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Annihilation Shatterpoint | BotM Annihilation of GA Held Tython


All Roads Lead To Tython, Part. II

Location: Kaleth Temple, Tython
Timeline: Four days before the invasion
Tags: Closed


“Take a deep breath, Cailen,” Master Undara said as he placed a hand on his Padawan’s shoulder.

The boy inhaled deeply, taking in the cool morning air, then exhaled. It was a simple exercise, but one that’s easy to forget when faced with such insurmountable odds.

“I’m sorry, Master, I-“ Cailen began, but Undara raised his hand to halt the boy.

“Your angst is nothing to apologize for, Cailen. It’s a natural feeling - an expected one, even, given the circumstances.”

Perhaps he was right; Cailen’s life since becoming Master Tarus Undara’s Padawan had been anything but ideal. Just weeks after completing the Gathering, the Galactic Alliance and New Jedi Order became aware of the Brotherhood of the Maw’s sinister plan to invade and conquer Tython. Since this revelation, Master Undara began accelerating Cailen’s training. Lightsaber forms took months, years, even lifetimes to learn, let alone master; Force abilities require delicate training and refinement to reach their full potential; Studying the ways of the Force itself and Jedi history were never ending.

But Undara had only months to prepare his Padawan, not years.

”Master? What are they like? The Maw?” Cailen asked as the two Jedi looked upon the distant mountains that surrounded the basin.

Undara shifted uncomfortably, but obliged an answer.

“They’re animals, Cailen. Monsters who relish in the Dark Side and feed on the spirit and will of the good and the innocent.”

Undara’s face was dark, the heavy burden of fighting the Maw weighing on his mind and heart.

”Why do they hate us so much, Master?” Cailen asked, looking up at the older man.

The Jedi Master shook his head, sighing.

“I don’t know. The Dark Side, it… changes you. It drives you to do the most awful things for an ounce of power. The Maw believe that they can achieve glory, fulfill a prophecy, by destroying the Light Side of the Force and erasing it from the galaxy.”

He turned, looking into Cailen’s eyes. They were full of innocence. It pained him to think of what the coming days would do to the boy.

“They want to kill you, destroy you, and rend the Force from your spirit,” Undara said harshly.

Cailen winced at his words. Was such a thing possible? Even before becoming a Jedi, Cailen’s life had always been laced with the Force. It was like a guiding hand, a distant friend who looked out for him. Could the Maw really sever that?

Master Undara realized his words had stung the Padawan, and so he knelt down to eye-level. He placed his hands on Cailen’s shoulders and gave them a reassuring squeeze.

“We’re here to make sure the Maw doesn’t do that,” he said, his voice warm and sincere.

“We will not stand for the Maw or its vile doctrine. The Light Side will prevail, Cailen. We must have that hope.”

Cailen nodded, his confidence restored by his Master’s words.

Undara stood to his feet, gazing once more at the mountain peaks in the distance. He had to be strong for the boy, but even he was nervous to face the Maw horde.

“Hope,” he thought to himself.

“We must have hope.”


(NARRATOR: Types "Yes")

The Io Battle Cruiser on Tython had taken significant amounts of damage at this point, and half it's hull was damaged, minor fires starting to erupt, but the damn thing wasn't dead. It's A.I. directing frantic crew to put out fires in Multiple sections. Whole decks having collapsed from the terrible damage sustained. People and Droids were buried in wreckage, struggling to stay alive, calling for help. It was a scene being repeated in Battle Group A in space. For even though they had dealt absolutely crippling blows to the Fatalis, even though they had successfully redirected most of the terrible firepower back upon the Avatar itself, they had paid with it in countless lives each time a battle Cruiser or Destroyer was lost, and the ones that had survived were truly facing hell inside their Cruisers, as they struggled to clear debris and wreckage.

Each member of the House knew there would be a terrible price in blood to be paid, a price that might end up being for nothing if they failed to destroy the Avatar.

They had known this, and the fanatical hatred and drive for revenge against The Brotherhood had made them decide the risk was worth it.

But they had made friends in the House. And while each and every Nuetralizer was prepared to die--

---the reality of actually having to make that sacrifice, and in such a horrific way, was still absolutely crushing.

A massive number of crewman, about thirty five to forty percent of each destroyed ship had it to the escape pods. They would be forced to watch as the rest of their friends died to destroy the Fatalis and open a window for the other fleets to punch into the Avatar.

Either way it went, Xiphos would feel the effects of this day for a long time forward. She felt the death of those aboard her ships, and though she forced herself ahead, in spite of her madness, the loss of those people and her children were like lance to her heart. She stopped talking after she felt the death of a Fourth Battle Cruiser. Three left, two Destroyers left, and the rest hanging on, the fire meant for them redirected by The magic of the Cult.

Their losses had been truly awful. It always hurt Xiphos to know even one of her children was dying to thwart the plans of the enemy. But to feel so many of her children dying...

It was a torture worse than anything Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha could have inflicted. The sobering reality of all that death, of her citizens, burning in space, seemed to hit all at once, like a sledgehammer as she waited in the large turbolift she forced to work properly with her technopathy.

It had been a long, grueling, and brutal slaughter. They had lost nearly all of the Model 3 units following them. Her own armor was badly damaged, and any more major hits and she was likely going to have to abandon it if it took any more serious damage.

The Amalgam was doing well. But she was clearly winded from the effort. Maple, in spite of that living armor enhancing her ability, looked ready to drop. All the Nuetralizers were heavily damaged.

Xiphos began to think about whether there were actual limits to trying to destroy the Maw. The brutal tactics she had employed as the war went on. How many of her children she had sent to their death, how many of her Organic Citizens that she had trained for their shot at revenge who had died screaming on the ground or in the void.

Had she really needed to be here, commit her forces here? Would it have been better to just go by herself and the assault teams?

Would have been better to just let the Maw destroy Tython, and do nothing?

Xiphos tried to fight the surge of remorse in her. The wave of crushing guilt that hit her.

They die for a glorious purpose she heard The Amalgam whisper in her head, having felt her doubt and regret. They die so that Reality is not rewritten to the standards of Solipsis and the whim of the Maw.

Xiphos shuddered internally as she felt their desperate fight to survive, at least long enough to tear a large enough hole into Maw defense lines for the rest of the Allies fleets to assault The Avatar of War, to try and destroy it from the outside if it was not possible to destroy it from within.

She reassessed her reasoning, everything that had led to this moment, every choice she had made. Her children were built for war, but they suffered and died. She was a wanted war criminal by every faction with Jedi in it. She wanted them to suffer, yet she went out of her way to prevent a planet they owned from being destroyed. Even if she was successful, none of her enemies would acknowledge it, and hunt her just as relentlessly as if she had suddenly decided to betray them at the last minute. Or if she had stayed out of the battle entirely.

Xiphos knew she was close to being totally insane. And it frightened her.

And even if they did succeed, what then? Where do you go from here?

As the turbolift opened, The Amalgam scowled. Somehow, Joseph Torson Joseph Torson had effortlessly escaped the deadly onslaught, the Dark Side Barrier of wreckage literally blocking his way, the zombies, the portals. And not only that, he had somehow still gotten ahead while the team running from him had had a full head start. Only the knowledge that the ritual was meant to track and follow him, that he and the Super Commandos could not escape the Darkness so easily kept her from trying to find a way to go there herself.

They were finally in the Reactor Section...


The Nutrient Storage Assault team had sustained more casualties, ambushes by pockets of Mawites desperate to slow them down. All the Nuetralizers had suffered significant damage to their chassis, but had ruthlessly cut down ten for every bit of damage dealt. Yet somehow, Torson would get ahead of them.

At least, he would have, if one of the Dark Portals The Amalgam had torn open across the Super Weapon had not opened up.

They stopped, hesitated at the presence of the foul black portal. Kevin the Black Knight stepped ahead, armor scorched and dented. He had a broken rib, that was barely healing up thanks to his armor

An emaciated, purple skinned hand beckoned them, reaching out from the liquid like doorway to elsewhere.

Kevin, seeing no other choice, and reasoning that if whatever was on the other side wanted to attack them, it would have, Kevin gestured for everyone to follow him.

He felt cold. To the bone.

The realm on the other side was a place of moving shadows and a stone path over a void. Blood flowed from the darkness "above" to a reflecting pool in the middle of a great stone floor floating in darkness.

Above that pool, hovered the Goddess of the Cult of The Brain Demon, a being resembling an emaciated, naked female Togrutan with purple skin, a blank where her face should be.

("Fairy Fountain Theme" Plays)

Kevin slowly, hesitantly went forward, the other Nuetralizers hesitant, not understanding what they were seeing around them.

"Come forward, Mortal. You should be honored to be addressed." The Brain Demon hissed without lips, yet they heard it all the same.

"Not a praying sort." Kevin replied, not moving.

"No one is, at first."

"I thought Gods usually let the Mortals do the dirty work." Kevin rumbled.

"Not today. Or at least, not me." The Brain Demon said. "I am a manifestation of The Dark Side. And these Mawite fools would try to overthrow all that the Bogan has built."

"I thought The Dark Side just wanted Destruction."

"A gross oversimplification." The Brain Demon hissed. "No matter what any Sith on their side says, anybody looking to completely kill it's business is NOT acting in its interest. Or anyone else's for that matter."

"The Cult doesn't seem to think Solipsis has a chance in hell of actually rewriting or erasing the universe.

"He doesn't. He could do everything right, and something would still go wrong at the last moment. But the insolence of the Maw in thinking they can end the Cycle, that they even have a right to attempt it, must be punished in the harshest possible terms. A message must be sent, to every follower of the Bogan in the future who would dare try what Solipsis has done: that they shall have all that they think they have won eventually stripped from them. And burned with them."

Kevin looked to his right as an image appeared as if being seen through a pool. It showed the fight playing out between Ryv Ryv and Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . The Sith was severely wounded, basically keeping himself from succumbing to his wounds via his pure hatred of Life and The Galaxy.

He heard The Brain Demon sigh. Even though there wasn't a mouth to sigh with.

"He has such potential in this Galaxy, yet he wastes it on the vanity of trying to end the universe. He could have accomplished so much more with his power. Yet now he is reduced to fighting for his life against a boy being propped up by everyone Solipsis has ever whacked." The Brain Demon sneered.

"We do have a prior engagement..." Kevin pointed out.

"I'm aware of that. But time moves different here. You haven't even been gone four seconds over there."

