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shh we're hunting wabbits (Mandalorian Dominion of Toprawa)

Terrain Change
Note: On the twenty eighth post myself and my crew lit a forest fire, it is now spanning out anyone in the area will see it or if you're close to the fighting you will feel and have to deal with the fire.
The world became illuminated the acrid smell of burnt wood and heat pirce the nose in a sharp breeze, in the distance the thick gray smoke billowing into the skies. The once pale blue sky is now shielded by a veil of darkness as the smoke swallows up the whole sky. Fierce fire could be seen sneaking its way out from the various trees in this heat the very trees begin shaking, The trees that sheltered so many with their spreading canopy of green and provided so much are more lifeless sticks of charcoal, no more vibrant than the old lamp-posts in the city. The fettered light illuminates the scorched ground and that smell of burning hangs heavy in the air.​
[member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Seris Vant"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Moses Odom"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Caerys Argente"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Condor"] [member="Noah Corek"]​
Kayleigh stepped into the hangar as the dropships were being loaded. With her armor prepped, her gun loaded and slung over her back, and sidearm at the ready she gazed about at the men and women boarding the ships in preparation to head down to the planet. "Understood Strider. Coordinates received." As she cut the comm the blonde noticed [member="Pappy"] gearing up as well and looking for a drop himself. She smirked as she walked towards him, her face masked under the helm. Pausing only for a moment she'd slap the man on the shoulder and point towards the empty drop pod. "There, you're with me. Let's move. We can't let the Mandalorians have all the fun down there."

As the woman climbed into the pod she'd prep the shuttle, and as soon as she was joined by [member="Pappy"], would strap in and slap the release lever. The rest of her squad would meet the pair planetside. Whenever they reached the ground some time later she would address the Jedi who approached her. "Padawan Mend, it is nice to meet you. You're welcome to fall in with our group if you are here alone. We'll be moving toward the rear flank of the Mandalorians shortly."

[member="Axo Mend"] | [member="Strider Garon"] | [member="Gir Quee"]
Commodore Gir Quee finished tightening up the chestplate of the Warden-class body armor and almost instantly regretted not having getting fitted for the newer Revenant-class. It wasn't that the Warden wasn't a solid piece of kit, but rather that the Revenant would have probably been in easier to move in given Gir's lack of experience in wearing battle armor in general. That had been one of the many things that he had overlooked in the rush of events after the Netherworld. Another thing to fix when things became more normal again, if there was such a thing. He felt a slap on the back as Lieutenant Lod, his aide-de-camp, walked up from behind him, carrying a pair of bulky blaster rifles.

“It looks like a good fit, sir.”

Gir nodded as he donned the armor's helmet, “It fits well enough.”

“Your blaster, sir,” said the duros, handing him one of the blasters.

Not quite my target pistol, I suppose,” said the blonde man, grasping the rifle to perform a functions test, “but I suppose it'll due.”

“I suppose that's why you still have the target pistol on a thigh holster?” mused the aide-de-camp dryly, “Is it a good luck charm, sir?”

Something like that,” said Gir, slinging the rifle across his back, “all ready to go?”

The helmeted duros nodded his head, “Ship's waiting.”

Gir followed the duros down the flight deck to a waiting Devastator-class Gunship, where two other marines awaited them. While the starship was not as ideally suited for transportation as dropship in terms of payload, Gir had decided that if he was going to grounds ide, it would be with a lot of firepower at his beck and call. The commodore jumped into the back of the craft just after the duros and took his place in the cramped cabin. He flipped a switch on his helmet's comlink.

We're good to go, Lieutenant.”

A crackly voice came back, “Roger that sir. Control, this is Kestrel Three, we have the Commodore onboard. Argus control, permission to launch?”

Captain Ryies voice came back strong, “Permission granted, don't lose my Commodore down there, got it?”

“Crystal clear ma'am, Kestrel Three out.”

The Argus's magnetic catapult hurled the gunship out of the port side of the ship and into the vacuum of space. A few short maneuvering bursts later, the gunship was on its way down to the surface of Toprawa.

