Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Shippin' My Pants [Rebel Alliance/Imperial Remnant]

Meanwhile, Mrrew sat quetly jammed in the secret storage areas where the Rebels were hiding, cleaning his Harpy rifle. The other marines he'd taken with him were entertaining themselves by talking amongst themselves in hushed voices. Other then the Wookiee, of course, who was quietly wittling something out of a small block of wood. They'd be out of the cluttered hold, soon. What laid ahead was dangerous at best. They had to run around in an imperial pouplated area, gather information, and get out without getting caught. Or killed. Or both. The Togorian stared to the Miraluka when she warned the others imperials were on board. His ears perked up, listening for any sign of footsteps overhead. If they did find the hiding compartment then they'd probably be outnumbered ten to one. He got his rifle ready.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
“Thank you Sergeant”

“See Delta One, our lads clad in white are going to demonstrate the attention to detail that our empire relies so heavily on for success” Pride filled my voice as I watched the small detachment ready themselves.

Whatever you say sir

I watched as the freighter glided down from the sky. It was full of character. “extraordinary,” I exclaimed and took a slow swig of tea “Delta One I imagine these types to be vagabonds. I bet they are smuggling sympathizers with our cause” My voice was full optimism. I wanted to give a benefit of the doubt to these folks. Who knew maybe they had a story similar to my own families wayward travels to the outer rim and beyond. Whatever the case as the vessel deployed its repulsors I couldn’t help but break a grin.
Sir you might want to step back
“Why?” I queried before the gust of wind shot a breeze of dust into the air. I coughed and shielded my face. “Ugh this is the reason why I hate being groundside”

"I prefer to be the one kicking the dust up!” She exclaimed shielding her face from the dust.

I noticed they hadn’t fully landed yet so I began wave them down. I put my left hand to the headset on my ear and spoke on the control's channel. “You are cleared to land! Welcome to Rodica”
Now the fun begins!’ I thought with joy.

EDITED: Cause derp derp derp
[member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Fydiel Darraq"] [member="Davin"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Robb Killian"]
"Looks like they brought out the whole bucket parade to say hi."

Concern darkened the engineer's features at this update. Unless the Empire had decided to change up their procedure, they were either in the process of scanning the ship for problems, or had already done as much.

This could end up being really bad.

Kohai knew everything there was to know about this ship. The 'Cause had decent protection from ship-wide scans installed; In this line of work, it would be foolish not to. They could not, however, afford to give the impression that they were hiding something, and a completely clean scan was just as unlikely as one teeming with rebels. Both would trigger the same red flags, if somebody knew what they were doing.

It's what she would look for, anyway...

That was why they had centralized they best scan shielding around the a single, high-priority hidden compartment, clear across the ship from the others.

That was why they had crammed so many people into a relatively small box for so long preceding their reentry into realspace.

THAT was why this kid absolutely COULDN'T be here right now! None of these people were listed as passengers! There was NO WAY this won't come up!

Sithspit! What're we gonna do!

Slapping the sneaky troublemaker hard across his back, Kohai stormed out of the cockpit.

A plan! It was time to plan!

Sprinting towards her bunk, the frazzled blonde slowed only to knock three times on the false floor, the agreed upon signal for "Shut it!" Stepping into her boots, Kohai didn't even bother to lace them up, opting instead to reach for the blaster gathering dust in the corner. Stuffing it into her waistband, she clomped over to the loading ramp.

For some reason, finding Robb so calm annoyed the girl. She hissed out a quick update. "One of the guys is out! Not registered! What do we do?!" Without waiting for a response, the engineer ran back to the cockpit, going as fast as her loose boots would allow.

Skidding to a stop behind her pilot again, she white-knuckled the back of the pilot's chair. "They'll want to talk to you, I think."

[member="Corvetta Salvo"] - [member="Robb Killian"] - [member="Davik Tren"] - [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] - [member="Juwiela Melec"] - [member="Davin"] - [member="Fydiel Darraq"] - [member="Mrrew"]
Of course Tugoro would mess things up. The boy would begin to panic beneath his polarized helmet, looking around frantically before making a break for it. If the operation was a bust, and everyone was going to die, he didn't want to be the first at the hands of the smuggler group. The young Jedi would hope to outmaneuver [member="Kohai Drenn"], [member="Robb Killian"], and [member="Davik Tren"], if they attempted to get in his way. The youth's cloak would billow in his movement as he ran down the freighter's corridors, skidding to a halt as he stood over the hidden compartment. They were close to landing, and still had sometime before the Imperials boarded the ship.

