, beginning the wound. The veterans behind them were the broad head of the arrow, widening that wound and doing the real damage. Between them, they aimed to pierce deep into the heart of their enemy, drawing forth much blood.

They needed to take this post, disable the temple's guns...

... or they'd never be able to aid the attack on Kaleth.

Scar Hounds were not afraid of sacrifice, of giving a thousand lives to gain a few meters of ground, but they were not the witless barbarians that galactic media liked to portray. Sacrifice was part of their strategy, not a replacement for a nonexistent strategy. When they spent lives, no matter how apparently freely, their warleaders were highly conscious of which lives they were spending, and for which specific gains. To charge headlong into the Alliance mortar crews would ultimately be a necessity, but that would be a waste of warriors.

Even young and inexperienced ones.

So those who came over the hill first weren't warriors, but madmen.

Much has been written of the Moon Children, the well-known Mawite weapons of frenzied terror. But to actually face these insane clones was far different from merely reading about them. To hold one's ground and shoot as a legion of frothing, howling lunatics, scrambling on all fours, saliva dribbling from between their gnashing teeth, claw-like nails scraping furrows into the earth... it was a different feeling than facing the united advance of a Stormtooper battalion, or even the wild charge of tribal warriors. This was something primal.

It was a legion of beasts who wore the faces of men.

The roaring, screaming, and gibbering of the mad clones filled the valley, audible even over the thunderous zapping of the masers and the steady thumps and booms of Alliance mortars. Shells that landed among the filthy mass of tightly-packed bodies, freshly released from great durasteel cages that the Mawites had towed in their wake, wreaked terrible destruction; limbs flew, heads burst, and the slopes of the valley were bathed in blood and entrails. But the Moon Children did not stop. Their entire lives were pain and violence.

A mortar barrage, to them, was just more of the same.

The goal of the Moon Children's charge was simple: drive the mortar crews back inside the shield. Killing them would be a bonus, but the Scar Hounds would accept far less; this was only the opening move in the long game that would be the siege of the Alliance firebase, and sacrificing pawns to force the enemy out of position was a worthwhile trade. At a careful distance behind the swarm of madmen, lest their appetite for killing be turned back on the Maw, came the first waves of Marauder Aspirants, walking over carnage-slick ground.

They would be the first to try to breach the shield.

The souls of Moon Children, cloned in under two weeks under highly artificial conditions, were too thin and weak to be of any use to the Prophet's ritual. No one had bothered to draw the Ur-Kittat runes upon them; it would have been a near-impossible task even if it had been worth the trouble, with the half-brained madmen snapping and clawing at anyone who tried to touch them, for they knew no loyalty. But whenever one of the Marauder Aspirants fell, the crimson runes upon his skin flashed white, then faded to burnt obsidian.

Soul by soul, death by death, the galaxy would be remade.

As if in response to the harvesting of their faithful spirits, the skies above rumbled and the horizon shook. By the power of Solipsis, the surface of the moon Ashla crumbled, as if he was flaying the skin from the goddess herself. Meteors streaked down from the heavens, chunks of the wounded celestial body of the goddess that the Prophet sought to destroy. None fell on the warriors of the Brotherhood, as if their devotion to the Mawite Scriptures shielded them from this act of cosmic terror. But some fell right toward the temple ruins...

... a rain of heavenly fire descending toward the unbelievers.


Maple Harte Maple Harte
Onas watched the flooded plain through her macrobinoculars.

As she watched the battle - an unexpected and unwelcome complication to the Scar Hounds' original battle plan - unfold across the swamp, the Shorak nodded in grim satisfaction. The charge of the bogaranths had gone just as she'd hoped, the huge and unruly beasts smashing through enemy lines with their sheer bulk and poisoning the ground all around them with trails of caustic slime. The Legion of the Leech, right at home in these swampy conditions, carried out their hit-and-run attacks on any who crossed their ambush spots.

But for all the reputation that the Brotherhood had earned for being a vast horde of warriors, House Io seemed to be far more numberless. Thousands upon thousands of war droids, multiple tanks more than fifty meters tall, nuetralizers and citizen-soldiers and drones, the forces streaming out into the flooded plain never seemed to end. How had they fit them all into the cruiser? Onas couldn't tell how the tower-like seismic tanks had been deployed at all; they were seventeen stories tall, taller than the highest hangars she'd ever seen.

And against legions so numerous and powerful, the Scar Hound rear-guard began to collapse. Explosive drones and air-to-surface missiles tore chunks out of the mighty bogaranths, until even their thick hides and thicker layers of muscle could not keep them alive. Their death cries, a bizarre fusion of chitter, roar, and hiss, echoed across the battlefield, and Onas felt her heart sink. It had been bad enough to delay the creatures meant to crack open Kaleth. Now many of them were dead, and the rest under dire threat. A disaster.

The Lugubraa, too, were being winnowed away. Though they were difficult to root out when concealed in the mud and reeds of the flooded plain, they were targets the moment they burst out to attack, grenades and explosive drones hurled into their midst. Soon the marshes were full of rubbery chunks of alien mercenary, and the hides of the survivors were pockmarked with shrapnel. They could endure for a long time even under these conditions, for Lugubraa were nothing if not adaptable... but they could not stand against so many.

In death, the runes daubed on their blubbery skin flared white...