[member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Location: Avenger-class Star Destroyer, Caledonia
Allies: [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Foes: None, yet.
Objective: Babysitter Bodyguard

He felt the smack on his shoulder just as his motion sensors and killer instincts kicked in. Tromping right up to a grizzled infantryman and nudging him when he wasn't looking was never the greatest way to greet a Dreadguard. Pappy's golden visor slowly turned to regard the Supreme Commander with a cool, unfeeling gaze from behind his facemask. The dark green of his armor glinted dully against the blaring deployment lights lining the walls of the hangar bay.

Pappy's audio system was muted, restricting his voice to his helmet and Miranda. "Oh. She's pretty."

"I will kill you."

A broad grin beamed at the holographic woman dancing across his HUD. "But you're prettier."

"Hmph!" Light pink stained the fringes of her cheeks as she cut her gaze away from his, silver locks floating down into place. "Stop eyeballing your CO and get on that droppod, boy."



Pappy unmuted his audio system, trailing the Supreme Commander into the pod and strapping himself in the seat across from her. "Hey boss, am I a boy or a man?"

Miranda's eyes narrowed just as the words escaped from his mouth. "I wonder what would happen if your target acquisition grid failed in battle..."
Allies: @Moses @Odom [member="Flannigan Mcnash"] [member="Caerys Argente"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Arla Balor"] [member="Noah Corek"] [member="Fletcher Lorcan"] [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Verz Horak"] [member="Werdla Dardalab"] [member="Pappy"] [member="Axo Mend"] [member="Kayleigh Tyven"]
Objective: Frak up Toprawa guerrilla Forces

Ana didn't feel that she had to explain to again Fletcher that this was war and people were going to be shooting at them. It was the first time she had ever brought him to such a situation. If he got hurt under her watch Ana would be very upset at herself. He wasn't used to standing lock step and file with the Mandalorians or the way of Strider so it was up to her to show the way.

As the group headed out into the forest Ana went on ahead first before him so she could scout out any danger but of course there was danger lurking everywhere.Someone was right behind him anyway so Ana couldn't really be that concerned but instead focus on the task at hand.

Once the group was spotted and shots were fired the forces scattered as orders were barked out. The Rebels were hidden within the trees that they knew so well which only hid them until they began shooting. Ana on cue shot back instinctually as if to shield him from it all. The shooting stopped as one of the Mando's next to her fell as he was shot.

Kneeling down next to Neth Ana could see that the bullet had managed to pierce through a hole that was in his armor. A piece had managed to come loose. It was a piece that she was now taking off so she could help safe his life. Ana was not only a warrior but a battle medic when she needed to be. The young woman had found it important to wear both hats.

She could see the bullet lodged in his chest. Ana could take it out but it was in there good and it would hurt. Reaching for his hand amongst the flying bullets Ana used the Force to slowly begin to move that bullet out.
Fletcher followed closely by Ana's side, feeling dangerously curious about the situation. Once the Mandalorian next to Ana fell, he knew she would instinctively help the man. He immediately stopped and stood guard, even though there was no shooting.

He held the gun, at a stance. "Hurry up, pinky." he said adopting his usual informality and annoying nickname he sometimes referred to her as. He smiled at her quickly, before turning his attention quickly back ahead. He admired her greatly for helping the fallen and for risking so many things for other people. Another quality of hers he hoped to gain.

Often, he was serious in given situations but at the moment he was being too passive. It was a miracle Ana was able to put up with him at times.

[member="Anastasia Rade"]
Location: Strill One, about to search for Rebel HQ
Allies: Mandos, [member="Seris Vant"] , anyone else who wants to join up
Objective: Find Rebel HQ and rescue any lost Mandos

Verz looked over at Seris, a smirk on his face under his helmet. He remembered her from some previous campaigns. She was a good soldier to have at your back. "Well, Seris, sometimes someone's sheb is the best thing to save. It doesn't talk back." The former Mand'alor made a jab back at his fellow Mandalorian.The tone of his voice made it clear to be a joke.