Banging on the panel, Tugoro would pray to the living force that he was let in before the smugglers caught up to him. Hopefully [member="Mrrew"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], or even [member="Fydiel Darraq"] would have the heart to let him back in.
Mrrew's ears twitched at the sound, and teh Togorian slowly looked up at the panel... Probably the Jedi boy that got out of teh compartment earlier... After briefly considering leaving him out there to teach him not towander, Mrrew sighed, and pushed the panel aside. Every set of eyes belonging to Mrrew's marines were on [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] as he climbed back into the compartment, and Mrrew quickly slid the 'lid' back over the hidden enterence. Once he was sure the panel was secure, Mrrew turned back to the boy, and spoke in a slightly growling whisper. "Are they close?"
There was a moment of panic when both Kohai and Corvetta realized the potential disaster that was before them. The weird guy in the weirder suit was one of those passengers who was supposed to... not exist. Abruptly, he fled away, presumably to one of the compartments they had stuffed the 'immigrants' inside, but surely the Imps had detected the anomaly. Or they might be lazy. Sometimes they got a little sloppy, it was true. But the airwaves did not seem incredibly active today, and Salvo had a hunch that whoever was at flight control was probably paying extra special attention to the situation considering the otherwise nonexistent foreign flights.

Eventually, her expression changed from alarmed frustration to a rather devious grin. "Yeah, I bet they are..." The pilot was pretty good at changing subjects and just making stuff up in general. She could pull this off, right?

Turning back in her chair to begin the landing process, Corvetta comm'd back to the Imperial on the other end of the channel. "Thanks for the welcome! Five stars, buddy." Grasping one of the levers, she shunted it forward to bring the landing gear down while keeping her other hand loosely on the control yoke. A few moments later, Lost Cause had gently settled onto the designated landing pad, and the spacer chick was already out of her seat and shrugging on the maroon pilot's jacket that she loved so dearly. Time to look classy!

"Killer!" she called out, heading towards the boarding ramp, "Need some beef down here so they can appreciate my figure!"

[member=Mrrew], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Cauis Flavian"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Killian Holmes"], [member=Davin], [member="Robb Killian"], [member="Kohai Drenn"]
Corruck felt uncomfortable onboard this ship and it wasn't the position he was in. It wasn't that he did not trust the pilot, it was the fact that this was not his ship. It was not the vessel he had spent weeks checking and overlooking repairs on this ship. He expected such a silly response from himself. It was funny, Kazen must have gotten used to being on his own ship, too much. It was foolish and he would have to get over it. He checked his gun to make sure it was loaded and it was ready for use. He heard some speaking and decided that there might be trouble, but after hearing nothing like blaster fire he slipped his gun back into its holster. He was still a bit jumpy but otherwise he would be fine for now.

"Yeah, hold tight and you'll make it. This job is important and a good cause, as of so far."

[member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Caius Flavian"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Roger that [member="Davin"] ; I just feel this song is very appropriate for you rebels and smugglers right now. Musical accompaniment

My gaze held firmly as the ship. The YT series was fairly common back in the heyday before the plague. Even today on the far flung outlier worlds we get to see one. Then again I guess a bunch of Imperial warships is also a surprise to most this far out.
“Ah gracefully done, you can tell he or she is a seasoned pilot can’t you Ensign Runo?”

Yeah yeah, standard landing maneuver isn’t that hard to perform. You really should get some flight simulator time in Sir” Delta one chided.

As per usual, vents hissed and the landing gears stabilizing could be heard. The boarding ramp began to lower. I stepped up and stood beside the storm trooper sergeant. I had grown accustomed to the storm troopers concise doctrines. Orders may be orders but those orders didn't state that I couldn't at least great these people of intrigue. I had a few questions but I would take my time getting the answers. First and for most what was the anomaly? I guess that will be more for the storm troopers to discover than myself, still I’m always interested in little details. Second would be of course how did they get my old shuttle’s code?
“Now Sergeant, Unless given a real reason, let’s not shoot up the place” I spoke with a little snark to my tone. I put my hands behind my back and stood upright with my chest slightly puffed out. First impressions.
Ensign Runo remained beside the landspeeder. I stole a glance to see she was not joining in on the show. In fact she was just leaning against the speeder one hand resting on her holster the other drinking from my travel mug… ‘That brat

