Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ashe the Reaper said:
I... don't... even...? Um... um um um. Xyhn-Drez and Nocturna! *blurts out at random*

[member="Ashe the Reaper"] Me and the little one? oh...ummm [member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] and [member="Romeo S"]
[member="Ashe the Reaper"] Lies! I totally did! Joshua was above me, so I agreed with Talon's pairing and paired him back up with Vulpesen... then felt bad when he paired me up with an actual female. Kinda saw it as a, "Ha! Reverse Troll!"

:( I...​


[member="Nocturna"] and.... hm.... hm... hm... hm... hmm..... [member="Christian Slade"]
[member="Supreme Overlord Dredge"] + [member="Ashe the Reaper"]

Not quite sure, but I actually thought you two were an item for a bit.... :huh:
Although I'm assuming not, but anyway I SHIP!
[member="Rasu Gan"]
Me and [member="Rasu Gan"]
It would be the cutest and most disturbing love story ever! I would be standing above just about to slay you for being a Jedi then I'd be like "You want to get some ice cream!?" Then we'd fly off on my own personal dragon to go get some Space Ben and Jerry's

Talon Vosra

[member="Astrian Callus"] and [member="Rasu Gan"]

But please don't tell Sochi I said that...

Talon Vosra

I may have floated that ship, also.

[member="Astrian Callus"] and [member="Sochi Ru"]

Just to round it out.

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