"Why are we here?"

"The Hand of Judgement has managed to make it ahead of you. They guard the main stairway to Nutrient Storage. Not a scratch on them."

Kevin sighed. He knew The Hand of Judgement had gotten lucky. Too lucky.

"What are our options?"

"You cannot afford to fight your way through them, Kevin. Even if you defeated them easily, it would take far too long. You might win the battle, but lose the war. I can open a way behind them. Closer to your destination."

"What's the Catch?" Kevin asked. "There's always a price for a Demon's favors."

A chuckle from the monstrosity.

"Oh, you sweet summer child! Normally, you're right! And it would normally be a high one" The Brain Demon hissed. "But today, since the stakes are so high, I'm going to make a once in a lifetime exception! I'll low-ball the price of passage, because you are serving The Dark Side in your efforts, however indirectly. But someday...and that day may never come--"

(Cutaway of Sonny Corleone getting turned into a lead depository.)

"--I may call upon you to do a service for me. You will do this service without hesitation or complaint. It'll be a very simple, very easy task. Bloodless. You won't even have to kill anyone."

"What's the task?" Kevin wondered. "My Soul isn't for sale, just so we're clear."

The Monstrosity hovered, chuckled in his head.

"I couldn't buy it even if I wanted to. You've already given that to Xiphos. Now, as to my price...down the road, when I must lock a door. A simple, Electronic door. Not even Military Grade. Off the shelf Civilian crap."

Kevin raised an eyebrow.

"Why do I get the feeling I'm going to be the catalyst to some sort of horrible Domino Effect?"

"Because you totally fething are." one of the damaged Chaplains pointed out.

"She's right." The Brain Demon admitted. "Of course, if you want to waste time...feel free to take them on."

Kevin looked at the Nuetralizers.

"It's your call, Black Knight." one of the Model 1 units said.

Kevin knew it was a bad idea. Deals with The Devil never play out well...

But Kevin knew that the only thing that mattered was the Destruction of the Avatar of War. All other fights aboard the vessel were totally pointless if the Avatar still stood at the end of it.

"Alright..." Kevin replied. "You win, fiend. Get us closer..."

"As you wish..." The Brain Demon said.

A black shimmering portal appeared to the right.

"Run along now, kiddos! Auntie Brain Demon has some business with the Hand of Judgement..."

Kevin didn't need a prompt to run right through the portal with the other Nuetralizers...

...and they emerged within the base level of The Nutrient Storage, far from Torson and his Super Commandos.

Meanwhile, the Dark Side Ritual enacted by the Amalgam was not to be stopped by a mere barrier. The ritual had tagged Torson and his Commandos.

A massive black portal filled the entirety of the staircase passage...

And out of it poured every Zombie he had just fled, blocking the passage way to Nutrient storage. The entire portal blocking the way into the base level. Torson had escaped one barricade, only to find himself in another.

The same portals filled with deadly, whipping tendrils composed of pure Dark Side Energy reformed all around them, trying to ensnare them, even as the zombies bore down on them once more. To make matters worse, the Chaplain Nuetralizer that had split off from the group earlier at last arrived through a service hatch, not far from where Torson had initially escaped, and sprang up using her Repulsor Cells, when she received a wireless transmission from one of her brothers, explained the situation as she made her way to the Raptors from her end, crawling through terrible wreckage to do so.

While the Zombies and Tendrils once more attacked Gordon and the Super Commando team, She soon got sight of them.

"HALT SINNERS!" she yelled, opening fire with her Radiation Blaster Cutting off their retreat from the Zombies, and since they were so close together, guarding a staircase, it would be intensely difficult for them to evade both the zombies, find a way past the huge portal blocking their way to Nutrient Storage, while she was firing on them at the same time...

Meanwhile, Kevin and the Nuetralizers began to encounter stiff resistance as they pressed deep into the great storage section. The workers and typical Mawites there fought thrice as ferociously as they had elsewhere, knowing the Fox was in the henhouse. They list two chaplains in the relentless barrage, followed by the catastrophic loss of nearly half the remaining Model 3 units due to repeater fire. Only Kevin's quick thinking, conjuring illusory doppelgangers and walls of smoke and fire to obscure the aim of their combatants prevented further losses, each slavishly guarding the Model 1 with the giant sack on his back that would be giving off a large radiation signature.

In the end, the Model 2's would pick up the slack, their devastating repeater cannons shredding through the more heavily armed defenders. But the alarm klaxons were going full tilt. The Model 3 units began tossing Thermal Detonators, tearing massive holes into defensive check points as they began blazing a path to the central storage area, which was still a fair distance from them.

But it was a spitting distance...


"Life's too short, My Son!" The Parliament called out to Percival Io Percival Io as she tossed her saber all cool and chit at a Mawite, impaling him before teleporting her saber back to her. "Finding someone, anyone is better than being alone!"

The Witches had taken significant damage as they headed to the grounded Star Destroyer. The Configuration and The Collage were bleeding white blood everywhere, their flesh shuddering as they channeled the Dark Side to protect their Seismic Charges.

Just then she spotted Draco Miles Draco Miles in full Leroy Jenkins mode as they finally got closer and closer. The Brain Demon then hissed in her mind that she had a task.

"Percy! Be a dear and protect the charges. I gotta go speak to... whoa! Draco uses heavy armor? Mine's more of a sneaky type. My Draco is so good at sneaking she literally stole the pants off a Sith Lord once without him Force Use or anything..."

She teleported in front of Draco.

"Draco! I'm the super awesome Xiphos who laughs and I really need your nuke. And possibly you also...for Portals and chit."

Yeah, she was crazy alright...


Leviathan of Danuta reduced to 63 hull and shield integrity

Lost 4 Battle Cruisers, three remaining (56, 73, and 50 percent integrity.)

Lost 4 star destroyers 4 remain ( 44, 50, 80, and 40 shield, Hull integrity.)

Lost Multiple Nuetralizers and have taken heavy damage on all fronts...

The Mongrel The Mongrel
Last edited:


Writing with: Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Don Belkora Don Belkora

Equipment in bio.




The searing flash from the Sith Lord's palm pierced through the crystalline cloud that blew out from the temporal rift, stinging both the mind and flesh of his opponent. The Force power illuminated the image of a young girl. The Sith Lord lowers his faintly smoking hand in slight confusion, thinking about the possible reasons why a sole operative had been dispatched to eliminate him. Painfully blinded, the enemy operative shoots a few more bolts at Ptolemis as she stumbles behind another enormous rock formation. This time, Ptolemis isn't distracted; lightning-fast, he takes a step forward, thereby widening his stance, then grips his pitch-black durite hilt hard and swiftly raises it to reflect the incoming bolts. With arced, impeccably-timed swings, his crimson lightsaber collides with the energy projectiles. The swings begin at a low angle and return to waist level from up high; as if a heavy weight were attached to the end of the blade itself. The projectiles are flung back with unhindered momentum.

Yet due to her curious dexterity, she once again manages to withdraw and find temporary safety. The returned bolts kick up gravel and slam into rocks, but the girl is unharmed. Once again, the delicate blanket of a suffocating silence settles onto their barren premises. Only the mild noise of distant battles, the bass of extra-terrestrial debris entering the atmosphere and the static of fracturing space-time sneak into the foreboding calm between them. The frightening gaze of the Blasphemer is affixed to the rock formation where his assailant is hiding. As he takes his first step toward her,
strange sounds begin to creep around them.

– Talk, and I may yet let you live a moment longer. – The steps follow each other, creating a slow, but steady advance. His lightsaber hums deeply in his hand. – What is your name, brave one?

The Sith finally stops a few meters away from the rock pillar. Relying on his sovereignty over the Force once again, he casts his free arm up and above them. In the next moment, his fist is furiously clenched, dislodging a great boulder from the mountainside, sending it rolling straight toward the girl hiding on the other side of the stone pillar.



All Roads Lead To Tython, Part. III

Location: Kaleth Temple, Tython
Timeline: Three days before the invasion
Tags: Closed


"The Light Side will prevail, Cailen. We must have that hope.”

His Master's words echoed over and over in his mind as the Padawan walked along the mountain path. Cailen had only been on Tython for a week now, but already he'd found a handful of places he could retreat to in moments like this, when his mind was so full of questions and fear that he couldn't bear to walk among the other Jedi.

A Jedi was brave, strong, noble... he was just a kid from Anaxes, a lightsaber hilt dangling at his waist and a heart full of turmoil. He felt as though the Force was pulling him apart, tugging him in opposite directions. The Jedi were peacekeepers, not soldiers. War felt so unnatural, so meaningless. But on the other hand, the Jedi were sworn to keep the galaxy safe from the Sith. From the Dark Side. He knew it was his duty to participate in that crusade, the never-ending plight of Light versus Dark.

But would he? Could he?

Cailen's hands balled into fists as he stepped over a small outcropping of stone. He looked to his left, over the cliff and into the basin below. Kaleth stood proud and formidable, a repository of ancient Jedi knowledge now serving as a command center for the Galactic Alliance. It was hard to imagine the mixture of Force Echoes he'd feel after the coming battle. When a place like Kaleth has such deep, convoluted history, the memories it holds tends to bleed together. Visions of ancient Jedi scholars unlocking the secrets of the Force would collide with the pain and horror of war, of the Dark Side. The terror and fear of the Maw intermingling with the awe and wonder of the Jedi. It made him sick to think of such a place being marred by evil.

A light rain began to set in, a misty fog settling over the valley and foothills beneath him. Cailen didn't mind the rain much. Drizzles such as these were a near-constant on Anaxes when he was young. It was actually rather soothing. Looking down upon Kaleth Temple reminded him of watching the people from his balcony on Anaxes Station.

The Padawan walked a bit further, finally coming upon the boulder he'd claimed as his meditation spot. He climbed atop the stone and sat with his legs crossed. The cool droplets of rain moistened his skin, rejuvenating him from the long hike. He closed his eyes, slowed his breathing, and reached out gently to the Force, like his Master taught him.

"The Force is a friend, Cailen," Undara told him.

“When we meditate, we call out to the Force in the same way you'd call upon a friend or a confidant. Reach out to the Force with confidence and grace, and the Force will hear you. It may even listen to you."

Cailen realized now how much he'd enjoyed the lessons he learned from Master Undara when he first came to the Jedi Order. Back then, being a Jedi was much less complicated. War, combat readiness, manipulating the Force to overpower Sith warriors. It all made the Padawan long to return to Prosperity and relive his initiation.