I'm not used to third person writing. I'm primarily a first person writer. So forgive me if its a bit grammatically choppy

-Sergeant Elyas Rendal
Squad ready” Elyas barked to the squad. Having drilled for months in boarding procedures this was a great first test for some of the white helmets. In this particular circumstance they formed two fire teams that flanked either side of the docking ramp weapons up and ready.
Lt. Commander Flavian had stepped up next to Elyas.
Sir…” Was the only reply he would give, navy officers could be pretentious dewbacks at times and aside from that the man outranked the storm trooper so if he wanted to stand out in the open and get shot at if these folks came guns a blazing, let him be the dead overpaid door greeter. A silent shrug was given to the squad.

[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Fydiel Darraq"]


News They Don't Want Heard
With the ship now touched down, and his job done for the moment, Killian sighed. That had probably been the most excitement he was going to see anytime soon. Their little swath of space didn't border on any major threats aside from the Mandalorians, and they had a non-aggression pact with them. As much fun as that was, it was actually kind of boring. The Mandalorians would be fun to kill in their stupid little suits and their big gear. They thought they were tough, but they were just punks.

He twisted the sticks and brought the fighter about in a tight turn before zipping off to base. Now that the ship was down, his patrol period was over. Why they even had Skull squadron on the patrol roster just amazed the crap out of him, but whatever. Once he landed he'd get into his normal outfit and go relax for a bit with a nice buxom Crinan lass. Yes, he did enjoy the women here if nothing else.

[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Davin"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Caius Flavian"]

Kara Runo

Callsign "Widow Maker"
OOC: Its like i'm double posting but not... hehehe -Caius

I’m so jealous of these people right nowWe've been stuck on this world for awhile after we wiped out the last Crinan rebel stronghold here on Nicoleta or Rodica… whatever the hell we are calling it these days…’
I crossed my arms over my chest as the freighter finally landed. ‘About damn time, must have balls of steel to decide to just waltz into imperial space. I’m still surprised Caius wanted to personally greet these people. Still has yet to give me a reason for this random drive out here…’
Caius made some remark, he seemed to be overly fascinated with the stupid freighter. It looked like a hunk of junk put together by a mynock. Being his adjutant was tedious when we were groundside.
Yeah yeah, standard landing maneuver isn't that hard to perform. You really should get some flight simulator time in Sir” I replied trying to convey my annoyance at being dragged around like this. The Commander strode over to the storm trooper sergeant and got all formal looking. ‘Ugh boys and their toys’ I noticed that Caius had left his caff mug. A smirk pursed my lips and I decided to just kick back and let the men be all bravado. I took a swig ‘Dear celestials this crap is stronghow has his heart not exploded…’

[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Fydiel Darraq"] [member="Killian Holmes"]
After slipping into the tight space, Tugoro would remain silent for a moment, as if he were awkwardly aware of the opinion the others had on him. Pressing his armored back against the wall, the boy's legs would bend at the knees and hug closely to him, somewhat resembling the fetal position. Lifting a hand to his helmet, the boy would tamper with a setting, finding it difficult to see in the dark. Keeping his helmet polarized, the Padawan's head would slowly turn to look at [member="Mrrew"], as his sight adjusted. "Yeah, pretty close." He spoke, remembering the gathering of storm troopers he had seen from the view porty.

"Be ready for anything." He said, trying not to bring up the fact that he might have fucked everyone over.
Corruck was getting more and more uncomfortable, his patience was being tested by the slowness with which this landing procedure was coming along. His ship, Recalcitrant, could land faster than this, and that ship was much larger than this one. His head began filling with all sorts of filthy words to call the pilot, knowing full well that she was doing as best she could. He could feel the ship land, as if by some force it came through his bones and he knew they were on the ground. Imperial Remnant planet, protocols order that all craft unidentified as friendly or foe be checked and thoroughly scanned for threats.

Corruck's mind began filling with information on the planet, orders, protocols, security systems, everything... He had to breath slowly to calm himself. This was insane, the probability of success lowered every moment that was wasted. The math did not lie, though human nature was one of uncertainty and one that was not governed by statistics. They were beings of chance.