... then faded to lifeless smears of ash.

Surveying what little there was left to fight with, Onas found herself torn. The enemy cruiser was still pounding away at the grounded Crucifix II, and even without the power draw of engines or life support it could not maintain its shields forever. It had never been meant to be an active part of the battle, only a forward deployment zone, a way to get a Brotherhood ground army past the countless fleets of the enemy. Now it, like so many other resources, had been pressed into service against this new and seemingly endless threat.

At the same time, a seismic tank and battle droid legion were headed for the ritual mountain. Throwing the Brotherhood's forces at that group would mean pulling back from defending the Star Destroyer, a momentous decision that could lead to the loss of one of their greatest assets. This had not been in the battle plan; the Mawites had expected to be outnumbered by the Tython Accords overall, but they had not expected that little House Io, with a tiny fraction of the Brotherhood's manufacturing capabilities, could field so much alone.

There was no question of what they must do, however. Their loyalty, in this life and the next, was to the Dark Voice, their prophet and guiding shadow. To give their lives in his service was the highest calling the galaxy could offer, the only truly righteous act. Onas remembered the Parable of the Mountain, how only faith could move the peaks and shake the heavens, and felt her resolve stiffen. She'd come here for the money, but if she was going to die here, she might as well embrace the Maw and hope its teachings were true.

Besides, she wouldn't get paid if the Prophet died.

"Bog them down!" the Shorak merc cried, pointing in the direction of that advancing force. The last of the bogaranths wheeled and charged, bearing down on the group who would desecrate Solipsis's holy mountain. The remnants of the lugubraa intensified their attacks, even if it meant exposing themselves to the drones and grenades, fighting with all their natural savagery and the frenzied devotion of the faithful. The grounded star destroyer turned its guns away from the Rhand-class cruiser, accepting its brutal torpedoes...

... and turning its massive guns on the mountain-attackers.

All that firepower, all that crazed dedication to violence, would surely force the Io armies to turn and confront the Scar Hounds before they could proceed. To do anything else would be to present their undefended backs to the rapid fire of the Mawites. But Onas felt a flicker of fear in her heart, a growing sense of doubt. What if they were not enough? What if the legions of Io marched right through them? They would give their lives, but if that was not enough, what more could they do against such a display of endless power?

Perhaps the Avatars heard her crisis of faith.

Perhaps they answered.

High above the Shorak mercenary's shaven head, the skies rumbled. By the power of Solipsis, the surface of the moon Ashla crumbled, as if he was flaying the skin from the goddess herself. The sky wept flaming chunks of rock, and they rained down on the flooded plain, guided by the dark will of the Prophet. Each thunderous impact shook the battlefield, sending up a great shockwave that hurled men from their feet and dashed them to pieces upon the hills. Water and earth and trees and shattered metal exploded into the sky.

Let the flooded plain become a land of a thousand craters.

Let the sky come down to answer Mawite prayers.

There wasn’t much time left before the 11th Flotilla would arrive in orbit of Tython. Rerouted to the world as Mawite plans were uncovered, comms coming from the world proved that the Alliance force would be late to the fight. Late, but hopefully there in time to contribute to the victory.

I’d taken my place on the bridge already, staring out into the void of hyperspace while reports flowed in. Junior officers scrambled about, trying to prepare in the final moments before combat. These moments were always the worst, as anticipation and anxiety were the only emotions to be felt. Even I couldn’t escape the sinking feeling in my gut and the memories of Csilla.

“Sir, Two minutes to arrival!”

Two minutes, then. Two minutes before combat would begin and all hell would break loose. Two minutes before the 11th would face off against the Maw again. Two minutes before I could do anything to affect the battle. Two minutes before the true scale of the conflict would be revealed.


The dull blues and blacks of Hyperspace gave way to the void of realspace. A void filled with fire and death. The chaos of battle was difficult enough to unravel for one already wrapped up in it, but I didn’t even know who was fighting whom yet. Scanners began to filter in data, but nowhere near fast enough for my taste.

“Lieutenant Frask, signal any friendly leaders in the fight, I want to know where we’re needed.”

“Aye sir,” the communications officer responded.

The battle truly was a mess, with massive numbers of Mawite and Alliance vessels engaged, while Ashlan and Eternal fleets provided support. New Imperial ships engaged everyone. The 11th Flotilla had found itself far from the action, to the rear of the Alliance fleet. Already, major targets made themselves clear. The Dreadnought Fatalis, which had already survived far too many engagements with the Alliance. Wraith Squadron, led by the traitor Sularen. And of course, the massive station at the core of the Mawite effort: The Avatar of War. I’d seen it above Korriban, and witnessed the power of its precursor at Csilla.

Under my breath, I swore a solemn oath. The Maw would be turned back here, no matter the cost.

Arriving in system, not engaged
GloryArriving in system, not engaged
TriumphArriving in system, not engaged
AdventureArriving in system, not engaged
RaptorArriving in system, not engaged
5 Oswaft-Class CorvettesArriving in system, not engaged

Arriving in system, not engaged
DefianceArriving in system, not engaged
EnduranceArriving in system, not engaged
FirebrandArriving in system, not engaged
MajesticArriving in system, not engaged
4 Lateran-Class CorvettesArriving in system, not engaged
OberonArriving in system, not engaged

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