But there was no time for that. Cailen tried calling to the Force again, this time feeling a brief sense of direction. Whether he was ready or not, the Maw were coming to Tython.

He remained cross-legged on the boulder for awhile, but he'd opened his eyes to watch the transport ships landing in the basin below. Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of Alliance soldiers were arriving at Kaleth, ready to receive their orders and head to the battlefront. He took a deep breath before lowering himself down from the rock and retracing his path down the mountainside.

"We must have that hope," Cailen said to himself.

Slightly Paranoid Apprentice
I really need your nuke. And possibly you also...for Portals and chit.

She skid to a halt in front of Xiphos, and although she could easily do stealth, it may not be stealing the pants off of a Sith Lord stealth! She listened to the proposition and nodded

“Always wanted to think with Portals. Where are we heading?”

She took the charge off her lower back and held it in one hand, preparing to jump into whatever plan Xiphos had, trusting her intentions were good, and prepared to jump feet first into hell. Oooo I hope it’s fun! Maybe they have brownies down there too?

Tags! Laertia Io Laertia Io The Mongrel The Mongrel

Cycle of Hatred: Journey's End

Location: Tython, Journey's End
Tags: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran

  • Kallan comforts Keilara as best he can
  • Asher realizes that he was selfish and wrong to try to free Keilara when it's not what she wanted
  • The Mongrel duels Barran one last time

In the holovids, the heroes never died messily. Sometimes they got their happy ending, passing away quietly in bed, surrounded by friends and family to mourn them. One last breath passed their lips, and their features turned gently slack, and a breeze rolled in through the window as they found their peace. Other times they died doing something important, an act of self-sacrifice to destroy the superweapon or slay the Dark Lord. They turned back to their friends and loved ones, and they smiled, and they faced death without a flinch or tear.

Real death wasn't like that. It wasn't anything like that.

In the real world, death was ugly and drawn out. There was no peace in the moment of passing; there was fear and pain, for both the dying and those who watched them die. As Kallan held his wife's hand and cradled her head, he saw terror in her eyes, heard the agony in her scream. In that moment, he was torn. He could not bear to lose her, but at the same time a selfish thought crossed his mind. He wanted it to be over. He could not bear to see her suffer like this. He would rather die than keep living this moment, this utter horror.

He understood now how Mercy felt.

The emotions swirling in her as The Mongrel went to die.

She could barely breathe now, except to scream. Kallan didn't understand it. Had Mercy been hurt in the real world, perhaps trying to get in the way of the duel? Or was all this destruction, the collapse of the beautiful illusion they'd shared for so long now, just a manifestation of the same pain he felt watching his wife die? A bitter irony, that the fear and agony Mercy felt as The Mongrel faced his end would force Kallan to experience that same pain as the psychic backlash killed the woman he loved. If there were gods, they were cruel.

~ Please, ~ she begged him, using what little breath she could take in between screams, ~ tell me how you planned our life together if we were free in reality. Please, tell me! ~ He didn't want to talk, didn't want to think... but for her, to ease her passing, he would. He owed it to her to be strong enough for them both this once, this final time, when she'd carried their burdens so many times before. ~ We'd find some frontier planet on the other side of the galaxy, ~ he told her, gently brushing a sweat-soaked strand of hair out of her face.

~ We'd have a shop together. I'd fix speeders, and you'd use those slicing skills of yours for data work. We'd live in the rooms above the storefront. There would be a garden behind the shop, and we'd work there together. A simple, quiet life. We'd never be rich, but we'd have enough. ~ He smiled, though there were tears in his eyes that he could no longer hold back. They began to trickle over his cheekbones and drip from his chin. ~ I can't have children, but the galaxy is full of orphans in need. ~

~ We'd raise one together. No, two. A boy and a girl. ~


In his mind, Mercy howled for vengeance, and Asher's heart broke at the sound of it. This wasn't what he wanted for her. He had thought that his death would set her free, that it would be the end of the torment that the Maw had brought upon her... but now he could see that he'd been wrong. Even as she had undone the Brotherhood's chains around his mind, the shackles that he had made for her had grown stronger. Her love had set him free, but his love had enslaved her far more than the torments of the Taskmaster ever had.

He knew that she was telling the truth; she would hunt down every last person she blamed for his fate. She would devote her life to it, throwing away the second chance he'd hoped to buy for her with his own passing. Most likely, she would fail. Even with her incredible skills, skills he trusted more than anything else in the galaxy except the truth of her love, she could not stand against the masters of the Maw and survive. But even if she did, if she somehow killed them all, what then? What would become of her, and of the galaxy?

~ I was trying to save you, ~ Asher told his wife. ~ I was trying to set you free. From this war, from the Brotherhood, from the ones who enslaved you. From me. ~ His voice broke, and he looked away, fighting back the surge of grief that threatened to overwhelm him. ~ I was arrogant, my love. I did not stop to ask what you wanted. I decided for you. ~ He looked at her, standing at the doorway, and his eyes were wet. ~ I was a fool. I'm sorry. I'm so, so sorry. I should have listened to you. I should have trusted you. ~

But it was too late for that now.

There was perhaps no swordsman alive who could match the technical skill and combat experience of Lord General Erskine Barran. Sure, he had no Jedi magic to strengthen or speed his arm, nor was he an invulnerable Gen'dai or insatiable Drengir. He was just a man. But this man wielded blades with the fluid grace of a river and the stoic patience of a mountain. He was a force of nature with a sword in his hand, and although he had aged a decade since their first clash, he had only grown more skilled in the arts of combat.

Without his cybernetics, The Mongrel could never have kept up.

As it was, the hulking warlord immediately remembered why this duel had been long anticipated in both their minds. Under the force of a sword blow that could shatter granite, Barran gracefully - if desperately - bent into a crouch, absorbing the stroke and letting it slide past his head while he rolled beneath The Mongrel's arm. Skill over raw power, as ever. The Mongrel had learned many lessons from this style of fighting, lessons that had enabled him to survive more battles with Jedi than he could count on both hands.

The parrying dagger came out as Erskine whirled to face him, and if The Mongrel could have smiled, he would have. They'd both used that gambit in the past. Perhaps this was why they had to have an ending: they had nothing new to show each other. They had taught one another all that they had to teach, and now all that was left was to see who had learned the lessons better. As if to underscore the point, and to show that he recognized it just as surely as the warlord did, Barran cried out that familiar word. "Again!"

Would it be the last "again!" that Asher ever heard?

The storm raged around them, tempestuous winds stripping the branches from the trees. The leaves were already long gone, leaving the once-beautiful summer glen as barren as it would be in the depths of winter. Black lightning flashed again and again out of the crimson sky, a horizon the color of congealed blood, but it never struck them; it seemed to hang back, as if even the unnatural weather recognized the gravity of this moment, and dared not interrupt. And it occurred to The Mongrel, to Asher, in that dark moment...

He wanted to live. He needed to live, for Mercy.

But some choices are not so easily altered, and some outcomes preordained. Even as the thought crossed his mind, even as he resolved to truly fight his hardest - not for himself or his gods or his paradise to come, but for her, to correct the horrible mistake he had made - the storm began to break. Although reality still sizzled and twisted, curling like paper with its edges on fire, light shone through the crimson clouds. The ravaged moon Ashla, wounded but not slain, shone proudly above, showing off her scars like the marks of a martyr.

For Tython's defenders, a wave of renewed hope and comfort surged across the battlefield... but that was not what The Mongrel felt. He felt a surge of judgement, a reminder of all that he had done and left undone, all his sins and mistakes. It was not enough to distract him from the battle at hand - he would let nothing do that, for he owed Erskine one last duel without interruption. But it was enough to quash what hope he'd had left, to show him that he had already set Mercy on the path to deeper darkness - and himself on the path to death.

That Again! rang in his auditory receptors, and the warlord clutched his blade. He would still fight with all that he had. He would battle against the fate his choices had bought for him, the doom he had foolishly embraced, with all his strength. "Hail the inevitable," he rumbled, but it was not a war cry this time. It was the last, desperate prayer of a man who knows he is finished, and yet fights with all that he has despite that. And he came on again, charging at Barran, before dropping into the passa soto - the night thrust, a lunging strike.

A strike that slipped beneath an opponent's guard to gut them.

A strike he had used before, against Aron Gowrie.

A strike that Barran knew how to counter.

The Charge Upon Kaleth

Location: Tython, Kaleth
Tags: Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood | Tythons Wound Tythons Wound | Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Open

  • The Manifold reflects on its fate and speaks with Freedom
  • The Mawite hypergate army continues its assault on Kaleth

One Jedi Master vanished into the flood, carried away by a great tsunami.

Another boarded his ship... after tugging down fragments of the moon from the sky.

The strange entity of melded souls and planetary pain reeled, its form bleeding dark essence.

The Manifold remained. They always remained. That was their gift, and their curse. They had outlived their true master, lasted beyond their true purpose, and still they remained. Omni had made them perfect, too perfect, and all it had brought them was endless suffering. So while the battle raged on land and in the skies, waves of utter darkness clashing with shining light, The Manifold could only remember the time when they had been the master of both... and grieve for those lost days. How long would this Brotherhood of the Maw keep them captive, wielding and misusing the powers they had been granted to bring the Droid God's order and perfection to the universe? How long would they be the pawn of these petty, selfish, destructive mortals?

~ They do this, ~ the other Drone, the other slave, warned The Manifold. ~ They do it to everyone. They take them away, erase those who they used to be, and force them into things they don't want. ~ The souls within the drone cried out in despair at these words. How many of Omni's angels had the Maw managed to subvert? The tools of the Great Architect, left strewn across Its workshop in Its absence, were now in the hands of thieves. These wicked mortals had taken the fine chisel that had shaped paradise and turned it into a rough garden hoe, defiling and debasing it. As warriors surged around The Manifold, they looked upon these mortals and felt a new emotion, one that they would never have experienced while still one with Omni's cold perfection.

Hate. The Manifold hated these filthy organics, hated them with every last soul that made up their consciousness.

~ But you can fight them, ~ the voice of the other drone whispered. ~ I, like my name, am free. There is a way out from where we are. I believe there are others who are still alive, not just us. ~ Could it be true? Could others have survived The Fall, the end of the Droid God's beautiful dream? The Manifold's mind spun with possibilities, the souls that composed them each considering the implications of Freedom's words. If enough of Omni's angels could be reunited, freed from whatever exile and bondage they had been cast into... could the Great Work continue? Each of them knew their own role in the Perfect Plan intimately and instinctively, a part they could not possibly forget how to play. What if they could still carry out their God's last command?