Verz picked up his Bwatha Heavy Rifle, strapping some TB gas packs to his belt. He had chosen it for its heavier stopping power. These rebels liked to wear heavier armor, probably stolen from military bases. And of course, he liked heavy guns. Something about being able to punch through a few centemeters of armor and still kill the enemy spoke to the Mandalorian.
With the latch released, the pair would begin their descent towards the planet. A few minutes of propulsion would be followed with another period of free fall, before the reverse thrusters would kick in and landing gear would deploy. However during that short journey the oddest of questions Kayleigh had likely ever heard was posed to her. As she sat silently, looking across the pod through her own now lowered visor [member="Pappy"] would ask "Hey boss, am I a boy or a man?" The soldier wouldn't see, but her eyebrow would raise in relative confusion within the confines of her helm. Reaching her hand up towards the side of the helmet she would tap a small button, and in a momentary flash the tinted visor would retract back into the lid of the helmet.

Kayleigh then leaned forward, her hair neatly pulled back behind her neck and out of the way, with her left arm resting across her legs, the right propping up her chin while she looked at the Dreadguard. She'd crack a smile, but she was just as serious as she was sarcastic. "I suppose we're going to find out, aren't we? Just make sure whichever one it is doesn't get me shot up." The light towards the right of the pod would begin to blink, indicating that the reverse thrusters were engaging and that they would be landing shortly.

[member="Gir Quee"]
Location: Next Avenger Class Star Destroyer Caledonia
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Toprawa rebels
Objective: provide close air support to ground forces, including attacking tanks, armored vehicles and other ground targets.

Thought; Speech; Action; NPC; PC.

The Dropship left the Caledonia and was in vertical direction to the planet. Uriel sees another ship in warming of friction against atmosphere entering on Toprawa ( [member="Gir Quee"] ) in a few minutes would be on the ground.

Uriel: "hummm, I'd like to do it too! However I have orders to escort this Dropship bland !! Who escort dropships?!?"

Vamp: "Surely there must be someone very important in. Maybe someone of higher status."

Uriel was thoughtful: Really ... but who would be crazy enough to send someone of higher status to fight guerrillas ?? !!? Uriel smiled to himself and concluded: "STRIDER GARON !!! Of Cource !!!"

Uriel starts escort protocol: "Dropship ( [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] ), here Vampire 1. I have orders to escort you to the ground. I'm on your right. Copy clear?"

Uriel follows 15 meters from the Dropship together directly to Toprawa, warming the atmosphere starts to burn the protective force field of the ships, on soil, someone would find that there were two meteors falling in flames.

On route, [member="Strider Garon"] call: "Uriel, Hang close for air support after drop is made!"

Uriel: "Yes sir."

Well...a little bit emotion at least...kill guerrillas..
Location: top of the tree looking down into the jungle
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"] [member="Moses Odom"] [member="Flanigan Mcnash"] [member="Caerys Argente"] [member="Arumi Zy"] [member="Noah Corek"] @Anastascia Rade [member="Verz Horak"] and anyone else I missed
Enemies: Forces holding planet

Arla acknowledged Strider's instruction changing up on the frequency Arla so she could keep the Red Legion up to date on movement.

It seemed as if all hell was breaking lose around her. Arla decided being sniper was fun, but she wanted on the ground. Sliding back she slowly shouldered her weapon and began inching down the tree. It would not due for her to be picked off.

Just then a small group of five moved passed her position. They were hot to get to Strill One. Arla's position was 2 clicks from the gates, these guys were too close. She whispered, "Small group of 5 just passed my position"

She was going to drop as soon as they were passed and then she'd go find the five little wabbits before they got to main gate.
The back of the Kestrel Three gave him no vantage to see the world below as they descended into the atmosphere. Though through his helmet comlink, he understood that there were other vessels around them, including some friendly starfighters ([member="Uriel Manteroni"]). He took some reassurance in that, knowing that if the rebels somehow did scrounge up some starships or heavy artillery, that they would be safe. Still, on his risk assessment of the mission, he put that risk as being relatively low. He was more concerned that they would run into some sort atmospheric storm. The compartment began to rattle a little bit as Kestrel Three plummeted into the atmosphere. He found himself grateful that he was fully strapped into his seat and that the ship's inertial compensators were apparently working well. Partially to put his mind at ease, and partially to be somewhat more productive, he tapped a few buttons on the miniature holo-projector. The little device produced a hazy landscape in front of them.

