Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shell Company...Help Requested


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
So basically the premise of the shell company is to buy the slaves, of which they will be set free elsewhere, and the money spent on them would be hacked and stolen, only to indirectly end up back into the shell company's coffers to be used to buy more slaves. Kay just gets the reports on how many are bought. She lets them know where the auctions or slave raids will be and where the slaves are to be sent. And of course she'll let them know when there is money to be spent and how much.

This will take me a bit of time as I don't know all of the ins and outs of running a company of this sort. I'll probably be npcing the employees by myself, except for maybe the slicer.

So basically, it'll be these guys pictured here:


Tall one pictured with me being the ring leader named Lurch that goes to the auctions and everything for Kay. And no, I'm not short. The man is 6'9"!


Here's his crew that help him to load up the slaves and be supportive muscle men.

Any help would be appreciated with either threading or fleshing them out more. And please note that this isn't being supported by any faction as Kay handles all of the freeing of slaves on her own, as it gets her into enough trouble as it is.

Thanks :)


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Sounds good [member="Breanna Volsh"] :)

[member="Enigma"] Glad you like it!

[member="Doctor Azure"] Investigating or investing?


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Doctor Azure"] [member="Enigma"] [member="Breanna Volsh"]

I'm at work today, so I won't be creating a thread just yet. Which us fine because I don't know of a location yet or what'll happen in the thread to start it off.

There are slave auction threads that take place already and this shell company would later be attending those and buying what they can. But first I have to get them started.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner

Hey, I'm usually the one causing trouble ;) And I've had very little to do with the Techno Union. Only recently have I popped into a thread with a few members for a battle and it's been.....different from what I'm used to. I'm used to the Cartel's way of doing things.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"]

I didn't destroy a quarter of a planet. Not that I remember anyways....And I wouldn't stiff you. I'm a better friend than that.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Breanna Volsh"] [member="Jaster of Clan Awaud"] [member="Vitor Imperieuse"] [member="Doctor Azure"]

Does Charros IV sound like a good place to meet up for those still wishing to do so?

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