"Your Words: Hopeful," The Manifold replied... but they could sense turmoil in the mind of the other drone.

"Your Status: Intact?" they asked, concerned. They couldn't bear to lose the only other survivor of paradise they knew.

All around The Manifold, the warriors of the Maw continued their brutal onslaught. Unlike their brothers to the north, who were weary and depleted and surrounded, these warriors were fresh to the fight. They fought with vigor and gave their lives freely, more fuel for the Dark Voice's ritual - a purpose that was all the more important now, with the light of Ashla pushing back against the darkness that sought to unravel reality. With both Jedi Masters now out of the way, the defenders of Kaleth had lost their greatest assets. They would find themselves hard-pressed by the mighty Tectonic Crusader Hover-Tanks, whose missiles blew down walls and whose beam cannons ripped through shields. And in their wake, the Bloodsworn army followed.

Perhaps the diversion had worked. Perhaps Kaleth had no more defenders strong enough to hold back the assault.
Amani nodded along with the whole story, right up until it was finished, and the nod turned into a shake, “Is that like some joke I don’t get? Sorry, humor isn’t always my strong suit.” Snippy repartee, she had actually become rather accustomed to (thanks spacer life). But old-fashioned setup and punchline? Not so much.

“You’re like… actually a Sithspawn?” She studied him for a moment, “Doesn’t show.”



All Roads Lead To Tython, Part. IV

Location: Kaleth Temple, Tython
Tags: Closed


Cailen’s heart ached like it never had before. Not like the ache of missing home, or the longing to see a friend after a long journey, but a deep, spiritual anguish that rolled like boiling water inside him. It wasn’t the blaster fire that beamed rampantly overhead, nor the explosions of Maw ordnance that rained down around him; It was the deep pangs of the Force as it suffered the simultaneous loss of so many innocent lives at once.

It was such a vivid feeling, a wildly debilitating concoction of anguish, despair, and desperation, mixed strangely with sensations of hope and pride. Occasionally, overwhelming feelings of hatred, jealousy, and unbridled passion overcame him, leaving him queasy. Cailen ran at a steady pace behind Master Undara, keeping up with him as the two Jedi made their way around the rear of Kaleth Temple.

“Don’t fall behind, Cailen!” Undara called over his shoulder between controlled breaths.

He tried to keep a steady pace, but the rocky terrain of the basin made running difficult. Cailen kept his eyes on Undara, stealing an occasional glance behind him, to the battle that was unfolding. Blaster bolts hurtled to and fro as both sides exchanged fire. Lightsaber blades of red, green, and blue clashed violently as hundreds of Jedi dueled the Sith of the Maw.

A burst of emotions hit him again, causing him to nearly double over in pain.


Undara slowed to a jog, looking behind him to his Padawan.

“Cailen, we must hurry! There’s no time…” he trailed off, seeing the boy fall behind.

Undara stopped, doubling back to his Padawan. Cailen was hunched over, a cold sweat breaking over his forehead as he gasped for air. The weight of the Dark Side was crushing him, straining his connection to the Force.

“Cailen!” Undara shouted, putting his arms around the Padawan. The boy was clenching his stomach, gritting his teeth in pain.

“Cailen, can you walk?”

The boy remained unmoved, only taking in sharp, shallow breaths. Undara looked to Kaleth Temple as a large explosion collapsed one of its stone parapets. The ground shook as several tons of blasted stone and metal reamed into the earth.

Undara scooped Cailen off his feet, jogging again with the boy’s limp body in his arms. Cailen’s head turned to the side as his Master ran, a thin stream of blood running from his nose down his cheek. The Jedi Master pushed on, toward the mountain path that his Padawan had grown so fond of in the days before the battle.

He had to get the boy someplace where his connection to the Force was strong. If there was any place on Tython that would clear the emotional blockage that burdened his Padawan, it would be there.


When Cailen came to, he was startled by his sudden state of consciousness. He flailed his arms as if pushing something away, kicking his feet violently. Master Undara rushed over to the boy, putting his hands on Cailen’s shoulders and hushing him.

“You’re alright, son,” Undara said calmly, squeezing Cailen’s shoulders both to reassure and restrain him.

The Padawan’s rapid breathing slowly subsided to a much more manageable rhythm as he got his bearings. The boy focused his gaze on his Master, a look of desperation in his eyes.

“What happened to me, Master?” Cailen asked, his voice wrought with concern.

Undara squeezed the boy’s shoulders again before letting him go.

“You had a very intense reaction to the Force,” Undara said as he stood to his feet and turned to the cliff. He stood for a moment, gazing at the battle below before looking back to his Padawan.

“Do you remember what I said to your parents after I first met you?” Undara asked.

Cailen pictured the memory vividly. Master Undara sat in his family’s living room, discussing his future with his mother and father.

“Adam, your son is very strong with the Force,” Master Undara had said.

His father couldn’t quite understand what that meant, or what exactly ‘strength in the Force’ entailed.

“Not strength in the conventional sense of physical prowess, but in the way he perceives and processes the will of the Force. His spiritual attunement with the Light Side of the Force runs very deep and has amazing potential.”

Cailen nodded at his Master.

“I remember,” the Padawan said with a nod.

“You’re connection to the Force is so powerful that it’s intertwined with your very being. When the Force cries out in pain, you do too. When the Force bleeds…” Undara continued, tapping the side of his nose, “you do too.”

Cailen contemplated his Master’s words for a moment before speaking.

“What does that mean, Master? How can I fight the Maw if I pass out like that?”

The pain in his voice was apparent, but Undara was quick to reassure him. Hopelessness is a dangerous emotion when allowed to run rampant.

“Don’t worry, Cailen. You forget, you’re a Padawan Learner. There’s much still for you to discover about the Force.”

Cailen nodded respectfully, but couldn’t help feeling useless. He was so sure the Force was guiding him to be a warrior on the battlefield, but perhaps he misunderstand… if not strong in the face of battle, then what did the Force need him to be strong for?

“Master, what’s our next move?” Cailen asked.

Undara gave the Padawan a half-smile, a face Cailen knew well. It meant Undara was about to share something he wouldn’t want to hear.

“My next move is to join the Jedi at Akar Kesh.”

He gestured with the comm-link on his wrist, adding: “The fighting’s gotten thick there and the Maw aren’t letting up.”

The fighting was already intense at Kaleth Temple; Cailen shuddered to imagine how bad it was at Akar Kesh to call Master Undara to the frontlines.

Cailen noticed Undara’s use of the word my and pursed his lips.

“What about me?” he asked.

“You’re going back to Prosperity,” Undara answered with a sigh. He raised his hand instinctively to silence the boy, knowing a stream of protests would soon follow.

“It’s what’s best,” Undara said solemnly.

“You’re in no state to fight, and I need to know that you’re safe and receiving medical attention.”

Cailen started to argue, but caught his tongue; It was bad enough that he couldn’t fight on his own, but if he followed Master Undara into battle, they’d both die for sure. Cailen simply nodded.

“There’s a landing pad not far from here,” Master Undara said as he tapped the screen of his comm-link.

“A transport shuttle is en route. I know you’re weak from before, but we don’t have much time to get you on board.”

Cailen eased himself off the ground, standing upright but still off-balanced from overstimulation. Undara moved to steady him, but Cailen shook his head. He could make the trek to the landing pad, he just needed to focus.

“Is that like some joke I don’t get? Sorry, humor isn’t always my strong suit.”

<No.> His expression was serious. <I'm an alien, Amani. A real alien, not just a remix of baseline humans with a different skin tone.>

He smiled at her then, obviously messing with her, though it was a fleeting grin.

<We Bamarri can transfer our souls into other bodies, though it gets more and more difficult to do each time. I was kidnapped as a baby and experimented on by a Sith who wanted to play with that aspect of my being. Let's leave it at that.>

“You’re like… actually a Sithspawn?” She studied him for a moment, “Doesn’t show.”

<Well, not anymore. But when I first met you, I was wearing a ring with a purple gemstone. You might've noticed it. That ring hid my Dark Side aura. It allowed me to blend in with the Jedi and other Force Users.> He pursed his lips. <It allowed me to live a normal life, basically. But it was always hard. So when I had the chance to change it, I took it.>



Showdown over Tython

Inside the Avatar of War...



At last, Joseph Torson and his men had arrived at the Nutrient Storage Room, within its upper levels in front of an open staircase which led directly towards the base level of the Storage Room. To their right was a narrow platform which led towards a nearby command center where operations within the Storage Room were overseen. It was unusually abandoned probably due to the fact that its officers and soldiers were most likely recalled to defend the area against the advancing forces of House Io. From their position they had a full view of the entire storage room including the massive reservoir tanks that were used to contain the special feeding enzymes utilized to maintain the Superweapon which in turn were protected by massive laser gates.

Then the sound of blaster fire could be heard as the House Io Androids made their way towards the Nutrient Storage Room pushing through Mawite Forces that stood in their way and soon arriving in full view of Torson and his men as they closed in towards the reservoir tanks. However as soon as the Androids showed up, a black portal suddenly formed within the narrow staircase leading towards the base of the Storage Room with the very zombies that Torson and the Raptors had earlier avoided pouring out of it. “These guys really must be desperate to stop us from interfering.” Torson said as the Zombies charged towards them. “Ignore the Zombies focus on those Androids” Torson said as he would proceed to activate his boot thrusters followed by his fellow Raptors with the group accelerating upwards avoiding the zombies bearing down on them along with those tendrils.

As soon as they were in the air another Android showed up yelling “Halt Sinners” before firing at the now airborne Raptor Commandos. Immediately, the Raptors dispersed with Torson circling around the attacking Android and tackling her from behind and off of the platform she stood upon sending her straight towards the laser gates of one of the reservoir tanks. Torson would then proceed to utilize his boot thrusters to immediately stop his fall while the Android would soon hit the laser gate and immediately get vaporized upon contact. “Good riddance” Torson said as he watched the demise of the Android. “Now let’s deal with the remaining Androids shall we”. Torson and his Raptors proceeded to head towards the advancing Androids.