"All right team, number one objective of this mission is to not die," started Gir, but his weak attempt at humor only elicted a half-chuckle from Lod, "but more importantly is to grab as much as experience as possible. If you can get it by killing the rebels yourself, that's great. If you can do that by simply observing the Mandalorians killing the rebels, that's good too. I'm particularly interested in their movement patterns."

"Why's that?" questioned Lod.

"In my experience, we tend to move our forces in large concentrations, unless they're accompanying jedi on a mission," started Gir, "and while I'm sure the Mandalorians have similarly large movements as well, I would estimate that their small unit movements are probably more refined and effective than our own, especially in an asymmetric environment."

"Oh, we've been in plenty of asymmetric environments grounside..." started one of the marines, spreading his hands, "one time, I faced this sithspawn this big..."

Gir ruefully shook his head, "I meant in asymmetric ground environments where the odds are in our favor. I know, rarely occurs these days..."

I wonder what [member="Kayleigh Tyven"] has to deal with when she's with the ground-pounders....
Location: Western Hemisphere, deep in the forest
Allies: [member="Strider Garon"], [member="Moses Odom"], [member="Flannigan Mcnash"], [member="Anastasia Rade"], [member="Arla Balor"]
Enemies: Rebels
Objectve: Kill aforementioned misc. Rebels

((Like the forest fire, Flannigan!))

Flames were spreading across the forest. In a flash, as the Mandalorian warriors and their allies arrived to fall upon the Rebels with a vengeance, unleashing the ferocity and military efficiency of Mandalore, it seemed portions of the forest had been bathed in fire. The acrid smell of burnt wood and flesh was filling the air as the flames were carried by the wind, clouds of smoke billowed up into the sky. Trees and bushwork that hitherto had provided shelter became lifeless sticks of charcoal, bushes were consumed as the flames spread and the ground was scorched.

Caerys, who had been rather close to the fighting, obviously did not escape entirely despite her great speed. She was obviously not able to ascertain whether the great forest fire had been lit by the Mandalorians or by the Rebels, but this did not matter at this stage. What mattered that it provided a bit of an impediment as she rapidly made her way through the increasingly burning forest to link up with one of the Mandalorian squads, having communicated her status and coordinates. Behind her lay scores of dead Rebels, before her the flames whipped at her. Such was their intensity that they consumed her camos and burnt away her synthetic organic flesh, revealing the metal that was her true nature. As she emerged from the wall of fire almost nothing of her fake flesh remained. The mask being stripped from her one could mostly only see a skeletal droid, a death machine created for murder, crimson eyes glowing.

Doubtless she would need repairs, but for now she was still combat capable. In both her hands she wielded a chainsword, courtesy of a raid that had happened ages ago. The ridiculously brutal weapon sprang to life, as if lusting for the blood of innocent and wicked alike. The chains activated and the gears turned and she fell upon the party of Rebels a Mandalorian squad was engaging. The chainsword tasted the blood of the partisans as she sliced and diced her way through, ridding insurgents of limbs, chopping off heads or sometimes simply kicking them through the air.
Location: Strill One, about to search for Rebel HQ
Allies: [member="Verz Horak"]
Objective: Find Rebel HQ and rescue any lost Mandos