[member="Tugoro Taidarious"]
[member="Kara Runo"]
[member="Killian Holmes"]
[member="Caius Flavian"]
[member="Corvetta Salvo"]
[member="Kohai Drenn"]
'Killer' seemed to be taking his time, and Corvetta was getting nervous about delaying too long with the Imps standing at the bottom of the boarding ramp. It was time to make her appearance; time to be brave and give them all a good show. She had this.

Clopping down the ramp in her trusty spacer boots, the pilot girl took her time but made sure not to look like she was taking her time. She exaggerated the wide spacer gait just a little, hands tucked nonchalantly into the pockets of her pilot's jacket. "Hey there," she greeted, eyes scanning and counting each and every stormtrooper on the landing pad. It was a little unnerving seeing all their guns already aimed in her general direction, though not quite raised to fire. She brushed back her dominantly brown hair and adjusted the goggles strapped above her forehead, then approached the man who seemed to be the commanding officer here and gave a carefree salute.

"Thanks for the welcoming party, sir." Remember to call him 'sir.' "Hope we didn't wake up the neighborhood." She flashed a humorous grin and hoped he was not as polished as his boots were.

[member=Mrrew], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Caius Flavian"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Killian Holmes"], [member=Davin], [member="Robb Killian"], [member="Kohai Drenn"], [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
The troopers held steady as the lone woman strode down the ramp. She exuded confidence, so much so that she even had the gall to keep her hands in her pockets.
The Sergeant was about ready to tackle the woman but I held a hand out to ease the tension.
I broke a smile to her boldness and returned the salute “You are welcome Miss, and well its not often our neighborhood gets visitors, so as I can tell the neighborhood watch responds in due strength." I paused for a moment and glanced around the storm troopers then continued "My compatriots here have been instructed by my superior officer to conduct a search of your vessel. I’m not actually here in an official capacity only out of interest of meeting someone new.” My smile turned to a grin. ‘Lets see about why this exquisite spacer decided to use my code and land here today…’

I proffered my hand out to her
“My name is Caius Flavian, Lt Commander of his Majesty’s Imperial Military, and you are?”

-Sergeant Rendal
The nerve of this… Elyas was not prone to this pomp welcome He just wanted to execute the mission and be done with this. When the space chick walked down that ramp with her hands hidden away I about wanted to stun her right then and there. Elyas held his tongue for a moment but began to signaled for the troopers to be at ease. Rifles lowered and troopers snapped to attention as the Lt Commander mentioned the emperor.

[member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Mrrew"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Juwiela Melec"] [member="Davik Tren"] [member="Fydiel Darraq"]

Davik Tren

The Friendly Fiend
Wonder what's taking so long...

Davik fiddled with his gauntlet a bit as he heard the familiar voices of focused imperial personnel. They had not been on the pad for more than ten minutes before they were boarded, which to be honest was not all that unexpected. Corvy had gone out to address the gathering so now there was not much to do on the ship... Besides hoping their cargo was not found. They had managed to stay quiet for most of the journey, but every now and then the young spacer felt his gaze looking towards the wall which separated freedom and an eternity in an imperial rhydonium mine. Nothing could go wrong... Nothing ever went THAT wrong of course.

"Everythin' looking good, K?"

[member="Kohai Drenn"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kara Runo"]
Clenching her hands into tight fists, Kohai took a deep breath through her nose, holding it until she couldn't feel her fingers. Everything was going to be just fine. She'd done her job, everything was in its place... sort of... and everybody knew what to do.

...So relax. Everything's gonna be just fine...

"Everythin' looking good, K?" Sputtering out the breath she had been holding, Kohai looked to her crewmate. Despite her pale face, she put forward her best smile.

"Oh yeah... All's green on my end, anyway." Pulling her hair out of her face again, the engineer looked over Davik's shoulder. "Ya think they got things locked... Ya know... with the buckets?" Kohai was willing to meet and greet the imperials if she had to, but she'd be happier not having to play house with a bunch of soldiers who looked down their blasters at her kind on a good day.

[member="Davik Tren"] [member="Corvetta Salvo"] [member="Robb Killian"] [member="Caius Flavian"] [member="Corruck Kazen"] [member="Tugoro Taidarious"] [member="Kara Runo"]
Corvetta tried to hide the slight wane in her grin. She knew they would search their freighter. It was normal Imperial procedure--and a bit normal in most other nations, as well. But the Empire was a little bit different. They usually were pretty precise about following regulations and not missing spots ever since some infamous smuggler dude had infiltrated a giant space station of historic proportions a very long time ago. Salvo suddenly realized that she needed to brush up on her history a bit.