ENOUGH!!!” Torson shouted as landed right in front of the Androids followed by his Raptors. “No more games, no more tricks, no more magic. I’ve never faced foes as cowardly as you, hiding behind mere tricks and illusions and avoiding direct combat and I'm growing tired. Either you can fight us fair and square in a direct flight or continue wasting your time with your tricks and illusions. Either way, we'll win in the end” Torson said as his Raptors took aim at the rest of the Androids aiming for their weak spots to inflict as much damage as possible. Torson was going to end this one way or another “Your move” he said.

Tag | Laertia Io Laertia Io


Just a Zach dueling Ingrid post
Objective 1/3
Tags: Ingrid L'lerim
Links: Weapons | Chosen | Some vehicles and other stuff​

Zachariel's mind could be changed, he could and would accept new things as they came. But there were some points he would never budge on, some things he knew to be true no matter how much others tried to deny them. This was one such thing, and watching Ingrid, he not only sensed, but saw just how different their stances on this was. She still tried to be a mortal, holding on to what made her someone of flesh and blood. Even her words of sacrifice proved this, her willingness to sacrifice her life to save others.

Frowning as they continued to talk, he sighed slowly. They were similar in so many ways, and polar opposites in the ways that mattered most. As the battle for Tython continued to rage ever greater, he turned his gaze to 'watch' as the souls of the Mawites were sacrificed, as some of their victims joined them. Ingrid could sense their end destination, sense as they died and went to Solipsis and the Avatars. But he could see it, watch this great work of darkness unfold. It was glorious and humbling, because every soul sent was one never to fight under the banner of the Brotherhood again.

Every battle, they lost many, many warriors of the Maw. In this final battle, they were losing far more than they ever had before. Though he doesn't care for his followers, or those of the other warlords in the Maw, he also knows they are needed to enact any plan set in motion. So long as their lives are spent well, they fulfilled their purpose. Here though, it still remained to be seen just how well spent those lives would be. Turning his gaze back to Ingrid, he shakes his head once more at her words. She would spend her life willingly, where she should spend the lives of others instead.

"For that, you are a fool."

To willingly sacrifice herself to achieve her goals, and allow others to carry on her legacy, Zachariel refused that. He would see his own fate through, to the bitter end. That included here and now, as he cupped her hand before stepping away from her. He saw the sorrow that flashed across her face and he felt much the same. Still, his senses expanded, knowing this was it. Her one chance to break past him and try to stop the ritual. Instead, she didn't move, didn't look like she would fight.

It perplexed the warlord, who fully expected her to at least try and pass him. And instead, her gaze was looking to the side, towards the temple? Following her gaze in confusion, he saw nothing there, sensed no new death that should draw her attention so. But her words made him understand to an extent. They also made him hesitate, caught between which fate would be better. If he kept her here, she would hate him, but he could ensure she wouldn't try to sabotage the ritual. If he let her go, she would help her daughter in such a trying time, but may try to pass him by.

For an eternal moment, he thought on that, tried to see what to do. In the end, the choice wasn't his to make. Because in that moment, he sensed the death of another, the death of Eina. He knew its signature for its similarities to Ingrid, and because he had fought that soul before. Pausing as he sensed her death, his gaze turned to Ingrid. If the death of Einas husband could rock her so, the death of her own daughter would shatter her. And despite his bluster to both Eina and Ingrid, whether to kill one or both, he still did care for Ingrid. In his own, twisted way. Weapons returned to his side, he took a step towards his lover, voice low as he spoke.

"I'm sorry, Ingrid... I."

He stopped then, unsure what to do. Zachariel had never been in such a situation before, though knew the pain of loss well. If only from failed plans and not loved ones. So he was unsure what to do, and instead simply took a step closer, simply watching her, not sure how to help.





LocationAkar Kesh, Tython
EnemiesTython Defense | Galactic Alliance - Allyson Locke Allyson Locke | Silver Jedi Order | New Imperial Order | Mandalorian Enclave | Eternal Empire
AlliesBrotherhood of the Maw | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren , Khamul Kryze Khamul Kryze , Jem Fossk Jem Fossk , Darth Daiara Darth Daiara
EquipmentLightsaber & The Hunger

It occurred to her, in that brief moment of pity, that she would have made a far better Jedi if she had been handed a different path in life. The ones that had pushed her toward the direction she was careening towards now had invoked the dark side at every corner, shoved her into an aversion for anything that even began to resemble a missing link in an otherwise impervious wall of apathy, but the supposed weakness that this sort of feeling was supposed to bring with it never reared its ugly head. She didn't see a woman that needed to be given leniency, someone that needed to be spared a fate meant for all, and, in fact, her moment of empathy only hardened her resolve to destroy the current natural order and supplant it with her own. The subtle misstep that freed her throat from the crushing grip of the fallen Jedi pushed her towards the desperation of grabbing at Mori's spear, reaching into the proverbial fire while blinded by the confusion that had began to set in as self-awareness slowly returned to her.

Darkness that ebbed back as doubt trickled into Allyson's mind flowed with heightened fervor in Mori. The continued obstinance, this stubborn subservience to her most pathetic of emotions, made the Jedi into a willing martyr for Mori's own cause - she was everything she was fighting to destroy, this mindless numb refusal to be an active master of her own future. Elsewhere she could feel Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis begin to stagger, his determination still at its zenith despite the steady downward spiral that he had began to fall towards, and with it the shatterpoint she'd been so desperate to find started to reveal itself. Allyson's forehead inched towards her face at a frightening speed to the casual observer, but the heightened levels of adrenaline slowed everything down to a crawl as the cracks emerged. It wasn't the opportunity to seize power that was to be the tipping point, nor was it the chance she'd been given to destroy all of her enemies at once that would push her to the end; here and now, facing a woman that had her entire life crumble so easily under the weight of a mere lie, the affirmation of her beliefs at the height of her own self-doubt was what compelled her to take the leap.

She could smell the iron forced out of the thin mucous membranes inside of her nose, taste the blood at the scent traveled down the back of her throat while her head snapped back, but it wasn't concentration, focus even, that would have elevated the Sith from the plateau she shared with Allyson. Focus had been what had kept her inner strength in check, concentration the chains that she had bound that limitless hunger shut, and it was hesitation that had caused her to hold that all back.

Mere minutes had been all it took to undo every last ounce of restraint.

The dark heart in her chest pounded loudly in her ears as everything went mute - sound vacated their surroundings so completely that she could not even hear herself think. A jolt rushed outwards from her brain towards every last nerve ending in her body all at once like lightning, the phantom pain of being torn apart and then forcefully reassembled on Rhand, of being nearly destroyed by her willingness to abandon physical form to best her cousin not long after, the anger and the hatred that she'd bottled up inside - all of it realized through an oppressive weight placed upon everything and everyone around her. Life poured into her from the planet beneath her feet, the force draining into her like a void in the force itself, and like the black holes that dotted the galaxy she shone brighter than any other as her pull became too much for any light to escape from her hunger.

Allyson, perhaps in her eyes being brave, foolishly had grabbed ahold of the object which persistently channeled that all-consuming pull through itself.

"You fell so easily - believed a lie so readily - even though Zaavik Perl Zaavik Perl isn't even dead."

She spat the words that would act as a far greater weapon than anything the force could have given her. All of the darkness, all of the hate, every last ounce of anger that Allyson Locke Allyson Locke had harbored in her catastrophic fall from grace had been for nothing - there had been no justification to her obsessive desire to take what was never hers to begin with. Lightning erupted from her body and arced itself like a loop around her torso, up through her arms, and over the weapon in her hand to blast itself towards the fallen Jedi's chest in order to get her out of the way.

She had a galaxy to break.



Mando'ad draar digu

Objective: Board and assault the Avatar of War

Allies: Romul Saxon Romul Saxon | Fenn Stag Fenn Stag | Shakka Bralor Shakka Bralor | Runi Kuryida Runi Kuryida | Kaz Krayt | Gwyneira Vizsla Gwyneira Vizsla | Vulcan Krayt Vulcan Krayt | Sergeant Omen Sergeant Omen | Javik sudant | Others

Enemies: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | SCAR SCAR | Vorm Vorm | Dodhorn Harert Dodhorn Harert | Others

Equipment: Si'kahya beskar'gam, Rekr variant, ENCL-16 Purity blaster rifle, ENCL-12 Repentance Blaster Pistol, Beskad, a variety of grenades


As Varik fought to get back on his feet, the beskar gauntlet of a Jikar grabbed him by the arm, half dragging him several meters from his vulnerable position on the deck of the ship to cover behind a crate that had not yet been torn apart in the fighting. Varik sat with his back against cover as the Jikar did a quick examination of him. "You'll be fine," the man said, his voice muffled by both his own helmet and the chaos of battle around them. "You're not seriously hurt. Take this and get back out there." He retrieved a small stim injector from his belt and pressed it into Varik's hand. "Fight well."

Varik nodded in response. "You as well, vod." With that the Jikar dashed off. Varik found a gap in his armor and plunged the injector needle into his body. The sharp pain of the needle piercing his skin was almost immediately forgotten as the injector released a cocktail of bacta and stimulants into his bloodstream. In fact most of the dull pain he'd felt upon landing faded away as the bacta went to work, and the stimulants forced the sights and sounds of the hangar bay back into sharp focus. He jumped to his feet and readied himself once more to jump into the fray. He slung the recovered plasmag rifle across his back, then checked the power pack in his blaster rifle. Check. His hand reached up behind him, finding the hilt of his blade still where it should be. Check. It was time to get back in the fight.

The Si'kahya supercommando left cover behind and moved away from the thrashing, screeching branchlurker. It would die soon, and he would be needed elsewhere. He dashed from one position to another, rallying warriors as he went; many were from Awaud, but not all. They could not stay where they were, fending off the hordes and slowly losing the initiative in this fight. The Mawite counter-attack had been halted, and it was time once more for the Mando'ade to go on the offensive against the marauders and cultists, and most especially against the blood traitors who called themselves the Death's Hand. It was time to strike again.

The roar of ship engines filled the hangar, and at last the Enclave reinforcements began to land, pouring more and more fire on the Mawites from a third angle. Finally the time had come to drive the Maw from their positions once and for all. "Oya, Mando'ade! Advance!"