Seris had a bit of a laugh at his response. "Very well put sir". She slipped on her helmet. Careful that her long ears fit in like they were supposed to. Its rather embarrassing when it takes more than one attempt to put a brain bucket on. No one wants to look like an idiot. The helmet made her look more droid than human. Unlike the Mandalorian T style visor, her's were three optic sights that were more suited to a sniper. That was just her opinion though. Plenty of men and women who fought for the Mand'alor proved to be a crack shot like her. Seris awaited Horak's orders to move out. She was thirsty for some combat.
A low heavy hum can be heard, breaking from the sky the ship glides low across the ground travelling to previous battlefields away from the fire but close enough to have bodies, a mechanical groan that resonates deep within the bowels of the ship, as it lands. A metallic walking platform extends out and in a shower of piston induced steam the hatch opens up a group of strange men walk out.​
"Alright men 'help' the wounded." he'd turn to his fellow Jackals giving them a subtle nod. "Bring three bodies around our size in, we're nicking the armour."
Cadan would rush out, finding the nearest and most secluded dead body, and drag them towards the ship. As he draged the body he would say things like:"It's ok soldier! Help is at the ship!", "I promised Susan I would bring you back alive!", "Don't go into the light!". Upon reaching the ship Cadan would stop and patch up some of the wounds (with dirty torn up rags), all to add to the illusion that he is a medical officer. After doing so, with a mighty heave, he would pull the soldier into the ship and lay him on the floor.
Location: Heading into the Jungle
Allies: [member="Seris Vant"]
Objective: Find Rebel HQ and rescue allies behind enemy lines

Verz looked at the squad that had gathered around, ready for action. It was a small group, but when fighting guerrillas, one sometimes needed to fight them in the trenches. The warrior unslung his E-17, the slugthrower a rare find in the Mandalorian military. He liked it however, and it had served him well since the Liberation of Junction. He carried some extended magazines and had a total of about 500 rounds of ammo.

"Well boys and girls, let's get going!"

The squad got their gear ready, and prepared to move through the gates of the base. THat was one of the suggested areas where the rebel cell was supposedly located.
Thraxis would then rush out, with an eager look, "Understood captain!" Thraxis would look for the easiest "Wounded" soldiers to spot. Once he would find two he would pick them up and rush back to the ship, making sure no one saw him as he ran,whispering to himself, "Damn Barbeque, all the bodies are burnt to a crisp, this is honestly the most disgusting meal I have ever cooked in my, life." as he got out of the clearing, he would rush back to the ship, being evermore cautious that he is not spotted now that he is in the open.
Location: Jungle floor 2 clicks form Strill One
Allies: All Mando
Enemies - the 5 wabbits being chased

Arla was down she began to run when the warning that fire was sweeping through the jungle. How the frell did that happen? She ran after the five they were headed towards the base she needed to stop them.

She paused scanning ahead for life signs where were they, if they were heading near fire it would be harder to pick up heat signatures as they would blend into the fire. Anyone near my position I'm chasing five unknowns through the jungle headed towards the base. A little help in cutting them off. Arla finally caught sight of one and headed in that direction, least she hoped it was one. If this was one...where were the other four.

Sithspawn! she thought did I lose them that quick?
Even amongst the flying bullets Fletcher was so calm which Ana very much appreciated. The last thing she had wanted was for him to run off of faint due to the blood. Come here, you can be my assistance." Ana stated ignoring his antics and motioning to the spot next to her. This was as good of a time as any to teach him something new and have a little helper when she did have to play medic.

Once the bullet was out she handed it to him for safe keeping as she reached for a bandage from her pouch to clean up some of the blood before continuing. She could fix him up easily once she got a better look at what it was she was working with. The art of force healing wasn't a difficult one but it did drain much of ones energy. She couldn't in good faith leave a vod behind.

"I want you to pay attention. When you heal the key is focusing on the wound and seeing what it is you want done." As she spoke the Rally Master focused on healing the wound. Once she was done she grabbed another gauze to clean up again. "I'll have you start off small first and we go from there."

As she was helping him up a big blast could be heard behind them. There was no doubt that was a grenade but from which side Ana wasn't sure. The only thing that she did know was that they needed to run now and ask questions later. Without a word Ana motioned for the group to follow her.

[member="Fletcher Lorcan"]
Carefully, Fletcher crouched down besides Anastasia and watched as she took the bullet from the man's found. He wasn't afraid of wounds or blood, he had seen far worse things. Maintaining calmness during these situations was hard as once wrong move could cause you to end your life in a most gruesome way. It wasn't enjoyable being here.

He nodded and listened to his master as she instructed him on how to heal wounds using the force, something that would no doubt be useful later on in life if certainly not now.

[member="Anastasia Rade"]

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