Maintaining a cockeyed smile, the spacer chick removed her empty hands from her pockets and accepted the extended hand of Lieutenant Commander Flavian and gave it a firm shake. "Corvetta Salvo, sorta-captain-sorta-not of the Lost Cause." She released her grip and patted him on the shoulder in chummy fashion. If she made 'friends' with him, he might actually enjoy himself in that stuffy Imp uniform and be a little off-guard about the whole situation at hand. "Was gunned here with some junk and reps who want to see if this place is worth sinkin'."

The lean pilot retrieved her datapad from a pocket and pressed her hip against the officer's, holding out the device for a snapshot and angling it to make sure she got some of the Stormtroopers in the background. "I always zip one when I pad somewhere new, ya know?"

[member=Mrrew], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Caius Flavian"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Killian Holmes"], [member=Davin], [member="Robb Killian"], [member="Kohai Drenn"], [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Kara Runo

Callsign "Widow Maker"
What Black hole coughed up this chick? My eyes became a death glare boring into the backside of Caius’s big fat stupid head hoping it would explode like a planet being shot by a proton beam weapon. ‘Ugh Caius does not get out at all, our connect-disconnect was probably the last time that fool got laid…’

I shook my head and stopped leaning against the speeder. I let out a sigh and decided to drink the rest of his stupid tea before regaining my composure. I strode over to what now amounted to a gaggle of storm troopers an imperial officer who was starting float off into cloud nine and a junk heap. The spacer chick snapped a photo and I felt a jealous streak break a mirror in my mind. ‘Maintain your military bearing, Runo. Snap these troopers back into getting this job done. I’m going to rip this ship apart at this rate
Approaching the Lt Commander the Sergeant and this spacer named Corvetta, I gave a loud “AHEM, Sergeant I believe it is time to begin our sweep” I said simply and began to walk up the ramp into the ship.

[member=Mrrew], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Caius Flavian"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Killian Holmes"], [member=Davin], [member="Robb Killian"], [member="Kohai Drenn"], [member="Corruck Kazen"]

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
-Lt. Commander Caius Flavian
Corvetta Salvo’ quite an entrancing name. She continued to exude confidence but the slightest wavering in her smile indicated to me that she was nervous inwardly. “Sorta-captain-sorta not?” I spoke aloud curious as to what she meant by that. Her little pat on the shoulder seemed to be part of the front. Still though she was quite entertaining. I smiled as got close to take a photo. “Representatives? Junk? Strange combination but then again I’m sure you’ve had many strange cargoes in the past”
I felt as though there was something burning onto the back of my skull…

Sergeant Elyas Rendall
The Storm trooper sergeant was struggling to keep himself in check. What the hell was this? A fethng tourist trap? Sexy as this chick can flaunt herself the Sergeant and his men still had a job to do. Which is why Elyas let out a sigh of relief when the young navy ensign came walking up looking like she was going to murder the Lt Commander.

AHEM, Sergeant I believe it is time to begin our sweep

“Right! Lets move men!” The troopers began up the ramp after to sweep the ship. The other crew members of the Lost Cause would soon see the thoroughness of the Imperial Storm Trooper. Rifles up and prepared for immediate target acquisition, Elyas smiled under his helmet and then barked as he encountered the crew “Alright hands up where we can see them I want all your crew in to wait here by the entrance. TY-1253 and TY-1254 stand watch here” Elyas directed.

-Lt. Commander Caius Flavian
“AHEM, Sergeant I believe it is time to begin our sweep” Ensign Runo moved past like a storm up the ramp with the storm troopers following closely behind. I could hear the storm troopers getting right to doing what they did second best, instilling fear and order. I sighed inwardly, nothing is worse than the fury of a woman.
“My apologies for the abruptness Miss Salvo, if you wouldn't mind accompanying me up there and showing me around I’ll do my best to keep my men from breaking anything on your lovely vessel.” I held my arm out for her take and follow me up if she was willing.

[member=Mrrew], [member="Fydiel Darraq"], [member="Tugoro Taidarious"], [member="Caius Flavian"], [member="Juwiela Melec"], [member="Killian Holmes"], [member=Davin], [member="Robb Killian"], [member="Kohai Drenn"], [member="Corruck Kazen"]

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