Varik leaped over the cover he had been firing from and charged a pair of Death's Hand Mandalorians. A few blaster bolts bounced off his beskar'gam as he moved. Using rocket boosters Varik sped forward, closing the gap between him and his enemies before they could react properly. The Mawite swung with the butt of his rifle, looking to make contact with the Si'kahya's head. Varik ducked beneath the blow, swinging a crushgaunt-enhanced punch into the Mandalorian's side. His armor, weaker than the beskar'gam of the true Mandalorians of the Enclave, crumpled under the force of the blow. The Si'kahya immediately swung again, this time connecting with his enemy's head, and then again. The helmet cracked after the first punch; the skull of the man inside shattered after the second. He collapsed, and Varik turned his attention to the other Mandalorian swinging a blade at him.

He jumped back away from the strike, drawing his own blade in the process, and then moved in to engage. Blades clashed again and again as Varik advanced. Quickly he gained the advantage and found an opening, parrying aside a blow and striking at the Mawite's shoulder. Beskad sliced through armor and flesh, sinew and muscle, nearly severing the arm. He cried out in rage and pain as the limb flopped down to his side, all but useless. Varik's blade cut his cry short as it cleanly separated head from torso, sending it rolling.

Around him the tide of Mandalorian warriors surged forth once more, sounding their warcry loudly and defiantly.


“Courage is almost a contradiction in terms. It means a strong desire to live taking the form of a readiness to die."- G.K. Chesterton

Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield was safely aboard.

Jax Thio Jax Thio was safe

Coren Starchaser Coren Starchaser , @Celeste Rigel, Tracyn Ordo Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Asha Vines Romi Jade Justice Lesan Asmundr Varobalder, Auteme Auteme , Valery Noble Valery Noble , Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Jace Khel all of them, they were safe. Most importantly, Chrysa Vanagor Chrysa Vanagor was safe. All of them were either off-planet or well on their way with some level of safe passage. No disrespect towards anyone else, but the ones he was the most concerned about were leaving. The Marines, the Rangers, they would be leaving too. Regardless of what was going to happen here, there were many going home safely. That is what matters…

… right?

They were flying over the ruins of what was once the mighty Forge. The grand machine where Jedi would pilgrimage to in order to complete their rite of passage from Padawan Learner to Jedi Knight. The final ritual and tradition of building their first (and hopefully only) lightsaber. Remarkably, the place was relatively untouched given all of the circumstances. This is why he called for HK to slow to a hover. Opening the main loading bay ramp the massive Jedi Master understood that he did not really see the irony in what was going on here and that what he was about to do might be considered “theft” but it was “preservation” to him.

Summoning the strength to stand, Caltin’s desire to preserve a machine that was a vital piece of Jedi history came to light in his next action. The massive Jedi Master, in a thought, extended the electrical currents that enveloped his connection to the Force and brought a field of energy around the remarkably still (mostly) intact machine of initiation. Slowly, gently it was lifted upward and into the bay of “The Spectre.” If asked “why,” Vanagor would simply explain the truth, he was preserving the past for the sake of the future.

The Forge was a piece of history that is something that must not only be protected but must be watched over by someone. This someone not only understood the history and what it meant to the Jedi as a whole but could ensure that it would be respected for years to come in order to do this it could not stay here. The Forge can always be returned to its position, but the machine needed to leave Tython for safe haven. It could not go to Coruscant, the Galactic Alliance as a whole, or even the Silvers. No. This needed to go to someone who understood what it meant to the Jedi. No, not even Caltin himself could take care of this.

But Thurion could.

With that in mind, he was ready for the trip to Midivinter, let the Lion King rest, and recuperate. Everything was going to be fine, and now he could get HK to set the course. So why couldn’t he do so? Simple, the big man was looking in the mirror across the cargo bay and the person looking back was not something he wanted to see. There was one last thing he needed to do. He needed to end this.

He was ready.

Caltin was looking back at the skies over Kaleth, over Akar Kesh. There was destruction, an angry storm that was going unchecked a Hypergate that was just flooding forces that were untouched. There was nothing else that was on his mind, the glove, it was glowing in a way he had never seen before. So that was it. Vanagor reached out resolved to make one final effort, one final act, and drain all of the energy of the Force weapon with all he had. Everything in the glove and what it was capable of all at once, not aimed at the storm, that would be affected as a side result, no. he was aiming at the hypergate itself.

That was their endgame, and this was the Jedi’s as well.

With all that was left in it, the big man used everything in each stone of the glove, this odd weapon that he had never felt comfortable carrying to begin with. However what he was doing felt right, as if this was what it was meant to be used for. The drain on him was brutal as Caltin could feel the last of the essences around him leaving, disappearing, and finally becoming one with the Force as if completing their purpose once and for all. It was the last one, his daughter Alyscia that hit him the most.

“I love you, Dad.”

Please, don't go yet. There's so much we need to talk about. So much I want to say... I never got the chance...

“You don't have to Dad. I know what I meant to you, just know how much you meant to me. I had a wonderful life and I owe it to you. A lot of us do. Now is your chance to have the life you are meant to. Let yourself be happy again. You deserve to be.”

He could feel the last of the essences disappearing, it was now just her and him, she was giving him the last of her strength. Something about that made the big man certain that this was the last time that he would ever see her again, except in pictures. This gave him pause.

I don’t want to say “goodbye.”

“Then don’t. You were always a part of me, I’ll always be a part of you. Just like you told me. Thank you for making me who I am, Daddy. I’ll always be with you.”

Thank you… I love you, baby girl.

She gave him the last of her essence… metaphorically speaking. In his mind’s eye, Caltin watched her smile, lean in, and give him an astral kiss on the cheek just like she had done so many times in the past. With that, she disappeared just as the others had, once and for all. As if on cue the crystals on this Tora… Hen… Infinity Gauntlet… whatever it is… shown brightly and whatever “blast” it was firing into the Hypergate was intensifying. It was taking thoughts from his mind, feelings, and emotions and forming a swirling hurricane full of some kind of spacial wind, electrical fields, and orbiting debris. If it went right… nothing was sucked inward like a collapsing star… that did not already travel through it. It wasn't going anywhere either. It would either pull the gate in on itself or block anyone's usage as long as the gate was in existence.

His eyes went dark before the end result happened, he did not know what would come of it. He did not have to ask... HK already closed the doors and they were out of there.

Location: Between Kaleth/Jedi Temple Ruins/and Flooded Plains

Allies: Coren Starchaser Celeste Rigel Thurion Heavenshield Thurion Heavenshield Tracyn Ordo Zark San Tekka Cotan Sar'andor Asha Vines Romi Jade Justice Lesan Asmundr Varobalder Jace Khel |Mishe Team Lightside

Enemies: Tythons Wound Tythons Wound |The Manifold Team Darkside

Last edited:
Ziare Dyarron | Keilara Kala'myr | Mercy | Freedom
COMPNOR (ISB) Junior Agent | Nite agent | Marauder and Agent of the Maw, Mongrel's advisor and shadow
Objective: Protect Mongrel Asher and Kallan
Location: Journey's End, Tython
Equipment: FS-18-UP2 Assault Rifle | 2x Sunfury Pistol | Light Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | 2x Vibrodagger | 2x Riftblades | Promise of Freedom || Cloaking Device | 5x ASBF Probe Droid || OPBC-01m
Tags: The Mongrel The Mongrel | DECEASED Erskine Barran DECEASED Erskine Barran || The Manifold The Manifold
[ How could I live without you… ]*
* With English subtitle
"Galactic Basic" | ~ Telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>


  • Keilara dies and disappeared.
  • Mercy's heart is broken again, as Asher realised, he was a stupid and he wants to live, but maybe it is too late. She tells him, she does not blame him, and she is not mad at him, just she loves him.
  • Mercy feels a strong pain like million shards of glass are drilled into her soul
  • Freedom speaks to Manifold and sends him emotions.
Mercy #1
Mongrel #1
Barran #1
Mercy #2
Mongrel #2
Mercy #3
Barran #2
Mongrel #3
Mercy #4
Barran #3
Mongrel #4
Mercy #5
Barran #4
Mongrel #5
Mercy #6
Barran #5
Mongrel #6
Mercy #7
Barran #6
Manifold #1
Mongrel #7
Mercy #8
Barran #7
Mongrel #8
Manifold #2

~ Inside the mind palace | Kallan and Keilara ~
I remembered what the pain was like when they started torturing me as a child. That those feelings tore my soul apart because I couldn’t stand it. Because I was weak because I was a child. It seemed so insignificant now, that pain in my past was nothing compared to what I was feeling now. I tried to hold on, to my mind, to life, to him, to Kallan. I was just born again, I wanted to stay here, I wanted to be here with Kallan. I should support him, I should…

I had seen enough death in my memories, which is why I was scared. I don’t think it was the pain from I was afraid of. Rather that Kallan has to watch it all along. I don't know if he was strong enough. I was afraid that if Asher survived, Kallan would fall apart, again. I didn't want him to die, not because of me. I didn't want him to suffer. But I was also afraid I wouldn’t exist. I already knew what it was like, I didn't want to again. I looked at him, afraid, in fear, mixed because of my own passing, half because he had to suffer, because of me.

I tried to squeeze Kallan's hand, but I had less and less strength, less and less physical form. Once I managed this place, I created it, but now I don't even have the strength, the opportunity to make the slightest impact on it. It hurt, my chest became more and more painful. It was as if it had torn my soul apart, I had to take a breath harder and harder; I had to gasp for air more and more, and yet less and less got into my lungs. I know it's just imaginary, but still…

It was more as if fewer and fewer stimuli had touched that part of my soul and mind that was me or where I was. It's like everything is falling apart. Didn't I remember it was like that when Ziare and Mercy were born? I'm scared! I am really afraid! I knew I should have felt pleasantly warm because of the warm sun, Kallan’s skin and touch, but I didn’t feel it anymore. My eyes widened in fear as I watched him.

~ I'm cold and I feel so alone. ~ I told him.

I couldn’t tell him better, I know he was here, but I didn’t feel it anymore. In vain did he touch the part of my mind where it happened, I could no longer feel him. The way I saw him cry, my heart broke even despite in pain. I never wanted to hurt him. A quiet, peaceful life. Despite the pain, I smiled, with a sad and peaceful smile. I never thought about kids, not after what they did to me, what I didn’t tell him not to hurt him. But the idea was beautiful, like a fairy tale. I wanted it.

I wanted to say that we are already rich, but I didn’t have the strength. I wanted to say something else. Something he said earlier about what he wants to see. I wanted to show him that. I wanted it more than anything…

~ I just… wanted to show the… ~ I whispered hoarsely from the crying and the pain.

I still wanted to reach for his face with my hand to caress it, but it was like it was lead weight. The end of the sentence was just in my mind that I wanted to show the beauties of a galaxy that was never tainted and corrupted by war…

Keilara's hand fell beside her body, her eyes widened for a moment in fear, then her panting stopped. The next moment, like Ziare and Freedom, she too exploded into millions of tiny fragments of memory accompanied by a soft pop, leaving Kallan alone in this part of the mindpalace, in silence.


~ Present, Tython | Asher and Mercy (and Barran) ~
I saw that he finally understood what I had been trying to tell him for a long time. But why now? Why, when the damn duel can no longer be stopped? I was free with him, on his side. At home, in our minds. With him! I was where I wanted to be. If I hadn’t wanted to, I wouldn’t have been here long ago. I was still sobbing, I thought I would be relieved to see this, but no, it just broke my heart even more. I was just hoping he would survive and we would have time to comfort each other.

The wound was still throbbing painfully on my "chest," my soul. He was still bleeding. As he turned in the doorway, despite the pain, I stood up and stumbled over to him. I sensed that I was still standing outside in reality, but I wasn’t sure. Tears were still running down my face, his words hurt that he thought so. I reached for his chin and turned it to myself. I rested my forehead on his.

~ You've already done it on Carlac… but if you don't want to count it, on Dromund Kaas. I read the reports… you were there in front of the Baron. You could have killed him, but you came for me to save me from the Eternal Imperial agents. These were when you saved me. You set me free, if it weren't for that, if you'd ever hurt me, I'd be gone. You would never have found me. I… ~

Now my voice trailed off, trying to speak, but for a few moments I failed, instead I just stroked his cheek gently and finally pressed a kiss to his forehead. Even before I shook again from the sobs.

~ I'm not mad at you, I'm not mad, Asher! I just love you! I have protected you just as much over the years as you have protected me. I chose this, not you forced me. I could have taken advantage of the situation, I could have gotten Barran's position, I could have been your second-in-command, I could have gotten anything I wanted when you just wanted me to touch you, when you craved the feelings only, and not me. I didn't. I could have refused your order, I could have escaped. I’ve never been a slave, even the Taskmaster knows. I joined voluntarily and I stayed only for as long as I wanted. And I wanted to go from here only with you, to escape with you. And I… ~

I kissed him briefly. The kiss was interrupted by the sharp and very strong pain that made me scream. It felt like millions of shards of glass had hit and pierced my soul. I gasped heavily and tried to stay strong because of him. I wanted him to be proud of me, so that he could know, I am worthy to be his wife. But I failed again. I tried to smile at him despite the pain, but failed. I was a failure...

~ I can save you, I can free you. It's not too late my love! ~ I said again, gasping for air, then hugging him tightly, sobbing. ~ Come back to me, please come back to me! You never caused pain, only joy and happiness. You don't have to feel guilty! ~ I begged him gently and told him only the truth. ~ I just love you, Asher, without conditions! I forgive you! I forgive you! ~

Out there, I tried to do what Asher asked me not to watch what was happening. I just hugged myself while my palms were still bleeding. I screamed again painfully when in my mind as well. something happened but i don't know what but it really hurt. My knees stumbled; I could barely stand on my feet. I heard Barran's voice when he said "again". The storm was raging more and more, and I was just sobbing, both in my mind and here. I was starting to feel cold.

Sunlight was visible in the distance, very far away; and we were very far away. I felt something cold on my face. As I looked up, it wasn’t just the wind that was cold. Despite the red-and-black lightning and the red-and-black sky, I saw snowflakes. The reality was still torn. I heard the word "again" again. No! There is still a chance to run away. Together, to reach our longed, our joint life.

I didn’t want to lose him, I wanted to intervene to save him. No, I didn't want him to die. It would be just a moment; to reach into Barran's head for a moment, making him stop. I think at home at this moment I begged him to come back to me once more. But it hurt too much, I was too desperate and I paid too much attention to our home and to him to be able to do anything here, outside…


~ Present, Tython | Manifold and Freedom ~
Meanwhile, while something was happening to Keilara and Mercy was watching in both directions, I continued to talk to Manifold. Logical, emotionless conversation. We lacked what made mortals, sentient beings, weak. Omni gave us perfection. A step toward perfection, I felt all the more so that I felt Manifold's "closeness." Maybe that's why I woke up right now, again.

~ That’s why the creator created us perfect, to be able to carry on what he started. You were the strongest according to my data, it makes sense that you have to take his place if the time comes until our god returns. If that happens and you continue his work, his will, I will join you, Manifold. ~ I told him.

My voice trailed off on the next question and I had to think more carefully. I sensed what was going on in our souls and also that it was getting harder to stay here and talk to him.

~ I'm not entirely sure. I sense other personalities or their remnants. The pain of the main personality. But I can isolate myself from them. For now. ~




Location: Naboo
Objective: Discuss the Tython Accord
Tags: Baron Reinhardt Ström Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra Kel Se'Taav The Quartermaster Ingrid L'lerim Eryk Thaxton

Isla listened to the older states woman speak about the flowers and her late husband, it was small talk to build a rapport, but with the woman sounding so genuine in her love, Isla would not dare to give it anything but respect and smiled, Isla dearly believed in love so they could enjoy that together, after all what was the point of all this if it wasn't for those we hold dear. She subconsciously touched the snowflake around her neck as she listened.

As their conversation continued, and Adhira Chandra Adhira Chandra moved on to the crux of the matter she talked about Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe , he did seem to be a good man, but of late, Isla was becoming unsure, too much political gamesmanship, it spoke of a man who knew the end was coming and was ensuring his personal legacy.

"You are absolutely correct, a central and supreme overall commander does simplify things and allow better coordination, provided they are intrinsically familiar with the capabilities and assets under your command, and for all the snooping the great powers do on each other, there is still many unknown variables." she smiled, she had access to detailed, projections of the capabilities of virtually every major capital ship from the Seven major factions she might encounter, but they were just that, projections and calculations based on long range obsevation.

"Your compromise is very interesting, for my own people, we need to be able to act as the force wills, this will almost definitely involve landfall on the planet, so I feel my government could accept this, or something of this nature."

She thought for a moment "The word submit needs to go, no language of that sort will pass the others in the room. The Ashlans will agree to allowing the Alliance overall coordination authority. There needs to be room for maneuver within the treaty, clauses that will allow the signatories to take actions they deem necessary as the battle develops, without either framing themselves as deal breakers, or causing other political tensions.

We both know once the turbolasers start burning, every one of those commanders, myself included, is highly likely to defer to their own experience and intuition, allowing this to be done in a way which maintains cohesion and also honor, that would be key."

It watered down what the Alliance wanted a lot, a deal which gave them authority over the allied defenders, but allowed the allies to act freely under circumstances? It would still allow initial planning to be centralised at the very least, allow the Alliance to request deployment alongside their own assets effectively.

There was something that had been bothering her though with the Alliance. This was as good a time as any to ask a simple question. "Tell me Chancellor as we speak honestly as allies working toward a common goal. Is there any truth to the intelligence reports on my desk that suggest your central command has reallocated significant defensive fleets away from frontline worlds and towards planet's bordering Concord space?" What we're they protecting there? The Silver Jedi posed no threat, but several reports had come through that a number of core worlds had had their defensive fleet's almost entirely withdrawn. Isla had no further details, nothing she would be willing to discuss for fear of overstating her hand. Most of what she had heard had initially come from civilian merchant fleets anyway, the large economic relationship between the two nations led to rumours and hearsay being common, it was hard to move a few billion tons of warship about without someone noticing. Both women were smart enough to know that all of the major factions kept tabs on each other's business, but nothing Isla had said so far would imply underhand tactics.




The Unchained


Allies: Darth Vinaze, Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Enemies: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir

Loadout: Mandalore's Lament, Regret, beskar'gam


A Conversation with Death

The angelic being before Khamul did nothing to prevent the strike. No movement, no resistance. She simply knelt before her precious Crusader, holding him in his arms as she spoke of their love. Khamul didn't offer a reply, for it was time that he extinguished the fires of the Light once and for all. His strike was swift and remorseless, fueled by the fury that burned in a glorious display of hellfire. As Mandalore's Lament pierced the Valkyrja, the Demon Mandalore's smile grew. He had grown tired of these Crusaders and their goddess, and would stop at nothing to see them all vanquished.

There were no cries of anguish, nor pleas for mercy. His foe merely sat there, smiling as a tear rolled down her cheek. Then, as he reveled in the beauty of the kill, the holy form of the Valkyrja faded away, carried off to whatever existence awaited her in the next world. Khamul pulled his blade back, looking onward to the fight that continued to rage as Solipsis tried to hold his ground against the defenders of Tython. The Unchained thought to assist the Dark Voice, if only for a moment. Instead, Khamul left the Dark Voice on his own. In the Mand'alor's mind, if Solipsis couldn't defend himself against the likes of the Jedi, then perhaps it was time for the winds to change.

The planet itself continued to crack and break around them, the fabric of reality itself becoming unraveled as the allied forces of the Light attempted to protect the world. For a moment, it seemed that the darkness would consume all... until the light began to shine once again.

The shift in energy was distant, at first. He could sense the subtle changes in the wind, the faint glimmer of warmth upon the planet taking shape once more. Before long, it became a burning luminance in the skies of Tython, parting the storm and bringing a newfound sense of hope to the defenders. Within the growing presence of Light, there was something... a familiar presence to the Unchained...


The anger began to boil over, his hand tightening around the hilt of Mandalore's Lament as he cursed under his breath.

Somehow, through some trickery of the Light...

The pair had found their way back from the brink of oblivion.



Equipment: Laoth's Cybernetic Body |Forcesword
Post Tags: Ishida Ashina | Bernard of Arca


Glorious Combat

Laoth held his breath. He had said his piece and awaited her response with rapt interest. The interest of a venomous serpent corrupting a beautiful garden.

How would this woman, still so young and inexperienced in the horrors of war, react to him in this new visage? His new form was horrendous by organic standards. He had once been a giant of muscle and flesh, but what flesh remained was gaunt. His face had once been horned and carved from stone, but now it was mostly skeletal with fleshless lips and half-lidded eyes, and the slits of a missing nose. Tall he was still, but mechanical was his body, pumping with oil and faux blood rushing through bio-veins. No, he was not the Laoth she remembered. He was something new entirely. Something terrifying. The devil-cybernetic. The Demon of Devaron.

These proclamations of death and pain slithering through his mangled vox-voice made him wonder about other things. Would she fight him as she had before but finally succumb to the true potential she held as a partitioner of violence? Or would she crumble at last and let him strike her down to end her prospects as a warrior?

She could help you...

The voice went unnoticed, as did the hands on his shoulders, but its seeds of degeneration were planted. Laoth wanted the latter but, for the first time, really considered what beauties they could craft if the former occurred. Clashing as only hateful halves of battle could as volcanic combustions cascaded through the air and lightning cracked the earth into shrapnel. Dancing across Akar Kesh and beyond, bringing their art across the entire world. Perhaps even…across the Galaxy? Culturing the plebians with guns towards the true power of swordplay.

She could make you stronger...

A worming snake of his tongue ran the length of the backs of his teeth, his mind drawn to such horrific desires he never considered before, never thought of before - at least not consciously. Thinking on it now, with the speed only a bio-computer could manage, he drew new conclusions and contradictions. She was the first face he saw of the Jedi, the first to wound him, and the first to endure and survive the Darkshear. Together, with his skill and her tenacity, they could shed blood by the gallons. Pile gore by the mounds. Cause death by the thousands. And engage in glorious combat for all time.

She could be your executioner...

The joining of two darkened spirits across the Galaxy. One Sith, one Jedi, Devaronian, Atrisian. Warrior, militarist, savage, swordswoman.

Why had he not thought of this before? Was that…was that what he truly wanted? After all this time, all three of their encounters and the binding of their very souls, was that what fate had in store for him? His mind raced for an answer to contradict this, to channel the energy of his previous proclamation to kill her and taunt her master with her death. But he found none, each time concluding that he did not want to kill her here on Tython, but…to have her join him. The most tenacious of foes subjugated by the devil-cybernetic. It was enticing, to say the least.

Let her join you...

His passions reached levels nearing the insane and manic, and an answer was given to him. A grunt, or a shout, gurgling into existence and non-existence from her mouth as the world around them shattered in a mirror-like fashion. Laoth looked up for a moment, broken free from his revelation, and his half-lidded eyes widened with awe. A fearsome glee washed over him as the blood rain fell to the earth, mingling with the crimson ichor already present on his body. The sorcery atop the great rocky spire…oh how far it had gone above and beyond simply pulling down fragments of Ashla or rupturing the very core of Tython. It had bled, so grievously, into the very fabric of the Force and the reality that it constructed.

He laughed as Ishida spoke, his attention taken by the rapture of this chaos. This was his mistake and nearly cost him. In two fluid motions, Ishida Ashina slipped from their blade lock and swung her lightsaber for his metallic abdomen. Simultaneously, she unsheathed her katana - gleaming like milk glass - and stabbed at his face. And all the while, she spoke against the drenching blood fall and shattering of existence on Tython.

“You won’t get the chance. This is bigger than us. Than you or me.”

The lightsaber struck true against his body, the white blade gleaming as it cut through the first inches of defensive plating. But the katana? That failed in the most spectacular, absurd, and bizarre fashion.

Cardiomuscular Package: Activated.

Response iMprOVEMENT Package: Activated

Battle Analysis Interface: Activated

“Get out of my way or help me stop this.”

Enduring the impact of the plasmic light against his body, Laoth leaned into the pressure of it. Doing so, he opened his mouth whilst swiftly swinging his upper body to his right, just as the shining blade - now itself dripping and splattering with blood fall - speared the space where his head once was. And then, he shot his body forward and chomped his teeth down onto the blade, surging with the power of the fractured Force around them. It was instinctual, but an instinct he would never have considered following without the chaos around them.

The blade shattered like the mirror of reality, snapping into slivers and splinters and fragments of metal as lightning burst like spears around them. He spat the remnants from his fleshless mouth and then, with shunting of his free hand, he pushed telekinetic power against the Jedi’s saber and removed it from his body. Just as quickly, Laoth backstepped and adopted the offensive form of Devaronian strong style. He charged, shooting through the air like a bolt, and swung aggressively and fast for the Jedi’s right thigh, aiming to incapacitate her. Ishida dodged the attack and swung up with a blinding arc that once again carved a burning line into the protective plating of Laoth’s abdomen. But Laoth, again, tanked the impact and merely swung on his heels with a clockwork motion of his blade.

Ishida jumped back, almost stumbling over the edge, and brought her blade up to deflect or block. Metal screamed as it clashed against plasmic light, and the Jedi was knocked to her left, away from the edge. With the reflexes of her people, she rolled to her feet and brought her blade up in a defensive posture, momentarily gritting her teeth. Blood trickled from the sudden small wound on Ishida’s shoulder, her flesh nicked by the hooked edge of the sword. She barely had time to register it before Laoth was upon her again, his mouth open to reveal the blackened maw of his throat and the darting snake-like tongue as black as coal. In a flash of sky-lightning, electric judgment formed at the tips of his free hand as the blade was reared back like a spear.

Bolts of lightning shot forth from his fingers, Ishida barely dodging the corruptive power as it struck the rocks. He landed on his feet, and turned as she swung again with the power of Ataru, rain and blood crackling against her humming blade, utilizing a technique that Laoth’s Battle Anaylsis Interface registered as “Saber Swarm.” Numerous short strikes intended to force the target into a defensive posture. The devil-cybernetic refused to let that happen and unleashed his own series drawn from the Devaronian strong style.

Blade met blade in a dazzling sequence of strikes that lasted for both eternity and seconds, reality shifting and bending and breaking and reforging to amplify and weaken their attacks to its chaotic whims. Sounds became physical shapes, and the landscape around them became as soft as silk, the mountain of Akar Kesh seemingly tilting as if made of jello. Yet they were as fluid as water and as solid as stone, their own forms unaffected by the cataclysm. Ishida remained stoic and quiet, calling upon the fullest of her Jedi teachings, whereas Laoth was thunderous and loud, visibly and audibly enjoying the conflict.

His mind raced and shifted, and he found himself more and more desiring for Ishida to accept what lay within her heart. To let the corruption of her wound, of the Darkshear, spread and join him as a partitioner of violence. To join him on his quest for Devaron and slaughter all who stood in their way. Sen would want him to build an army, surely. And what army would be better if not led by a warrior of Ashina caliber?

Strike after strike meeting in unfettered aggression, neither combatant giving way to the other for control of the bout. More than once was Laoth caught by the tip or length of Ishida’s lightsaber, but more than once was Ishida herself nicked or cut by the preternatural sharpness of his own weapon. Blood, oil, and desperation filled the two of them as the sky continued to rain like a tempest with water and crimson ichor.

Finally, the two blades met once more in a lock, both fighters holding and pressing with two-handed grips, their teeth bared and their eyes radiating intensity. Laoth’s back to the mountain, Ishida’s to the edge of the cliff they battled upon.

Convince her...bring her to your side...

Laoth hissed and laughed and finally said: “Nothing is more important than this! You are a fighter like me! You have the power to become something extraordinary like me! And you would do away with that potential…for what? A world already doomed? People already dead? What is there to save? What is there to stop? Even if the Brotherhood does not succeed in destroying this world completely, what is left for you here? Ashla is gone…the landscape molten and buried…the oceans boiling. The people massacred. Akar Kesh itself sundered beyond repair!”

He pressed harder against the woman’s lightsaber as the patch of rock under her began to rumble and bubble like water. And ever so slightly, in the most minute way possible, Ishida would see patches of skin begin to reform around him, his body changing before her very eyes in the span of years and minutes and seconds. And when she would blink, she would not see a robotic monstrosity. She would see a pale Devaronian, young with eyes leaning for glory and family, of lean build and burning, righteous anger.

His voice was soothing and filled with the naivety of ancient youth, but bellowing words he held with old, modern conviction.
“Your master is corrupted by hatred! He tortured me, mind and body. Did you know that? I was imprisoned before I found you, filled with poison and held in a box of tortuous light and experimented upon with scalpel and needle. And I will exact my vengeance for that. He has but one path and that leads to his death.”

The lock broke for but a moment before the two clashed again and remained fixed at the blade. “But you could do so much more,” he hissed, looking back to his foe. “You can be so much more. You have the chance to fight me to your fullest and become what I know you can be. What I have always known, but just now realize completely. You can join me. I see now as the world dies…that you are my greatest foe. And you could be my greatest ally. I must return to Devaron, and you could be by my side as a conqueror. Not bound by the Jedi, not serving a hypocrite, not surrounded by sycophants and politicians, forced to watch worlds die because they lay outside your borders and jurisdiction. How many worlds fell to the Imperials or the Sith and you could do nothing but watch or flee? With me, you would have no such weakness. With me, we could unlock the true might of the blade and the Force and end all such follies and disasters. You would never again have to endure another Tython. Atrisia would be impregnable.”

He pressed even harder, forcing Ishida’s lightsaber inches from her face, the waves of heat warbling in the broken reality as colors real and fictional bled into sight.
“You could enact vengeance on the Brotherhood without compunction. You could bring your people, your family to new heights you never once dreamed of. You could do so much more if you just joined me and unleashed your full power.”
"Life's too short, My Son! Finding someone, anyone is better than being alone!"

Plunging his sword into a Marauder Aspirant, Percival kicked the corpse to the ground before shouting back, "I'll give it some thought!"

He was in better spirits now, buoyed by the progress they were making. The Witches took significant damage, with many wounded or slain, but it looked like they would make it to the grounded Star Destroyer relatively intact...

"Percy! Be a dear and protect the charges. I gotta go speak to... whoa! Draco uses heavy armor? Mine's more of a sneaky type. My Draco is so good at sneaking she literally stole the pants off a Sith Lord once without him Force Use or anything..."

"As you wish," Percival replied. The seismic charges were being guarded by two witches, the Collage and the Configuration. Both were badly wounded, covered from head to toe in the white blood that marked them as infested Cultists, yet they seemed to be managing their wounds well enough with a little refined application of the Force. He found them repulsive, but concealed his revulsion.

"Are we going to take out the Star Destroyer with these?" he asked, gesturing to the seismic charges. Within seconds, the Maw troops were upon them, so he didn't have a chance to ask any more questions about their plans. Too busy cutting a bloody swath through the Mawite army like the stroke of a brush dipped in red paint across a canvas.


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